Right wing anti-semitism: a question

The right wing always needs a boogy-man

Prior to WWII...it was the jews
Post WWII...it was the commies

Now they want us to fear Muslims and Mexicans

Muslims who are terrorists and illegal immigrants who shouldn't get the benefits of US citizens.
Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily since then to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional momentum within small right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why has the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, and pushed it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. The money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups and propaganda dried up. Antisemitism no longer had a populist mouthpiece on the Right, and it slowly started to wane.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism would continue to lack main stream institutional support. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?
I think you are correct that Israel's position in the cold war did contribute to the lessening of antisemitism in American. However, I think there was a far greater influence. As Rabbi pointed out, antisemitism was associated with Nazism during WWII. The civil rights movement pushed the country to become more excepting of other cultures. Compared to the 20th century, I see very little antisemitism in the US. Today, my grandkids would have no idea why people would hate Jews, Muslims, Blacks, or any culture. I think this is one of the most positive things about 21st century, being more accepting of people for who they are as opposed to their race, religion, or culture.
The right wing always needs a boogy-man

Prior to WWII...it was the jews
Post WWII...it was the commies

Now they want us to fear Muslims and Mexicans

Muslims who are terrorists and illegal immigrants who shouldn't get the benefits of US citizens.

Muslims who want to build mosques and Mexicans who all look alike
The right wing always needs a boogy-man

Prior to WWII...it was the jews
Post WWII...it was the commies

Now they want us to fear Muslims and Mexicans

You are correct. We should give up fearing Muslims and Mexicans and just grope grandma. That's the ticket. :lol::lol::lol:
Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily since then to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional momentum within small right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why has the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, and pushed it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. The money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups and propaganda dried up. Antisemitism no longer had a populist mouthpiece on the Right, and it slowly started to wane.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism would continue to lack main stream institutional support. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?
Is there a point to your post?
BTW you should be more concerned about what's going on the "Empire"..looks to me like the UK is going Muslim.
Have a nice day!
It hasn't been purged...watch Glen Beck's show. It lives.

All you have to do is ignore facts and redefine antisemitism.
Antisemitism is like racism...you look down on people or use them as tools...Beck has used Jews as tools.
Now you will get proof and post it here. Or you can take your commentary and cram it in the tailpipe of your motor scooter.
The right wing always needs a boogy-man

Prior to WWII...it was the jews
Post WWII...it was the commies

Now they want us to fear Muslims and Mexicans

Muslims who are terrorists and illegal immigrants who shouldn't get the benefits of US citizens.

Muslims who want to build mosques and Mexicans who all look alike
Mexicans all look alike?....That's a very racist statement.
BTW, there is nothing racist about rejecting illegal immigration or illegal immigrants.
You lefties will not succeed in your attempt to equate "illegal immigrant" with "Latino" for political advantage.
You lefties will not succeed in your attempt to equate "illegal immigrant" with "Latino" for political advantage.

I agree that the Left wants to drive a wedge between the Republicans and the fasting growing minority. FYI: Rove actually had a very enlightened, if Machiavellian, amnesty strategy in order to move Latinos Right, but he was blocked by the hard right. [FYI #2: Rove's strategy was part of a much wider goal to grow the Republican Party. Rove understood that the old white male conservative base was shrinking (even in places like Virginia), and so the party needed to broaden its demographics. This is partly why Bush created the "Ownership Society", and, in so doing, attempted to expand minority home ownership. He was following Thatcher's model. The theory is this: once people have a large, expensive asset -- something that gets taxed -- they are more likely to oppose state power and join the Republicans]

Back to the point: I agree with you, but just because the Left has a corrupt interest in separating Latinos from the Right, we shouldn't overlook the fact that non-whites are a problem for portions of the right. [I've read your stuff and you seem like you can handle some nuance]

The far Right's attack on multiculturalism stems in part from their deep history of White Racial Nationalism.

Read Patrick Buchanan's "Immigration Reform or Racial Purity".

"The Burning issue here has almost nothing to do with economics, almost everything to do with race and ethnicity. If British subjects, fleeing a depressing, were pouring into this country through Canada, there would be few alarms.

