Right-Wing Hypocrites Now WANT Judicial Activism

The wingnuts are unhinged.
The wingnuts are unhinged because they are using the same tactics the Democrats made available for themselves when they were in control and making the rules?
It's not that our Republican friends want judicial activism. It's that they want the courts to strike down the individual mandate because apparently it wasn't fair that a black liberal got it passed before they did. And thanks to Ted Cruz's little stunt before Xmas, the courts are going to be stacked with Obama-friendly judges for years to come.

The Republicans can dream though.
A power the legislative branch has is to unseat federal judges if they can get the votes. I don't know the requirements for number of votes. This is will help keep the judicial branch in check like it was intended to. It was done once under Bush. I suspect well it done more frequently with new congress over the years.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
The Constitution is the law, which he has violated many times.
To be fair, the Right's judicial activism started in the 70s, when they created think tanks and legal groups dedicated to the cause of changing America.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
The Constitution is the law, which he has violated many times.
Nope. Sorry.

Where's the House Bill that strips all these Executive Powers away from the presidency? You won't see one because Republicans like that power when they have the White House. Bush abused Executive Orders more than anyone, and the Right didn't make a peep.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
The Constitution is the law, which he has violated many times.
Nope. Sorry.

Where's the House Bill that strips all these Executive Powers away from the presidency? You won't see one because Republicans like that power when they have the White House. Bush abused Executive Orders more than anyone, and the Right didn't make a peep.

So the Administration can throw you in prison without a trial because Congress hasn't passed a bill saying he can't?
To be fair, the Right's judicial activism started in the 70s, when they created think tanks and legal groups dedicated to the cause of changing America.

There hasn't been any judicial activism from conservative justices.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

How can they win in the Legislative body when Obama goes around it? Normalization with Cuba is a good example. Over a year of secret talkes and pushing it through during the holidays. Everything Obama does is in secret or involves documents that no one has read, or you need a team of lawyers to understand.
So will the courts be creating policy? or interpreting the legality of Obams actions?

Normalization with Cuba

Congrats Obama...
Always a different story when the shoe is on the other foot.
Yeah, it seems that way - Right-Wingers have been bitching about what they consider Judicial Activism for years.

Now they flip-flop and embrace it.

You have no principles other than acquiring power.

"DO AS WE SAY, NOT AS WE DO"... because we don't LIKE to taste our OWN MEDICINE.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.

It's a birther/10ther/sovereign shitizen disease these days to accuse our President of having violated the law and his oath, yadayadyada....
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

When you have a president that violates the law and his oath to insure that the laws are faithfully executed and commiecrats in congress that think nothing about violating their oath to support and defend the Constitution and won't vote to impeach the bastard, the courts are the only avenue left.
He hasn't violated the law, no matter how many times Mark Levin screeches that he has.
The Constitution is the law, which he has violated many times.
Nope. Sorry.

Where's the House Bill that strips all these Executive Powers away from the presidency? You won't see one because Republicans like that power when they have the White House. Bush abused Executive Orders more than anyone, and the Right didn't make a peep.

So the Administration can throw you in prison without a trial because Congress hasn't passed a bill saying he can't?

Guantanamo Bay. Bush. 2001-2009. Nuff said.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

How can they win in the Legislative body when Obama goes around it? Normalization with Cuba is a good example. Over a year of secret talkes and pushing it through during the holidays. Everything Obama does is in secret or involves documents that no one has read, or you need a team of lawyers to understand.
So will the courts be creating policy? or interpreting the legality of Obams actions?

Normalization with Cuba

Congrats Obama...

Cuba is an itty-bitty country. Communism throughout most of the world is completely dead.
Cuba possesses no serious weapons to aim at the USA..

Cuba has been harmless for a long time.

Obama did a very practical thing.
G.O.P. Turns to the Courts to Aid Agenda

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.

On health care, Republicans in Washington have sued the president and joined state lawsuits urging the Supreme Court to declare major parts of the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. On climate change, state attorneys general and coal industry groups are urging federal courts to block the president’s plan to regulate power plants. And on immigration, conservative lawmakers and state officials have demanded that federal judges overturn Mr. Obama’s plan to prevent millions of deportations.

Democrats say the legal moves reflect a convenient turnabout for the Republican Party and a newfound willingness to seek an active role for the judiciary when it benefits conservative policy goals.

“What they cannot win in the legislative body, they now seek and hope to achieve through judicial activism,” said Representative Gerald E. Connolly, Democrat of Virginia. “That is such delicious irony, it makes one’s head spin.”

How can they win in the Legislative body when Obama goes around it? Normalization with Cuba is a good example. Over a year of secret talkes and pushing it through during the holidays. Everything Obama does is in secret or involves documents that no one has read, or you need a team of lawyers to understand.
So will the courts be creating policy? or interpreting the legality of Obams actions?

Normalization with Cuba

Congrats Obama...

Congratulations, wether you think its right or wrong, its the type of thing there should be a vote on. Whats congress for anyway?

Are they asking for judicial activisim or exercising our right to stand our ground?

WASHINGTON — As Republicans prepare to take full control of Congress on Tuesday, the party’s leaders are counting on judges, not their newly elected majority on Capitol Hill, to roll back President Obama’s aggressive second-term agenda and block his executive actions on health care, climate change and immigration.[/quote]

Can you idention by article section and clause the Constitutional proviso's which authorize the Scumbag-in-chief to

a) take aggressive agendas
b) take action on health care other than ABOLISHING medicaid/medicare
c)climate change
d) immigration control other than allowing each individual SOVEREIGN state to determine its immigration policy

How can they win in the Legislative body when Obama goes around it? Normalization with Cuba is a good example.
What makes you think he needs Congress to normalize relations (to the small degree that he has) with Cuba?

Show me the law.

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