Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

A lot of talk to hide the fact that you are pretending that securing a border is a nazi idea.

It is not.

Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.
EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?
Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.
To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?

Welcoming someone, working with someone, is not the same as being the same as that person or group.

The police have worked withe me, a few times, that does not make me a police man, for one example.

That you pretend it does, that such pretenses are a basic part of your world view and your accusations against others,

makes your positions and posts senseless.
1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.
Your continued dishonesty and stupidity is almost embarrassing. The Tea Party Republicans and wallists are one and the same. You have never gotten away from your computer for five minutes. I know the principal players face to face.

So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?

Welcoming someone, working with someone, is not the same as being the same as that person or group.

The police have worked withe me, a few times, that does not make me a police man, for one example.

That you pretend it does, that such pretenses are a basic part of your world view and your accusations against others,

makes your positions and posts senseless.

The Tea Party and the Minutemen work toward the same solutions. That makes both parties guilty of proposing National Socialist solutions.
EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.

Compared to your other writings, this one sounds as if it were done while you were smoking weed. Let's make it easy for you:

1) I'm not confused about the Trump rally size. I pointed out to you that the MSM lied about the size of rallies in the past and the people didn't have the advantages you do of proving their case (no cell phones with camera / video capability, no Internet, etc.)

If you want to believe in fairy tales, you believe in the MSM when it's convenient and when it isn't, it's fake news. You're a political hack in that regard. What counts is RESULTS - and Trump comes up short there

2) You are confused. You continue to think the rally size of the KKK is indicative of the neo - Nazis. They are completely two, different organizations. The REAL Nazis don't admit who they are. They do not wear swastikas, but rather business suits. They mix into the mainstream and they hobnob with the elite.

That is why their think tanks are funded by people like John Tanton... a tree hugging, pro - abortion, nazi who believes in eugenics. If I need to school you again, we can do that.

3) Rally sizes aside, the fact is Trump lost the House in his first term. Compare that to what you're selling and it's easy to see you are not only a political hack, but delusional as well.

You have deluded yourself into thinking your cause is not about race and that I'm making some link between you and racists. You are deluded on both counts. As a result, the side you're on cannot articulate their vision for a future. I doubt they have any vision for America. If you do not believe that whites have the same Rights as the rest of the people on this planet, YOU are deluded and kidding yourself. You cannot see past your single issue in order to figure out where you are ultimately going. But, if you keep posting just to screw with me, I CAN school you - and the downside is, somebody might just access the links and figure it out - You're dumber than a box of fucking rocks.
So, which is it? Am I uninformed or lying? When you throw BOTH of them out there, YOU are the one with no credibility.

And all you did there was prove my point. YOu see some overlap and then lump EVERYONE in those groups together.

That makes no sense, and is unfair to those people who may support one group but not the other.

About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?

Welcoming someone, working with someone, is not the same as being the same as that person or group.

The police have worked withe me, a few times, that does not make me a police man, for one example.

That you pretend it does, that such pretenses are a basic part of your world view and your accusations against others,

makes your positions and posts senseless.

The Tea Party and the Minutemen work toward the same solutions. That makes both parties guilty of proposing National Socialist solutions.

The Tea Party was about Taxes. The Minutemen were about illegal immigration.

Your 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game, does not justify lumping them together, nor calling them nazis.

That is irrational and unfair and rude of you.
To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.

Compared to your other writings, this one sounds as if it were done while you were smoking weed. Let's make it easy for you:

1) I'm not confused about the Trump rally size. I pointed out to you that the MSM lied about the size of rallies in the past and the people didn't have the advantages you do of proving their case (no cell phones with camera / video capability, no Internet, etc.)

If you want to believe in fairy tales, you believe in the MSM when it's convenient and when it isn't, it's fake news. You're a political hack in that regard. What counts is RESULTS - and Trump comes up short there

2) You are confused. You continue to think the rally size of the KKK is indicative of the neo - Nazis. They are completely two, different organizations. The REAL Nazis don't admit who they are. They do not wear swastikas, but rather business suits. They mix into the mainstream and they hobnob with the elite.