The Central objection to the present flood of illegals is that they are not english-speaking white people from western Europe; they are black and brown people from Mexico, Latin America, and the Caribbean"

That is to say: the problem isn't the illegal part but race. Why is the problem one of race?

"The US is receiving a never-ending mass immigration of non-Western Peoples, leading inexorably to white minority-status in the coming decades, while a race-based cultural-diversity is attacking the legitimacy of Western Culture."

Again: it's called White Racial Nationalism, and it reflects a belief that Latinos cannot, by definition, become Real Americans any more than Jews could become Real Germans during the interwar period.

The Right cannot disown White Racial Nationalism anymore than the Left can disown value relativism.
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Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional support amongst right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why did the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, pushing it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. Suffice it to say, the money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups dried up. Antisemitic elements within right wing punditry was reigned in.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism was again marginalized. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy jewish conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?

They were not "purged". They were marginalized. A certain number of Christians believe the Jews killed Jesus. They probably do not know many if any Jews. They dislike Jews on religious grounds and believe they are evil. There are another set of republicans including myself that just don't like Jews in general. This has nothing to do with thier religion. There are exceptions of course but I find most Jews to be rude, pushy, arrogant, pro Israel over the interests of the USA, stupidly convinced they are Gods chosen people, whiners, believe the holocost gives them special consideration, IMO weak ass punks that loaded thier own women and children onto cattle cars rather than fight to the death on thier own doorways, too stupid or cowardly to kill Hitler, selfish in that they had a lot of personal wealth in Germany but rather than spend it to buy arms or put together and finance a plan they individually horded thier assets and even tried to take jewels and gold with them thinking they could individually bribe thier way to freedom. To many these may seem like trivial complaints. To Jews these are stupid complaints. That is because I am Irish and those things matter to me. If my people are opressed we take the fight to the enemy any way we can..even if we are dirt poor. Many think what the IRA did was outrageous bombing the English...I was down with it 100%. If the Jews had done the same in Germany they would have lost a few thousand but saved millions. They just didn't have the heart. I want to say I don't hate Jews..I just do not respect them. They are not worth dying for. If they were not willing to sacrifice some of their own lives and wealth to take a stand in Europe Sooo...I have to agree them and with the truth of what they were willing to do or not to survive.

OK I spelled it out. I am not looking for debate on these points... I don't want to hear excuses why a man will put his child on a cattle car headed for an extermination camp. I don't want to hear "They didn't know". Fuck that bullshit. When a man with a gun or several men with guns come to your house to throw you out in the street and take your property you are supposed take out the guns you have purchased and kill as many as possible before you get killed..you hand out the weapons to all of your relatives including the children and tell them to be brave and kill as many of the bastards as they can.. you already have your house booby trapped to kill the germans trespassing on your property after you are dead. If your neighbors are worth shit they will also get out thier guns and kill as many German soldiers as THEY can. Then you take the Germans vehicles and thier uniforms and you drive them right back to headquarters loaded with explosives and blow up as many as you can. And you keep killing German soldiers until they are dead or you are. Any other action is not tolorable. Any other action is cowardice. If you load your family on a cattle car..PISS ON YOU!!!

I know ..the Jews will not understand why I am so unwilling to cut them slack on these issues. AND that is the difference between them and me. I expect more from them than they are willing or capable of doing for themselves. Let the British or anyone try and round up the Irish and load them onto cattle cars.. It would be a cold day in hell before that would ever happen. We Irish would do to the British or whoever a 9/11 every fucking day.. What do you think a 747 cargo plane full of explosives would do? Rig it for remote control. Buckingham? Rubble.. Every institution they care about ..Rubble..

If I were a Jew I would be embarrassed to live in Israel. I would to this day be avenging what the Germans and the Austrians and the Poles did to my people. It would NEVER be over. I would be in Europe with my fellow Jews that had any balls and have Bombed every former Nazi or Nazi sympathiser that was responsible. AND we wouldn't stop until they all got blown to smitherines and the Government gave back all confiscated property to my fellow Jews. Then those of us that were left would live proudly in our own homes with our heads held high and damn to hell any "good German" that didn't like it! Then if we wanted to do something like Israel..OK but not they way it is... as a refugee camp.. ya its nicer than most..but that is truly what it is. It is not a testament to the strength of the Jews but to thier weakness. Again..the Jews that read this will not get it. I am OK with that. I don't expect you to. You are much better suited to being victims.

