Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

I'm not wasting time with your dumb ass either. If the governor of California says he does not have a National Emergency, the president cannot will one on him.
Just as the governor of California cannot control who comes into his state from Mexico. The feds do that and if someone isn't legally entitled to enter he or she may not do so.
Newsom and his largely illegal base can go pound sand.

Donald Trump could then ask Congress for a Declaration of War, but he has no constitutional jurisdiction to dictate to California.
Straw man. I haven't claimed otherwise.

Your questions will all be answered in the links provided. If you're too lazy to read, your side will ultimately lose because Donald Trump cannot disagree with the governors of states and impose his will. Let me rephrase: He cannot do it constitutionally - which is why the governors are telling him to go pound sand.
A few are, like Lujan -Grisham of New Mexico. That's for the voters of New Mexico to rectify. The other governors not at all.
Border security is a very strong issue that will sweep Trump back into office, among others.
Suck on that, greedy turncoat.

Your claim is groundless. The American people in all the affected states willingly do business with the foreigners. You may perceive it as insanity, but when the public is willingly hiring, renting to, buying from and otherwise doing business with those foreigners, you don't have a case. Wanting to punish those Americans who do engage in free trade with them shows your true colors.
Yes. I moved from one of these sanctuary counties in California and I've seen all the native American workers displaced and put out of business. Don't talk to me about "true colors" you shitbag!

You hold the flag in one hand spouting your "good American values" and talk of the Constitution while you stick a knife in the back of American taxpayers and workers with the other. You sound like those asshole Chamber of Commerce republicans whose first and only allegiance is to their own bank account.
Finally you identify yourself and where your interests lie and it's enough to make someone puke.

There are solutions and remedies, but if you are not informed and educated, bumper sticker solutions aren't going to get you anywhere. Enjoy this election cycle because you are going to cost the Republicans the next one and then you will have NO RECOURSE and a bunch of pissed off third worlders.
I think not you greedy coward.

I know you are an uneducated moron regardless of the insults you hurl at me.

First off, you don't have a damn clue about me. I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils, but when he violated the Constitution on three counts with his bump stock ban, he lost all my support.

When I make honest observations, it doesn't make me greedy. It makes me realistic. There are jobs where I live where, with minimal skills, you can make $25 to $30 an hour for as many hours as you want to work. People on welfare, Social Security, disability, etc. cannot afford to pay you a surgeon's wages for shit like cutting grass, building a simple deck or painting a couple or rooms. They damn sure don't want to lose their homes because Americans want to lay on their ass and draw a government check because the job pays them $75 or more an hour - and doesn't require a skill set.

I'm telling your dumb ass I know that a problem exists. I'm telling dumb asses that think like you had they not gotten involved, we had this won. Your strategies are wrong. Your strategies are killing this country AND not leaving the next generation a way to resist tyranny.

I don't give a fuck what you think about me because you're not the kind of guy that does around spewing your erroneous bullshit in public. I do speak out in public. I do get tired of people like you not knowing who the opposition is, what's wrong with your legal arguments, and most of all your laziness in not studying your opposition. Hell, you're so stupid you don't even study your own history. You're worse than a traitor. At least when a traitor sells his country out, he's not like you. He understands WHY he's doing it.

The same can't be said for you. You're so much of a dolt, you don't even realize who you might be sharing a foxhole with if the SHTF... then again, you won't have the balls to fight. You're too lazy to even read.

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

American Citizen, or U.S. citizen?
Here is a picture of a Trump rally with hundreds, if not thousands of supporters. It took me seconds to find.

View attachment 259634

FUnny, how different that looks from a normal white supremacist rally.


Weird how different they look. Strange how the neo nazis themselves can't get more than a few dozens, while Trump, supposedly drawing on them as a based, gets thousands...



Back in the 1970s and 1980s we did not have the modern marvels you have today. So, I cannot control what the media allowed to get out of their archives and into Internet stories.

I do have some pictures taken when I was a Justice of the Peace performing a wedding ceremony at a KKK rally. There were over 450 robed klansmen at the rally, not counting their families and the couples other friends and relatives. Stop by some time and I can show it to you.

