Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

1) You are LYING I used the Trump analogy because the MSM has attempted to downplay the numbers at Trump rallies and they were even worse in the 1970s through 1990s

2) Trump is a one hit wonder that cannot get his most trusted allies of many years to stay on board his sinking ship. The Dems will turn a lot of states in the next election. The right will be a shell of its old self

3) I don't get you six degrees bullshit. The people I am linking together KNOW one another... despite Trump's cow poop lies that he didn't know David Duke. Know this son, Duke screwed some friends out of money so I don't like him all that well. But, at the height of his popularity, he had worldwide support. So, in some respects, he did bring peoples attention to some of the problems we are having.

My issue was and is, Trump and Duke share the same ideology toward solutions (that won't work.) Other than that, you're pecking a keyboard, hoping for a miracle. It's just you and me and when you get your nose out of Trump's ass for a moment, you might find a constitutionalist that realizes a problem exists, but has a much more honest response and a more effective plan to fight for Liberty.

1. You said that Trump's base was white supremacist and nazis. I pointed out, correctly that it is absurd to give credit to the those who are lucking to get to double digits at their rallies, for the thousands that regularly turn out for Trump. That point stands.

2. Nothing I have said, has implied that I am confident about the future nor based on winning in the future. I don't know if you have confused me with someone else, or if this is another invention of yours. But you are wasting your time addressing something I have never said, nor believe.

3. I have repeatedly explained my opinion of the way you conflate different groups. It is wrong and unfair of you, that way you do that.

4. If I hear a nazi arguing for good dental hygiene, I am not going to stop brushing my teeth. THat fact that I brush my teeth, despite hearing a nazi say it was a good idea, does not make me a nazi.

And all of that, is still nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association. Very weak association.

Correll, you are extremely childish, uninformed and uneducated. You make the argument that the size of Trump's rallies versus the size of grass roots rallies is the determining factor in Trump's popularity.

Son, it is irrelevant. Richard Spencer put a little money in the kitty and Charlottesville drew one Hell of a crowd. People don't go out of their way to support grass roots organizations, but the reality is, the grass roots organizations are where you find the ground troops.

MOST white people will not identify as racists because they feel, and justifiably so, that working for White Rights (no matter how you try to spin it) is not a crime, so they will not put themselves nor their families into jeopardy by speaking out.

After more than 1000 exchanges with you I see that you are stupid enough to argue with a tree stump and dumb enough to lose to one. You can bullshit people until Hell freezes over, but if you want to retain your culture; if you care about the Constitution of the United States; if you really believe in the Rule of Law, then you have to be "racist" by today's standards. You conflate Nazism with racism. All Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.

The non-white world is attuned to this bullshit, double standard line that you are about the Rule of Law in one breath and then trying to enlist the support of non-whites in the next breath while standing beside a political platform that denounces multiculturalism. Could you be more screwed up!!! I don't conflate different groups. Whether you agree or not, like it or not, if your dumb ass got out there and WORKED among the activists, you would figure out that the white collar, suit and tie yuppie is saying the same thing that most white supremacists are saying.

There are a lot of Americans that are tired of watching their flags, monuments, plaques, memorials, and statues being torn down. There are those who get fed up with one guy wearing a diaper on his head and we're supposed to respect his religion while telling others they cannot wear anything with a cross on it as it offends the diaper wearing asshat on his head that demands you respect him. There are those who think the black people wanting reparations are a joke. Some people even get fed up that the blacks can play that nasty rap where it's heard all over the neighborhood and the demeaning lyrics about hos and bitches and sexually humiliating white chicks. Not everybody goes along with inter-racial marriages, double standards that allow the black guys to run around saying the N word, but you aren't supposed to be allowed.

There are a lot of different racists in different degrees. You don't have to hate the other races; you might even be married to someone of another race. But, if you value anything about your culture, then the Dems, most blacks, and all the liberals say you're racist. So, live with it.

The problem your dumb ass can't see is that people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the other high rollers don't give a rat's ass about your petty issue. A lot of what you want won't pass constitutional muster, so politicians don't give a shit. They get over-ruled in the courts and things don't change. The only things that change for those who cherish Liberty is that you and those of your ilk support an agenda that is antithetical to the core principles of Liberty. You simply cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself and if you take away the ability of your generation or the next to resist tyranny, you are a puppet of the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Know this: your demi-god Trump is part and parcel to the type of people who want to control you.

I can't save you from your actions, so when you advocate and work for laws that restrict my Liberty / unalienable Rights, I will oppose you. The only fundamental difference between the crowd you have chosen to stick your nose up their ass and Bernie Sanders is the race issue.

