Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

the US should go more socialist and regulatory than unbridled casino/vulture capitalism that keeps requiring the bailouts of private markets AFTER they hose US!
You just unequivocally proved two things...

A. The U.S. is not operating under capitalism. Government "bailouts" of private corporations is pure socialism.


B. Socialism always fails. You admit that the government keeps bailing out "private" corporations. Which means that not only are we operating under failed socialism, but that socialism doesn't work since we have to keep resorting to bailouts.

You elected the Ass Clown because...
...the only other choice was the corrupt, pathological liar, and bigger "ass clown" - Hitlery Clinton.

Thankfully, President Trump has delivered on every promise he made and is truly Making America GREAT Again.

It's something you fragile little snowflake simply cannot deal with. If America isn't in poverty and misery like it was under Barack Insane Obama, then everyone in the world is not "equal" in poverty and misery and it drives you fragile little snowflakes crazy.
You elected the Ass Clown because...
...the only other choice was the corrupt, pathological liar, and bigger "ass clown" - Hitlery Clinton.

Thankfully, President Trump has delivered on every promise he made and is truly Making America GREAT Again.

It's something you fragile little snowflake simply cannot deal with. If America isn't in poverty and misery like it was under Barack Insane Obama, then everyone in the world is not "equal" in poverty and misery and it drives you fragile little snowflakes crazy.

Don't give me that bullshit you had 16 other GOP candidates to choose from. Several of them much more competent and qualified than Trump--and none of them would have provided this DAILY comedy T.V. reality show called the Trump administration that looks to be headed right toward impeachment.

You voted on emotion that was stirred up by right wing talk show hosts--that continually attacked "Establishment Republicans"-over the last 7 years---basically eating their own, while continually violating Reagan's 11th commandment "thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican--for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks. And never once did they give you a basic civics lesson.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

I was one of those former Republicans that were sending out the warnings on Trump--and was kicked off of every single Republican facebook page out there because of it. Why? Because of ignorance & emotion. Here is a great article on this--funny but very true--read it all the way to the bottom.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not


You're first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, you're second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the Oval Office.

Now you've bought the big one, and you're going to pay for it in 2018. Trump is going to obliterate the Republican party. The Republican party might as well be put on an endangered species list right now.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. It's going to be a weapon they'll use for decades to come.
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BS Buttercup, you're WAY right on economics and NEVER are honest, nor use logic/reasoning or you'd get the article linked!

Article from your link? Read your propaganda, that's all it is, sorry nutter.

Yes Cupcake show how you use that logic/reasoning :)


Poor little dummy, you think your propaganda needs to be discussed? Lol! Start a thread on it dummy.

Sorry Buttercup, if ALL you have are right wing memes, why do you respond to threads at all?
What meme did I post shit head?

Your last 3 posts here Cupcake :(
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks
This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic... The federal government does not have a morality to determine what anyone gets paid it should be a states issue...
Owners of companies are the ones that take all the risks

"This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic..."

PLEASE show me that in the Constitution Buttercup?



FDR was a dictator, the fucking cripple pushed his will on the country that was shellshocked from the war.

You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Funny how they love the guy that wouldn't let public unions have collective bargaining, the guy that shipped US citizens into interment camps, opposed anti-lynching legislation, snubbing Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, he denied 936 Jewish refugees boarding on to a boat and be granted asylum. However because he is a Democrat, he is revered by the left wing nut jobs.

BECAUSE he was a Dem Cupcake? No context in ANY of those things you mention? Or the FACT that FDR gave US min wage, labor laws, right to organize, 40 hour weeks, stopped the CONservatives/GOP great depression, fought and won WW2, etc?



"I did not choose the tools with which I must work,
" FDR explained. "Had I been permitted to choose them, I would have selected quite different ones. But I've got to get legislation passed by Congress to save America. The Southerners [...] occupy strategic places on most of the Senate and House committees. If I come out for the anti-lynching bill now, they will block every bill I ask Congress to pass to keep America from collapsing. I just can't take that risk." FDR

Try context Buttercup :(

Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents
That's not even remotely true. Left-wing nut-jobs with an agenda have generally "rated" him as one of the top three presidents.

True historians rarely have him in the top 15. Both left-wing UCLA and his own left-wing Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthua Jr. are on record stating his policies created the Great Depression. With out the unconstitutional, tyrannical actions of FDR - the Great Depression is nothing more than the Temporary Recession.



Debunking the "FDR Failed" Myth

The first four years of FDR's presidency, after the economy stabilized in his first months in 1933, saw uninterrupted job growth and spectacular growth in GDP, which rose between 8.9 and 12% in each of those years.

