Right to Migrant Labor

There is no "paradox" involved at all. There is no necessary relationship between the two bad ideas.
If agricultural products are needed, then agricultural labor is also needed, correct?

If non-citizens aren't allowed to do the labor, then either citizens have to or agricultural products must be imported, effectively transferring the labor to non-citizens again, correct?

If import doesn't occur, then some means of incentivizing or requiring citizens to perform the labor would be necessary, no?

Given these facts, is it not paradoxical that some people will complain about both options, 1) hiring non-citizens 2) drafting unwilling citizens?
I have had heard/read said the same thing about Mexican labor about construction. It's always anecdotal though. Funny about that. How many so called "antidotal incidents" does it take...I mean, Really. I have been forced to move from a home twice in twenty years because of Mexicans. It used to be called "BLOCKBUSTING" once upon a time. One Mexican family moves into a block, they intimidate or harass or just annoy enough people to move out. Then, these nice (?) peaceful people maneuver their family members, friends or co-workers to move into the house just NEXT door. Then, their family or friends just coincidently just move into the NEXT house. And so on and so on. And then they just end up with a barrio. I think this deserves to be investigated . It happens far to many times.
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One Mexican family moves into a block, they intimidate or harass or just annoy enough people to move out.

You mean your bigotry compels you to move out and bitch about peoples you hate from somewhere else. How admirable. :rolleyes:
It's just a paradox that popular opinion can be turned against non-citizen migrant labor but at the same time against the use of government to draft people into doing the work that would otherwise be done by non-citizen migrants.

There is no "paradox" involved at all. There is no necessary relationship between the two bad ideas.

What a funny little person you are(not funny haha, funny strange, like queer). You are incapable of grasping the point, and so you blame the messenger because you feel (rightly) stupid.

Why don't you find a new hobby, little one. And seek professional help for you complex. :eusa_clap:
I have had heard/read said the same thing about Mexican labor about construction. It's always anecdotal though. Funny about that. How many so called "antidotal incidents" does it take...I mean, Really. I have been forced to move from a home twice in twenty years because of Mexicans. It used to be called "BLOCKBUSTING" once upon a time. One Mexican family moves into a block, they intimidate or harass or just annoy enough people to move out. Then, these nice (?) peaceful people maneuver their family members, friends or co-workers to move into the house just NEXT door. Then, their family or friends just coincidently just move into the NEXT house. And so on and so on. And then they just end up with a barrio. I think this deserves to be investigated . It happens far to many times.
In the 1970s it was called 'white flight' when whites moved out of neighborhoods where blacks moved in. People felt 'intimidated,' 'harassed,' 'or just annoyed' by the fear of social integration with blacks or losing home marketability because other whites wouldn't want to pay as much to buy a home in an area with black residents.

I can see the problem if people move into an area and disrupt public peace but the focus should be on creating civility, e.g. by making noise ordinances or forging neighborly relationships so that people respect each other as acquaintances instead of viewing each other as 'avoidables.'

What does this all have to do with non-citizen migrant labor in general, though? Whether the workers are Mexican or some other nationality, the issue remains of whether to draft citizens to perform low-wage labor when no one volunteers or whether to protect citizens from such labor by allowing non-citizens to do it?
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What if socialism progresses to the point that US citizens are drafted to perform farm labor in migrant labor camps? Is it humane to expect citizens of advanced capitalist economies like the US to perform farm labor or should US citizens be entitled to having this labor performed for them by non-citizen migrants?

This is ignorant nonsense and fails as a straw man fallacy, where ‘socialism’ exists nowhere in the United States and involuntary servitude is un-Constitutional.
we wouldn't need migrant labor if those jobs paid a living wage. Wage should be tied to the cost of living so that when one go up both go up.
I have had heard/read said the same thing about Mexican labor about construction. It's always anecdotal though. Funny about that. How many so called "antidotal incidents" does it take...I mean, Really. I have been forced to move from a home twice in twenty years because of Mexicans. It used to be called "BLOCKBUSTING" once upon a time. One Mexican family moves into a block, they intimidate or harass or just annoy enough people to move out. Then, these nice (?) peaceful people maneuver their family members, friends or co-workers to move into the house just NEXT door. Then, their family or friends just coincidently just move into the NEXT house. And so on and so on. And then they just end up with a barrio. I think this deserves to be investigated . It happens far to many times.

I remember, back in the 70s, when a good friend came back from Vietnam with a Vietnamese wife and bought a veritable mansion in Denver. They could afford it because all the assholes had sold out for a fraction of their property's worth because blacks had moved in.