You can use the standard canard of "logical fallacy," and all that other puffed up meaningless bullshit, but until you've been IN the fight, you keyboard commando illiteracy is worth what you paid for it. If you studied instead of posting 50,000 posts on this board, you might have a clue. Today you don't, son. You are a useful idiot taking the tools required of a free society and making resistance to tyranny impossible... AND YOUR BOYS DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO SHOW FOR IT IN OVER 15 YEARS OF THIS MONOTONOUS "ILLEGAL ALIEN" - SECURE THE BORDER BABBOON LEVEL THINKING AND SHIT SPEWING.

anyone have a problem with

Read post # 44 You might get it.

1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.
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1. You said that Trump's base was white supremacist and nazis. I pointed out, correctly that it is absurd to give credit to the those who are lucking to get to double digits at their rallies, for the thousands that regularly turn out for Trump. That point stands.

2. Nothing I have said, has implied that I am confident about the future nor based on winning in the future. I don't know if you have confused me with someone else, or if this is another invention of yours. But you are wasting your time addressing something I have never said, nor believe.

3. I have repeatedly explained my opinion of the way you conflate different groups. It is wrong and unfair of you, that way you do that.

4. If I hear a nazi arguing for good dental hygiene, I am not going to stop brushing my teeth. THat fact that I brush my teeth, despite hearing a nazi say it was a good idea, does not make me a nazi.

And all of that, is still nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association. Very weak association.

Correll, you are extremely childish, uninformed and uneducated. You make the argument that the size of Trump's rallies versus the size of grass roots rallies is the determining factor in Trump's popularity.

Son, it is irrelevant. Richard Spencer put a little money in the kitty and Charlottesville drew one Hell of a crowd. People don't go out of their way to support grass roots organizations, but the reality is, the grass roots organizations are where you find the ground troops.

MOST white people will not identify as racists because they feel, and justifiably so, that working for White Rights (no matter how you try to spin it) is not a crime, so they will not put themselves nor their families into jeopardy by speaking out.

After more than 1000 exchanges with you I see that you are stupid enough to argue with a tree stump and dumb enough to lose to one. You can bullshit people until Hell freezes over, but if you want to retain your culture; if you care about the Constitution of the United States; if you really believe in the Rule of Law, then you have to be "racist" by today's standards. You conflate Nazism with racism. All Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.

The non-white world is attuned to this bullshit, double standard line that you are about the Rule of Law in one breath and then trying to enlist the support of non-whites in the next breath while standing beside a political platform that denounces multiculturalism. Could you be more screwed up!!! I don't conflate different groups. Whether you agree or not, like it or not, if your dumb ass got out there and WORKED among the activists, you would figure out that the white collar, suit and tie yuppie is saying the same thing that most white supremacists are saying.

There are a lot of Americans that are tired of watching their flags, monuments, plaques, memorials, and statues being torn down. There are those who get fed up with one guy wearing a diaper on his head and we're supposed to respect his religion while telling others they cannot wear anything with a cross on it as it offends the diaper wearing asshat on his head that demands you respect him. There are those who think the black people wanting reparations are a joke. Some people even get fed up that the blacks can play that nasty rap where it's heard all over the neighborhood and the demeaning lyrics about hos and bitches and sexually humiliating white chicks. Not everybody goes along with inter-racial marriages, double standards that allow the black guys to run around saying the N word, but you aren't supposed to be allowed.

There are a lot of different racists in different degrees. You don't have to hate the other races; you might even be married to someone of another race. But, if you value anything about your culture, then the Dems, most blacks, and all the liberals say you're racist. So, live with it.

The problem your dumb ass can't see is that people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the other high rollers don't give a rat's ass about your petty issue. A lot of what you want won't pass constitutional muster, so politicians don't give a shit. They get over-ruled in the courts and things don't change. The only things that change for those who cherish Liberty is that you and those of your ilk support an agenda that is antithetical to the core principles of Liberty. You simply cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself and if you take away the ability of your generation or the next to resist tyranny, you are a puppet of the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Know this: your demi-god Trump is part and parcel to the type of people who want to control you.

I can't save you from your actions, so when you advocate and work for laws that restrict my Liberty / unalienable Rights, I will oppose you. The only fundamental difference between the crowd you have chosen to stick your nose up their ass and Bernie Sanders is the race issue.

You can use the standard canard of "logical fallacy," and all that other puffed up meaningless bullshit, but until you've been IN the fight, you keyboard commando illiteracy is worth what you paid for it. If you studied instead of posting 50,000 posts on this board, you might have a clue. Today you don't, son. You are a useful idiot taking the tools required of a free society and making resistance to tyranny impossible... AND YOUR BOYS DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO SHOW FOR IT IN OVER 15 YEARS OF THIS MONOTONOUS "ILLEGAL ALIEN" - SECURE THE BORDER BABBOON LEVEL THINKING AND SHIT SPEWING.

anyone have a problem with

Read post # 44 You might get it.

1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
Correll, you are extremely childish, uninformed and uneducated. You make the argument that the size of Trump's rallies versus the size of grass roots rallies is the determining factor in Trump's popularity.

