Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Hoover was "too lazy" to do anything; he Only believed in, laissez-faire.
In other words - Herbert Hoover recognized his limitation of powers, upheld the U.S. Constitution, and left the free market alone as it should be. Amazing how that baffles you.
Only because, the right wing Only applies it to the poor. the rich are too big to not bailout with the (other) peoples' tax monies.
1) Higher levels of CO2 are driving climate change, so lets go back to coal.
"Global Warming" doesn't exist, snowflake. Science has proven as much. So has history. It's why your left-wing masters were forced to rebrand it to "Climate Change". If only you dimwitted left-wing minions were bright enough to recognize this is proof that you were duped. :laugh:
Climate Change deniers => dumber than shit.

Science has not proved it does not exist. You are a lying stupid person who would condemn his future generations to a more difficult life because he loves hos political party more than his family.

It was called Global Warming. Global Warming is a type of Climate Change. When it was called Global Warming, you asshats had a freaking fit every day it was cold.

No you are the retard who played hooky in the 2nd grade to eat lead paint and missed the subject when they were talking about ice age and stuff..news flash the climate always changes..

"The climate always changes". Wow,. What a great argument. The climate always changes therefore, according to you, it is not possible for man to affect change. Are you really that stupid? Evidently you & your orange POS are this stupid.

I don't believe anyone is trying to say that the fact that the climate is inherently not static means that it's not possible for mankind to affect change. If anything, it seems much more that the other side is insisting that the fact that the climate changes constitutes proof that mankind IS responsible.
It's much easier to teach A man fish then give them fish every time they need it... The nanny state never has worked and never will work for the good of the people.

Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right EVER have?

How about ONE TIME CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

OR give me 3 policies GOP gave US that worked as promised last 50 years?

Nanny state huh? Yeah, Europe is horrible right?
The GOP establishment are progressives. shit for brains
And Europe is a fucking nanny state and a fucking shit hole… Jack weed

Yet Europe has great freedoms and the happiest people on the planets. If they are a shithole that's about the best we have.

Yes, Europe is such a wonderful utopia . . . so when are you moving?

Didn't say I was.

Kinda my point. WHY haven't you been telling us all about your exciting plans to move to the glorious utopia that you ABSOLUTELY INSIST we must replicate here, fuck everyone who doesn't want it?

And by the way, I'm pretty sure you knew that was the point, and you somehow think that looking blank and going, "Duhh, I didn't understand what you were saying" is going to be a brilliant debate ploy. But okay, if you want to present yourself as someone who has to have everything spelled out in crayon with short words, we can do that too.
Yes, Europe is such a wonderful utopia . . . so when are you moving?
Didn't say I was.
Kinda my point. WHY haven't you been telling us all about your exciting plans to move to the glorious utopia that you ABSOLUTELY INSIST we must replicate here, fuck everyone who doesn't want it?
Bingo! I've been saying it for decades. Every place on Earth is soooooo much better than the U.S. according to progressives - yet they never move there. That says it all.
Climate Change deniers => dumber than shit. Science has not proved it does not exist.
This one is going to sting a bit, RealDick...

The science is overwhelming - "Global Warming" is a scam. History has proven it. Science has proven it. Data has proven it. Facts have proven it.
According to a study by Martin Brandt et al., published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution in May, 36% of the continent of Africa became greener over the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011, while only 11% became “less green.” Interestingly, the researchers found the increased greening was “driven” by higher carbon-dioxide levels and precipitation, and the decreased greening was largely a result of humans cutting down vegetation.
New study about Africa is terrible news for climate-change alarmists
Okay, since people spend way too much time "communicating" in buzz words and memes and basically just end up talking past each other because we can no longer agree on - or even understand - what words mean, let's be extremely clear about the terms and what's ACTUALLY believed.

Very specifically, I am not a "climate change denier". What I am is someone for whom CATASTROPHIC ANTHROPOGENIC GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE has not been proven sufficiently to warrant the extreme measures being advocated and the subsequent harmful effects to human society that would accompany them.

To break this down further for those with limited vocabularies and thinking skills, I am completely onboard with the idea that the climate changes, and is going to change in the future. My points of contention are: 1) that the climate is necessarily changing in a way that is catastrophic, 2) that this change is inherently anthropogenic, ie. specifically and primarily caused by human activity, 3) that the policies being advocated will overwhelmingly counter said catastrophic change, and 4) that the results of these policies will be significantly more positive than the climate change, rather than being a case of the cure being worse than the disease.

Now, I am NOT saying that these things are necessarily 100% untrue. I AM saying that science has not proven them YET to enough of an extent to outweigh the possible, and highly likely, negative effects, and I will continue to resist being panicked and stampeded into decisions and actions on the subject until it does.

And finally, the only responses that are going to carry more weight than a puff of warm hydrogen are going to be reasoned, logical outlays of scientific fact. Name-calling and insults and hysteria in an attempt to bully me onto the defensive are just going to convince me that there aren't any reasoned, logical counter-arguments to be made.
Without false premises, distortions and lies what would the right EVER have?

How about ONE TIME CONservatives were EVER on the correct side of US history?

OR give me 3 policies GOP gave US that worked as promised last 50 years?