That is why their think tanks are funded by people like John Tanton... a tree hugging, pro - abortion, nazi who believes in eugenics. If I need to school you again, we can do that.

3) Rally sizes aside, the fact is Trump lost the House in his first term. Compare that to what you're selling and it's easy to see you are not only a political hack, but delusional as well.

You have deluded yourself into thinking your cause is not about race and that I'm making some link between you and racists. You are deluded on both counts. As a result, the side you're on cannot articulate their vision for a future. I doubt they have any vision for America. If you do not believe that whites have the same Rights as the rest of the people on this planet, YOU are deluded and kidding yourself. You cannot see past your single issue in order to figure out where you are ultimately going. But, if you keep posting just to screw with me, I CAN school you - and the downside is, somebody might just access the links and figure it out - You're dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

1. I have posted pictures of Trump rallies that dwarf any modern white supremacist and/or klan rally. Your denial of this fact is irrational.

2. My point stands. It is absurd to credit a movements(s) that considers hitting double digits at a rally, a big win, for the massive political movement that Trump led to the White House. Absolutely absurd.

3. Not sure what point you think you are making with "Trump lost the House" argument. You seem to be arguing against someone voicing confidence in future victories. Which I have not done, so, whatever.

4. Nothing I have said, justifies your implication that I do not believe that whites have the same rights as anyone else. Is that based on some silly 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon nonsense again?
About some things you are uninformed; about other things you are both lying AND you're uninformed. That does not affect my credibility. When fact upon fact are put before you and you deny it, that is lying.

Personally, I don't think that you want to believe certain things so you avoid doing the requisite research. You're content with having plausible deniability.

Many groups may feel a certain way. HOWEVER, the only PROPOSED SOLUTIONS are those the puppet masters have put before the people. So, you run with it and are afraid to stop because you think to admit the truth is to accept defeat. But, at the end of the day, you cannot serve two masters. I've agreed with you that problems with foreigners exist. But, I know when the puppet masters are in control of the proposed solutions AND I know where they lead and why. You do not have that information - not that it has not been presented to you.

YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?

Welcoming someone, working with someone, is not the same as being the same as that person or group.

The police have worked withe me, a few times, that does not make me a police man, for one example.

That you pretend it does, that such pretenses are a basic part of your world view and your accusations against others,

makes your positions and posts senseless.

The Tea Party and the Minutemen work toward the same solutions. That makes both parties guilty of proposing National Socialist solutions.

The Tea Party was about Taxes. The Minutemen were about illegal immigration.

Your 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game, does not justify lumping them together, nor calling them nazis.

That is irrational and unfair and rude of you.

The Tea Party also took up positions on immigration and issues with foreigners.

U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, a Tea Party Republican, introduced both the so - called "Patriot Act" and the National ID / REAL ID Act.

Here is liberal take on what the liberals caught Tea Party rally goers doing:

Your strategy is that the right has toned down the rhetoric - like calling Hispanics "illegal aliens" instead of derogatory terms like **** or wetback, but it's all semantics. You and I know the score so no point trying to pee down my neck and saying it's raining.

Correll, get your head out of your ass. The problem is with their proposed solutions.
YOu do not get to pretend that a Tea Party member is a member of the New World order, because you think that the behind the scene supporters of the groups overlap.

That is both senseless and rude.

And you do that type of thing, ALL THE TIME. Often greatly slandering and insulting the people in question, in the process.

I'm not pretending a damn thing cherry. I have repeatedly shown that the Tea Party welcomes and works with those people who founded the Minutemen. I have proven beyond any question - so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Minutemen were neo-Nazis organized together by a former newsman who knows a little about plausible deniability.

You mistake honesty for rudeness while you play the part of a bitch for National Socialism. Would you like me to repeat the posts of that thread that went 4000 + posts. You either like getting your ass whipped OR you think that by filibustering on this thread, it keeps me contained so that others don't read the truth. Did you ever consider that I might be taking notes to debunk every possible objection and then do a documentary about people like you?

Welcoming someone, working with someone, is not the same as being the same as that person or group.

