Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamics - the same

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)
I don't see much difference between them.
doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

how sick they list because you think abortion is murder, so that make you dangerous
or because you distrust this government, notice they say the united states government, not we the people's government?
we are in the 21 Century and women are on the same playing as a man and they are trying to claim they want women subservient...
this is evil propaganda to divide this country. fall for it at you own peril
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doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.
doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

how sick they list because you think abortion is murder, so that make you dangerous
or because you distrust this government, notice they say the united states government, not we the people's government?
we are in the 21 Century and women are on the same playing as a man and they are trying to claim they want women subservient...
this is evil propaganda to divide this country. fall for it at you own peril

Not every country woman and man is a radical fundamentalist...but they ARE out there. Do you deny it?
Don't be childish.

Just as the Polio epidemic was stopped by using a non-lethal strain of polio as a vaccination, so will Islamic fundamentalism be stopped by a strong and healthy RW/Evangelical/Christian community in America.

God knows we won't be able to count on you and your fellow travelers to stop creeping Jihad.
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Don't be childish.

Just as the Polio epidemic was stopped by using a non-lethal strain of poliuo as a vaccination, so will Islamic fundamentalism be stopped by a strong and healthy RW/Evangelical/Christian community in America.

God knows we won't be able to count on you and your fellow travelers to stop creeping Jihad.

Replacing one bunch of nutters with another bunch of nutters isn't what I would call progress.

YOU are a nutter and no different from Islamic nutters.
God's Warrior Twins

Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common

God's Warrior Twins Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common


There are some chilling parallels between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists. Both divide the world between believers and unbelievers, and by deciding for themselves who is saved and who is damned, they think that they can play God with our lives. Both have also declared war on the secular culture of liberal democracy, the most peaceful and prosperous means of social organization ever devised by humankind. They both reject the separation of church and state and would set up governments based on their own views of divine laws.

Of greatest concern, however, is the fundamentalist view of the violent end of the world. A common scenario is a great war in the Middle East in which the armies of God destroy the armies of Satan. Radical Muslims of course identify Israel and the US as the forces of evil, but Christian fundamentalists see Islam as the ultimate enemy. The horrifying implication is that the Jews, Muslims, and Christians of the Middle East will be the primary victims of this holocaust.

Some conservative Christians make yet another division: an ethnic one that declares that one culture is superior to all others. Michael Hill, founder of the League of the South, proposes that an independent neo-Confederacy of fifteen states would have the duty to protect the values of Anglo-Celtic culture from black Americans, who are "a compliant and deadly underclass." A key word for the League is “hierarchy,” the God-given right for superiors (read “white males”) to rule over inferiors.

Don't be childish.

Just as the Polio epidemic was stopped by using a non-lethal strain of poliuo as a vaccination, so will Islamic fundamentalism be stopped by a strong and healthy RW/Evangelical/Christian community in America.

God knows we won't be able to count on you and your fellow travelers to stop creeping Jihad.

Replacing one bunch of nutters with another bunch of nutters isn't what I would call progress.

YOU are a nutter and no different from Islamic nutters.

If you call me a nutter you'd call the Founding Fathers nutters, too.

That shows you in a correct light.

A cock-eyed cancer on America.
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

you are a Idiot
Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

Oppose equal rights for homosexuals.
Don’t trust the United States government.
Believe abortion is murder.
Want a nation based on theocracy.
Believe women should be subservient to men.
Think our education system should be based on religion instead of science.
Want to oppress the religious freedoms for every religion besides theirs.
Oppose access to contraceptives.
Aren’t opposed to a violent overthrow of the federal government.
- See more at: Right-Wing Christians, Radical Islamic Fundamentalists - They're Pretty Much Exactly the Same

More at the (progressive) link.

(Not Suitable For Fundie rw's.)

you are a Idiot

In a four word sentence, you crammed in four grammatical errors.
Certainly a new world record.
And he is the idiot?
I guess we'll consider the source.

In a four word sentence, you crammed in four grammatical errors.
Certainly a new world record.
And he is the idiot?
I guess we'll consider the source.

And every one of your posts I'd bet is a grammatically correct and beautiful failure because it represents a bankrupt set of ideals.

I'd take NLT's patriotism over your appearance of grammatical correctness any day.

Your posts are like Paris Hilton.

His posts are like Sarah Palin.

He can learn grammar.

You will never understand what made this country as great as it is.

All you want to do is indulge your Utopian fantasies and weaken America so that NLT and other Patriots will have no other recourse but to save it AND YOU.

You are like Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy.

He is like Ricky.
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God's Warrior Twins

Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common

God's Warrior Twins Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common


There are some chilling parallels between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists. Both divide the world between believers and unbelievers, and by deciding for themselves who is saved and who is damned, they think that they can play God with our lives. Both have also declared war on the secular culture of liberal democracy, the most peaceful and prosperous means of social organization ever devised by humankind. They both reject the separation of church and state and would set up governments based on their own views of divine laws.