Son, it is irrelevant. Richard Spencer put a little money in the kitty and Charlottesville drew one Hell of a crowd. People don't go out of their way to support grass roots organizations, but the reality is, the grass roots organizations are where you find the ground troops.

MOST white people will not identify as racists because they feel, and justifiably so, that working for White Rights (no matter how you try to spin it) is not a crime, so they will not put themselves nor their families into jeopardy by speaking out.

After more than 1000 exchanges with you I see that you are stupid enough to argue with a tree stump and dumb enough to lose to one. You can bullshit people until Hell freezes over, but if you want to retain your culture; if you care about the Constitution of the United States; if you really believe in the Rule of Law, then you have to be "racist" by today's standards. You conflate Nazism with racism. All Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.

The non-white world is attuned to this bullshit, double standard line that you are about the Rule of Law in one breath and then trying to enlist the support of non-whites in the next breath while standing beside a political platform that denounces multiculturalism. Could you be more screwed up!!! I don't conflate different groups. Whether you agree or not, like it or not, if your dumb ass got out there and WORKED among the activists, you would figure out that the white collar, suit and tie yuppie is saying the same thing that most white supremacists are saying.

There are a lot of Americans that are tired of watching their flags, monuments, plaques, memorials, and statues being torn down. There are those who get fed up with one guy wearing a diaper on his head and we're supposed to respect his religion while telling others they cannot wear anything with a cross on it as it offends the diaper wearing asshat on his head that demands you respect him. There are those who think the black people wanting reparations are a joke. Some people even get fed up that the blacks can play that nasty rap where it's heard all over the neighborhood and the demeaning lyrics about hos and bitches and sexually humiliating white chicks. Not everybody goes along with inter-racial marriages, double standards that allow the black guys to run around saying the N word, but you aren't supposed to be allowed.

There are a lot of different racists in different degrees. You don't have to hate the other races; you might even be married to someone of another race. But, if you value anything about your culture, then the Dems, most blacks, and all the liberals say you're racist. So, live with it.

The problem your dumb ass can't see is that people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the other high rollers don't give a rat's ass about your petty issue. A lot of what you want won't pass constitutional muster, so politicians don't give a shit. They get over-ruled in the courts and things don't change. The only things that change for those who cherish Liberty is that you and those of your ilk support an agenda that is antithetical to the core principles of Liberty. You simply cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself and if you take away the ability of your generation or the next to resist tyranny, you are a puppet of the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Know this: your demi-god Trump is part and parcel to the type of people who want to control you.

I can't save you from your actions, so when you advocate and work for laws that restrict my Liberty / unalienable Rights, I will oppose you. The only fundamental difference between the crowd you have chosen to stick your nose up their ass and Bernie Sanders is the race issue.

You can use the standard canard of "logical fallacy," and all that other puffed up meaningless bullshit, but until you've been IN the fight, you keyboard commando illiteracy is worth what you paid for it. If you studied instead of posting 50,000 posts on this board, you might have a clue. Today you don't, son. You are a useful idiot taking the tools required of a free society and making resistance to tyranny impossible... AND YOUR BOYS DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO SHOW FOR IT IN OVER 15 YEARS OF THIS MONOTONOUS "ILLEGAL ALIEN" - SECURE THE BORDER BABBOON LEVEL THINKING AND SHIT SPEWING.

anyone have a problem with

Read post # 44 You might get it.

1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!
Last edited:
1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military
Correll, you are extremely childish, uninformed and uneducated. You make the argument that the size of Trump's rallies versus the size of grass roots rallies is the determining factor in Trump's popularity.

Son, it is irrelevant. Richard Spencer put a little money in the kitty and Charlottesville drew one Hell of a crowd. People don't go out of their way to support grass roots organizations, but the reality is, the grass roots organizations are where you find the ground troops.

MOST white people will not identify as racists because they feel, and justifiably so, that working for White Rights (no matter how you try to spin it) is not a crime, so they will not put themselves nor their families into jeopardy by speaking out.

After more than 1000 exchanges with you I see that you are stupid enough to argue with a tree stump and dumb enough to lose to one. You can bullshit people until Hell freezes over, but if you want to retain your culture; if you care about the Constitution of the United States; if you really believe in the Rule of Law, then you have to be "racist" by today's standards. You conflate Nazism with racism. All Nazis are racists, but not all racists are Nazis.

The non-white world is attuned to this bullshit, double standard line that you are about the Rule of Law in one breath and then trying to enlist the support of non-whites in the next breath while standing beside a political platform that denounces multiculturalism. Could you be more screwed up!!! I don't conflate different groups. Whether you agree or not, like it or not, if your dumb ass got out there and WORKED among the activists, you would figure out that the white collar, suit and tie yuppie is saying the same thing that most white supremacists are saying.

