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Right Wing Death Squad: Active duty Marine plotted to bomb DNC, murder blacks

That's from Flash. He's not the only one and you know it. So quit lying about how we are equal under the law.
While at the same time guilt-ridden white libs are practicing affirmative action AGAINST all white males in education, hiring and awarding government contracts
Superbadbrutha@Superbadbrutha I don't know superbad-------if you look at the videos of blacks burning down cities and looting, shooting everyone including one another, attacking people---segregation doesn't seem so bad....

I am honestly not as offended as I once was about the JIM CROW Laws....thanks to stories like the Tulsa massacre (the true story not the propaganda put out by the race pimps trying to make the criminal element look like victims when they weren't) and current stories of blacks rioting and attacking other people, I am thinking that the Jim Crow laws weren't blind prejudice but likely based on the attacks and support of criminals in the early 1900's as we are seeing now in the 2020's.

I'm a bellweather----as I see so do others.
So in other words you are just confirming that you are a racist POS. Can you tell me how many actual BLM members have been arrested for burning, looting or killing someone. See there are always individuals who take advantage of a situation and those criminals should be arrested. To try and change the massacre of black folks by white racist is a disgrace. You are a racist and you are looking for an excuse to try and explain why you are a racist.
I am confirming that actions have consequences.............attacking cities, supporting criminals, burning, looting, attacking people and extorting money is bound to make everyone hate you. Segregating the criminal element away from your family seems more than rational. Like everyone else, I believed the stories that Jim Crow were hateful based race---but it turns out that yes while based on race, that it was likely done because a certain race was aiding criminals and attacking towns. It makes more sense and certainly was not based on blind hate and prejudice as we were taught but because people wanted to protect their towns and families. I no longer see the Jim crow laws as evil-------the same group now attacking people and cities demanding violent criminals get a pass and extorting money from individuals and the government in only going make everyone again hate and want to segregate their stupidity and violence from everyone else. History is repeating itself.

I see black and other dem prosecutors NOT arresting the thousands of violent BLM and ANTI FA terrorizing cities and people DESPITE THE LAWS. These are not individuals but large groups terrorizing everyone else...."arresting" isn't really an option now is it City since the same groups have advocated for defunding the cops, attacking any cop who dares going after the criminals both physically and criminally.

To try to change the massacre of black folks? Are you trying to refer back to the Tulsa massacre? A story that is nothing but a fucking manipulative LIE. I went back and researched. Like now, violent black activists lead by the "hotel owner' that was actually a violent racist mobster attacked the cops and other people namely whites over a violent black criminal being arrested. These assholes, these black criminal assholes, murdered whites trying to get their criminal "hero" out of jail--the whites didn't attack the blacks----the blacks attacked them with the whites defending themselves and chasing the black MURDERERS back to the black mobsters turf aka NEGRO WALLSTREET (not BLACK WALLSTREET as even its name is subject to race pimps rewriting this fact) after the 2nd wave of attacks that night. You say that the white victims and law burned down the black mobster area that was hiding criminals and being used to launch attacks leading to the murder of whites? And you don't understand why they burned down the criminal infected area? Really? Or that the numbers of claimed dead by current black activist race pimps is nothing but made up propaganda as well.

You call me racist because I side with common sense and law over color and race propaganda? Tell you what I call you and every single one of your fellow idiots supporting the criminal element both then and now STUPID beyond repair. To stupid to understand the differences between racism and prejudice by the way...........and to Stupid and to prejudice to figure out that criminal blacks not only will get you hated by other people being victimizing by them but also to STupid to prejudice to also figure out that these Same criminal blacks that you support will victimize everyone including other blacks criminal and non-criminal alike. To stupid and to prejudice to learn, to stupid and to prejudice to tell the truth, to stupid and prejudice to even research for the truth, to stupid and to prejudice that you create your own problems in regards to race relations and crime and everything that you whine about.

Now I know that there are good and intelligent black people out there-----------You ain't one of them. So to them I apologize since I know that they realize the truth as well----------but to you idiot, there are always going to be people like me that hold TRUTH well above appeasing some moronic race pimp trying to make up shit in order to manipulate people.
Again, I am a bell weather----and I don't think that you really want to trigger more people like me who will go research and start slapping your morons upside the head with the truth especially in regards to yours group repeated love of criminals and your need to try to victimize and manipulate others.
The Gov't has done everything possible to STOP most of the racist practices, but they have done nothing to right the wrongs that were done..
The government should treat everyone the same