Nanny state huh? Yeah, Europe is horrible right?
The GOP establishment are progressives. shit for brains
And Europe is a fucking nanny state and a fucking shit hole… Jack weed

Yet Europe has great freedoms and the happiest people on the planets. If they are a shithole that's about the best we have.

Yes, Europe is such a wonderful utopia . . . so when are you moving?

Didn't say I was.

Kinda my point. WHY haven't you been telling us all about your exciting plans to move to the glorious utopia that you ABSOLUTELY INSIST we must replicate here, fuck everyone who doesn't want it?

And by the way, I'm pretty sure you knew that was the point, and you somehow think that looking blank and going, "Duhh, I didn't understand what you were saying" is going to be a brilliant debate ploy. But okay, if you want to present yourself as someone who has to have everything spelled out in crayon with short words, we can do that too.


Spot on!
Climate Change deniers => dumber than shit. Science has not proved it does not exist.
This one is going to sting a bit, RealDick...

The science is overwhelming - "Global Warming" is a scam. History has proven it. Science has proven it. Data has proven it. Facts have proven it.
According to a study by Martin Brandt et al., published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution in May, 36% of the continent of Africa became greener over the 20-year period from 1992 to 2011, while only 11% became “less green.” Interestingly, the researchers found the increased greening was “driven” by higher carbon-dioxide levels and precipitation, and the decreased greening was largely a result of humans cutting down vegetation.
New study about Africa is terrible news for climate-change alarmists

Why is it greener? Did the climate change? Dipstick.
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government

abortion much?
Why is it greener? Did the climate change? Dipstick.
Yeah...dumb-ass. The climate constantly changes. Or did the dinosaurs cause the Ice Age because they developed the combustion engine with emissions? :laugh:

You are such a mindless little minion to your masters. :lmao:
Why is it greener? Did the climate change? Dipstick.
Yeah...dumb-ass. The climate constantly changes. Or did the dinosaurs cause the Ice Age because they developed the combustion engine with emissions? :laugh:

You are such a mindless little minion to your masters. :lmao:

My Master is science. Yours is a dumbass orange man

Look,dipstick, I have a suggestion. Don't argue against climate change by giving an example of climate change.

Now you just claimed that for dinosaurs to change the climate they needed to have invented the combustion engine admitting you think combustion engines - ie man made pollution - can change the environment. Did you take lessons from Trump's Muslim ban efforts?
Now you just claimed that for dinosaurs to change the climate they needed to have invented the combustion engine
No snowflake...I simply exposed your idiocy. That's why everyone is laughing right now and you're having a meltdown. The Ice Age was monumental "climate change" - and yet there wasn't a single item made by man that could impact it. Oops...

Seriously snowflake - how dumb do you look right now?
Now you just claimed that for dinosaurs to change the climate they needed to have invented the combustion engine
No snowflake...I simply exposed your idiocy. That's why everyone is laughing right now and you're having a meltdown. The Ice Age was monumental "climate change" - and yet there wasn't a single item made by man that could impact it. Oops...

Seriously snowflake - how dumb do you look right now?

There are other factors besides man, dipstick.

As for the ice age: What Triggers Ice Ages? — NOVA | PBS

Just because the climate can change without man does not mean man can't change it.
Just because the climate can change without man does not mean man can't change it.
It unequivocally proves that the climate constantly changes and that even before man, there were drastic shifts in the climate. We have not seen a single climate event that the world hasn't experienced before.

Facts...they are a bitch, uh? You reject them like you reject science.
Just because the climate can change without man does not mean man can't change it.
It unequivocally proves that the climate constantly changes and that even before man, there were drastic shifts in the climate. We have not seen a single climate event that the world hasn't experienced before.

Facts...they are a bitch, uh? You reject them like you reject science.
The bitch is you are too fricken dense to get it. Yes the climate changes due to a wide range of factors. One current factor is man & his spewing of carbon into the atmosphere.

You are sitting there claiming there are many factors going into one's weight - like exercise, food intake, type of food, genetics, etc & then claiming eating 5 pizzas a night can be the reason your ass is so fat.
Anyone who does not grasp the concept that more CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures is a moron.
And yet we had colder than normal temperatures in 2013 and 2014 and the polar ice-cap expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles). Oops...

CO2 is air dipshit (air that plants need to survive and thrive) - it no more causes warmer temperatures than more oxygen in the atmosphere does.

You've bought into the propaganda. Proof that you are a weak-minded simpleton.
Anyone who does not grasp the concept that more CO2 => More greenhouse effect => warmer temperatures is a moron.
And yet we had colder than normal temperatures in 2013 and 2014 and the polar ice-cap expanded 60% (over 900,000 sq. miles). Oops...

CO2 is air dipshit (air that plants need to survive and thrive) - it no more causes warmer temperatures than more oxygen in the atmosphere does.

You've bought into the propaganda. Proof that you are a weak-minded simpleton.
Global warming does not mean every fucking day of the year is warmer. My God you are dumber than shit. Polar ice caps expand in the winter.

Yes CO2 is in the atmosphere. Yes plants need it to survive. That does not mean too much can't create problems with climate change.

8 of the hottest years on record have been in the last ten years.

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