There are a lot of Americans that are tired of watching their flags, monuments, plaques, memorials, and statues being torn down. There are those who get fed up with one guy wearing a diaper on his head and we're supposed to respect his religion while telling others they cannot wear anything with a cross on it as it offends the diaper wearing asshat on his head that demands you respect him. There are those who think the black people wanting reparations are a joke. Some people even get fed up that the blacks can play that nasty rap where it's heard all over the neighborhood and the demeaning lyrics about hos and bitches and sexually humiliating white chicks. Not everybody goes along with inter-racial marriages, double standards that allow the black guys to run around saying the N word, but you aren't supposed to be allowed.

There are a lot of different racists in different degrees. You don't have to hate the other races; you might even be married to someone of another race. But, if you value anything about your culture, then the Dems, most blacks, and all the liberals say you're racist. So, live with it.

The problem your dumb ass can't see is that people like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and the other high rollers don't give a rat's ass about your petty issue. A lot of what you want won't pass constitutional muster, so politicians don't give a shit. They get over-ruled in the courts and things don't change. The only things that change for those who cherish Liberty is that you and those of your ilk support an agenda that is antithetical to the core principles of Liberty. You simply cannot build a government big enough to save you from yourself and if you take away the ability of your generation or the next to resist tyranny, you are a puppet of the NEW WORLD ORDER / One World Government. Know this: your demi-god Trump is part and parcel to the type of people who want to control you.

I can't save you from your actions, so when you advocate and work for laws that restrict my Liberty / unalienable Rights, I will oppose you. The only fundamental difference between the crowd you have chosen to stick your nose up their ass and Bernie Sanders is the race issue.

You can use the standard canard of "logical fallacy," and all that other puffed up meaningless bullshit, but until you've been IN the fight, you keyboard commando illiteracy is worth what you paid for it. If you studied instead of posting 50,000 posts on this board, you might have a clue. Today you don't, son. You are a useful idiot taking the tools required of a free society and making resistance to tyranny impossible... AND YOUR BOYS DON'T HAVE A DAMN THING TO SHOW FOR IT IN OVER 15 YEARS OF THIS MONOTONOUS "ILLEGAL ALIEN" - SECURE THE BORDER BABBOON LEVEL THINKING AND SHIT SPEWING.

anyone have a problem with

Read post # 44 You might get it.

1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
sure, if we had an express wall building and immigration clause.
I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.
1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
sure, if we had an express wall building and immigration clause.

I am embarrassed for the right wing. I don't vote for Democrats. Yet the wallists here have to hear you repeat the same thing over and over. WTF? Are they really that stupid?

The minute the wallists made this an issue of domestic legality (i.e. calling people "illegal aliens") it took the issue from being a military concern to a domestic legal issue where the feds have NO jurisdiction. What in the Hell do they not understand about the Rule of Law, separation of powers, the unconstitutionality of using the military to enforce domestic policies, and the Tenth Amendment???
I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

More irrelevant garbage.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military
You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military

Are you really that stupid? The whole argument of the wallists is that the foreigners are "illegal aliens." True or false? Anybody? So, if it is a legal matter, it is a STATE matter.

Is the current situation a matter of "National Security?" The affected states have governors that say NO. So, what is the legal recourse, boys and girls? Anyone? It works like this:

Go to Congress. Convince a majority there that the National Emergency exists and declare war and / or have Congress give the president limited powers to act against any perceived "National Emergency." Right now the matter is tied up in court while they haggle over whether or not Trump can take money from earmarked military funds and so forth to enforce his "National Emergency." There it will stay in the courts and maybe up to the election.

Give up the "illegal" angle and lobby for a Declaration of War. See how popular your message really resonates. Hell, you might win for a change - and if you don't, you'll know who is really on your side.
IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military

Are you really that stupid? The whole argument of the wallists is that the foreigners are "illegal aliens." True or false? Anybody? So, if it is a legal matter, it is a STATE matter.

Is the current situation a matter of "National Security?" The affected states have governors that say NO. So, what is the legal recourse, boys and girls? Anyone? It works like this:

Go to Congress. Convince a majority there that the National Emergency exists and declare war and / or have Congress give the president limited powers to act against any perceived "National Emergency." Right now the matter is tied up in court while they haggle over whether or not Trump can take money from earmarked military funds and so forth to enforce his "National Emergency." There it will stay in the courts and maybe up to the election.

Give up the "illegal" angle and lobby for a Declaration of War. See how popular your message really resonates. Hell, you might win for a change - and if you don't, you'll know who is really on your side.

when they are carrying foreign flags and have been sent by people with hostile intentions to overload our system its a national security issue

the borders are a federal issue not a state one
NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military

Are you really that stupid? The whole argument of the wallists is that the foreigners are "illegal aliens." True or false? Anybody? So, if it is a legal matter, it is a STATE matter.