The police have worked withe me, a few times, that does not make me a police man, for one example.

That you pretend it does, that such pretenses are a basic part of your world view and your accusations against others,

makes your positions and posts senseless.

The Tea Party and the Minutemen work toward the same solutions. That makes both parties guilty of proposing National Socialist solutions.

The Tea Party was about Taxes. The Minutemen were about illegal immigration.

Your 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon game, does not justify lumping them together, nor calling them nazis.

That is irrational and unfair and rude of you.

The Tea Party also took up positions on immigration and issues with foreigners.

U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, a Tea Party Republican, introduced both the so - called "Patriot Act" and the National ID / REAL ID Act.

Here is liberal take on what the liberals caught Tea Party rally goers doing:

Your strategy is that the right has toned down the rhetoric - like calling Hispanics "illegal aliens" instead of derogatory terms like **** or wetback, but it's all semantics. You and I know the score so no point trying to pee down my neck and saying it's raining.

Correll, get your head out of your ass. The problem is with their proposed solutions.

You say "the tea party" did something, and then support that by mentioning something an individual person did.

That type of sloppy thinking is a basic part of how you get to your conclusions, and why they have so little to do with reality.

IF you have a problem with any proposed solutions, then state the problems you have with them. Your little 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association, and really, really weak associations at that.
There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.

Compared to your other writings, this one sounds as if it were done while you were smoking weed. Let's make it easy for you:

1) I'm not confused about the Trump rally size. I pointed out to you that the MSM lied about the size of rallies in the past and the people didn't have the advantages you do of proving their case (no cell phones with camera / video capability, no Internet, etc.)

If you want to believe in fairy tales, you believe in the MSM when it's convenient and when it isn't, it's fake news. You're a political hack in that regard. What counts is RESULTS - and Trump comes up short there

2) You are confused. You continue to think the rally size of the KKK is indicative of the neo - Nazis. They are completely two, different organizations. The REAL Nazis don't admit who they are. They do not wear swastikas, but rather business suits. They mix into the mainstream and they hobnob with the elite.

That is why their think tanks are funded by people like John Tanton... a tree hugging, pro - abortion, nazi who believes in eugenics. If I need to school you again, we can do that.

3) Rally sizes aside, the fact is Trump lost the House in his first term. Compare that to what you're selling and it's easy to see you are not only a political hack, but delusional as well.

You have deluded yourself into thinking your cause is not about race and that I'm making some link between you and racists. You are deluded on both counts. As a result, the side you're on cannot articulate their vision for a future. I doubt they have any vision for America. If you do not believe that whites have the same Rights as the rest of the people on this planet, YOU are deluded and kidding yourself. You cannot see past your single issue in order to figure out where you are ultimately going. But, if you keep posting just to screw with me, I CAN school you - and the downside is, somebody might just access the links and figure it out - You're dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

1. I have posted pictures of Trump rallies that dwarf any modern white supremacist and/or klan rally. Your denial of this fact is irrational.

2. My point stands. It is absurd to credit a movements(s) that considers hitting double digits at a rally, a big win, for the massive political movement that Trump led to the White House. Absolutely absurd.

3. Not sure what point you think you are making with "Trump lost the House" argument. You seem to be arguing against someone voicing confidence in future victories. Which I have not done, so, whatever.

4. Nothing I have said, justifies your implication that I do not believe that whites have the same rights as anyone else. Is that based on some silly 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon nonsense again?

1) You are LYING I used the Trump analogy because the MSM has attempted to downplay the numbers at Trump rallies and they were even worse in the 1970s through 1990s

2) Trump is a one hit wonder that cannot get his most trusted allies of many years to stay on board his sinking ship. The Dems will turn a lot of states in the next election. The right will be a shell of its old self

3) I don't get your six degrees bullshit. The people I am linking together KNOW one another... despite Trump's cow poop lies that he didn't know David Duke. Know this son, Duke screwed some friends out of money so I don't like him all that well. But, at the height of his popularity, he had worldwide support. So, in some respects, he did bring peoples attention to some of the problems we are having.

