Right to Life (et al) is wrong??!! RE punishing women who abort

Not sure you are completely right here. My first wife left me and I didn't fight for the kids. Three months later she was pregnant with another man's child. In almost every state, that is grounds for an unfit mother and I immediately filed for custody. But I took it a step further, I asked the court to put a restraining order on her preventing her from getting an abortion, and I filed for custody of my daughters sibling. I won, in no small part because the father testified on my behalf. My daughter is 32 now and she brings so much joy, not only into my life, but into the lives of her 5 sisters and brothers.

Don't think being the single father of three girls, the oldest a mere six years old, is easy. And now perhaps you understand my utter disdain for jackasses that aren't willing to even part with a few tax dollars to prevent abortion squawking about making it illegal. You stop abortion the way I did, one child at a time.

That was more the 30 years ago. I don't know your ex-wife and won't pass judgement on your decisions or that of the court.

My son is currently raising 3 children on his own, because his wife has mental health issues due to past abuse, and when the going got tough, she ran off with another man. The oldest child is going through a sexual assault trial (Mom's ex boyfriend is charged), the middle child is austistic and has a personal teacher's aid at school, and my son's only biological child is a happy little 3 year old. He's dealing with the Children's Aid and counselling for the oldest, supports systems at school for the middle child, and day care for the youngest.

When my youngest got married and had children, I wasn't worried about her future, because her husband was paying support and having his son over every other weekend. This handsome young man was born when his father was 16, and there he was being a Dad, and holding up his end of things - financially and in every other way, 10 years later.

Not every man is an irresponsible jerk, and not every abortion decision is made for selfish or amoral reasons. In fact, very few abortions are for those reasons. Most are financial. 80% of abortions are for financial reasons because the women are already living in poverty and cannot afford to bear and raise another child.
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That was more the 30 years ago. I don't know your ex-wife and won't pass judgement on your decisions or that of the court.

My son is currently raising 3 children on his own, because his wife has mental health issues due to past abuse, and when the going got tough, she ran off with another man. The oldest child is going through a sexual assault trial (Mom's ex boyfriend is charged), the middle child is austistic and has a personal teacher's aid at school, and my son's only biological child is a happy little 3 year old. He's dealing with the Children's Aid and counselling for the oldest, supports systems at school for the middle child, and day care for the youngest.

When my youngest got married and had children, I wasn't worried about her future, because her husband was paying support and having his son over every other weekend. This handsome young man was born when his father was 16, and there he was being a Dad, and holding up his end of things - financially and in every other way, 10 years later.

Not every man is an irresponsible jerk, and not every abortion decision is made for selfish or amoral reasons. In fact, very few abortions are for those reasons. Most are financial. 80% of abortions are for financial reasons because the women are already living in poverty and cannot afford to bear and raise another child.
I cannot do your thinking for you.

Science has proven that life begins... oh wow, whoda thunk it... at the beginning (conception)

If you cared about someone besides yourself (and whomever you love... or "love") you would CARE about the pain these babies go through when aborted... the pain their mothers go through with Post Abortion Syndrome. You would CARE that our society has been tolerating and promoting and engaging in legalized MURDER for 46 years... 63 million dead..

but all you seem to care about is having an "out" if you have sex w/ someone who gets pregnant and you don't want to marry her
For someone who wants to claim logic, you sure seem eager to use fallacious arguments.

If you cared about someone besides yourself
This is an ad hominem. You are attacking the person, not the argument.
Science has proven that life begins
Sure. A bacteria is life too. Does that mean taking antibiotics is murder? Not all life is equal. Not all life is human. Even life that is human is not necessarily a person. For sure not legally and doubtful philosophically.
You would CARE that our society has been tolerating and promoting and engaging in legalized MURDER for 46 years
Only for someone who accepts your definition of personhood is it murder.
you would CARE about the pain these babies go through when aborted
When do you believe a fetus is capable of feeling pain? The experience of pain requires painreceptors and a brain capable of interpreting them. When do you suppose that is? I know it is not at conception.
the pain their mothers go through with Post Abortion Syndrome.
What about the pain of having a kid you don't want or even can't take care of? And before you say "adoption". It is a hell of a lot more traumatic to give up a child after you carried it for 9 months than it is to abort at 3 months.

By the way, you claim a lack of care right? Let me ask you are you willing to pay taxes to support those children that you forced upon people who didn't want them for wahtever reason?
So when does your science say life begins?

Congratulations. According to science, you are a mass murderer the moment you ejaculate. If one interprets life and the ending of life purely on a scientific basis. As I said not all life is equal.
It is a hell of a lot more traumatic to give up a child after you carried it for 9 months than it is to abort at 3 months.
What could be more "traumatic" than death? Is it all about convenience?
What could be more "traumatic" than death? Is it all about convenience?
To experience trauma one needs to be self-aware and have a concept of what's happening to you. When does a fetus experience such things? My earliest memory is of around 2 I think at least. Do you remember the womb, I sure don't.

As for convenience. What is wrong with that? A baby is a big responsibility. Not something you should endeavour if you aren't willing in my opinion. It's of course also wrong. Most people at least think they have good reason to abort. who are you to judge their reasoning as invalid?

