Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

You're too shallow to understand history, and human nature…

Why Non-Slaveholding Southerners Fought | Civil War Trust

The original slaveholders in the western hemisphere were native, you know Indians… LOL

Sorry Cupcake, I realize right wingers have attempted to rewrite history on their REASONS WHICH WERE STATED IN EVERYONE OF THEIR SECESSION DOCUMENTS, SLAVERY

The original slave owners were the native Indians… Fact
Actually it was my ancestors, American Indians had slaves right into the early 1900s.
Oglala Sioux which that's what I am, were quite notorious for their slavery and brutality towards their slaves, by the way - we did not have any written language still don't to this day. Jack ass

LMAOROG, Poor Buttercup

Slavery was first codified in 1641 in the Colonies

Yeah, Romans did it too Buttercup, ONLY the TRAITOROUS CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa however fired on the RED, WHITE AND BLUE UNION THOUGH!!
They figure native Indians in Northern hemisphere have been into slavery for something like 10,000 years.

Yes, in the US only the CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa were traitors too the Union however Cupcake -:)
My ancestors had nothing to do with the Civil War they were too busy playing around with sticks and dirt…
So NO, you can't point to a single time the CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history either Cupcake :)

How about this right wing example of limited Gov't and booming economy? Hint HK subsidizes it's housing 40%
Political correctness has never worked for the individual, the two cannot coexist... lol
We don't have any real freedom… Because of the socialism in our state it's called the deep state

Keep it up Buttercup as PROGRESS again leaves the CONservatives behind.

"Deep state" huh? :banana:
it's called the federal government…

Yet you Klowns claim to love the US Constitution *shaking head*
Federal government in the country or not one in the same, the constitution was supposed to protect us from the federal government.

Gawd you are IGNORANT. Hint the US Founders TRIED the Articles of Confederation but it failed and THEN they gave US the STRONG FEDERAL GOV'T US CONSTITUTION

The Federalists were a group of individuals that formed to support the ratification (passage) of the new federal Constitution in 1787. Federalists were united in their belief that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate to serve the needs of the country and a new government needed to be established that had greater powers at the national level.

....In every state, the Federalists skillfully argued their points and expressed their views in support of a strong national government. The Federalists were especially successful in using print media in both Massachusetts and New York to persuade voters on the need for a new Constitution.

...In addition to foreign threats, the Federalists believed that the weak confederation government under the Articles also encouraged fighting between the states that seemed to be in constant competition with one other. In Federalist Number 6, Alexander Hamilton argued that, 'A man must be far gone in Utopian speculation who can seriously doubt that...the subdivisions into which they might be thrown would be frequent and violent contests with each other.'
Federalists: Definition, Arguments & Views - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Shell shock? LMAOROG

But there was not a world war one?

US was still shell shocked, which is why they elected FDR in 1932, when WW 1 ended in 1919 Cupcake :eusa_dance:
Yes the Americans wanted their security and their white picket fences... and they thought the nanny state was the way to go. Now we're paying for it with debt that is too large to pay. Try to keep up fester you're falling behind… lol

I'm done with you ignorant b*stard :(

Hint debt is thanks to nearly 40 years of GOP policy (trickle down)

Political correctness has never worked for the individual, the two cannot coexist... lol
We don't have any real freedom… Because of the socialism in our state it's called the deep state

Keep it up Buttercup as PROGRESS again leaves the CONservatives behind.

"Deep state" huh? :banana:
it's called the federal government…

Yet you Klowns claim to love the US Constitution *shaking head*
Federal government in the country or not one in the same, the constitution was supposed to protect us from the federal government.

Gawd you are IGNORANT. Hint the US Founders TRIED the Articles of Confederation but it failed and THEN they gave US the STRONG FEDERAL GOV'T US CONSTITUTION

The Federalists were a group of individuals that formed to support the ratification (passage) of the new federal Constitution in 1787. Federalists were united in their belief that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate to serve the needs of the country and a new government needed to be established that had greater powers at the national level.

....In every state, the Federalists skillfully argued their points and expressed their views in support of a strong national government. The Federalists were especially successful in using print media in both Massachusetts and New York to persuade voters on the need for a new Constitution.