Israel.. Would the conditions surrounding Israel be tolorated anywhere else on the planet? No of course not. Yet for some reason we must make excuses for these people. Oh ya it's the Arabs... It's all thier fault! The Arabs are damn near cave men. They are a hundred years from donkeys and camels as thier main form of transportation. Israel could clean that area up and everyone could be living peaceably and prosperously if the Jews wanted it so. They have the strength to make it so but not the courage or the wisdom.

Maybe the track I folllowed is better left unsaid.. off topic because by Christ we have to tippy toe around the god damned Jews.

Anti semetic? Maybe.. I prefer to think of it as anti asshole. There are a hell of a lot of people that see it my way but don't want the grief of saying so.. I don't blame them. The weak fuckers aren't worth arguing about.
Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional support amongst right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why did the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, pushing it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. Suffice it to say, the money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups dried up. Antisemitic elements within right wing punditry was reigned in.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism was again marginalized. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy jewish conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?

They were not "purged". They were marginalized. A certain number of Christians believe the Jews killed Jesus. They probably do not know many if any Jews. They dislike Jews on religious grounds and believe they are evil. There are another set of republicans including myself that just don't like Jews in general. This has nothing to do with thier religion. There are exceptions of course but I find most Jews to be rude, pushy, arrogant, pro Israel over the interests of the USA, stupidly convinced they are Gods chosen people, whiners, believe the holocost gives them special consideration, IMO weak ass punks that loaded thier own women and children onto cattle cars rather than fight to the death on thier own doorways, too stupid or cowardly to kill Hitler, selfish in that they had a lot of personal wealth in Germany but rather than spend it to buy arms or put together and finance a plan they individually horded thier assets and even tried to take jewels and gold with them thinking they could individually bribe thier way to freedom. To many these may seem like trivial complaints. To Jews these are stupid complaints. That is because I am Irish and those things matter to me. If my people are opressed we take the fight to the enemy any way we can..even if we are dirt poor. Many think what the IRA did was outrageous bombing the English...I was down with it 100%. If the Jews had done the same in Germany they would have lost a few thousand but saved millions. They just didn't have the heart. I want to say I don't hate Jews..I just do not respect them. They are not worth dying for. If they were not willing to sacrifice some of their own lives and wealth to take a stand in Europe Sooo...I have to agree them and with the truth of what they were willing to do or not to survive.

OK I spelled it out. I am not looking for debate on these points... I don't want to hear excuses why a man will put his child on a cattle car headed for an extermination camp. I don't want to hear "They didn't know". Fuck that bullshit. When a man with a gun or several men with guns come to your house to throw you out in the street and take your property you are supposed take out the guns you have purchased and kill as many as possible before you get killed..you hand out the weapons to all of your relatives including the children and tell them to be brave and kill as many of the bastards as they can.. you already have your house booby trapped to kill the germans trespassing on your property after you are dead. If your neighbors are worth shit they will also get out thier guns and kill as many German soldiers as THEY can. Then you take the Germans vehicles and thier uniforms and you drive them right back to headquarters loaded with explosives and blow up as many as you can. And you keep killing German soldiers until they are dead or you are. Any other action is not tolorable. Any other action is cowardice. If you load your family on a cattle car..PISS ON YOU!!!

I know ..the Jews will not understand why I am so unwilling to cut them slack on these issues. AND that is the difference between them and me. I expect more from them than they are willing or capable of doing for themselves. Let the British or anyone try and round up the Irish and load them onto cattle cars.. It would be a cold day in hell before that would ever happen. We Irish would do to the British or whoever a 9/11 every fucking day.. What do you think a 747 cargo plane full of explosives would do? Rig it for remote control. Buckingham? Rubble.. Every institution they care about ..Rubble..