But thats all that you are entitled to

What happened on the past is in the past and has nothing to do with you today
I disagree, what happened in the past definitely has a bearing on today.
Get over it. You were never a fucking slave.
I never claimed I was a fucking slave, idiot.
Then quit fucking crying about it and claiming that slavery has affected you somehow.
We are not crying about it we are stating a fact. If the Holocaust has effected Jewish folks, how hard is it for your racist ass to comprehend that slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism has effected black folks today.
Well, there ya go, fucking crying about it...lol. You're the goddamned racist. Go ahead. Admit you hate white folks. Be honest for a change.
That's the new narrative of white racist, to try and label the folks who have suffered the most from racism as the racist. Smfh.
1. You haven't suffered jack shit...lol

2. There's no excuse to be a racist.
Blacks still suffer now. Shut the hell up.
It's suffering of their own making.
Turn black and then come tell us that.
That's from Flash. He's not the only one and you know it. So quit lying about how we are equal under the law.
While at the same time guilt-ridden white libs are practicing affirmative action AGAINST all white males in education, hiring and awarding government contracts
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
This will be Rubberized shortly so read now if you dare.

What is there to read? I've been saying all along for years that you people are CREATING these people with your own radical polarization of society. All this crap with Antifa, BLM, Occupy Wallstreet, harassing people for wearing a ballcap, throwing food at them, spitting on them, tying up whole communities ruining them, blocking traffic, shooting them while playing baseball, that if you kept this crap up you would sooner or later create a legion of these people, people who are EXPERTS in how to kill and with the means.

And they all have a very high consciousness for patriotic civic duty and self-sacrifice.

So what did you morons do? You kept it up, ramping up the volatility, propaganda and partisanship to 160 dB calling whole legions of society at a state level names like deplorables, these are the people you keep antagonizing and picking a fight with, so now don't come along looking all shocked and surprised now if there isn't a thousand, ten thousand, maybe millions of such people out there lurking eventually forced to action who have simply had it with the likes of the kooky radical Left as it has become totally off the rails.

You are literally creating the very legion of people you fear out of a need for self-defense that you keep telling us you consider a vile threat and are out to destroy as Enemy #1.


The problem with polarity is that it creates polar opposites.
I said basically the same thing last summer when the rioters starting running into people who are fed up with being pushed around and are fighting back. The left has been able to violently protest, riot, damage property and assault people for decades with minimal to no violent reaction from the right (because the right has trusted the government's law and order forces to do their jobs), but that is changing. Now, emerging on the right are people who have had just about enough of being blamed for every conceivable problem in society by people who are burning buildings, trashing cars and assaulting innocent bystanders. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I predict it's only going to get worse and more will die. Then, naturally, the left will wander around in a daze, wondering how did we ever get into this mess and having no idea of their own contributions to the situation.
The rioters were primarily white.
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with political ideology. There is a segment of society that has been accustomed to protesting and rioting to make political points with little to no pushback, and now another segment of society has just about had enough of seeing their businesses and property destroyed and people getting hurt. It will get uglier, more people will get hurt and more will die. It's the natural progression of things.
Turn black and then come tell us that.
Someone did way back during the 1950’s

He used blackface while he traveled through the darkest parts of the Jim Crow south

But he was already a flaming, guilt-ridden white liberal so he merely confirmed what he already thought

It was interesting reading however
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
I am confirming that actions have consequences..

Yes, 400 years of white racism by whites beginning when America was a colony until right now has it's consequences. The rest of your post is racist crap.
Thxs I was about to respond to that bullshit, but then I stopped reading after about the 2nd sentence. What is sad is her trying to justify being a racist POS.
This will be Rubberized shortly so read now if you dare.

What is there to read? I've been saying all along for years that you people are CREATING these people with your own radical polarization of society. All this crap with Antifa, BLM, Occupy Wallstreet, harassing people for wearing a ballcap, throwing food at them, spitting on them, tying up whole communities ruining them, blocking traffic, shooting them while playing baseball, that if you kept this crap up you would sooner or later create a legion of these people, people who are EXPERTS in how to kill and with the means.

And they all have a very high consciousness for patriotic civic duty and self-sacrifice.

So what did you morons do? You kept it up, ramping up the volatility, propaganda and partisanship to 160 dB calling whole legions of society at a state level names like deplorables, these are the people you keep antagonizing and picking a fight with, so now don't come along looking all shocked and surprised now if there isn't a thousand, ten thousand, maybe millions of such people out there lurking eventually forced to action who have simply had it with the likes of the kooky radical Left as it has become totally off the rails.

You are literally creating the very legion of people you fear out of a need for self-defense that you keep telling us you consider a vile threat and are out to destroy as Enemy #1.