The blacks didn't bother anyone and turned the area into a really great neighborhood. The Mexicans you're so afraid of don't bother anyone either. I know because I have lived it. But, if you're dumb enough to sell your property at a loss just because you're an ignorant racist asshole, I'd be more than happy to buy from you.

As to the question of migrant labor, we've always had it. Sometimes it has worked better than others but, as long as Americans don't want to pay decent wages to Mexicans AND Americans, this question will remain unanswered.
You are incapable of grasping the point, and so you blame the messenger...

The "point" is clear, as is your severe limitation if you find any of this nonsense 'profound.' Maybe this is really deep and complex for someone like you, but then I suspect 'Dora the Explorer' is as well at your level. :rolleyes:
You are incapable of grasping the point, and so you blame the messenger...

The "point" is clear, as is your severe limitation if you find any of this nonsense 'profound.' Maybe this is really deep and complex for someone like you, but then I suspect 'Dora the Explorer' is as well at your level. :rolleyes:

Ha! I said nothing about profound, I simply understood the point of the question, while you were not capable so as usual you mouth off like a short guy in a room full of big men.

If you were half as smart as you pretend to be, you'd still be as stupid as you are. :eusa_clap:
I stand by the "blockbusting " allegation. I wonder why it's never been investigated to the fullest. Then, I realize, the alleged are Latinos. After my experiences, that just makes me a little more cynical.
I stand by the "blockbusting " allegation. I wonder why it's never been investigated to the fullest. Then, I realize, the alleged are Latinos. After my experiences, that just makes me a little more cynical.

No, it "makes" you the same fucking bigot you've always been.
I stand by the "blockbusting " allegation. I wonder why it's never been investigated to the fullest. Then, I realize, the alleged are Latinos. After my experiences, that just makes me a little more cynical.

No, it "makes" you the same fucking bigot you've always been.

How about you really read my posts instead of being hateful and nasty? Would that hurt you? No, instead, I am a bigot and racist, in your dreams. Perhaps there is something else going on here. Of course, I don't hold Hispanics in high regard. Despite the fact they have been hatfuteful and mean spirited creeps to me. Racist Haters. I am sorry, I notice things like that. When they move into an area, then degrade the area, with trash, I mean, dumpsters overflowing, then, have 12 people and 10 cars and nowhere to put them...Jesus, what are we supposed to do? We aren't supposed to notice the negative affects of Mexican overpopulation? Yeah, dream on, bother.
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I stand by the "blockbusting " allegation. I wonder why it's never been investigated to the fullest. Then, I realize, the alleged are Latinos. After my experiences, that just makes me a little more cynical.

No, it "makes" you the same fucking bigot you've always been.

How about you really read my posts instead of being hateful and nasty? Would that hurt you? No, instead, I am a bigot and racist, in your dreams. Perhaps there is something else going on here. Of course, I don't hold Hispanics in regard. They immigrate illegally, disrespect this culture and people you protect them or hold them in regard. Of course, you wont. ya self righteous jerk.

What a fucking hypocrite. In one post you cry foul at the very accurate description of you as a fucking bigot and then reiterate your ignorant fucking bigotry. Are you mentally impaired in some way other than the obvious? I've read far too many of your bitchy, whiny, racist posts. You are as transparent as cellophane. Get your shit together and stop wallowing in hatred and fear; it's no way to live.
No, it "makes" you the same fucking bigot you've always been.

How about you really read my posts instead of being hateful and nasty? Would that hurt you? No, instead, I am a bigot and racist, in your dreams. Perhaps there is something else going on here. Of course, I don't hold Hispanics in regard. They immigrate illegally, disrespect this culture and people you protect them or hold them in regard. Of course, you wont. ya self righteous jerk.

What a fucking hypocrite. In one post you cry foul at the very accurate description of you as a fucking bigot and then reiterate your ignorant fucking bigotry. Are you mentally impaired in some way other than the obvious? I've read far too many of your bitchy, whiny, racist posts. You are as transparent as cellophane. Get your shit together and stop wallowing in hatred and fear; it's no way to live.

Feel better now? Self righteous jerk. I do NOT want to get into this with you. Ever. Mexicans have hurt me, not negotiable or debatable. Racism, or bigotry, that is really a matter of opinion. Prove it, jerk. I mean, can you? In a court of law, with facts? Because I am really tired of your or any one's else's allegations. PROVE IT. Or get off the pot. Can you do that?
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