Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

If cons used logic they would be against the Muslim ban as there are zero attacks on US soil it would have prevented. But alas, the use their emotional fear and discrimination to think.

How is it logical to be against something that doesn't exist? May as well be against the zombie apocalypse
just because it has been repeatedly blocked doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

As travel ban isn't a Muslim ban, it can be blocked indefinitely or enforced today and a Muslim ban still wouldn't exist
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.

Not sure that's fair analysis at all Even assuming everyone in the left and right were identical.

In fact that use of the left/right dichotomy I in and of itself illogical.

And lets be honest here. If the right were using logic all the time trump would never have been nominated
The left say all war is bad.
That is a belief based upon emotion, not thought process.

And Trump got elected because people are sick of the DC Beltway ruling class.

Yes the people were pissed off or in other words emotional.
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.
you think GOP hates war?
wow, what a dope.

No he thinks the left hates war.

That's the silly part
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.
you think GOP hates war?
wow, what a dope.
I would love a revolution where we put any leftist survivors on a boat.

And how is this reasonable rather than emotional?
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.
you think GOP hates war?
wow, what a dope.
I would love a revolution where we put any leftist survivors on a boat.
Right backatcha ...gop gets no paddles though, individual responsibility :gay:
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.
you think GOP hates war?
wow, what a dope.
I would love a revolution where we put any leftist survivors on a boat.

And how is this reasonable rather than emotional?
Because the left are attempting to eliminate American values and our system.

The left say you can whatever sex you want today,
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.
you think GOP hates war?
wow, what a dope.
I would love a revolution where we put any leftist survivors on a boat.

And how is this reasonable rather than emotional?
Because the left are attempting to overthrow America and our values.

The left say men and women are identical. Hell, they even claim you can switch sex at will. You can't say the left are intellectual.
If cons used logic they would be against the Muslim ban as there are zero attacks on US soil it would have prevented. But alas, the use their emotional fear and discrimination to think.

How is it logical to be against something that doesn't exist? May as well be against the zombie apocalypse
just because it has been repeatedly blocked doesn't mean it doesn't exist...

As travel ban isn't a Muslim ban, it can be blocked indefinitely or enforced today and a Muslim ban still wouldn't exist
Trump identified it as a Muslim ban. I forgot his klan doesn't hold him responsible for his words or actions.
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.

Not sure that's fair analysis at all Even assuming everyone in the left and right were identical.

In fact that use of the left/right dichotomy I in and of itself illogical.

And lets be honest here. If the right were using logic all the time trump would never have been nominated
The left say all war is bad.
That is a belief based upon emotion, not thought process.

And Trump got elected because people are sick of the DC Beltway ruling class.

Yes the people were pissed off or in other words emotional.
Left love this bumper sticker.

In many cases, it has been the best answer.
The whole premise of this thread is flawed. The use of logic and emotion occurs by all men and women whether left or right.

The problem we have is two fold:

1) we as a society are ignorant in the art of rhetoric and cannot create or recognize how to discuss things properly

2) we fail to see flaws with logical analysis
Actually the topic is dead on. The left run with emotion and the right do not.
For example, we all agree we hate war. So the left says there will never be a war for any reason. Conservatives say war is bad, but the situation requires it for future safety and liberty. If it was up to todays leftists, Lincoln should have conceded the secession of all of the southern states and left Europe to Hitler.

Not sure that's fair analysis at all Even assuming everyone in the left and right were identical.

In fact that use of the left/right dichotomy I in and of itself illogical.

And lets be honest here. If the right were using logic all the time trump would never have been nominated
The left say all war is bad.
That is a belief based upon emotion, not thought process.

And Trump got elected because people are sick of the DC Beltway ruling class.

Yes the people were pissed off or in other words emotional.
Left love this bumper sticker.
View attachment 129036
In many cases, it has been the best answer.
When gop fabricate wars over natural resources, it is not the answer.
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government

Both sides use emotion. The recent headline "Trump Budget: Get to Work" uses stereotypes of people on welfare are lazy and don't want to work. The truth is far different. For example, food stamp benefits are not that large and nowhere near the level that people can live off the fat of the land. Yet this is the meme that the Right pushes.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
Most people are paying for Obamacare.

Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.
That is why Obama care cannot be afforded, Single payer would be much, much worse…

Single payer is always cheaper. We have the most expensive healthcare now.

Cheaper by what metric?

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.