Is the current situation a matter of "National Security?" The affected states have governors that say NO. So, what is the legal recourse, boys and girls? Anyone? It works like this:

Go to Congress. Convince a majority there that the National Emergency exists and declare war and / or have Congress give the president limited powers to act against any perceived "National Emergency." Right now the matter is tied up in court while they haggle over whether or not Trump can take money from earmarked military funds and so forth to enforce his "National Emergency." There it will stay in the courts and maybe up to the election.

Give up the "illegal" angle and lobby for a Declaration of War. See how popular your message really resonates. Hell, you might win for a change - and if you don't, you'll know who is really on your side.

when they are carrying foreign flags and have been sent by people with hostile intentions to overload our system its a national security issue

the borders are a federal issue not a state one

You keep trying to have it both ways and I'm sorry to tell you, but it don't work that way. Your side has done this song and dance since 2003. Do you know what the definition of an idiot is?

They keep doing the same thing over and over the same way, hoping for a different result. Get your head out of your ass.

America leads the way in drug users. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. For every one drug addict in a mental health facility, more than 10 are in prison. More than HALF of the federal prison inmates are in on drug charges and America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet! Children are prescribed drugs like Ritalin at a ration of 3 to 1 compared to places like the UK. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their paychecks. Bottom line, their sorry asses aren't working.

Somebody's picking up the slack. And what you're bitching about is the free market in action. Quit doing the drugs and go to work. The foreigners will leave. Walls, a National Emergency and 15 more years of dumb asses blaming the foreigners is NOT going to change your culture and YOU make it an attractive nuisance for those from south of the border by making it profitable for drug cartels and entry level laborers.

In what freaking language does this have to be explained to your dumb ass? What you're accusing foreigners of is utter bullshit. You know it; I know it; and so does the majority of the citizenry... with those numbers climbing every day. If you don't change strategies and quit this nonsensical horseshit that has consistently failed for over a decade and a half, you will lose this country within the next two election cycles.

While the borders are a federal issue, if there is no emergency, there is no emergency. Trump is not God dumbass. He's a man. Whoop dee fucking doo. He declared an emergency he has no money to back it up with. I doubt he'll get it from Congress without a MAJOR concession. Nobody agrees with the lie that a National Emergency exists. So, which of YOUR Rights will you trade for a silly wall that comes down when the next Democrat becomes president? So, really, do you have an "illegal alien" problem or a National Security issue? If you were a doctor and a guy comes in saying he needs surgery on his foot, would you give him an operation for hemorrhoids? THAT is an analogy of your silliness.

You want the illusion of a win; I'll settle for nothing less than a permanent solution no matter what party is in charge. You can't get that done with that half ass nonsensical crap you spew continually.
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1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

If the Mexicans were given a couple thousand of russian tanks and were planning to invade Texas, would you support allowing US military forces to set up defensive positions on American soil to repeal the attack?
1. AGAIN, we were discussing rally size, not to point out how popular Trump is, but to show that it is insane of you to give credit to Trump's popularity to a fringe movement that cannot get anything like the rallies that Trump can.

And it is, insane of you to do that. Also, your insults are the type of shit people do, when they know their arguments are losing.

2.I agree that most white people do not identify as racist. However I think most white people have accepted that is it Taboo to even talk about white interests, because they have been told over and over again that it is racist to do so. Indeed, told that by people that play a game of guilt by association very similar to what you do.

3. I do care about my culture and my nation. I reject the idea that that is racism, despite the lies of the Left and I will call them on their bullshit about that, as doggedly and as annoyingly as I am calling you on yours.

4. I reject your claim that the "white collar types", whoever you think they are, are saying the same things that the white supremacists are saying. White supremacists are a fringe group. No one is saying the same shit they are.

5. I understand that "non-whites" are likely to see me as an enemy for denouncing multiculturalism, and that that is a problem for any attempts to find common ground with them. But my points about multiculturalism are true. It has been shown to be a lie. I cannot ignore that. It is tearing this nation apart.

6. I agree that many Americans are tired of "seeing their statues torn down", ect, but I will not let the liars call that racism. I will call them on any such bullshit, no matter how they present it. The same way I will not let you do so, with your game of guilt by association.

7. I do not claim that Trump "cares about my issues". I have not commented on his motives for his political platform. HIs platform is what I want and I support it. That you attack me for that, is just you being rude and condescending, very unfairly.

8. I acknowledge the problem of the courts. But surrendering on these issues is just national suicide. All we can hope is that Trump will nominate real judges instead of lefty activists.

9. This nation is turning into a Third World shithole. Your long term concerns about the size and shape of government is irrelevant, because it is just a little more paper work for the Dems and the Deep State to ignore when they get the control they want.

10. I agree that we don't have much to show for it. This is probably too little to late. But the effects of even the limited reduction in illegal immigration flow Trump has done, has already had very impressive results for wages, especially on the lower end. It shows what could have been, or could be. Though the media will not tell the people that obvious fact.

