Right on Cue: LGBT Activists Slam N.C. Democrat Governor’s ‘Bathroom Bill’ Repeal

Oh look...a fruit loop. These people are mental whackjobs
Thats a wonderful analysis and does nothing to answer the question or address the issue. You want this lady in the little girls room, right?

Hell no, the thing is fucking nuts. It belongs in an institution far away from normal people
Yeah, well you keep fighting for that to happen, it worked out really well for you when you wanted Homosexuals locked up.

I never wanted homos locked up...just keep the hell away from me and my children
Lets just hope that a piece of shit like you never has children, to further spread the disease
There's that libtard tolerance we are told about! Don't want disgusting mentally ill people near your family then they threaten you!
Q: What's the difference between an LGBT activist and an Islamic fundamentalist?

A: One is a fanatic who can't tolerate dissent and who wants to crush all opposition. The other is someone who lives in the Middle East.

LGBT Activists Slam N.C. Democrat Governor's 'Bathroom Bill' Repeal
While i'm fine with the compromise on the bill, I'm fine with private business doing whatever they want with their bathrooms... a bathroom is a bathroom. But your OP is ridiculous. Nothing wrong or fanatic or terroristic about a group fighting for their rights and freedom. It's actually the opposite of what is going in in the middle east.

Bake that damn cake, peasant!
Any republican that voted TO repeal this will meet our wrath come November. NO NEGOTIATION when it comes to protecting our women and daughters!
Just curious, how do you feel about this women being in the Lady's room with your Wives and daughters? This is what you are calling for... real question:
View attachment 119395

Oh look...a fruit loop. These people are mental whackjobs
Thats a wonderful analysis and does nothing to answer the question or address the issue. You want this lady in the little girls room, right?
What lady? Your picture was a dude.

Not according to the birth certificate...and that's what you pee pee police want to go by.

When you idiots pass these stupid fucking laws, you want to require this guy:


To use the women's room. That circle is obscuring a vagina.
Buck Angel is a well known porn star who used her pussy as her gimmick. She is regularly fucked by men on camera.

Should we have some sort of special classification for extreme body modification?

A man who feels he is female. But a female dragon is having surgeries to modify his body into dragon form. Which restroom should he use?


We have crazy people among us. We have technology that permits such crazy people to act out and express their craziness. That doesn't mean that everyone think this is normal behavior.
Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Well hand job, the state is losing billions in revenue, and it couldnt happen to a better bunch of guys

Actually the loss isn't near as huge as the queers are claiming. As for your foul, middle school attempt at an insult? Grow the fuck up you idiot.

You're of the same ilk as Timmy, Edward, Matthew and a couple of others....target practice as I wait for a real foe to from the left to land on this forum. So far? Nuthin
Your perception of your own intellectual superiority is comical. Common trait of a narcissist
See, I don't really give a shit what she thinks, its her life... I sure as hell don't want the government dictating where she pisses. Sure some are mentally ill, some are seeking attention, some are genuinely good people who see life through different lenses than you or I. One thing I feel no desire to do is demonize them like so many of you haters enjoy doing. As long as they aren't breaking laws or messing with others, I don't see the problem.

The government has made it pretty clear for a long time you use the restroom according to your sex. The messing with others part comes when you allow that to be violated.
So I can take a crap in the middle of a mall and you have no issue with it? :cuckoo:
You obviously don't understand, its ok... Keep trying and someday hopefully you'll get it. I don't need to waste my time explaining elementary concepts to you.
He calls a dude with a penis a woman and does not want to explain elementary concepts to me! :lmao:
No I called a born female, trans male, what you all would call HER. Google Aydian Dowling, or google Trans Male and see who you are wanting to require to use the womens bathrooms
Taking drugs to deform yourself is just validity of their mental illness.
You are dodging the question... Which bathroom should Aydian use?
Taking drugs to build muscles is their mental illness problem.
Any republican that voted TO repeal this will meet our wrath come November. NO NEGOTIATION when it comes to protecting our women and daughters!
Just curious, how do you feel about this women being in the Lady's room with your Wives and daughters? This is what you are calling for... real question:
View attachment 119395
How do you feel about this woman who claims she is a cat?
Most of us know she needs a shrink.
But because leftism is all about feelings and common sense is a lost art, they call her a cat.
View attachment 119398
See, I don't really give a shit what she thinks, its her life... I sure as hell don't want the government dictating where she pisses. Sure some are mentally ill, some are seeking attention, some are genuinely good people who see life through different lenses than you or I. One thing I feel no desire to do is demonize them like so many of you haters enjoy doing. As long as they aren't breaking laws or messing with others, I don't see the problem.