Other than that, dude, if I wanted to be the asshole you are, I could do that song and dance that the photos were photoshopped and the MSM told the truth.

IF the white supremacist were the base that gave Trump his support, they would be able to have rallies of the scale he does.

They don't. Because they can't.

They are an insignificant fringe.

Your belief on this makes no sense at all.

Racism, at least white racism, is a tiny and unimportant force in American politics today.

Why are you afraid of this good news?

Charlottesville. One and done.

White supremacists know to lay low, play it cool, and not been seen. Do you happen to know the other name for the Ku Klux Klan? The nazis do and they have adopted some of the strategies the KKK use to employ.

Rallies are pure bullshit. What counts is whether you can get your message out so people support you. Trump lost the House of Representatives. For every politician (IF one exists) that has bailed on the Democrats and switched parties, I can show you at least 5 that have switched from Republican to Democrat under Trump.

Racism, both black and white, are dominant forces on both sides. And, if watching every piece of American history get destroyed by the left is what you're after, hang with the left. They will show you the way.

Charlottesville was dishonestly advertised about being about the historical statues that a bunch of lefties wanted to take down. That is the only way that white supremacist managed to get in the hundreds of attendees, and btw hundreds is still not the scale of the thousands that Trump got daily.

And that was once and done. THey pulled it off once, and could not do it again the next year.

White supremacist know that they need to lie in order to give themselves the appearance of relevance, and to that end their allies are the people, mostly liberal, but people like you too,

who falsely smear mainstream republicans and conservatives, like Trump and/or myself, as being part of their movement.

Trumps message on Trade and Immigration, would be, in a sane world, boring.

Better trade balance and more jobs and send unwelcome people home?

Anyone that thinks that is radical or "nazi", is seriously delusional.

You are the one who is delusional. In the 1980s the mainstream media tried to marginalize the right. You don't accept that. If they failed to tell the truth, then you accept it today provided it bolsters your cause.

I have no idea what you are talking about here.

What is true, and more telling to me is that if an objective observer looked at what happened in places like Georgia we flipped the state and kept the Democrats out until AFTER your man got elected. If you don't want to believe that the left lied about us, tried to say nobody went to right wing events, etc. that is your prerogative, that is your God given Right. It also makes you delusional.

"My man" meaning Trump? Again, I have no idea what you are talking about here. What do you mean "right wing events"? Are you trying conflate "right wing" with "white supremacist"?

The difference between the media not getting away with saying Trump's inauguration and rallies did not attract very many people has been modern technology - technology we didn't have. You're delusional for believing otherwise because, unlike Trump, we kept winning and when politicians changed parties, they became Republicans. Under Trump, the politicians are becoming Democrats. So, as this stuff happens under your nose, bear in mind, a little research to see the numbers of what we were accomplishing BEFORE the media gave the wallists billions of dollars of free advertising time, WILL prove that it is YOU that is delusional.

The media talking about Trump's rallies, I don't see how it is relevant to what we are talking about.

We both know that Trump had/had no problem getting thousands at a rally.

The white supremacist are doing fucking GREAT if they can get into the dozens.

TO pretend that Trump built his election on white supremacist support is utterly senseless.
Your point about the legal vs illegal has some validity, and I would be happy to address it.

BUT, the post you hit reply to, was pointing out that lack of radical-ness in wanting to send the foreigners home.

That was the point, and you failed to address it. That was unreasonable and unfair of you.

I don't know what kind of answer you want. We've discussed this umpteen times. When the Declaration of Independence was signed, it contained the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Either you believe in those foundational principles or you don't. It's not multiple choice. Either man derives his Rights (especially Liberty in this case) from a Creator or he does not. Which is it? An unalienable Right is not given by government. Unalienable Rights are absolute and above the law. It is the meaning of the word, sir.

Unalienable Rights cannot apply to citizens only. The reason being, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, there were NO American Citizens. Not one, single solitary citizen signed that document. It says ALL men are created equal and ALL men have those Rights conferred upon them by a Creator.