The problem with polarity is that it creates polar opposites.
I said basically the same thing last summer when the rioters starting running into people who are fed up with being pushed around and are fighting back. The left has been able to violently protest, riot, damage property and assault people for decades with minimal to no violent reaction from the right (because the right has trusted the government's law and order forces to do their jobs), but that is changing. Now, emerging on the right are people who have had just about enough of being blamed for every conceivable problem in society by people who are burning buildings, trashing cars and assaulting innocent bystanders. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I predict it's only going to get worse and more will die. Then, naturally, the left will wander around in a daze, wondering how did we ever get into this mess and having no idea of their own contributions to the situation.
The rioters were primarily white.
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with political ideology. There is a segment of society that has been accustomed to protesting and rioting to make political points with little to no pushback, and now another segment of society has just about had enough of seeing their businesses and property destroyed and people getting hurt. It will get uglier, more people will get hurt and more will die. It's the natural progression of things.
How do you think we felt about enduring through slavery, enduring Jim Crow, having to endure racism and discrimination. You don’t know what the damn definition of endure is.
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.
That is why our law enforcement rightly considers right-wing domestic terrorism to be a real and growing threat.

It isn't a real or growing threat....you moron.....left wing terrorists burned and looted our cities for 7 months, murdered 48 americans wounded 400 police officers caused 2 billion in damage..........and the democrat party gives blm and antifa both financial and political cover....you moron.
This will be Rubberized shortly so read now if you dare.

What is there to read? I've been saying all along for years that you people are CREATING these people with your own radical polarization of society. All this crap with Antifa, BLM, Occupy Wallstreet, harassing people for wearing a ballcap, throwing food at them, spitting on them, tying up whole communities ruining them, blocking traffic, shooting them while playing baseball, that if you kept this crap up you would sooner or later create a legion of these people, people who are EXPERTS in how to kill and with the means.

And they all have a very high consciousness for patriotic civic duty and self-sacrifice.

So what did you morons do? You kept it up, ramping up the volatility, propaganda and partisanship to 160 dB calling whole legions of society at a state level names like deplorables, these are the people you keep antagonizing and picking a fight with, so now don't come along looking all shocked and surprised now if there isn't a thousand, ten thousand, maybe millions of such people out there lurking eventually forced to action who have simply had it with the likes of the kooky radical Left as it has become totally off the rails.

You are literally creating the very legion of people you fear out of a need for self-defense that you keep telling us you consider a vile threat and are out to destroy as Enemy #1.


The problem with polarity is that it creates polar opposites.
I said basically the same thing last summer when the rioters starting running into people who are fed up with being pushed around and are fighting back. The left has been able to violently protest, riot, damage property and assault people for decades with minimal to no violent reaction from the right (because the right has trusted the government's law and order forces to do their jobs), but that is changing. Now, emerging on the right are people who have had just about enough of being blamed for every conceivable problem in society by people who are burning buildings, trashing cars and assaulting innocent bystanders. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I predict it's only going to get worse and more will die. Then, naturally, the left will wander around in a daze, wondering how did we ever get into this mess and having no idea of their own contributions to the situation.
The rioters were primarily white.
It has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with political ideology. There is a segment of society that has been accustomed to protesting and rioting to make political points with little to no pushback, and now another segment of society has just about had enough of seeing their businesses and property destroyed and people getting hurt. It will get uglier, more people will get hurt and more will die. It's the natural progression of things.
How do you think we felt about enduring through slavery, enduring Jim Crow, having to endure racism and discrimination. You don’t know what the damn definition of endure is.

You didn't endure any of that.....

And with that history of slavery, racism, jim crow and current discrimination, you still vote for the democrat party......the party that did those things in the past and is currently openly discriminating against asian Americans and keeping blacks trapped in democrat party controlled cities....
I am confirming that actions have consequences..

Yes, 400 years of white racism by whites beginning when America was a colony until right now has it's consequences. The rest of your post is racist crap.
You have no clue ........NONE. White racism in the 1600's? What do you think Whites were doing in the 1600's here with blacks?

Are you babbling about CATHOLIC spaniards?
That's not happening and your post is a fine example of white victimhood.
You can’t target a black student for admission to a university for the sake of diversity without harming a white student who was denied admission
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.

Standardized test scores.....black children are trapped in the worst public schools because the democrat party controls the teachers unions.......so their test scores are the worst of all the race groups in the U.S.......
How do you know the black student wasn't more qualified than the white student or do you think being white automatically makes you right.
Qualified black students do not need a quota for admission

Its the less qualified black student that need the extra push

And that comes at the expense of a white student
I am confirming that actions have consequences..

Yes, 400 years of white racism by whites beginning when America was a colony until right now has it's consequences. The rest of your post is racist crap.
Thxs I was about to respond to that bullshit, but then I stopped reading after about the 2nd sentence. What is sad is her trying to justify being a racist POS.
Stick and stones.......

and oh btw, if you are looking for real racists abusing other people, you may want to look in the mirror.
‘The trio seemed to be preparing for a full-blown race war. Their goals were laid out in group chats underneath exhortations such as, “WISDOM: WE CAN ACCELERATE TODAY FOR A NEW WORLD TOMORROW,” and, “SP**CS AND NI***RS NEED TO HANG FROM TREES,” the warrant states. In one conversation, Garfield allegedly wrote, “Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.” In another, he discussed assassinating Arkansas state Sen. Stephanie Flowers, who is Black.