It's not an issue until she demands a business places a litter box in the corner for her to do her business. it's not people living their lives, its when they force us to come along for the ride that we run into issues.
You obviously don't understand, its ok... Keep trying and someday hopefully you'll get it. I don't need to waste my time explaining elementary concepts to you.
He calls a dude with a penis a woman and does not want to explain elementary concepts to me! :lmao:
No I called a born female, trans male, what you all would call HER. Google Aydian Dowling, or google Trans Male and see who you are wanting to require to use the womens bathrooms
Taking drugs to deform yourself is just validity of their mental illness.
You are dodging the question... Which bathroom should Aydian use?

The one in the mental institution she should be in, certainly not one where children might be
Ok, I think your done with this conversation... You've made it clear that you think the US policy should be that all Transgenders should be locked up in mental hospitals and only allowed to use bathrooms in private residence and mental hospitals. I will ask two more questions before telling you piss off. Who is going to pay for the construction of the hundreds to thousands of new mental hospitals that will need to be built, staffed, and managed? How much funding would you allocate to that project?
Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Well hand job, the state is losing billions in revenue, and it couldnt happen to a better bunch of guys

Actually the loss isn't near as huge as the queers are claiming. As for your foul, middle school attempt at an insult? Grow the fuck up you idiot.

You're of the same ilk as Timmy, Edward, Matthew and a couple of others....target practice as I wait for a real foe to from the left to land on this forum. So far? Nuthin
Your perception of your own intellectual superiority is comical. Common trait of a narcissist

Meh, you're another one of the left that is merely target practice. This forum is in sad shape when it comes to any intellect from the left. Mostly redundant BS anyone can hear on MSNBC, Daily KOS or Huffpo. You're all one and the same, left loons spewing the same worn out talking points.

Here you thought you were special
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He calls a dude with a penis a woman and does not want to explain elementary concepts to me! :lmao:
No I called a born female, trans male, what you all would call HER. Google Aydian Dowling, or google Trans Male and see who you are wanting to require to use the womens bathrooms
Taking drugs to deform yourself is just validity of their mental illness.
You are dodging the question... Which bathroom should Aydian use?

The one in the mental institution she should be in, certainly not one where children might be
Ok, I think your done with this conversation... You've made it clear that you think the US policy should be that all Transgenders should be locked up in mental hospitals and only allowed to use bathrooms in private residence and mental hospitals. I will ask one last question. Who is going to pay for the construction of the hundreds to thousands of new mental hospitals that will need to be built, staffed, and managed? How much funding would you allocate to that project?

I'll decide when I'm done with this conversation, how's that, loon?
Thats a wonderful analysis and does nothing to answer the question or address the issue. You want this lady in the little girls room, right?

Hell no, the thing is fucking nuts. It belongs in an institution far away from normal people
Yeah, well you keep fighting for that to happen, it worked out really well for you when you wanted Homosexuals locked up.

