Right-Wing Hypocrites Now WANT Judicial Activism

Always a different story when the shoe is on the other foot.
Yeah, it seems that way - Right-Wingers have been bitching about what they consider Judicial Activism for years.

Now they flip-flop and embrace it.

You have no principles other than acquiring power.

So that means you think that the Judges are going to make their own laws on these law suites, rather than if it's Constitutional?
No, it appears that Republicans think that the Judges are going to make their own laws on these law suites, rather than if it's Constitutional.

Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

You'll find it wherever it authorizes Executive Orders.

Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

You'll find it wherever it authorizes Executive Orders.

wherever it authorizes Executive Orders?

Oh I see, The Communist Manifesto.


Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

You'll find it wherever it authorizes Executive Orders.

wherever it authorizes Executive Orders?

Oh I see, The Communist Manifesto.

If you're stumped, just admit it.
We're sticking with the Reid "NO Filibuster" too, right
Get it right: no filibusters on judicial nominations.

No judicial nominations while obama is in office.

Americans need to just come straight out and tell it like it is. obama is out of business. His cult is illegitimate, and his influence on US government is over.

He still gets to sleep in the big house and ha still gets to use the jets and helicopters, but he will not have any appointments confirmed and his budgets will be reduced to absolute minimums.

Of course in the mean time, we'll be pressing forward looking for effective evidence to impeach him. But we can't accept a resignation, because Joe Biden will never be the President of the United States.

Unless of course, Biden were to actually produce evidence which resulted in the removal of obama... THEN ... perhaps, we might see our way clear to let him move into the basement of the big house. Maybe.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
The Constitution is the law, which he has violated many times.
Nope. Sorry.

Where's the House Bill that strips all these Executive Powers away from the presidency? You won't see one because Republicans like that power when they have the White House. Bush abused Executive Orders more than anyone, and the Right didn't make a peep.
You're such a f-ing sycophant.

President Obama s Top 10 Constitutional Violations Of 2013 - Forbes

Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

You'll find it wherever it authorizes Executive Orders.

wherever it authorizes Executive Orders?

Oh I see, The Communist Manifesto.

If you're stumped, just admit it.

You are the one who is fucking stump, couldn't identify one single CONSTITUTIONAL 91787) proviso authorizing the scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy
WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.
In the same way, they also rely on judges and the courts to put bank robbers in jail, instead of hoping that legislators will vote on every case and (maybe) help the robbers beat the rap.

And why? Because the bank robbers broke clearly established law, and deserve to have court judgments go against them.

Similarly, the congressmen who voted for Obamacare, deserve to have court judgments go against them, too, because THEY broke clearly established law. Particularly the law that was ratified on June 21, 1788, and has never been repealed or modified to let the US government run a health care plan.

Don't like it, lobbies? Tough. Don't pass unconstitutional (i.e. illegal) legislation.

Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

You'll find it wherever it authorizes Executive Orders.

wherever it authorizes Executive Orders?

Oh I see, The Communist Manifesto.

If you're stumped, just admit it.

You are the one who is fucking stump, couldn't identify one single CONSTITUTIONAL 91787) proviso authorizing the scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy
I ignored your bullshit because 'aggressive' is subjective, and your opinion.

He gets the power to do these Executive Orders from the same Constitution that gave Bush the power to do his Executive Orders.

Rewinding again to the previous administration, here are several examples of EOs signed by President Bush regarding the implementation of laws:

--Further Amendments to Executive Orders 12139 and 12949 in Light of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act of 2008

--Waiver Under the Trade Act of 1974 with Respect to Turkmenistan

--Assigning Foreign Affairs Functions and Implementing the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and the Tropical Forest Conservation Act

--Delegation of Certain Authorities and Assignment of Certain Functions Under the Trade Act of 2002

This list doesn't include Bush's 140 signing statements, nor does it include the list the 750 laws which the Bush administration claimed it had the power to entirely disregard.

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, "whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research

GOP Continues Push for Frivolous Obama Lawsuit Despite History of Executive Orders Bob Cesca

What else ya got, dope?

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