My issue was and is, Trump and Duke share the same ideology toward solutions (that won't work.) Other than that, you're pecking a keyboard, hoping for a miracle. It's just you and me and when you get your nose out of Trump's ass for a moment, you might find a constitutionalist that realizes a problem exists, but has a much more honest response and a more effective plan to fight for Liberty.
Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

And insults provided as a supporting argument.

Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.

Compared to your other writings, this one sounds as if it were done while you were smoking weed. Let's make it easy for you:

1) I'm not confused about the Trump rally size. I pointed out to you that the MSM lied about the size of rallies in the past and the people didn't have the advantages you do of proving their case (no cell phones with camera / video capability, no Internet, etc.)

If you want to believe in fairy tales, you believe in the MSM when it's convenient and when it isn't, it's fake news. You're a political hack in that regard. What counts is RESULTS - and Trump comes up short there

2) You are confused. You continue to think the rally size of the KKK is indicative of the neo - Nazis. They are completely two, different organizations. The REAL Nazis don't admit who they are. They do not wear swastikas, but rather business suits. They mix into the mainstream and they hobnob with the elite.

That is why their think tanks are funded by people like John Tanton... a tree hugging, pro - abortion, nazi who believes in eugenics. If I need to school you again, we can do that.

3) Rally sizes aside, the fact is Trump lost the House in his first term. Compare that to what you're selling and it's easy to see you are not only a political hack, but delusional as well.

You have deluded yourself into thinking your cause is not about race and that I'm making some link between you and racists. You are deluded on both counts. As a result, the side you're on cannot articulate their vision for a future. I doubt they have any vision for America. If you do not believe that whites have the same Rights as the rest of the people on this planet, YOU are deluded and kidding yourself. You cannot see past your single issue in order to figure out where you are ultimately going. But, if you keep posting just to screw with me, I CAN school you - and the downside is, somebody might just access the links and figure it out - You're dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

1. I have posted pictures of Trump rallies that dwarf any modern white supremacist and/or klan rally. Your denial of this fact is irrational.

2. My point stands. It is absurd to credit a movements(s) that considers hitting double digits at a rally, a big win, for the massive political movement that Trump led to the White House. Absolutely absurd.

3. Not sure what point you think you are making with "Trump lost the House" argument. You seem to be arguing against someone voicing confidence in future victories. Which I have not done, so, whatever.

4. Nothing I have said, justifies your implication that I do not believe that whites have the same rights as anyone else. Is that based on some silly 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon nonsense again?

1) You are LYING I used the Trump analogy because the MSM has attempted to downplay the numbers at Trump rallies and they were even worse in the 1970s through 1990s

2) Trump is a one hit wonder that cannot get his most trusted allies of many years to stay on board his sinking ship. The Dems will turn a lot of states in the next election. The right will be a shell of its old self

3) I don't get you six degrees bullshit. The people I am linking together KNOW one another... despite Trump's cow poop lies that he didn't know David Duke. Know this son, Duke screwed some friends out of money so I don't like him all that well. But, at the height of his popularity, he had worldwide support. So, in some respects, he did bring peoples attention to some of the problems we are having.

My issue was and is, Trump and Duke share the same ideology toward solutions (that won't work.) Other than that, you're pecking a keyboard, hoping for a miracle. It's just you and me and when you get your nose out of Trump's ass for a moment, you might find a constitutionalist that realizes a problem exists, but has a much more honest response and a more effective plan to fight for Liberty.

1. You said that Trump's base was white supremacist and nazis. I pointed out, correctly that it is absurd to give credit to the those who are lucking to get to double digits at their rallies, for the thousands that regularly turn out for Trump. That point stands.

2. Nothing I have said, has implied that I am confident about the future nor based on winning in the future. I don't know if you have confused me with someone else, or if this is another invention of yours. But you are wasting your time addressing something I have never said, nor believe.

3. I have repeatedly explained my opinion of the way you conflate different groups. It is wrong and unfair of you, that way you do that.