You know there's a difference between how much healthcare costs and how much people spend on healthcare, right? If you have 10 people spending $10 apiece on something, versus 100 people spending $5 apiece on it, the item itself is cheaper, but more dollars are being spent.

This is called "math". Try it sometime.

A big part of the reason people in the US spend a lot of money on healthcare isn't because the procedures and products and what-have-you are too expensive; it's because the US is a very prosperous country, allowing people to spend on healthcare as a luxury, ie. simply because they WANT to, rather than because of necessities. Examples would be vitamin supplements, cosmetic surgery, quality-of-life elective procedures like laser eye surgery and joint replacement, etc. Senior citizens in the US - also as an example - tend to have more money than younger healthcare consumers, and spend huge amounts of money every year in order to be able to live out their retirement years with the health and vigor of much younger people whenever possible, as opposed to other countries, where they're more likely to live out their lives crippled or near-crippled and extremely limited in their independence.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
Keep your Obamacare, pools and single-payer to yourselves… Leave the rest of us out of it
Don't like thinking much? So going back to the nonsystem that gave us 45k dead/year due to no insurance, costs 50% higher than anywhere else, and cutoffs, scams, and horror stories galore is fine? And no solutions? I see you're outstanding in your field, whistling past the graveyard, no doctor, no preventive medicine, great plan....
If your stuff is so great that you speak of - like single payer, pools and Obamacare why don't you guys just keep it to yourselves? Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something we will never use and never benefit from
Any system that helps those with prexisting conditions, ie CIVILIZED, has to include everyone. The GOP on this is run by Big Health, where money is more important than people. ACA will take a few years to solve it, but at least the poor were definitely helped.
You didn't answer my question, your socialize medicine does not require all of the participation in such fraud.
Leave the rest of us out of it - we don't want nothing to do with something that we will never use And/or benefit from
...until you do. No more freeloaders!

Seems to me, and any other intelligent people on the board (ie. not you), that you're advocating MORE freeloaders, not fewer.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
our nation has benefited from countless socialistic programs, here's a few:

our military
fire depts
pub libraries
postal service
garbage collection
farm subsidies
Public schools
corporate subsidies
Public parks
GI Bill

These are all big failures are they?
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…
I see it more as "we all work we all benefit"
instead of "we all work and 1% benefits"
You can't be that gullible to believe that Socialism works… :itsok:
Of course, you dupes immediately change socialism to communism. Everywhere but USA Dupeworld, socialism is always democratic, fair capitalism, with a good safety net, perhap nationalism of health care or some types of energy, ie industries of necessity- like all successful modern countries. Even the USA with ACA, though we're a pander to the rich GOP mess, thanks to the bs GOP propaganda machine and the chumps.
There is no such thing as personal responsibility in socialism, "it's always blame the other guy" and "let the other guy pay for my shit"…

And yet if you or your family get very sick the rest of us will have to pay for it. Are you a socialist?
Over the next 10 years we are going to be paying $1 trillion to help subsidize those that can not afford their full premiums.
That is why Obama care cannot be afforded, Single payer would be much, much worse…

Single payer is always cheaper. We have the most expensive healthcare now.

Cheaper by what metric?

Health Costs: How the U.S. Compares With Other Countries

Pearson: Whether measured relative to its population or its economy, the United States spends by far the most in the world on health care.

The U.S. spent $8,233 on health per person in 2010. Norway, the Netherlands and Switzerland are the next highest spenders, but in the same year, they all spent at least $3,000 less per person. The average spending on health care among the other 33 developed OECD countries was $3,268 per person.

You know there's a difference between how much healthcare costs and how much people spend on healthcare, right? If you have 10 people spending $10 apiece on something, versus 100 people spending $5 apiece on it, the item itself is cheaper, but more dollars are being spent.

This is called "math". Try it sometime.

A big part of the reason people in the US spend a lot of money on healthcare isn't because the procedures and products and what-have-you are too expensive; it's because the US is a very prosperous country, allowing people to spend on healthcare as a luxury, ie. simply because they WANT to, rather than because of necessities. Examples would be vitamin supplements, cosmetic surgery, quality-of-life elective procedures like laser eye surgery and joint replacement, etc. Senior citizens in the US - also as an example - tend to have more money than younger healthcare consumers, and spend huge amounts of money every year in order to be able to live out their retirement years with the health and vigor of much younger people whenever possible, as opposed to other countries, where they're more likely to live out their lives crippled or near-crippled and extremely limited in their independence.

Interesting theory. Link to back that up?

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