...In addition to foreign threats, the Federalists believed that the weak confederation government under the Articles also encouraged fighting between the states that seemed to be in constant competition with one other. In Federalist Number 6, Alexander Hamilton argued that, 'A man must be far gone in Utopian speculation who can seriously doubt that...the subdivisions into which they might be thrown would be frequent and violent contests with each other.'
Federalists: Definition, Arguments & Views - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
Try to keep up fester, The federal government is not the friend of the country. The federal government is supposed to be working for the country… Too bad that is not happening.
But it's OK, :itsok:you can find your perfect nanny state in Europe if you want, right now they are reaping what they sow over there. Karma is a bitch
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Shell shock? LMAOROG

But there was not a world war one?

US was still shell shocked, which is why they elected FDR in 1932, when WW 1 ended in 1919 Cupcake :eusa_dance:
Yes the Americans wanted their security and their white picket fences... and they thought the nanny state was the way to go. Now we're paying for it with debt that is too large to pay. Try to keep up fester you're falling behind… lol

I'm done with you ignorant b*stard :(

Hint debt is thanks to nearly 40 years of GOP policy (trickle down)

Socialist entitlement programs are the source of our debt, it's like a principle that has never been touched. The nanny state cost far too much. The progressives federal government cannot live with in their means to save their life... The debt happens to be north of $225 trillion dollars. Far too large to ever pay off.

Fester you're disappointing me… Try and keep up. LOL
No one's been crueler to the Indian nations than the progressive socialist. Fact

Got it Cupcake, Andy Jackson was a "progressive", LMAOROG

There's a lot worse things than dying, destroying the dignity of group of people from the nanny state is much, much worse.
Come up here and look at the pine ridge reservation if you want to see socialism at its best.... The nanny state/affirmative-action/political correctness/hand outs is destroying the Indian nations without a shot.

So NO, you can't point to a single time the CONservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history either Cupcake :)

How about this right wing example of limited Gov't and booming economy? Hint HK subsidizes it's housing 40%
Political correctness has never worked for the individual, the two cannot coexist... lol
We don't have any real freedom… Because of the socialism in our state it's called the deep state

Keep it up Buttercup as PROGRESS again leaves the CONservatives behind.

"Deep state" huh? :banana:

Only you would throw a temper tantrum..

Shell shock? LMAOROG

But there was not a world war one?

US was still shell shocked, which is why they elected FDR in 1932, when WW 1 ended in 1919 Cupcake :eusa_dance:
Yes the Americans wanted their security and their white picket fences... and they thought the nanny state was the way to go. Now we're paying for it with debt that is too large to pay. Try to keep up fester you're falling behind… lol

I'm done with you ignorant b*stard :(

Hint debt is thanks to nearly 40 years of GOP policy (trickle down)

Socialist entitlement programs are the source of our debt, it's like a principle that has never been touched. The nanny state cost far too much. The progressives federal government cannot live with in their means to save their life... The debt happens to be north of $225 trillion dollars. Far too large to ever pay off.

Fester you're disappointing me… Try and keep up. LOL

Wingnutter "math" huh Cupcake? Like gutting taxes will bring in more revenues? lol
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government
Not a libertarian either, I really don't fit in any real category but that is the way it is. I use reason and logic not propaganda.

BS Buttercup, you're WAY right on economics and NEVER are honest, nor use logic/reasoning or you'd get the article linked!

Article from your link? Read your propaganda, that's all it is, sorry nutter.

Yes Cupcake show how you use that logic/reasoning :)


Poor little dummy, you think your propaganda needs to be discussed? Lol! Start a thread on it dummy.

Sorry Buttercup, if ALL you have are right wing memes, why do you respond to threads at all?
What meme did I post shit head?
Show me ANYONE who "deserves" hundreds of millions a year Buttercup?

Only an idiot would want to subsidize Corps that don't want to pay living wages AS they gut those "job creators" taxes even lower than they are today, which are the lowest sustained effective tax rate since before the GOP's first great depression!
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks
Show me ANYONE who "deserves" hundreds of millions a year Buttercup?