4. If I hear a nazi arguing for good dental hygiene, I am not going to stop brushing my teeth. THat fact that I brush my teeth, despite hearing a nazi say it was a good idea, does not make me a nazi.

And all of that, is still nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association. Very weak association.
Our original Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

natural rights apply to Persons subject to US jurisdiction.
Not only are you full of shit, you realize that I will not respond to posts like the one you just made. You asked questions and made false allegations. The links prove the presuppositions I've shared on this board.

Since this is not a formal debate forum (where you would realistically lose your ass) the information is proof positive that the statements I have made here are honest, accurate, and factual.

One does not need to be an active participant in aiding the NEW WORLD ORDER. There are plenty of useful idiots. You are either one of those useful idiots (if you actually believe the shit you post) OR you are a paid disinformation agent. If you are not being paid for what you're posting, you're screwing yourself. If you take a look you and I are the only ones left on this thread. The more you post, the more idiotic you appear to be. So, who are you trying to convince... me or you? You've hurled enough insults at me because your sorry ass has never actually put his bullshit opinions into action. I have. That's the difference between us.

You are not qualified to tell me what I think as you are too stupid to access links and read them. That's not insulting you; that is simply being forthright with you.

The fact that you got confused about why we were discussing Trump rally size, shows that your style of posting is inferior.

My point about that stands. It is utterly absurd to pretend that white supremacists/nazis, who are lucky to get into double digits when they have rallies, are responsible for the massive movement that gave Trump first the Republican Nomination, and then the Presidency.

The Tea Party was a valid political movement that had valid political points to make. That you attack them based on your weird game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, is disrespectful to the millions of good people that were part of that movement.

For one example of what is wrong with your methods.

Compared to your other writings, this one sounds as if it were done while you were smoking weed. Let's make it easy for you:

1) I'm not confused about the Trump rally size. I pointed out to you that the MSM lied about the size of rallies in the past and the people didn't have the advantages you do of proving their case (no cell phones with camera / video capability, no Internet, etc.)

If you want to believe in fairy tales, you believe in the MSM when it's convenient and when it isn't, it's fake news. You're a political hack in that regard. What counts is RESULTS - and Trump comes up short there

2) You are confused. You continue to think the rally size of the KKK is indicative of the neo - Nazis. They are completely two, different organizations. The REAL Nazis don't admit who they are. They do not wear swastikas, but rather business suits. They mix into the mainstream and they hobnob with the elite.

That is why their think tanks are funded by people like John Tanton... a tree hugging, pro - abortion, nazi who believes in eugenics. If I need to school you again, we can do that.

3) Rally sizes aside, the fact is Trump lost the House in his first term. Compare that to what you're selling and it's easy to see you are not only a political hack, but delusional as well.

You have deluded yourself into thinking your cause is not about race and that I'm making some link between you and racists. You are deluded on both counts. As a result, the side you're on cannot articulate their vision for a future. I doubt they have any vision for America. If you do not believe that whites have the same Rights as the rest of the people on this planet, YOU are deluded and kidding yourself. You cannot see past your single issue in order to figure out where you are ultimately going. But, if you keep posting just to screw with me, I CAN school you - and the downside is, somebody might just access the links and figure it out - You're dumber than a box of fucking rocks.

1. I have posted pictures of Trump rallies that dwarf any modern white supremacist and/or klan rally. Your denial of this fact is irrational.

2. My point stands. It is absurd to credit a movements(s) that considers hitting double digits at a rally, a big win, for the massive political movement that Trump led to the White House. Absolutely absurd.

3. Not sure what point you think you are making with "Trump lost the House" argument. You seem to be arguing against someone voicing confidence in future victories. Which I have not done, so, whatever.

4. Nothing I have said, justifies your implication that I do not believe that whites have the same rights as anyone else. Is that based on some silly 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon nonsense again?