If I were a Jew I would be embarrassed to live in Israel. I would to this day be avenging what the Germans and the Austrians and the Poles did to my people. It would NEVER be over. I would be in Europe with my fellow Jews that had any balls and have Bombed every former Nazi or Nazi sympathiser that was responsible. AND we wouldn't stop until they all got blown to smitherines and the Government gave back all confiscated property to my fellow Jews. Then those of us that were left would live proudly in our own homes with our heads held high and damn to hell any "good German" that didn't like it! Then if we wanted to do something like Israel..OK but not they way it is... as a refugee camp.. ya its nicer than most..but that is truly what it is. It is not a testament to the strength of the Jews but to thier weakness. Again..the Jews that read this will not get it. I am OK with that. I don't expect you to. You are much better suited to being victims.

Israel.. Would the conditions surrounding Israel be tolorated anywhere else on the planet? No of course not. Yet for some reason we must make excuses for these people. Oh ya it's the Arabs... It's all thier fault! The Arabs are damn near cave men. They are a hundred years from donkeys and camels as thier main form of transportation. Israel could clean that area up and everyone could be living peaceably and prosperously if the Jews wanted it so. They have the strength to make it so but not the courage or the wisdom.

Maybe the track I folllowed is better left unsaid.. off topic because by Christ we have to tippy toe around the god damned Jews.

Anti semetic? Maybe.. I prefer to think of it as anti asshole. There are a hell of a lot of people that see it my way but don't want the grief of saying so.. I don't blame them. The weak fuckers aren't worth arguing about.

The Jews existed inside Europe for 900 years and never assimilated, hording wealth for themselves, sharing it amongst themselves and practicing the same kind of intellectual elitism that so pisses off the right today.

They were never full citizens of the European nations they inhabited, nor are they full citizens of the US today in many cases. Often harboring dual citizenship and dual allegiances or worse.

Assimilation is the antidote to racism. Assimilate or make yourself a persecuted minority. And the Roma Gypsies have fared far worse than the Jews in the same period and place.

They also failed to assimilate.
Again: it's called White Racial Nationalism, and it reflects a belief that Latinos cannot, by definition, become Real Americans any more than Jews could become Real Germans during the interwar period.

I would love to have addressed more of your post, but time is pressing meanwhile:

Most Latinos in the US are not interested in becoming Americans. Just like most Jews in Europe spent 900 years retaining a distinct identity.

Press 4 for English, research La Raza, get back to me. And how does an ethnic minority spend 900 years living amongst europeans and never lose their separate identity as Arabs from 1000 miles to the south?

America is chock full of immigrants and almost all of them considered themselves Americans first within one generation. Very few retain distinctive ethnic identities for 100 much less 900 years. We intermarry, we assimilate, that's what makes us Americans. We don't continue to speak separate languages for centuries unless we are Latinos or Jews.

Think about it.
Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional support amongst right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why did the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, pushing it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. Suffice it to say, the money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups dried up. Antisemitic elements within right wing punditry was reigned in.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism was again marginalized. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy jewish conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?
Great piece, that explains a lot.
Henry Ford would role over in his grave if he knew his party had changed so.
Antisemitism in the US reached its apex between 1920-1940. It has shrunk steadily to about 14% of the population, and only has institutional support amongst right wing fringe groups, e.g., Christian Identity churches, Aryan-White Resistance, Klu Klux Klan, Holocaust Deniers, Liberty Lobby, and American Neo-Nazi organizations.

You will recall prominent right wing figures such Henry Ford and Father Coughlin suggesting that the New Deal was a Jewish financial conspiracy. This sentiment exists today on the far right, where we are told that a cabal of Jewish bankers secretly controls world finance. Of course we cannot forget Nixon's famous "liberal Jewish media".

My question: why did the main stream right abandoned antisemitic rhetoric, pushing it to the margins, where it thrives in a network of lesser groups, who are disowned when they bring bad press.

My answer is this: I think this shift away from antisemisitm can partly be explained by the importance of Israel during the Cold War. As Britain was shedding it's colonies (and thereby leaving the middle east), America began to compete for middle east geopolitical assets. Bringing the world's largest energy region under one's sphere of influence was vital to both SuperPowers. Suffice it to say, the money & weapons that started flowing from the US to Israel during the Cold was staggering. During this time, the corporate money that flowed into antisemitic groups dried up. Antisemitic elements within right wing punditry was reigned in.