Congratulations. According to science, you are a mass murderer the moment you ejaculate. If one interprets life and the ending of life purely on a scientific basis. As I said not all life is equal.
Maybe that’s why Catholics don’t believe in Masturbation
To experience trauma one needs to be self-aware and have a concept of what's happening to you. When does a fetus experience such things? My earliest memory is of around 2 I think at least. Do you remember the womb, I sure don't.

As for convenience. What is wrong with that? A baby is a big responsibility. Not something you should endeavour if you aren't willing in my opinion. It's of course also wrong. Most people at least think they have good reason to abort. who are you to judge their reasoning as invalid?
Are suggesting people with dementia should be killed?
Women who undergo abortions are sometimes (frequently?) punished in more ways than one. Some women experience physical problems for the rest of their lives and some experience mental problems akin to PTSD. Imagine the discomfort and horror of late term abortions when a full term baby is rotated upside down within the mother's body and the mother watches as it is stabbed in the back of the head and it's brain is sucked out so that it's face looks like a cabbage patch doll and it is casually tossed in the garbage with a bunch of little arms and legs sticking out. This is the legacy of abortion that lying democrats said would be rare.
Yeah, let's punish those women that have abortions. Throw them in jail. And the men that fathered those aborted babies, let's go after them too. Demand to know who the father is, DNA tests required on aborted fetuses. And those fathers go to jail too, but just a short while. Small prison terms for both of them, maybe two years. But assess child support against them for 18 years and make them pay into a fund for adoptive parents.

And communities, it takes a community to raise a child, so if someone in the community is convicted of getting an abortion, then that entire community should be subjected to a special "abortion" penalty tax. About ten percent increase in property tax for each abortion ought to do it. Base it on zip codes, keep it local. The proceeds can be used to finance the schools.

And lets go ahead and pass a bill on the federal level stripping federal funding for Medicaid and Medicare from states that don't immediately ban abortion. I mean when MAGA supporter Boomer Bob loses his socialist Medicare, well hell, that is what he wanted all along anyway. Hell, states like New York will empty out rather quickly, while Texas, and of course Louisiana, will be inundated with Medicare beneficiaries.

Nope, we need to stop this killing. Overturn Roe v. Wade and Katy bar the door, everything is on the table.
I'd be satisfied if a woman can only be convicted and punished if the guilty man receives at least the same or worse punishment (for example if he's one of the many rapists and incest impregnators).
If women gave more thought to whom they are sleeping with... For one, women should NEVER be alone with a man not her husband (or family member).

Why don't the schools give our young girls THAT important information? instead of telling them that getting their gender mutilated/changed is OK and blah blah blah... all the BS children are taught... everything but what will help them in life..

sick of liberals...

Be gone, Satan
We have to be accompanied at all times with a husband or brother or father?? Darn, you sound like you're spouting laws from Saudi Arabia. Do we have to wear a burka under our masks?
Straight from the Taliban playbook.
Women can't participate in the economic system under those never-alone-with-a-man rules, or even leave home much. Not so much money around if women can't work outside the home. Banks will hate that. Also men who count on their wives bringing in money.
I'd be satisfied if a woman can only be convicted and punished if the guilty man receives at least the same or worse punishment (for example if he's one of the many rapists and incest impregnators).
So the man gets no say and you want him punished for the woman’s choice? Can’t make it up how fking clueless demofks remain
Women can't participate in the economic system under those never-alone-with-a-man rules, or even leave home much. Not so much money around if women can't work outside the home. Banks will hate that. Also men who count on their wives bringing in money.
89% of American men count on their wife's income. You can't make it in America otherwise.
For someone who wants to claim logic, you sure seem eager to use fallacious arguments.

This is an ad hominem. You are attacking the person, not the argument.

Sure. A bacteria is life too. Does that mean taking antibiotics is murder? Not all life is equal. Not all life is human. Even life that is human is not necessarily a person. For sure not legally and doubtful philosophically.

Only for someone who accepts your definition of personhood is it murder.

When do you believe a fetus is capable of feeling pain? The experience of pain requires painreceptors and a brain capable of interpreting them. When do you suppose that is? I know it is not at conception.

What about the pain of having a kid you don't want or even can't take care of? And before you say "adoption". It is a hell of a lot more traumatic to give up a child after you carried it for 9 months than it is to abort at 3 months.

By the way, you claim a lack of care right? Let me ask you are you willing to pay taxes to support those children that you forced upon people who didn't want them for wahtever reason?

murder cannot be rationalized

but since when did the left bother themselves w/ logic or rationality?
Straight from the Taliban playbook.
oh, poor thing.. u don't want it to get around that women shouldn't be alone w/ a strange man, subjecting themsleves to rape and /or unplanned pregnancies... don't want your field of potential female victims dimishished or done away with, do you? poor, pathetic, deprived thing
Not every man is an irresponsible jerk, and not every abortion decision is made for selfish or amoral reasons. In fact, very few abortions are for those reasons. Most are financial. 80% of abortions are for financial reasons because the women are already living in poverty and cannot afford to bear and raise another child.
so we end the problems that cause dire poverty

Murder is not one of the ways we do that... unless you favor anarchy and lawlessness and self-centeredness

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