Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

CapitalCare, the really capitalist insurance company.

You = good risk, we ran you genetics and we monitor your lifestyle. No smoking, drinking, dangerous shit, fast driving, drugs, fucking around etc. You get covered, until you get sick or break even one rule that is. Then you get bounced, pronto.

You = cancer, bad genes, already sick, other per-existing condition, bad risk, family history of anything expensive to treat, female, old, young, poor, etc. Go fuck yourself off to the charity hospital, Bloodsucker. We aren't in business to lose money on your sick sorry ass.

Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

And remember, the UK is capitalist but has socialized medicine, as does Sweden, Germany, France, and the rest of the modern Western world. We are the only nation unable to grow up
We are the only nation in the world $20 trillion in debt. You're unable to grow up and renounce your immature ideology.
Get a clue, dummy, and check out the nation debts of other nations.
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You just posted something that proves your argument is dead wrong. Can't you see that you just blew your own foot off with that post?

How many others are $20 trillion in debt? In fact, your data is so outdated, it is obviously pre-Obama!
Well you just jump out there and bring us any data you like? You ain't gonna find that we are the most broke nation in the world and Trump calls himself the King of Debt. Just wait and see how that plays out. 20T will soon be 30T.

You lied and now you just tried to weasel out of your claim. That's just being a typical dishonest liberal. Par for the course.
You don't know how bankruptcy works, do you?

They changed the bankruptcy law chapter 13


Try Chapter 7.

Well why did you say he didn't know how bankruptcy laws work?


Old lady is a he? You better feel again!

You can do Chapter 7 or 13, but only file 13 if you have a regular income.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Explained

Again you were posting and forgot they changed the laws till I reminded you


No. I said that that is not how bankruptcy works and it doesn't. You are confused.
Conservatives view rational emotion as weakness when it is normal life.
Actually, conservatives simply recognize that emotion makes for bad policy. There should be zero emotion in legislation. Government doesn't exist for sympathy. Only logic and reason should be used in public policy - for the good of society.

There is most definitely a place for emotion in life (family, the football field, etc.). Legislation just isn't one of them, snowflake.
How long have conservatives used fear as the great political motivator. For most of my life I have heard about socialism leading to communism. Any care that made life easier and more secure for the American people was to be feared. Social Security was the first fear to fall, and most of us are still waiting for the nation to go communistic.

We don't want to pay 80& in taxes and 12 bucks for a gallon of gas..

That's not freedom, that's not a life.

CapitalCare, the really capitalist insurance company.

You = good risk, we ran you genetics and we monitor your lifestyle. No smoking, drinking, dangerous shit, fast driving, drugs, fucking around etc. You get covered, until you get sick or break even one rule that is. Then you get bounced, pronto.

You = cancer, bad genes, already sick, other per-existing condition, bad risk, family history of anything expensive to treat, female, old, young, poor, etc. Go fuck yourself off to the charity hospital, Bloodsucker. We aren't in business to lose money on your sick sorry ass.

Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

WOA fuck you , you little un grateful cock sucking bitch

CapitalCare, the really capitalist insurance company.

You = good risk, we ran you genetics and we monitor your lifestyle. No smoking, drinking, dangerous shit, fast driving, drugs, fucking around etc. You get covered, until you get sick or break even one rule that is. Then you get bounced, pronto.

You = cancer, bad genes, already sick, other per-existing condition, bad risk, family history of anything expensive to treat, female, old, young, poor, etc. Go fuck yourself off to the charity hospital, Bloodsucker. We aren't in business to lose money on your sick sorry ass.

Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against abortion
We have laws against murder because life is a fundamental human right. That's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against drugs
We have laws against drugs because of the criminal activity it generates. Addicted people turn to petty theft, armed robbery, and even murder in their quest for their next hit. God Almighty, how dumb are you??? Once again snowflake, that's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
CapitalCare, the really capitalist insurance company.

You = good risk, we ran you genetics and we monitor your lifestyle. No smoking, drinking, dangerous shit, fast driving, drugs, fucking around etc. You get covered, until you get sick or break even one rule that is. Then you get bounced, pronto.

You = cancer, bad genes, already sick, other per-existing condition, bad risk, family history of anything expensive to treat, female, old, young, poor, etc. Go fuck yourself off to the charity hospital, Bloodsucker. We aren't in business to lose money on your sick sorry ass.

Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

WOA fuck you , you little un grateful cock sucking bitch

Go fuck yourself. 20 years of free food and housing doesn't mean you are entitled to another 40 years of free food and housing.
Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

No it's liberals again saving dumb genes, why do I have to pay for your reckless and unhealthy life style?