After the Cold War ended, isolationist components on the Right urged the party to reduce funding for Israel (and Saudi Arabia), claiming that there was no longer a need to protect the region from Soviet domination. Enter the Neocons (many of them Jewish), who believed that the region's oil wealth was too important to ignore. They convinced the party to increase it's support of Israel, who became a chief asset in the War on Terrorism. For this reason antisemitism was again marginalized. It would remain on the fringes, where it would be used electorally, to mobilize uneducated people who wanted to take their country back from invisible demons and shadowy jewish conspiracies.

Why do you thing antisemitism was purged from the main stream right?

Londoner, same type of guy that helped round up the Jews, stereotyping people, yes follow the Democrat party, there are minorities in the Democrat party, but only as pawns, the Democrats attract the dumb and simple minded, what else explains that the only threads Democrats open are slurs, every thread starts with name calling, slander, the filthiest things they can get away with. I believe this is the same mentality of those who killed the Jews. It was not just Nazis and Germans who killed Jews, every group of people, every race, joined to kill Jews, they rounded them up.

The first thing all these people had in common is they stereotyped, we see example after example of this, say hello to the old Democrat party, those who fought for slavery, those who dropped the bomb on the Japs, the Democrats who carpet bombed Vietnam and fire bombed Tokyo and Japan.

Funny, Democrats are super rich. Carmel California, the rich Liberals here buy up all the land so that the illegal aliens they hire cannot live where the Liberals live.

Yes, be a Democrat, stereotype people, round up the Jews, fire bomb the Germans, cry about every war that does not happen on the Democrat's watch.

Imagine, Democrats are the side of Saddam Hussein, a mass murderer, used chemical weapons on the Kurds, on Iran. Too often in history there are these mad tyrants who are brutal murderers, what do the Democrats do, make excuses, how he was actually a good guy compared to those Saddam murdered.

Yes, Cons are anti-semitic, which makes the Libels Ghouls from Hell who embarrass the devil.
Anti-semites are generally deserving of being killed through declarations of war upon the fuckers e.g. the towelheads who hate israel.

Non-muzzies who are anti-semites should not be hunted down and killed (cos they are not necessarily terrorists) but should be removed from positions of power within politics and corporations. They should then be thrown into jail for their racism. Their assets should be sold off and the proceeds sent to Israel to help purchase weapons to bomb and kill Israel's terrorist muzzie enemies.

Long live Israel.
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Pretty comical & ironic post considering Londoners are the World's worst Anti-Semites. And they're mostly Left Wingers. I love message boards. :)

The World's worst Anti-Semites are now mostly Left Wingers. That's the truth.

Spoken like someone who's never been to the Middle East. Urban Brits and the left wing are the world's worst anti-semites? Get real.

Liberal American Jews are Uncle Toms for sure. Especially the Hollywood Liberal Jews. They have no shame at this point. It's very sad.

Amazing that you decry others for racism yet feel comfortable calling the majority of American Jews "Uncle Toms." Talk about no shame.

"If your political beliefs aren't tied first and foremost to the aggressive militarism of a foreign country, you're a self-hating traitor."

So according to your definition, are Alan Keyes and Michael Steele "Uncle Toms"? Or should you really just shut your mouth?

Anti-semites are generally deserving of being killed through declarations of war upon the fuckers e.g. the towelheads who hate israel.

Non-muzzies who are anti-semites should not be hunted down and killed (cos they are not necessarily terrorists) but should be removed from positions of power within politics and corporations. They should then be thrown into jail for their racism. Their assets should be sold off and the proceeds sent to Israel to help purchase weapons to bomb and kill Israel's terrorist muzzie enemies.

Long live Israel.

Lovely, let's decry anti-semitism and talk of jailing people "for their racism" while extolling the virtues of anti-Islamism and using only racial slurs to refer to an ethnic and religious group.

If only there were a mirror handy to hold up to your post.

Londoner, I have some quibbles with your explanation and you have some omissions, but on the whole it's a pretty accurate picture of what happened. I'd agree though that it's not necessarily purged. Many on the Christian Right are pro-Israel and ostensibly pro-Jewish only because they believe Israel must be under Jewish control when the Rapture comes so they can get their happy asses to Heaven and all the heathen Jews can burn in Hell, which I wouldn't really describe as an allied partnership. Not to mention the fact that Glenn Beck is succeeding at shifting the party's ideology so that his fringe views are the new "mainstream" of the right.
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