When people come here to partake of opportunities willingly offered; to work a job; to buy and sell, I see no problem. When people like you think that means these people must become a part of the body politic, THAT is where we part company. But, right now you should focus on the Rights of man. Either you believe in Liberty or you don't. Citizenship and being part of the body politic are privileges controlled by government. For that reason, I do not agree with the assault on private property Rights your sides supports. I don't think the children of non-citizens have any "right" to a free public education. I don't support wholesale citizenship as your side does.

So, what answer, exactly are you looking for?

That is sophistic nonsense that if taken seriously, completely shit cans not only the very concern of nations, but the right of self determination of all people.

AMERICANS have the right to decide who to invite to join our community and become part of us.

This is not a denial of the rights of foreign citizens, because their right to self determination is as part of another equally sovereign group, (mostly Mexico.)

We, Americans have no inherent right to go join the Mexican nation, and they have no inherent right to come join ours.

This is a very simply concept. NOrmally at this point, liberals pretend to not understand it and play stupid games.

I expect better from you on this.

At this point I expect better from YOU on this point. How many times have we been over this now? Your lying bullshit has been debunked at least six times on this board.

Each state has the right to decide who they want within their borders. The word citizenship isn't in the Constitution. Up to 1875 the states controlled their own immigration. An illegal process took place (and I documented it for you) that infringed on states rights. What did you get in return? Ultimately affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, reverse discrimination.

After having been exposed to the facts more than half a dozen times, you still don't know shit about the law, your nation's history, nor how you are complicit in turning this country into a socialist shithole.

Scott v. Sandford

If Mexifornia can invite in as many Mexicans as it wants, ie all of them, and then let them flood the rest of the country,

then this nation is over, and all your pretense of wanting to protect the Constitution, or Americans, is down the toilet.

Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,
Did it ever dawn on you that you can never make your point without being the first to start name calling? Did you ever think that maybe you're projecting and it's really YOU that is an asshole? Of course you didn't. You didn't think. That's why you still support Trump after he took a giant dump on the Constitution.

If not for white supremacists, Trump would have NO support for the nutty wall idea which is the
It's YOUR side that wants to make citizens out of them; it's YOUR side that let the precedent stand that undocumented foreigners had civil rights that trumped private property owners rights. It was YOUR side that lost the United States Supreme Court case wherein the high Court ruled that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Additionally Printz v. U.S. was started by conservative right wingers and the United States Supreme Court ruled in that case that state and local governments cannot be forced into enforcing federal laws.

So, we're agreed on the problem, but you think you're entitled to avoid being held accountable for the strategies of YOUR side???

Immigration = citizenship. That is how the third world is taking over and THAT is the primary disagreement we have.

1. When some asshole starts throwing around the racist or the white supremacist accusation based on nothing but shit, they are the ones being assholes, and I respond accordingly.

2. I do not want to make citizens out of them. That is just something you keep trying to assign to me, based on your odd game of 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon. My point stands. The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World, and your game of blaming me for it, is irrelevant to that.

1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.
Did it ever dawn on you that you can never make your point without being the first to start name calling? Did you ever think that maybe you're projecting and it's really YOU that is an asshole? Of course you didn't. You didn't think. That's why you still support Trump after he took a giant dump on the Constitution.

If not for white supremacists, Trump would have NO support for the nutty wall idea which is the
It's YOUR side that wants to make citizens out of them; it's YOUR side that let the precedent stand that undocumented foreigners had civil rights that trumped private property owners rights. It was YOUR side that lost the United States Supreme Court case wherein the high Court ruled that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Additionally Printz v. U.S. was started by conservative right wingers and the United States Supreme Court ruled in that case that state and local governments cannot be forced into enforcing federal laws.

So, we're agreed on the problem, but you think you're entitled to avoid being held accountable for the strategies of YOUR side???

Immigration = citizenship. That is how the third world is taking over and THAT is the primary disagreement we have.

1. When some asshole starts throwing around the racist or the white supremacist accusation based on nothing but shit, they are the ones being assholes, and I respond accordingly.

2. I do not want to make citizens out of them. That is just something you keep trying to assign to me, based on your odd game of 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon. My point stands. The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World, and your game of blaming me for it, is irrelevant to that.

1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.

Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

Passage of the so - called "Patriot Act"

Passage of the Orwellian National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify

The virtual repeal of the Fourth Amendment

An End to the Presumption of Innocence / Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Support for Warrant Less Searches

Assaults on Private Property Rights

24 / 7 / 365 Womb to the Tomb Monitoring (eventually you will endorse armed drones patrolling us - great until the liberals say YOU'RE the enemy)

Infringements on Employer's Right to Own Property

Constitution Free Zone

The Advocacy of Using the Military to do Domestic Law Enforcement - in CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE CONSTITUTION

That is some of the many accomplishments of the wallist religionists. Meanwhile, NO wall is up and Mexico was supposed to pay for it. Now Trump is talking about cutting into the military budget and reducing Social Security checks to pay for it. Hell, you've already spent TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!

The whole lot of you wallists have had over a decade and a half and you're still too stupid to see that if foreigners wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer when they didn't have to face opposition. You're being played. You can play all the games you like but the above TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS were proposed by wallists under the pretext of making us safe from all those so - called "illegal aliens."

You might talk the issue to death, but the way you're going by the time you get off your ass and do more than talk, Bernie Sanders will be president, Kamala Harris will be his VP and those on the right will be relegated to scrubbing floors and polishing Chucky Schumer's shoes.
I don't know what kind of answer you want. We've discussed this umpteen times. When the Declaration of Independence was signed, it contained the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Either you believe in those foundational principles or you don't. It's not multiple choice. Either man derives his Rights (especially Liberty in this case) from a Creator or he does not. Which is it? An unalienable Right is not given by government. Unalienable Rights are absolute and above the law. It is the meaning of the word, sir.

Unalienable Rights cannot apply to citizens only. The reason being, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, there were NO American Citizens. Not one, single solitary citizen signed that document. It says ALL men are created equal and ALL men have those Rights conferred upon them by a Creator.

When people come here to partake of opportunities willingly offered; to work a job; to buy and sell, I see no problem. When people like you think that means these people must become a part of the body politic, THAT is where we part company. But, right now you should focus on the Rights of man. Either you believe in Liberty or you don't. Citizenship and being part of the body politic are privileges controlled by government. For that reason, I do not agree with the assault on private property Rights your sides supports. I don't think the children of non-citizens have any "right" to a free public education. I don't support wholesale citizenship as your side does.

So, what answer, exactly are you looking for?

That is sophistic nonsense that if taken seriously, completely shit cans not only the very concern of nations, but the right of self determination of all people.

AMERICANS have the right to decide who to invite to join our community and become part of us.

This is not a denial of the rights of foreign citizens, because their right to self determination is as part of another equally sovereign group, (mostly Mexico.)

We, Americans have no inherent right to go join the Mexican nation, and they have no inherent right to come join ours.

This is a very simply concept. NOrmally at this point, liberals pretend to not understand it and play stupid games.

I expect better from you on this.

At this point I expect better from YOU on this point. How many times have we been over this now? Your lying bullshit has been debunked at least six times on this board.

Each state has the right to decide who they want within their borders. The word citizenship isn't in the Constitution. Up to 1875 the states controlled their own immigration. An illegal process took place (and I documented it for you) that infringed on states rights. What did you get in return? Ultimately affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, reverse discrimination.

After having been exposed to the facts more than half a dozen times, you still don't know shit about the law, your nation's history, nor how you are complicit in turning this country into a socialist shithole.

Scott v. Sandford

If Mexifornia can invite in as many Mexicans as it wants, ie all of them, and then let them flood the rest of the country,

then this nation is over, and all your pretense of wanting to protect the Constitution, or Americans, is down the toilet.

Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.
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1. When some asshole starts throwing around the racist or the white supremacist accusation based on nothing but shit, they are the ones being assholes, and I respond accordingly.

2. I do not want to make citizens out of them. That is just something you keep trying to assign to me, based on your odd game of 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon. My point stands. The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World, and your game of blaming me for it, is irrelevant to that.

1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.
1. When some asshole starts throwing around the racist or the white supremacist accusation based on nothing but shit, they are the ones being assholes, and I respond accordingly.