Production rocketed by 44 percent in the first three months of the New Deal and, by December 1936, had completely recovered to surpass its 1929 peak. It [GDP] stabilized in 1933, and then soared by 10.8 percent, 8.9 percent and 12.0 percent, respectively, in 1934, 1935 and 1936. Real GDP surpassed its 1929 peak in 1936 and never again fell below it. After-tax personal income, consumer spending, real private investment and jobs all reached or surpassed their 1929 peaks by late 1936.

Did the massive regulatory schemes which FDR passed hurt the recovery? (Back to Sirota:)

According to Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, "Only with the New Deal's rehabilitation of the financial system in 1933-35 did the economy begin its slow emergence from the Great Depression." In fact, even famed conservative economist Milton Friedman admitted that the New Deal's Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was "the structural change most conducive to monetary stability since ... the Civil War."
Do historians "pretty much agree" that FDR prolonged the Depression or made it worse? (Sirota:)

As Newsweek's Daniel Gross reports, "One would be very hard-pressed to find a serious professional historian who believes that the New Deal prolonged the Depression."
Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents
That's not even remotely true. Left-wing nut-jobs with an agenda have generally "rated" him as one of the top three presidents.

True historians rarely have him in the top 15. Both left-wing UCLA and his own left-wing Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthua Jr. are on record stating his policies created the Great Depression. With out the unconstitutional, tyrannical actions of FDR - the Great Depression is nothing more than the Temporary Recession.

polled 91 presidential historians
Here is the full ranking of US presidents from the latest survey, which you can read more about at this link.

President 2017 ranking 2009 2000
Abraham Lincoln 1 1 1
George Washington 2 2 3
Franklin D. Roosevelt 3 3 2
Theodore Roosevelt 4 4 4
Dwight D. Eisenhower 5 8 9
The best US presidents, as ranked by presidential historians

Rankings by Liberals and Conservatives
Rank Liberals (n = 190) Conservatives (n = 50)
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
2 Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington
3 George Washington Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, Clinton gave US good, well performing loans with his change in CRA
And then - according to you - George W. Bush came along and collapsed the entire housing market with his policies. Proving yet again that socialism never works. That government intervention in the free market always creates collapse and ends in failure.


Sorry Cupcake, Dubya's policies as far as Gov't was causing F/F to go BK, it was his willful "market self regulate" BS that ALLOWED the Banksters to use their PREDATORY practices to hose US, again
Snowflake...you already got bent over my knee. Take your paddling like a good little boy and just go to your room sobbing. You were caught contradicting yourself. Time to let the adults talk now - ok?

Got it Cupcake, you live in right wing alt universe where real facts, data, science and history aren't allowed :)
Sure Cupcake, explain which law required the 5 investment banks (all gone today) to enter this subprime craze Buttercup? Oops
I already did snowflake - it was called the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act.



Janet Yellin, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco recently made this point, saying "Most of the loans made by depository institutions examined under the CRA have not been higher-priced loans, and studies have shown that the CRA has increased the volume of responsible lending to low- and moderate-income households." And a recent study by Traiger & Hinckley LLP (See also the addendum).

CRA is not perfect. It doesn't cover a substantial portion of the financial services landscape.

No, Larry, CRA Didn’t Cause the Sub-Prime Mess

President George W. Bush's further pressure for homeownership, which included substantial pressure on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to purchase loans, in particular low-documentation loans, was dubious policy, but cannot be blamed on CRA. In 2006, the height of the sub-prime boom, almost two-thirds of the high-cost loans made were for purposes other than the purchase of a home by an owner-occupant -- they were mostly refinancings to extract equity. But even this overstates the case against homeownership. As the Center for Responsible Lending has demonstrated, between 1998 and 2006, only about 9 percent of sub-prime loans went to first-time homebuyers.

Note also that CRA applies only to banks and savings institutions ("thrifts").

It does not apply
to credit unions, independent mortgage companies, or investment banks

Don't Blame the Community Reinvestment Act

IF CONservative/GOP policy is followed as it has been for 40+ years the US will look like a 3rd world nation in 60 years, the rich behind gated communities, MANY poor and a very small middle class Cupcake!
See the keyword there - my fragile little snowflake? I've highlighted in red for you (ask an adult for help). While you attempt to fantasize about scenarios - I provide real world scenarios we've actually lived through (otherwise known as facts).