Make America Great Again is nothing but emotion and there isn't a fucking thing to back it up, not even the ability to say when exactly America was great?
What do you know, another anti-American left-wing fascist. Snowflake, America was great any time the Dumbocrats weren't in charge and shredding the U.S. Constitution.
Natural selection..

Liberals with all there good deeds are letting stupid genes reproduce and bankrupting America

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

WOA fuck you , you little un grateful cock sucking bitch

Go fuck yourself. 20 years of free food and housing doesn't mean you are entitled to another 40 years of free food and housing.

No you little cock sucker , why they are out risking there life defending liberty and the United States ..

You're sitting on your fat ass, smoking pot, eating Cheetos and collecting a welfare check.

If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against abortion
We have laws against murder because life is a fundamental human right. That's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against drugs
We have laws against drugs because of the criminal activity it generates. Addicted people turn to petty theft, armed robbery, and even murder in their quest for their next hit. God Almighty, how dumb are you??? Once again snowflake, that's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If drugs weren't illegal you'd have very few drug problems. That works all over the world were they don't just lock their citizens up trying to defend a moral and irrational crusade. Gays, here to stay. Drugs, here to stay. Abortion, here to stay. Porno, here to stay. get over it, Princess.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against abortion
We have laws against murder because life is a fundamental human right. That's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against drugs
We have laws against drugs because of the criminal activity it generates. Addicted people turn to petty theft, armed robbery, and even murder in their quest for their next hit. God Almighty, how dumb are you??? Once again snowflake, that's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If drugs weren't illegal you'd have very few drug problems. That works all over the world were they don't just lock their citizens up trying to defend a moral and irrational crusade. Gays, here to stay. Drugs, here to stay. Abortion, here to stay. Porno, here to stay. get over it, Princess.

Liar they closed needle park it's a huge problem.

Make America Great Again is nothing but emotion and there isn't a fucking thing to back it up, not even the ability to say when exactly America was great?
What do you know, another anti-American left-wing fascist. Snowflake, America was great any time the Dumbocrats weren't in charge and shredding the U.S. Constitution.
So, America was great when homos hid in the closet? Women stayed home and baked cookies? Or was it when blacks were property at the very same time?

I know, America was great when only what white men wanted mattered.
The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down.
That is astounding stupidity right there. The cost is high because left-wing socialism demands slavery. It forces hospitals to provide their labor against their will and at no cost (pure slavery). To offset those costs, the hospitals charge the people who can afford their own healthcare $10 per aspirin.

We don't need a "pool" of people. I'm not offsetting your healthcare costs, you fuck'n parasite. Grow up and handle your own matters. Stop mooching off of society.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against abortion
We have laws against murder because life is a fundamental human right. That's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against drugs
We have laws against drugs because of the criminal activity it generates. Addicted people turn to petty theft, armed robbery, and even murder in their quest for their next hit. God Almighty, how dumb are you??? Once again snowflake, that's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If drugs weren't illegal you'd have very few drug problems. That works all over the world were they don't just lock their citizens up trying to defend a moral and irrational crusade. Gays, here to stay. Drugs, here to stay. Abortion, here to stay. Porno, here to stay. get over it, Princess.

Yup and your proud of liberals destroying the moral fabrics of society

If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against abortion
We have laws against murder because life is a fundamental human right. That's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If emotion wasn't at play there would be no laws against drugs
We have laws against drugs because of the criminal activity it generates. Addicted people turn to petty theft, armed robbery, and even murder in their quest for their next hit. God Almighty, how dumb are you??? Once again snowflake, that's pure logic and reason, snowflake. Emotion has nothing to do with it.
If drugs weren't illegal you'd have very few drug problems. That works all over the world were they don't just lock their citizens up trying to defend a moral and irrational crusade. Gays, here to stay. Drugs, here to stay. Abortion, here to stay. Porno, here to stay. get over it, Princess.

Liar they closed needle park it's a huge problem.

When you don't treat drugs as a crime, it isn't one. It's a public health issue, not a criminal one. And on that note I'm pouring another totally legal glass of my favorite 14-year-old drug.
So, America was great when homos hid in the closet?
Absolutely! Why is it so important for you and your boyfriend to flaunt your homosexuality in front of the world? All sexuality belongs behind closed doors. There is no need for it to be in public and one has to wonder why you feel such a need to get it in front of the public.

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