1) You are LYING I used the Trump analogy because the MSM has attempted to downplay the numbers at Trump rallies and they were even worse in the 1970s through 1990s

2) Trump is a one hit wonder that cannot get his most trusted allies of many years to stay on board his sinking ship. The Dems will turn a lot of states in the next election. The right will be a shell of its old self

3) I don't get you six degrees bullshit. The people I am linking together KNOW one another... despite Trump's cow poop lies that he didn't know David Duke. Know this son, Duke screwed some friends out of money so I don't like him all that well. But, at the height of his popularity, he had worldwide support. So, in some respects, he did bring peoples attention to some of the problems we are having.

My issue was and is, Trump and Duke share the same ideology toward solutions (that won't work.) Other than that, you're pecking a keyboard, hoping for a miracle. It's just you and me and when you get your nose out of Trump's ass for a moment, you might find a constitutionalist that realizes a problem exists, but has a much more honest response and a more effective plan to fight for Liberty.

1. You said that Trump's base was white supremacist and nazis. I pointed out, correctly that it is absurd to give credit to the those who are lucking to get to double digits at their rallies, for the thousands that regularly turn out for Trump. That point stands.

2. Nothing I have said, has implied that I am confident about the future nor based on winning in the future. I don't know if you have confused me with someone else, or if this is another invention of yours. But you are wasting your time addressing something I have never said, nor believe.

3. I have repeatedly explained my opinion of the way you conflate different groups. It is wrong and unfair of you, that way you do that.

4. If I hear a nazi arguing for good dental hygiene, I am not going to stop brushing my teeth. THat fact that I brush my teeth, despite hearing a nazi say it was a good idea, does not make me a nazi.

And all of that, is still nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association. Very weak association.

Correll, you are extremely childish, uninformed and uneducated. You make the argument that the size of Trump's rallies versus the size of grass roots rallies is the determining factor in Trump's popularity.

Son, it is irrelevant. Richard Spencer put a little money in the kitty and Charlottesville drew one Hell of a crowd. People don't go out of their way to support grass roots organizations, but the reality is, the grass roots organizations are where you find the ground troops.

MOST white people will not identify as racists because they feel, and justifiably so, that working for White Rights (no matter how you try to spin it) is not a crime, so they will not put themselves nor their families into jeopardy by speaking out.

After more than 1000 exchanges with you I see that you are stupid enough to argue with a tree stump and dumb enough to lose to one. You can bullshit people until Hell freezes over, but if you want to retain your culture; if you care about the Constitution of the United States; if you really believe in the Rule of Law, then you have to be "racist" by today's standards. You conflate Nazism with racism. All Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.

The non-white world is attuned to this bullshit, double standard line that you are about the Rule of Law in one breath and then trying to enlist the support of non-whites in the next breath while standing beside a political platform that denounces multiculturalism. Could you be more screwed up!!! I don't conflate different groups. Whether you agree or not, like it or not, if your dumb ass got out there and WORKED among the activists, you would figure out that the white collar, suit and tie yuppie is saying the same thing that most white supremacists are saying.

There are a lot of Americans that are tired of watching their flags, monuments, plaques, memorials, and statues being torn down. There are those who get fed up with one guy wearing a diaper on his head and we're supposed to respect his religion while telling others they cannot wear anything with a cross on it as it offends the diaper wearing asshat on his head that demands you respect him. There are those who think the black people wanting reparations are a joke. Some people even get fed up that the blacks can play that nasty rap where it's heard all over the neighborhood and the demeaning lyrics about hos and bitches and sexually humiliating white chicks. Not everybody goes along with inter-racial marriages, double standards that allow the black guys to run around saying the N word, but you aren't supposed to be allowed.

There are a lot of different racists in different degrees. You don't have to hate the other races; you might even be married to someone of another race. But, if you value anything about your culture, then the Dems, most blacks, and all the liberals say you're racist. So, live with it.

The problem your dumb ass can't see is that people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the other high rollers don't give a rat's ass about your petty issue. A lot of what you want won't pass constitutional muster, so politicians don't give a shit. They get over-ruled in the courts and things don't change. The only things that change for those who cherish Liberty is that you and those of your ilk support an agenda that is antithetical to the core principles of Liberty. You simply cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself and if you take away the ability of your generation or the next to resist tyranny, you are a puppet of the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Know this: your demi-god Trump is part and parcel to the type of people who want to control you.