2. I do not want to make citizens out of them. That is just something you keep trying to assign to me, based on your odd game of 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon. My point stands. The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World, and your game of blaming me for it, is irrelevant to that.

1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.

Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.
That is sophistic nonsense that if taken seriously, completely shit cans not only the very concern of nations, but the right of self determination of all people.

AMERICANS have the right to decide who to invite to join our community and become part of us.

This is not a denial of the rights of foreign citizens, because their right to self determination is as part of another equally sovereign group, (mostly Mexico.)

We, Americans have no inherent right to go join the Mexican nation, and they have no inherent right to come join ours.

This is a very simply concept. NOrmally at this point, liberals pretend to not understand it and play stupid games.

I expect better from you on this.

At this point I expect better from YOU on this point. How many times have we been over this now? Your lying bullshit has been debunked at least six times on this board.

Each state has the right to decide who they want within their borders. The word citizenship isn't in the Constitution. Up to 1875 the states controlled their own immigration. An illegal process took place (and I documented it for you) that infringed on states rights. What did you get in return? Ultimately affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, reverse discrimination.

After having been exposed to the facts more than half a dozen times, you still don't know shit about the law, your nation's history, nor how you are complicit in turning this country into a socialist shithole.

Scott v. Sandford

If Mexifornia can invite in as many Mexicans as it wants, ie all of them, and then let them flood the rest of the country,

then this nation is over, and all your pretense of wanting to protect the Constitution, or Americans, is down the toilet.

Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.
1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.
1) You cannot change what IS. Your position has its roots in National Socialist think tanks. It is not bullshit my man, but cold hard facts. And if you ever want to grow a set of balls and go with me, I can introduce you to them as I debated and discussed these issues with them, face to face, decades ago. You persistently denying what is true makes you look like an idiot, so you resort to calling people names - names you don't call people in public... for if you did, we'd be reading about how someone fed you your teeth

2) The ONLY thing you crow about is this "legal" angle. You claim to have no problem if people come here "legally." It's a bullshit argument since it does not exist in constitutional law (as the Constitution was originally written and intended.)

If you don't understand the immigration laws, get with me in PM and I can start educating you. What you advocate ultimately ends in citizenship. THAT, sir, where your "legal" bullshit argument ultimately ends up at.

1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.

Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.
At this point I expect better from YOU on this point. How many times have we been over this now? Your lying bullshit has been debunked at least six times on this board.

Each state has the right to decide who they want within their borders. The word citizenship isn't in the Constitution. Up to 1875 the states controlled their own immigration. An illegal process took place (and I documented it for you) that infringed on states rights. What did you get in return? Ultimately affirmative action, racial quotas, preferential hiring schemes, reverse discrimination.

After having been exposed to the facts more than half a dozen times, you still don't know shit about the law, your nation's history, nor how you are complicit in turning this country into a socialist shithole.

Scott v. Sandford

If Mexifornia can invite in as many Mexicans as it wants, ie all of them, and then let them flood the rest of the country,

then this nation is over, and all your pretense of wanting to protect the Constitution, or Americans, is down the toilet.

Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.

History has served to refute your position on the whole. The masses are content to let California do their thing AND neighboring states elected governors say NO State of Emergency exists. If you live in an affected state, take it up with your governor.

IF you want a solution, it won't come as a tweet; it won't fit on a bumper sticker and you won't understand it without a basic knowledge of history, American jurisprudence, constitutional law, demographics, and immigration law (both the statutes and the intent of those proposing the laws.) It's ironic that the talking points you come up with have been National Socialist talking points for many decades; that they still run the think tanks that produce today's rhetoric and that you lobby for immigration laws forced into place by people like Ted Kennedy whose real goal was to destroy the whites. After thousands of posts, you've failed to be able to connect the dots.
1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.
1. The idea of controlling borders is not a Nazi idea. I have never had some one call me a nazi or a racist in public the way that some are so comfortable doing here. It seems that the assholes that like to call other people such names, are the ones that behave differently face to face.

2. This thread is about illegal immigration, hence my discussion of illegal immigration. But I do not support legal Third World immigration either. Indeed, i believe that we have had too much of all forms of immigration over the last 50 years.

Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.
If Mexifornia can invite in as many Mexicans as it wants, ie all of them, and then let them flood the rest of the country,

then this nation is over, and all your pretense of wanting to protect the Constitution, or Americans, is down the toilet.

Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.

History has served to refute your position on the whole. The masses are content to let California do their thing AND neighboring states elected governors say NO State of Emergency exists. If you live in an affected state, take it up with your governor.

The rapid demographic shift, being caused by Third World Immigration is causing huge social and political changes, for the worse, and are tearing this nation apart.

That some politicians say it is not happening, is not proof that it is not happening.
Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.

History has served to refute your position on the whole. The masses are content to let California do their thing AND neighboring states elected governors say NO State of Emergency exists. If you live in an affected state, take it up with your governor.

The rapid demographic shift, being caused by Third World Immigration is causing huge social and political changes, for the worse, and are tearing this nation apart.

That some politicians say it is not happening, is not proof that it is not happening.
only lousy capitalists lose money on border policy.
Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

I once saw a sign at a Tea Party rally. I just Googled it to see if it had ever made the headlines. It had. The sign read:

“The brownest thing on this block is this sign.”

The more things change, the more they stay the same

I asked the leaders why they weren't beating the Hell out of that guy. They just shrugged. They, like you, know that nobody is going to care. But, for you to deny the connection when you have someone who goes to meetings and rallies telling the posters the verifiable truth is way beyond reality.

Nothing you say has any credibility.
Last edited:
Had you bothered to read the links I've left for you, it would be plain to see that if you gave the states their rights back, it means more responsibility on the state.

When Trump offered Nancy Pelosi to take all the undocumented foreigners into California, she had a hissy fit. There is no way she wants them sleeping in the streets in front of her lawn. She instantly became a NIMBY.

If the states had their rights and did not make it easy on the undocumented to come there; if individual employers had the right hire whomever they wanted; if there were no free taxpayer paid educations and the feds involved in welfare, there would be NO incentive for foreigners to come to the United States. Without federal funds, the liberal states would suddenly become fiscal conservatives overnight.

I want to tell you a little secret and this stays between you and I:

All those people flooding the border are part of a big deception. Had they REALLY wanted to come here, they'd have done so under the community organizer's administration. They would not have faced resistance then. You're being played - and played by a man that was involved with Vince McMahon in an organization called World Wrestling Entertainment. You're being duped and so far you've been to stupid to ask yourself WHY and to access the many links left for you to find the answer.

The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.

History has served to refute your position on the whole. The masses are content to let California do their thing AND neighboring states elected governors say NO State of Emergency exists. If you live in an affected state, take it up with your governor.

The rapid demographic shift, being caused by Third World Immigration is causing huge social and political changes, for the worse, and are tearing this nation apart.

That some politicians say it is not happening, is not proof that it is not happening.

What? I'm the one warning YOU of the coming demographic changes. Your approach to the issues makes the non-whites hate you even more; you exacerbate the issues with your rhetoric; your lobbying efforts that make resistance impossible assures us that the next generation will not have the ability to resist tyrannical government.

You are a threat to yourself as well as others.
A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.
The illegals have been flowing in here, for decades, including under Obama. There was not a lot of press, because the press were happy to let it happen.

Even if you cut welfare, the jobs of a FIrst World nation, will still attract plenty of illegal immigrants.

And if California lets them in, they will spread to every state in the nation and this nation will become a Third World shit hole, as we are seeing happening,

Here is the deal:

In order to win any fight, you must know your enemy. In OCS, candidates are taught to know their enemy: their habits, talking points, everything. A good attorney will be able to argue his opponent's own case for him better than his opposition. Fighters study the opposition. They study them inside out, every move and every nuance. The same works in politics. Good politicians know what the masses will respond to; where the weaknesses of the enemy are.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana professor in philosophy at Harvard

You don't know history and won't read it. I lived it and have witnessed your kind go down many many times. You guys have about as much a chance of winning this battle as I do of winning a multi-million dollar lottery. You know NOTHING about your opposition nor how they conned the right into supporting strategies that end in predictable defeat.