I never wanted homos locked up...just keep the hell away from me and my children
Lets just hope that a piece of shit like you never has children, to further spread the disease
There's that libtard tolerance we are told about! Don't want disgusting mentally ill people near your family then they threaten you!
There are heavy fines imposed for telling the truth.
Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Well hand job, the state is losing billions in revenue, and it couldnt happen to a better bunch of guys
LOL NC is doing fine. I would know I live here.
This must be the 20th state you have told us you live in shhytestain. Billions are going down the toilet
Really now? Go find where I said I live somewhere else. I have been living in NC since October.
See, I don't really give a shit what she thinks, its her life... I sure as hell don't want the government dictating where she pisses. Sure some are mentally ill, some are seeking attention, some are genuinely good people who see life through different lenses than you or I. One thing I feel no desire to do is demonize them like so many of you haters enjoy doing. As long as they aren't breaking laws or messing with others, I don't see the problem.

The government has made it pretty clear for a long time you use the restroom according to your sex. The messing with others part comes when you allow that to be violated.
It's obviously not been made clear from our government or else the NC bill wouldn't have passed, Obamas mandate wouldn't have been issued, Trump wouldn't of had anything to repeal. There is obviously an issue to debate so don't minimize it like it is a black and white thing. To be clear, it is your stance that Aydian Dowling should use the Ladies room right?
You obviously don't understand, its ok... Keep trying and someday hopefully you'll get it. I don't need to waste my time explaining elementary concepts to you.
He calls a dude with a penis a woman and does not want to explain elementary concepts to me! :lmao:
No I called a born female, trans male, what you all would call HER. Google Aydian Dowling, or google Trans Male and see who you are wanting to require to use the womens bathrooms
Taking drugs to deform yourself is just validity of their mental illness.
You are dodging the question... Which bathroom should Aydian use?
Taking drugs to build muscles is their mental illness problem.
You are still dodging the question and not providing solutions... so you think its a mental illness, great. What now? Which bathrooms do they use? Do we lock them up until they can identify with their born anatomy and gender? Who pays for all that mental healthcare?
Seems as if you are the one whining all the more, you are peeing all over yourself over someones need to use the restroom.
Oh! You voted for "the peemeister" a.k.a. "the gropenfuherer!"
We get it now.

Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Well hand job, the state is losing billions in revenue, and it couldnt happen to a better bunch of guys

Actually the loss isn't near as huge as the queers are claiming. As for your foul, middle school attempt at an insult? Grow the fuck up you idiot.

You're of the same ilk as Timmy, Edward, Matthew and a couple of others....target practice as I wait for a real foe to from the left to land on this forum. So far? Nuthin
Your perception of your own intellectual superiority is comical. Common trait of a narcissist

Meh, you're another one of the left that is merely target practice. This forum is in sad shape when it comes to any intellect from the left. Mostly redundant BS anyone can hear on MSNBC, Daily KOS or Huffpo. You're all in and the same, left loons spewing the same worn out talking points.

Here you thought you were special
haha, says the person who completely dodges the questions, offers no explanation or justification for their arguments and deflects from the conversation by petty insults on their opponent. What a joke.
He calls a dude with a penis a woman and does not want to explain elementary concepts to me! :lmao:
No I called a born female, trans male, what you all would call HER. Google Aydian Dowling, or google Trans Male and see who you are wanting to require to use the womens bathrooms
Taking drugs to deform yourself is just validity of their mental illness.
You are dodging the question... Which bathroom should Aydian use?
Taking drugs to build muscles is their mental illness problem.
You are still dodging the question and not providing solutions... so you think its a mental illness, great. What now? Which bathrooms do they use? Do we lock them up until they can identify with their born anatomy and gender? Who pays for all that mental healthcare?
Only one side is confused about what bathroom people with a penis and people with a vagina should use.
Congrats, dazed and confused.
Homos are always going to whine about something.

Just use the restroom you're supposed to and stop the theatrics
Well hand job, the state is losing billions in revenue, and it couldnt happen to a better bunch of guys
LOL NC is doing fine. I would know I live here.
This must be the 20th state you have told us you live in shhytestain. Billions are going down the toilet
Really now? Go find where I said I live somewhere else. I have been living in NC since October.
So you have been there less than 6 months and are an expert on the state? Any state losing billions in revenue is not in good shape

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