11. We have to try. THe alternative that you support, ie surrender, is national suicide.

I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
sure, if we had an express wall building and immigration clause.


protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military

Are you really that stupid? The whole argument of the wallists is that the foreigners are "illegal aliens." True or false? Anybody? So, if it is a legal matter, it is a STATE matter.

Is the current situation a matter of "National Security?" The affected states have governors that say NO. So, what is the legal recourse, boys and girls? Anyone? It works like this:

Go to Congress. Convince a majority there that the National Emergency exists and declare war and / or have Congress give the president limited powers to act against any perceived "National Emergency." Right now the matter is tied up in court while they haggle over whether or not Trump can take money from earmarked military funds and so forth to enforce his "National Emergency." There it will stay in the courts and maybe up to the election.

Give up the "illegal" angle and lobby for a Declaration of War. See how popular your message really resonates. Hell, you might win for a change - and if you don't, you'll know who is really on your side.

when they are carrying foreign flags and have been sent by people with hostile intentions to overload our system its a national security issue

the borders are a federal issue not a state one

You keep trying to have it both ways and I'm sorry to tell you, but it don't work that way. Your side has done this song and dance since 2003. Do you know what the definition of an idiot is?

They keep doing the same thing over and over the same way, hoping for a different result. Get your head out of your ass.

America leads the way in drug users. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. For every one drug addict in a mental health facility, more than 10 are in prison. More than HALF of the federal prison inmates are in on drug charges and America has more people in prison than any nation on this planet! Children are prescribed drugs like Ritalin at a ration of 3 to 1 compared to places like the UK. Half of the American people are dependent on the government for their paychecks. Bottom line, their sorry asses aren't working.

Somebody's picking up the slack. And what you're bitching about is the free market in action. Quit doing the drugs and go to work. The foreigners will leave. Walls, a National Emergency and 15 more years of dumb asses blaming the foreigners is NOT going to change your culture and YOU make it an attractive nuisance for those from south of the border by making it profitable for drug cartels and entry level laborers.

In what freaking language does this have to be explained to your dumb ass? What you're accusing foreigners of is utter bullshit. You know it; I know it; and so does the majority of the citizenry... with those numbers climbing every day. If you don't change strategies and quit this nonsensical horseshit that has consistently failed for over a decade and a half, you will lose this country within the next two election cycles.

While the borders are a federal issue, if there is no emergency, there is no emergency. Trump is not God dumbass. He's a man. Whoop dee fucking doo. He declared an emergency he has no money to back it up with. I doubt he'll get it from Congress without a MAJOR concession. Nobody agrees with the lie that a National Emergency exists. So, which of YOUR Rights will you trade for a silly wall that comes down when the next Democrat becomes president? So, really, do you have an "illegal alien" problem or a National Security issue? If you were a doctor and a guy comes in saying he needs surgery on his foot, would you give him an operation for hemorrhoids? THAT is an analogy of your silliness.

You want the illusion of a win; I'll settle for nothing less than a permanent solution no matter what party is in charge. You can't get that done with that half ass nonsensical crap you spew continually.
I quit reading after you said my side,,,I dont have a side other than the rule of law and the constitution

its you baby killing thieving backstabbing fucking democrats and republicans that have sides

and until we get rid of you guys the world is fucked,,,
I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
sure, if we had an express wall building and immigration clause.

I am embarrassed for the right wing. I don't vote for Democrats. Yet the wallists here have to hear you repeat the same thing over and over. WTF? Are they really that stupid?

The minute the wallists made this an issue of domestic legality (i.e. calling people "illegal aliens") it took the issue from being a military concern to a domestic legal issue where the feds have NO jurisdiction. What in the Hell do they not understand about the Rule of Law, separation of powers, the unconstitutionality of using the military to enforce domestic policies, and the Tenth Amendment???
they have nothing but fallacy not any valid rebuttals; what do you think.
You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military
we have a humanitarian issue on the border not a military issue.
NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

protecting the borders/country is the main job of the military

If an invasion occurs, it IS the responsibility of the federal government to act. HOWEVER, you do not use the military to enforce domestic policies. Over and over and over again, the wallists keep harping on "illegal immigration." Did ANY of you dumb asses take basic civics in high school? It is unconstitutional to use the military to enforce domestic laws. When you call the foreigners "illegals" any other related language, you negate the possibility of using the military to achieve your objective. How come that is so hard for you people to understand?

Additionally, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that state and local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal statutory law. BTW, this was done at the behest and hard work of people on your side of this issue!!!

On domestic policies (i.e. dealing with people you insist on calling "illegal") the federal government has NO JURISDICTION. If the governor of a state rejects federal intervention, it's because they are protected by the Tenth Amendment.

What kind of dumb assery keeps the wallists from understanding the constitutional roles of state and federal government, separation of powers, and 14th Amendment rights??????