I used to think if I could get you dumb shits to read, research, and find those who have been IN the fight, you may learn what you're doing wrong. My problem with you is that the way you're fighting the battle puts MY God given Rights at stake. It makes you more dangerous than the political enemy at the gate. So call me names that your chicken shit ass would never say in a public setting. Keep pecking your keyboard. Don't bother to study history, your enemies, nor the way they use Hegelian Dialectics to control you. Then, once you have lost, try to remember these days and what I said to you.

You have your head so far up Davd Duke's ass that he has to fart before you can get a breath of fresh air.

So, what part of all of that, explains what about my point you disagree with, ie, that large number of illegals, left in by Mexifornia, would spread though out the nation as a whole, turning this nation into a Third World shit hole as we see.

History has served to refute your position on the whole. The masses are content to let California do their thing AND neighboring states elected governors say NO State of Emergency exists. If you live in an affected state, take it up with your governor.

The rapid demographic shift, being caused by Third World Immigration is causing huge social and political changes, for the worse, and are tearing this nation apart.

That some politicians say it is not happening, is not proof that it is not happening.

What? I'm the one warning YOU of the coming demographic changes. Your approach to the issues makes the non-whites hate you even more; you exacerbate the issues with your rhetoric; your lobbying efforts that make resistance impossible assures us that the next generation will not have the ability to resist tyrannical government.

You are a threat to yourself as well as others.

If my desire to have control over who enters my nation is all it takes to make non-whites hostile to me, then they were already hostile to me.

You want to give them free reign to enter the country as they see fit. That ensures we are flooded with, as you say, hostile aliens.

That is ruining our nation right now, and you are fighting for that to continue.
Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.
Son, let me assure you that I have marched in more marches, been in more fights, even participated in an armed stand-off at one point in defense of what I believe. I've even manned that damn border. You haven't. When the Georgia Patriot Network used to meet in the Atlanta area not only did I finance the meetings, but I attended and at each meeting, I offered the mic both before and after each meeting. There is not a swinging dick on the face of this earth that I will not meet face to face.

So that you understand that, I have appeared on radio, tv and in newspapers. I publicly debated Hosea Williams, face to face on his tv show. He lost so decisively that they did not renew his show for another season. Ike Newkirk, a former radio talk show host on WSB had me on his radio program. He remarked that I was the first white guy willing to appear on his show, alone, and discuss racial issues from a conservative viewpoint.

IF I can get someone to help me get a podcast going, I will be doing that and setting up in public venues so that if / when people have an issue with me, I won't hide like a fucking rat. I keep hinting that these matters are better served in PM. That way if someone tells me to name the time and the place, no moderator will ban us for what goes on in PM. Make no mistake, I have never backed down from a challenge and I've had the cream of the crop (even alphabet agencies) go for the jugular.

Defending the border against threats and using the military to do domestic law enforcement are worlds apart. There is a law called the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the federal government from using federal military personnel in the enforcement of domestic policies within the United States. What you've been proposing is exactly that.

You want the military to do a job it is expressly forbidden to do. If you want a declaration of war, then lobby for one. I will not stand idly by while you and your ilk suggest illegal ways to enforce your concepts of right and wrong on the states. MAYBE if your dumb ass took a few weeks to study and research the links I leave for you, it might sink in.

Proof has been offered on this and many other threads that what you support is National Socialism. It's not a false allegation. It is FACT. It is an absolute FACT that you cannot dispute. When you advocate that the government control labor and distribution, that is the accepted definition of socialism. The FACT that the people you get your talking points from are Nazis is irrefutable. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet and hangs out at the pond, it's probably not an elephant.

What you want is to impose on states rights and take a giant shit on the Bill of Rights. So far you've proven too ignorant to understand that, but you're the kind of guy that could be talked into selling Drano to brush teeth with. Yeah, it will get your teeth lily white, but at a cost of poisoning your brain. Now, if you had an IQ above your shoe size, you would take heed and access the following links and spend the day reading them before you continue that line of thought. I do have the ability to PM in addition to that:

Scott v. Sandford


State Citizenship Has Roots in American History - NYTimes.com

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15
1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

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