Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!

Seems to me, and any other intelligent people on the board (ie. not you), that you're advocating MORE freeloaders, not fewer.
Yup, people who refuse to get affordable health insurance aren't freeloaders...the only problem with ACA is the cost of health care after many years of the GOP/Big Health scam "system". It should cost about half what it does.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"

That would be capitalism. Socialism only benefits the 1%
Like ACA, which gave free or cheap health care to the poor and working class? You are clueless. Define socialism, dupe. I just did, everywhere but USA Dupeworld.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
Of course, you dupes immediately change socialism to communism. Everywhere but USA Dupeworld, socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism, with a good safety net, perhap nationalism of health care or some types of energy, ie industries of necessity- like all successful modern countries. Even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich GOP mess, thanks to the bs GOP propaganda machine and the chumps.
Keep your socialism to yourselves leave the rest of us out of it....
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There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
Of course, you dupes immediately change socialism to communism. Everywhere but USA Dupeworld, socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism, with a good safety net, perhap nationalism of health care or some types of energy, ie industries of necessity- like all successful modern countries. Even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich GOP mess, thanks to the bs GOP propaganda machine and the chumps.
Keep your socialism to yourselfs leave the rest of us out of it....
You aren't kept out of it. You just don't appreciate it.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
Of course, you dupes immediately change socialism to communism. Everywhere but USA Dupeworld, socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism, with a good safety net, perhap nationalism of health care or some types of energy, ie industries of necessity- like all successful modern countries. Even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich GOP mess, thanks to the bs GOP propaganda machine and the chumps.
Keep your socialism to yourselfs leave the rest of us out of it....
You aren't kept out of it. You just don't appreciate it.
The nanny state has no use to me
Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
That's true. If only Barack Insane Obama had added 68% to the debt. But he didn't. He added 100%. And $10 trillion is 5x's what Ronald Reagan added. That's insane. Ronald Reagan would have had to been in office for 40 years spending at his rate to match what Barack Insane Obama did in only 8 years.
haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.
You have to love Brain "logic". He doesn't want to pay for people who are sick so he proposes socialized medicine so that he is forever forced to pay for people who are sick. :uhh:
Keep your socialism to yourselfs leave the rest of us out of it....
You aren't kept out of it. You just don't appreciate it.
Why would anybody appreciate socialism? Who wants to end up in extreme poverty and misery while simultaneously losing all rights and freedoms?
Socialism appeals to those that can't take care of themselves
Here is the sad part: they can have all of the socialism their heart's desire at the local and state level. But in typical fascist fashion - that isn't good enough for them. They want all of society to be forced into their nightmare.
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
Of course, you dupes immediately change socialism to communism. Everywhere but USA Dupeworld, socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism, with a good safety net, perhap nationalism of health care or some types of energy, ie industries of necessity- like all successful modern countries. Even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich GOP mess, thanks to the bs GOP propaganda machine and the chumps.
Keep your socialism to yourselfs leave the rest of us out of it....
You aren't kept out of it. You just don't appreciate it.
The nanny state has no use to me
So if you need a police officer, a snow plow, your house catches on fire... you'll let your house burn down before calling the fire fighters?
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Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
That's true. If only Barack Insane Obama had added 68% to the debt. But he didn't. He added 100%. And $10 trillion is 5x's what Ronald Reagan added. That's insane. Ronald Reagan would have had to been in office for 40 years spending at his rate to match what Barack Insane Obama did in only 8 years.
Inflation makes them about the same, and Obama's was in a corrupt GOP economic mess, not a Raygun scam, dupe.
Keep your socialism to yourselfs leave the rest of us out of it....
You aren't kept out of it. You just don't appreciate it.
Why would anybody appreciate socialism? Who wants to end up in extreme poverty and misery while simultaneously losing all rights and freedoms?
Socialism appeals to those that can't take care of themselves
Here is the sad part: they can have all of the socialism their heart's desire at the local and state level. But in typical fascist fashion - that isn't good enough for them. They want all of society to be forced into their nightmare.
It's a corrupt GOP/Big Health ridiculous cost scam you dupes don't even know about, that we have had to be a part of for YEARS...
haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.
You have to love Brain "logic". He doesn't want to pay for people who are sick so he proposes socialized medicine so that he is forever forced to pay for people who are sick. :uhh:
You already WERE FORCED to pay for them, ER care and bankruptcies etc, just in the cruelest and stupidest and deadliest way. Duhhhhh. You macho independant GOPers lol are first in line when your luck runs out...
The nanny state has no use to me
So if you need a police officer, a snow plow, your house catches on fire... you'll let your house burn down before calling the fire fighters?
That's not the "nanny state". None of those are funded by the federal government. And frankly - I would love to end snowplows and save the tax dollars. Responsible people don't need them. Only dimwits buy their 30lbs. little environmental hybrids while living in areas that have snow (and then whine about the roads). Responsibile, mature adults purchase 4x4's.
The nanny state has no use to me
So if you need a police officer, a snow plow, your house catches on fire... you'll let your house burn down before calling the fire fighters?
That's not the "nanny state". None of those are funded by the federal government. And frankly - I would love to end snowplows and save the tax dollars. Responsible people don't need them. Only dimwits buy their 30lbs. little environmental hybrids while living in areas that have snow (and then whine about the roads). Responsibile, mature adults purchase 4x4's.
I believe Dems buy Outbacks. BTW, you people are brainwashed functionally insane. Thank god for socialist snowplows, go Bills.
So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.

Good, perhaps we can start paying people enough versus right wings constant demand to race to the bottom for everyone except the 1/10th of 1%???

It's much easier to teach A man fish then give them fish every time they need it... The nanny state never has worked and never will work for the good of the people.

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right EVER have?

How about ONE TIME CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

OR give me 3 policies GOP gave US that worked as promised last 50 years?

Nanny state huh? Yeah, Europe is horrible right?
So what happens if you get cancer? The hospitals will still treat you. Will just be the insured that ends up paying for it. Real personal responsibility you have.

Every month a portion of my insurance goes to subsidize Obamacare. Those that can't afford insurance, get it for free and I pay with increased premiums. Every visit to. A medical doctor or hospital a portion of my payment is to help pay for those with no insurance and can't afford to pay.

So I see no real advantage to having insurance or not.

Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.


The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the cost of these payments at $7 billion in fiscal year 2017, rising to $10 billion in 2018 and $16 billion by 2027.

Take it up with Time magazine.

Here's How Many Billions Obamacare Will Cost in 2016

Cool, 100% FUNDED unlike ANYTHING the GOP EVER does right? BUT not $1 trillion to subsidize buying their insurance
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government

It's logical for Repugs to support the traitor Trump who loves Russia more than his own country? That's a head-scratcher.

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