Of greatest concern, however, is the fundamentalist view of the violent end of the world. A common scenario is a great war in the Middle East in which the armies of God destroy the armies of Satan. Radical Muslims of course identify Israel and the US as the forces of evil, but Christian fundamentalists see Islam as the ultimate enemy. The horrifying implication is that the Jews, Muslims, and Christians of the Middle East will be the primary victims of this holocaust.

Some conservative Christians make yet another division: an ethnic one that declares that one culture is superior to all others. Michael Hill, founder of the League of the South, proposes that an independent neo-Confederacy of fifteen states would have the duty to protect the values of Anglo-Celtic culture from black Americans, who are "a compliant and deadly underclass." A key word for the League is “hierarchy,” the God-given right for superiors (read “white males”) to rule over inferiors.


You silly little ditzes.

You'd better be glad there is a difference between you and us.

And even more glad there is a difference between US and Jihad.

You will all be in camps and hanging from nooses if not for US.

And the pity is you are too stupid to understand we are the only thing standing between you and your worst nightmare!

(slow, but intense)
Listen. Understand. That
Terminator is out there. It
can't be reasoned with, it can't
be bargained with...it doesn't
feel pity of remorse or fear...
and it absolutely will not stop.
Ever. Until you are dead.

From "The Terminator."

You might think of Islam in a similar way.

Don't believe me?

Consider the Hamas Covenant.

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with.
Last edited by a moderator:
God's Warrior Twins

Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common

God's Warrior Twins Christian & Islamic Fundamentalism have a lot in common


There are some chilling parallels between Christian and Islamic fundamentalists. Both divide the world between believers and unbelievers, and by deciding for themselves who is saved and who is damned, they think that they can play God with our lives. Both have also declared war on the secular culture of liberal democracy, the most peaceful and prosperous means of social organization ever devised by humankind. They both reject the separation of church and state and would set up governments based on their own views of divine laws.

Of greatest concern, however, is the fundamentalist view of the violent end of the world. A common scenario is a great war in the Middle East in which the armies of God destroy the armies of Satan. Radical Muslims of course identify Israel and the US as the forces of evil, but Christian fundamentalists see Islam as the ultimate enemy. The horrifying implication is that the Jews, Muslims, and Christians of the Middle East will be the primary victims of this holocaust.

Some conservative Christians make yet another division: an ethnic one that declares that one culture is superior to all others. Michael Hill, founder of the League of the South, proposes that an independent neo-Confederacy of fifteen states would have the duty to protect the values of Anglo-Celtic culture from black Americans, who are "a compliant and deadly underclass." A key word for the League is “hierarchy,” the God-given right for superiors (read “white males”) to rule over inferiors.


You silly little ditzes.

You'd better be glad there is a difference between you and us.

And even more glad there is a difference between US and Jihad.

You will all be in camps and hanging from nooses if not for US.

And the pity is you are too stupid to understand we are the only thing standing between you and your worst nightmare!

A great deal of the responsibility for what is happening falls at our own feet. The U.S. has this evangelical fantasy about itself, claiming exceptionalism that allows it to do all kinds of invasive things all over the planet, all for purposes that have been dubious, at best.
Whether we have made ourselves the self-proclaimed arbiter of good and evil like Bush did in his unjustified wars, or simply wanted covert influence over countries like we did in South America and Iran, the resentment to that kind of unwarranted infiltration into the affairs of other countries has led to a mounting resentment and finally a pushback. Islam was perfectly happy keeping their affairs and hatreds centered in the Middle East for centuries, but we have created an enemy by our invasive tactics, wanting Saudi oil more than we wanted a world at peace.
We are tying our own nooses.
What saddens me is those who call themselves Christians who don't even accept the central teachings of Christ...let alone follow them, including:
Tolerance of differences among people
"Love thy neighbor as thyself"
"Turn the other cheek"
"Love thine enemy"
Caring for the infirm, the ill and the poor.
"Judge ye not least ye be judged"

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
doesn't that sound so forward folks?

label your fellow countrymen and women terrorist, radical fundamentalist, etc

These people are getting dangerous (and it's not Christians I'm talking about)

you need to wake up to this progressive movement... they are sounding more like what Hitler did with Jews

ALMOST all they listed is a downright LIE but you see, progressives feels it's ok to lie for their AGENDA..WAKE UP

"The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country."

-Jerry Falwell

"AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharaoh's charioteers ... AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals."

-Jerry Falwell

I hope to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be.

-Jerry Falwell

There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the world.

-Pat Robertson

Throw a turban and a beard on the likes of Robertson and Falwell and the US could be a zipcode of Islamistan.... I mean Christian'istan.

I don't believe Robertson is that admired by most Christians....you're wasting your breath. Christians and Muslims do NOT have anything in common. But if you enjoy lying about it.....go right ahead.

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