Only an idiot would want to subsidize Corps that don't want to pay living wages AS they gut those "job creators" taxes even lower than they are today, which are the lowest sustained effective tax rate since before the GOP's first great depression!
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks

"This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic..."

PLEASE show me that in the Constitution Buttercup?



FDR was a dictator, the fucking cripple pushed his will on the country that was shellshocked from the war.

You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Funny how they love the guy that wouldn't let public unions have collective bargaining, the guy that shipped US citizens into interment camps, opposed anti-lynching legislation, snubbing Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, he denied 936 Jewish refugees boarding on to a boat and be granted asylum. However because he is a Democrat, he is revered by the left wing nut jobs.
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks

"This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic..."

PLEASE show me that in the Constitution Buttercup?



FDR was a dictator, the fucking cripple pushed his will on the country that was shellshocked from the war.

You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Funny how they love the guy that wouldn't let public unions have collective bargaining, the guy that shipped US citizens into interment camps, opposed anti-lynching legislation, snubbing Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, he denied 936 Jewish refugees boarding on to a boat and be granted asylum. However because he is a Democrat, he is revered by the left wing nut jobs.
Why in the world would the American people vote for FDR if he was that evil? And they voted for him four times, and as someone said the people would still be voting for him had he lived. Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents and in the last rating rated FDR, America's greatest president. Maybe the Great Depression and World War are something people had to live through?
A true military axiom in most cases
Indeed. Thank you.
we don't have a military constitution. We have a civil Constitution with specific, limiting terms.
Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution provides Congress authority to raise and support Armies and to provide and maintain a Navy. There are absolutely no limits on that. It is at the complete and total discretion of Congress and the Commander in Chief.
Defense may not be confused with offense.
Your wishes may not be confused with facts and reality.
Why in the world would the American people vote for FDR if he was that evil?
Good grief are you one of the ultimate simpletons....
“The second feature I dislike, and strongly dislike, is the abandonment in every instance of the principle of rotation in office, and most particularly in the case of the President. Reason and experience tell us that the first magistrate will always be reelected if he may be reelected. He is then an officer for life.”

– Thomas Jefferson in a letter to James Madison, 1787

Excerpt From: Andrew M. Allison. “The Real Thomas Jefferson: The True Story of America's Philosopher of Freedom.” iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.
Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents
That's not even remotely true. Left-wing nut-jobs with an agenda have generally "rated" him as one of the top three presidents.

True historians rarely have him in the top 15. Both left-wing UCLA and his own left-wing Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthua Jr. are on record stating his policies created the Great Depression. With out the unconstitutional, tyrannical actions of FDR - the Great Depression is nothing more than the Temporary Recession.
Yes, Clinton gave US good, well performing loans with his change in CRA
And then - according to you - George W. Bush came along and collapsed the entire housing market with his policies. Proving yet again that socialism never works. That government intervention in the free market always creates collapse and ends in failure.


Sorry Cupcake, Dubya's policies as far as Gov't was causing F/F to go BK, it was his willful "market self regulate" BS that ALLOWED the Banksters to use their PREDATORY practices to hose US, again
Snowflake...you already got bent over my knee. Take your paddling like a good little boy and just go to your room sobbing. You were caught contradicting yourself. Time to let the adults talk now - ok?
IF CONservative/GOP policy is followed as it has been for 40+ years the US will look like a 3rd world nation in 60 years, the rich behind gated communities, MANY poor and a very small middle class Cupcake!
See the keyword there - my fragile little snowflake? I've highlighted in red for you (ask an adult for help). While you attempt to fantasize about scenarios - I provide real world scenarios we've actually lived through (otherwise known as facts).

Idiotic left-wing policy was (not "if" - was) followed for 65 years in Detroit and it took a thriving, booming American city and turned it into a third-world shit-hole. The entire city had to file for bankruptcy. That's what left-wing idiotic socialism does. It creates collapse, poverty, and misery.

Dan is simply arguing the current casino capitalism practiced in the US is unsustainable for the bottom 95% of US
The system is not "unsustainable". What you're really saying is that 95% of left-wing dimwits are too dumb, too lazy, and too selfish to succeed in it.

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