“Just fucking McVeigh the DNC,” Garfield, who boasted of his Atomwaffen connections, wrote in one message.’ ibid

“Racism isn’t real, whites are the only humans.”

Sounds just like one of our own USMB rightists.
So a guy wrote some stuff, but he didnt actually commit an act of violence? I wish all of our criminals were like this. Imagine how much safer black neighborhoods would be.
Yea....let's ignore guys like this until they do another Oklahoma bombing attack
How about concentrating on people who are actively committing crime? The biggest threat anyone faces is black males. Whatever the second biggest threat is, its WAAAYYY the fuck behind black violence. We should be trying to get rid of black culture so these problems go away.
No, tje biggest theat is white males. The numbers show this. Whites commit the most violence on an annual basis. So if you want to concentrate on who is committing crime, whites lead in 27 out of the 30 categories on crime annually. That inludes violent crime.
the biggest threat to you is not sickness accidents drugs obesity ect ... nope the biggest threat to you is other black males ...blacks are the only demographic with that stat ! the only ones ! lie and deny all you want racist but the truth is the truth and you know it ! when you walk down the street alone you arent worried about a white racist attacking you .....nope ! you are thinking about a black man attacking you ! and you know it racist !

violent crime is segregated.

Black on black and white on white

The biggest threat to white people is other white people. Especially people they know.

That is FACT
That is only true when there arent black people around. If you are by a black stranger and a white stranger, you are 8 times more likely to be murdered by the black guy.
And you got that statistic from....................where?
From the department of justice. Take a look at the numbers, then break them down by percentages and you will find this result.
I've broken down the numbers numerous times, the result is that whites committ more crime. You can't face that so you use probability based on chances per 100,000 people. Because there are more whites, per capita is going to be lower, but if you only use participants in crime and leave non participants out because they are not committing crimes, 70 percent of the people participating in crime are white. If you divide the numbers of participants in crime against the US population, then you create the actual percentage of the population who participate in crime. Hence you end up with an accurate assessment of the number and percentage of people who actually participate in crime. It is the most accurate measurement because I can't blame you for being a criminal if you aren't one, yet that is what you and the other racist scrubs do by arguing per capita. And even then, the number per 100,000 is low and does not indicate the extreme black crime problem you pussie bitch about daily.
Black folks are policed around 40% more than whites. Crime rates are only a reflection of that fact and not of black folks generally. The “white crime rate” would soar if that dynamic were reversed.
The Gov't has done everything possible to STOP most of the racist practices, but they have done nothing to right the wrongs that were done..
The government should treat everyone the same

But thats all that you are entitled to

What happened on the past is in the past and has nothing to do with you today
I disagree, what happened in the past definitely has a bearing on today.
Get over it. You were never a fucking slave.
I never claimed I was a fucking slave, idiot.
Then quit fucking crying about it and claiming that slavery has affected you somehow.
We are not crying about it we are stating a fact. If the Holocaust has effected Jewish folks, how hard is it for your racist ass to comprehend that slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism has effected black folks today.
Well, there ya go, fucking crying about it...lol. You're the goddamned racist. Go ahead. Admit you hate white folks. Be honest for a change.
That's the new narrative of white racist, to try and label the folks who have suffered the most from racism as the racist. Smfh.
1. You haven't suffered jack shit...lol

2. There's no excuse to be a racist.
Blacks still suffer now. Shut the hell up.
It's suffering of their own making.
Turn black and then come tell us that.
The Gov't has done everything possible to STOP most of the racist practices, but they have done nothing to right the wrongs that were done..
The government should treat everyone the same

But thats all that you are entitled to

What happened on the past is in the past and has nothing to do with you today
I disagree, what happened in the past definitely has a bearing on today.
Get over it. You were never a fucking slave.
I never claimed I was a fucking slave, idiot.
Then quit fucking crying about it and claiming that slavery has affected you somehow.
We are not crying about it we are stating a fact. If the Holocaust has effected Jewish folks, how hard is it for your racist ass to comprehend that slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and racism has effected black folks today.
Well, there ya go, fucking crying about it...lol. You're the goddamned racist. Go ahead. Admit you hate white folks. Be honest for a change.
That's the new narrative of white racist, to try and label the folks who have suffered the most from racism as the racist. Smfh.
1. You haven't suffered jack shit...lol

2. There's no excuse to be a racist.
Blacks still suffer now. Shut the hell up.
It's suffering of their own making.
Turn black and then come tell us that.
I'll stay white and tell you that because it's true.

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