I can't save you from your actions, so when you advocate and work for laws that restrict my Liberty / unalienable Rights, I will oppose you. The only fundamental difference between the crowd you have chosen to stick your nose up their ass and Bernie Sanders is the race issue.

You can use the standard canard of "logical fallacy," and all that other puffed up meaningless bullshit, but until you've been IN the fight, you keyboard commando illiteracy is worth what you paid for it. If you studied instead of posting 50,000 posts on this board, you might have a clue. Today you don't, son. You are a useful idiot taking the tools required of a free society and making resistance to tyranny impossible... AND YOUR BOYS DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO SHOW FOR IT IN OVER 15 YEARS OF THIS MONOTONOUS "ILLEGAL ALIEN" - SECURE THE BORDER BABBOON LEVEL THINKING AND SHIT SPEWING.

anyone have a problem with

Read post # 44 You might get it.
Our original Constitution is both gender and race neutral, from Inception.

natural rights apply to Persons subject to US jurisdiction.

FALSE. Within six months of the ratification of the United States Constitution, the FIRST Naturalization Act was passed. Here is what it says:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof on application to any common law Court..." United States Congress, “An act to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization” (March 26, 1790) 1 Stat. 103
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

We do not have to condone murder. ever.
Murder isnt defending your borders from diseases that want to cross into our country and kill US. Murder isnt defending yourself from criminals with the intent to rape our women and kill US. Is it really that hard to see why we need to "Shoot" people who shouldn't belong here? They are dying in the 10 of 1000s crossing into areas that will kill them anyway. Why aren't we just euthanizing them out of their misery...Call it "Post Birth Abortions"..

This group did the right thing, held them for bp.
There are those that do not, they kill them. that is murder.
A citizen's arrest is an arrest made by a person who is not acting as a sworn law-enforcement official. In common law jurisdictions, the practice dates back to medieval England and the English common law, in which sheriffs encouraged ordinary citizens to help apprehend law breakers.
Your spin fools nobody except those lacking basic reading skills. You dumb asses have had the advantage of having the cameras on you 24 / 7 for over 15 years now. The politicians haven't built a wall, but YOUR NAME IS ON THEIR WORK:

The creation of the Dept. of Homeland (IN Security) - sounds a lot like Russia's Motherland Security or Nazi Germany's Fatherland Security

1. Created after 9-11, not by "wallists" but by the nation as a whole. Putting that on "Wallists" is simply dishonest.

2. It might sound like something Russian, or German, but it is not. It is completely to be expected that security would go UP after a mass murder like 9-11.

The rest of your list, was just as flawed.

EVERYTHING I listed was proposed by politicians who sought the wallists vote and / or were Tea Party Republicans. You and I know it's true and we've explored it before. Now, you're wanting to rehash old history just to get your ass whipped again. You didn't access the links the last time and you won't today.

9 / 11 provided the catalyst for a long range program that had been in place for many years. The NEW WORLD ORDER types kept failing until 9 / 11 and then all of a sudden the legislation poured out like a thunderstorm. All of it had been written, just waiting on the opportunity to come along.

The last time I documented every sentence, crossed every T and dotted every I, you tapped out and now we're wasting our time rehashing shit you don't read and don't know shit about. Anyone dumb enough to follow you is going to Hell or jail. One thread went - around 4000 or so posts. I could repost it all here. You'd just take a beating for nothing. Being a racist is the least of your worries.

The strategies you hide behind have cost a lot of people their lives or gotten them put into prisons.. Yet you never have to worry; you're a nameless disinformation artist that never put his ass on the line. So, anyone who relies on you should consider the source.

To pretend that those who wanted the various changes after 9-11, or as you put it, the "New World Order" types,

are the same group as the "wallists" and/or the Tea Party Republicans,

is a good example of the fundamental flaw in your thinking.

You see some vague connection between two groups, such as a tiny overlap, or some such bullshit, and then you from that point, just lump them together in your mind as a single entity.

It makes no sense, and it makes everything that you build on that, equally senseless.