Idiotic left-wing policy was (not "if" - was) followed for 65 years in Detroit and it took a thriving, booming American city and turned it into a third-world shit-hole. The entire city had to file for bankruptcy. That's what left-wing idiotic socialism does. It creates collapse, poverty, and misery.


Yes because in idiot right wing world local policy dooms large cities hurt by de-industrialization and tax cuts for "Job creators" that outsource jobs to China/Mexico *shaking head*
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government

Logic vs emotion?

So I guess when someone like Steve_McGarrett on USMB, premier conservative Trump supporter, posts his racist anti-semitic tirades,

and some on the left react with disgust or anger or ridicule,

HE is being logical, and those who react are being emotional?
"This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic..."

PLEASE show me that in the Constitution Buttercup?



FDR was a dictator, the fucking cripple pushed his will on the country that was shellshocked from the war.

You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Funny how they love the guy that wouldn't let public unions have collective bargaining, the guy that shipped US citizens into interment camps, opposed anti-lynching legislation, snubbing Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, he denied 936 Jewish refugees boarding on to a boat and be granted asylum. However because he is a Democrat, he is revered by the left wing nut jobs.

BECAUSE he was a Dem Cupcake? No context in ANY of those things you mention? Or the FACT that FDR gave US min wage, labor laws, right to organize, 40 hour weeks, stopped the CONservatives/GOP great depression, fought and won WW2, etc?



"I did not choose the tools with which I must work,
" FDR explained. "Had I been permitted to choose them, I would have selected quite different ones. But I've got to get legislation passed by Congress to save America. The Southerners [...] occupy strategic places on most of the Senate and House committees. If I come out for the anti-lynching bill now, they will block every bill I ask Congress to pass to keep America from collapsing. I just can't take that risk." FDR

Try context Buttercup :(


Oh good, a blog is what you are going by, no freakin bias there! Lol!

See, you justified everything he did, had he been a Republican you would have been pissed, thanks for proving my point, dummy.
"This is supposed to be a capitalist Republic..."

PLEASE show me that in the Constitution Buttercup?



FDR was a dictator, the fucking cripple pushed his will on the country that was shellshocked from the war.

You mean the guy elected 4 times as Prez???
Shell shock and ignorance elected him, his presidency expedited the distraction of this country. Woodrow Wilson started it along with Theodore Roosevelt he just hurried it along. We are still playing paying for his debt... lol

Funny how they love the guy that wouldn't let public unions have collective bargaining, the guy that shipped US citizens into interment camps, opposed anti-lynching legislation, snubbing Olympic gold medalist Jesse Owens, he denied 936 Jewish refugees boarding on to a boat and be granted asylum. However because he is a Democrat, he is revered by the left wing nut jobs.

BECAUSE he was a Dem Cupcake? No context in ANY of those things you mention? Or the FACT that FDR gave US min wage, labor laws, right to organize, 40 hour weeks, stopped the CONservatives/GOP great depression, fought and won WW2, etc?



"I did not choose the tools with which I must work,
" FDR explained. "Had I been permitted to choose them, I would have selected quite different ones. But I've got to get legislation passed by Congress to save America. The Southerners [...] occupy strategic places on most of the Senate and House committees. If I come out for the anti-lynching bill now, they will block every bill I ask Congress to pass to keep America from collapsing. I just can't take that risk." FDR

Try context Buttercup :(

Try to keep up fester, more government is a bad thing
Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents
That's not even remotely true. Left-wing nut-jobs with an agenda have generally "rated" him as one of the top three presidents.

True historians rarely have him in the top 15. Both left-wing UCLA and his own left-wing Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthua Jr. are on record stating his policies created the Great Depression. With out the unconstitutional, tyrannical actions of FDR - the Great Depression is nothing more than the Temporary Recession.



Debunking the "FDR Failed" Myth

The first four years of FDR's presidency, after the economy stabilized in his first months in 1933, saw uninterrupted job growth and spectacular growth in GDP, which rose between 8.9 and 12% in each of those years.

Production rocketed by 44 percent in the first three months of the New Deal and, by December 1936, had completely recovered to surpass its 1929 peak. It [GDP] stabilized in 1933, and then soared by 10.8 percent, 8.9 percent and 12.0 percent, respectively, in 1934, 1935 and 1936. Real GDP surpassed its 1929 peak in 1936 and never again fell below it. After-tax personal income, consumer spending, real private investment and jobs all reached or surpassed their 1929 peaks by late 1936.