If you have a military problem with people from south of the border, then quit calling people "illegal" and get the LEOs out of the damn picture. You're like a rodent on a treadmill and I'm stuck trying to give you people a high school lesson in civics. That doesn't even factor in how your side screwed themselves on this border protection bullshit. You can thank your own kind for that as well - as if we don't have hundreds of paragraphs on this thread discussing that aspect.

The BEST solution is to restore the Freedoms and Liberties back to the people, deal with the drug issue, put Americans back to work, and your problem will dissipate to the point that a group of Cub Scouts can man the border and protect it.

border security isnt domestic policy,,,its national security, which is the soul purpose of the military

Are you really that stupid? The whole argument of the wallists is that the foreigners are "illegal aliens." True or false? Anybody? So, if it is a legal matter, it is a STATE matter.

Is the current situation a matter of "National Security?" The affected states have governors that say NO. So, what is the legal recourse, boys and girls? Anyone? It works like this:

Go to Congress. Convince a majority there that the National Emergency exists and declare war and / or have Congress give the president limited powers to act against any perceived "National Emergency." Right now the matter is tied up in court while they haggle over whether or not Trump can take money from earmarked military funds and so forth to enforce his "National Emergency." There it will stay in the courts and maybe up to the election.

Give up the "illegal" angle and lobby for a Declaration of War. See how popular your message really resonates. Hell, you might win for a change - and if you don't, you'll know who is really on your side.

when they are carrying foreign flags and have been sent by people with hostile intentions to overload our system its a national security issue

the borders are a federal issue not a state one
we have a naturalization clause not an immigration clause. We should not have this problem on our border; we should have upgraded Ellis Island by now, but for right wing bigotry.
I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

If the Mexicans were given a couple thousand of russian tanks and were planning to invade Texas, would you support allowing US military forces to set up defensive positions on American soil to repeal the attack?

That would be an appropriate use of the military.

Back in the 1980s, when I was relatively new to this, Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr, the first American captured during the Korean Conflict (he was beaten, tortured, and sentenced to death only to escape and return to the battle field) became one of my mentors. He would send me to the border where I was always looking for Cuban troops with Soviet troops looking for ways to penetrate the border.

After four decades of watching this presupposed scenario play out and never materializing, I have decided that the border was well secured when Iraq had the ultimate opportunity to cross the border in 1991... as did all the supposed troops Cuban troops with Soviet armaments the right said were being trained. In 1991 virtually every man that could be spared was on his way to Iraq. The government was even taking former military personnel that had recent experience - cops, doctors, paramedics, etc. There I was, trained and read; cocked, locked and ready to rock... and not a single one of those Mexicans with Cuban advisers, Russian tanks, helicopters crossed that border.

It became perfectly clear to me that the border was secure from any military threat, but I still saw the numbers of foreigners coming here. Bear in mind, at that time I had your level of knowledge of history, law, economics and our God given unalienable Rights. Having manned the border for years, it became more of a way for civilians to take an active role in "keeping foreigners on their side of the fence"

In 2003, the side you're on made that effort a criminal act via court precedent. They did not appeal the case; they did not resist. That group took away any claim civilians had to man the border. That left civilians with one last hope: become part of a civilian militia an hope that a governor would call on them. That will never come to pass as the reality is we're doing this to ourselves and willingly participating in our own demise. So, you're screaming about "illegal aliens" while more than half of the American citizenry is doing business with undocumented foreigners. Your last hope son is to change your own culture and put those who are locked out of the system back to work before you can do anything else. Your side is too weak to fight and the government is NEVER going to help you. There is no profit in it.
I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?

NO, I do not support a militarized border and you can lie all the Hell you want, but the trade-off in terms of Freedoms and Liberties makes that trade one that our forefathers found to be reprehensible.

"He who would give up Essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserves neither Liberty NOR safety" Benjamin Franklin

You want a popularity contest? Let me tell you a FACT, son. Ever since the people voted to worship the Golden calf when Moses went up to Mount Sinai, it has been shown that the masses are proven wrong. So, in the time of Moses it was a Golden Calf and today it is a fat ass white boy that inherited a lot of his daddy's money. You're still wrong.

Until you curb Americans insatiable appetite for drugs (our country represents the world's most prolific amount of drug users) a militarized border simply will not work. It will corrupt the government even further and give a lot of U.S. servicemen and women a reason to commit criminal acts. That is not counting the number of Liberties lost in the peripheral legislation that will be enforced making us a POLICE STATE. SO HELL NO BECAUSE NO WALL OR MILITARIZED BORDER CAN SAVE YOU FROM YOURSELF!

If the Mexicans were given a couple thousand of russian tanks and were planning to invade Texas, would you support allowing US military forces to set up defensive positions on American soil to repeal the attack?
Mexico is not our enemy or trying to be.
I do not address posts where you go on and on. For the benefit of the readers, I will repeat the points made before:

I went "on and on" because I responded to each point you actually made. Indeed, I only gave an one or two word response, very concise. It seems that part of your style is to want to be able to pepper your long rambling posts with points that you want to pass unchallenged.