The Tea Party as was a grass roots anti tax movement.

Lots of people support Border Security.

I'm sure that there is plenty of overlap between those two groups, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who want low taxes who do not want a Wall.

It would be senseless to accuse someone who was part of the Tea Party of being a Wall supporter, based on the overlap.

And the "New World Order"? That is another, very different and very different THIRD group. Telling the Tea Party-er that he is a member of the New World Order, would be delusional.

There is no flaw in my reasoning. As I have explained to you, in order to understand any issue, you must understand all sides. You have to know how an enemy eats, breathes, and thinks at every level. Most of all, you have to know their strategies (i.e. Hegelian Dialectics, psychopolitics, political guerrilla warfare, etc.) You're so fricking lazy you don't even bother reading basic links explaining your own forefathers positions on the subject. You don't have a clue as to how the puppet masters are playing you.

Bull. A lot of explaining why you are assigning to people, ideas, actions and responsibilities that are not theirs.

A tea party member has the right to be against more taxes, without being lumped in with the New World Order. For one limited example.

You are too stupid to read the provided links so you don't know what in the Hell I think. You are hoping someone will buy whatever elixir you're selling. Meanwhile, the enemies of America are out there, playing political mind games and your actions are calculated so as to do you the most long term harm while you believe that you're going to win something.

If you have a point to make, make it. Links are to provide documentation to support your point, not make them for you.

You confuse a militarized border with border security. This is analogous to the gun control crowd's argument that until all guns are banned, we are not safe. It's the same political reasoning! Of course, you will fall back on your standard canard about "illegal immigration" which is a defense of immigration policies enacted by liberals and intended to implode at an appropriate time.

No, I don't. I realize that a border does not have to be militarized to be secure. I realize that a militarized border might not be secure.

YOU, assigned to me, this belief, based on nothing I ever posted, and then attacked me, based on nothing but crap you made up in your own mind.


As those policies implode, you are on the front lines, helping enact laws that are antithetical to the cause of Liberty. You can't look five or ten years down the road and see the damage you're doing to this country. You don't give a shit. You treat America's future the way you look at your morning breakfast... pop it in the microwave and get what you want in an instant. You are way the Hell too immature to understand that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. What you're doing is beneficial ONLY to the people that want a NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Your views on using the military to enforce domestic legal policies are a testament to your ignorance on that point. You need to focus on your stupidity and do some serious research. I'm embarrassed that my own countrymen are not into seeking out sound counsel (as opposed to slinging shit at it) and attempting to find out what everyone is telling you.

Using the military to protect from invaders, is not using the military for domestic legal policies. If some moron ruled in the past that it was, that was a mistake on their part.

You're getting nowhere in your approach and if you check in on reality, while Trump may bring in a few crowds, at the polls, the Democrats are taking over from the ground up and gaining every day that you refuse to start using your head. When I was in my teens and acted as impetuously as you, an older man took me aside and said, "A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes."

My point about Trump's crowd was not to claim that we are winning, but to compare them to the size of nazis rallies and demonstrate that your conflating of the two was wrong.

That you got confused about that, reveals a flaw in your style of posting, ie the long rambling walls of text.

My point about that, btw, stands. It is absurd to think that the people that consider breaking into double digits a win, are the ones that drove Trump's massive outsider movement that won the Republican Primaries and then the general election.

Until you've manned the border, gotten into public debates on radio and tv; until the media has raked you over the coals and you've had to sit in think tanks figuring out to eke out a victory in the face of certain defeat; until you've been in courts on all sides of the fence, you are the one bullshitting these people. You're too lazy to even take a few weeks and read a few books, asking yourself how the actions you take today may be used against you in the future. You are a keyboard commando with shit for brains, no experience, and a strategy that will leave the next generation in bondage with no hope to resisting tyranny.

I've tried to offer you the help and the insight. I've told you I know the problem exists and that the end of our culture is imminent. But, you're like a proselyte of the Scribes and Pharisees:

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, you make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves..." Matthew 23 : 15

And insults provided as a supporting argument.
What happened to the Tea Party anyways?

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