Did the massive regulatory schemes which FDR passed hurt the recovery? (Back to Sirota:)

According to Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, "Only with the New Deal's rehabilitation of the financial system in 1933-35 did the economy begin its slow emergence from the Great Depression." In fact, even famed conservative economist Milton Friedman admitted that the New Deal's Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. was "the structural change most conducive to monetary stability since ... the Civil War."
Do historians "pretty much agree" that FDR prolonged the Depression or made it worse? (Sirota:)

As Newsweek's Daniel Gross reports, "One would be very hard-pressed to find a serious professional historian who believes that the New Deal prolonged the Depression."
FDR was a dictator, because of the circumstance the country was in it was excepted unfortunately. We are paying for his debt to this day... more government is always a bad thing
Historians have always rated FDR as one of the top three presidents
That's not even remotely true. Left-wing nut-jobs with an agenda have generally "rated" him as one of the top three presidents.

True historians rarely have him in the top 15. Both left-wing UCLA and his own left-wing Secretary of State, Henry Morgenthua Jr. are on record stating his policies created the Great Depression. With out the unconstitutional, tyrannical actions of FDR - the Great Depression is nothing more than the Temporary Recession.

polled 91 presidential historians
Here is the full ranking of US presidents from the latest survey, which you can read more about at this link.

President 2017 ranking 2009 2000
Abraham Lincoln 1 1 1
George Washington 2 2 3
Franklin D. Roosevelt 3 3 2
Theodore Roosevelt 4 4 4
Dwight D. Eisenhower 5 8 9
The best US presidents, as ranked by presidential historians

Rankings by Liberals and Conservatives
Rank Liberals (n = 190) Conservatives (n = 50)
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln
2 Franklin D. Roosevelt George Washington
3 George Washington Franklin D. Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

Bad source, try to keep up fester.
You're talking out of your ass
Any quote the right wing wants to use for economics or the law; is better applied by the left, not the right.

don't believe me, "bring it on".

Bring what on? Can you be specific on what part of Jeffersons quotes did you find to be propaganda. Please use the quote and show me, unless that is to difficult for you.
Any quote you care to cite. It really is that simple. If the right wing is using it, it is just, propaganda and rhetoric.

Sure do, go back into this thread where you stated it was propaganda, they are right before where several posts asked you for clarification, however if you are going to choose to dismiss it and claim your silly lame excuse, then don't bother. It seems you don't like in depth conversation and prefer cliches.
just talk, right winger; "bring it on", i love to practice having more than just repeal.

So go back and let me know instead of crying bring it on. You seriously have nothing that is why you won't go back and pull the quotes and deal with it.
re-state your alleged argument, right winger.

y'all usually just have, red herrings and other forms of diversions, like begging the question; which, are usually considered fallacies, to begin with.
Sorry Cupcake, your CONservative utopia already exists elsewhere also, why not go join them in the 3rd world where the rich live behind walls, have a very small middle class and a HUGE poor population Buttercup

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

Venezuela? That is a blue state. Cuba? Another blue state.

Red states, blue states both side revel in propaganda and nutters fail in line.

Sure Cupcake, sure. NOT that Venezuela relies on oil (prices dropped 50%+) for 95% of it's exports and about 55% of GDP *shaking head*

Cuba? Oh right that dictators nation. Why doesn't the right love them, they seem to love ALL the others? Must be because 100% of it's people of H/C, 97% literacy rate, 100% free higher education :)

I don't know why the right loves or hates any country, you'd have to ask them. Not sure why the left loves or hates any nation either. Cuba seems to be the mecca of education, look at all the great minds that are coming from Cuba. Cuba isn't exactly the type of country I'd move to.

Your excuses aside, I would never live in a Scandinavian country, no real freedom, same with Venezuela and Cuba and most other nations.

As far as your article, at least you didn't disagree with my statement that is all propaganda.

Got it Cupcake a libertarian fool :(

Propaganda? Sorry Cupcake if you can't use reason and logic
Since the federal government disregards the 10th amendment anymore, that's where the problem lies. If we had more states rights the bad actors would be weeded out.
End the red tape of the 17th Amendment, right wingers.
Keep believing in myths and fairy tales Cupcake
It seems you have all of the answers? Enlighten and the rest of us?

I have, repeatedly Cupcake

One time CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

Or failing that how about the policy today's CONservatives (GOP) gave US that worked as promised the past 50 years?


Progressives cannot tolerate anyone that has a different opinion than them, by the way it seems to me the original racists were progressives.
Intolerance is the way of the progressive… Just proven by you

Sure they were Cupcake, Sure


No one's been crueler to the Indian nations than the progressive socialist. Fact
nope; it was just, illegals to federal law.

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