Dollar for dollar spent, Trump's rallies are rather small. Second to that rally size is NOT a determining factor in results. If that were the case, then back in the late 1990s through early 2000s, we could have repealed the 16th Amendment, gotten rid of the income tax AND the IRS. That effort spawned TWO books to make it to the New York Times Bestseller list. Trump = ZERO on that count.

We were only talking about rally size to point out how absurd it is, for you to give Credit to the White Supremacists for Trumps rise.

You keep trying to twist this into something it never was.

Correll pretends to be "calling me out on something." He is delusional, dishonest, and his credibility is so bad he has to stick he chest out and proclaim he's called me out and beat me.... when in FACT, his bullshit strategies have not seen a single, solitary victory in the 15 + years his side has been preaching them.

Oh, I am certainly calling you out on a lot of stuff.

Next, Correll has faith in the government. I don't. What he calls surrender is his abject stupidity. I have been in a civilian militia for 32 years now. Terminology that has been used to describe people like me is survivalist, prepper, and citizen soldier.

I have no faith in our government. I have hopes that they might do their job(s) someday.

Correll has never manned the border; never participated in a rally or march (except MAYBE as an onlooker.) He's never been in a stand-off, never been in a physical altercation with those on the extreme left. He's never debated top name activists on tv and radio. He's never had his ass on the line in a court action, never had to represent himself in court, and never written a legal brief. He's never trained with hard core vets nor been a part of a think tank that plans for different kinds of scenarios. He's never read books on warfare like The Art of War (Hell, I haven't been able to get the guy to read a single court case.)

With all due respect to your history of political activism, all of that is just you attacking the source, something someone does, when they can't made their case, based on it's actual merits.

Correll has never managed a political campaign, never held public office, and never studied guerrilla warfare. If I said the classic three-phase Maoist model, he'd have to Google it to see what in the Hell I was talking about. Yet I've been doing that for 32 years. The bottom line is, he has NO experience outside of 50,000 plus posts spouting bullshit to the minions of the Supreme Pretender of the United States.

More irrelevant garbage.

Lastly, I am the last person who will EVER be talking surrender. You have to exhaust all of your nonviolent legal and political avenues of redress. Then you have to leave the doors open for nonviolent solutions. You have to go through a process without surrendering. Correll has already surrendered because he thinks crowd sizes at a Trump rally are going to magically transform into a Hispanic free America. They aren't. Furthermore, Correll's strategy is to surrender your unalienable Rights on the false belief that government will save you and you won't have to fight. Some day if you intend on being free, you WILL have to fight. Therefore, you do not shut down the avenues that allow you to resist tyranny. You do not forfeit your Rights for the promise of Safety... which Correll advocates. If you believe in his drivel, you WILL wind up in prison, jail, Hell, or become a snitch bitch for an alphabet agency.

You want to leave the border open, and let the illegals in. That is surrender.

You are a liar, an idiot and a deceiver. You have your nose stuck so far up Trumps ass, the only time you get a breath of fresh air is if Trump farts.

No, I do not want a militarized border that costs more in terms of Liberty than it pays in return. If your worthless, lazy white ass were working a job or at least using some of your time to help others, Americans would take the jobs and they wouldn't be available for the foreigners.

If you got out of your mother's basement, quit sucking dope and snorting shit up your nose while you get off on pretending to be something your ARE NOT and doing things YOU CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY HAVEN'T DONE, you might be able to set an example so that we can reclaim our Rights and Liberties. That and that alone will insure that you don't have an "illegal" problem. A wall ups the ante, it don't stop people from coming.

Your dumb ass can't fathom that there is no such thing as an illegal (sic) problem. There is too much government; there are too many worthless pieces of shit like you running around complaining about not having a job while you're too fucking lazy to look for one... and if you weren't on drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't exist.

Without drug cartels, the people from south of the border would learn how to grow food and get into industry. They don't stop coming over a wall and any idiot who thinks so is out of touch with reality. You are a danger to Freedom and Liberty.

Accusing me of being for some kind of surrender is pure bullshit - the kind of stuff you hear from Keyboard Commandos who have never been IN the real fight. You talk shit because you're a coward and you've proven it. If you think I'm about surrender, you might want to explain why it is YOU with your nose up the government's ass, looking for a solution when it's people like YOU that created the problem and only when you walk the walk will you ever be able to have earned the Right to criticize me. The reason you don't know me is because you have never been IN the fight. You aren't going to get there taunting me and cowering behind your keyboard like the scared piece of shit you really are. You get in the mix of things and see how involved I am, then preach your false doctrine to the lazy fucks like you. Until then you are so full of yourself you lost your last ounce of credibility.

IF militarizing the border worked, would you support that?
sure, if we had an express wall building and immigration clause.

only illegals don't care about the law.

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