Right Wing Radio Host Calls For Terrorist Attack on NYC

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
David Sirota: Denver Radio Host Mike Rosen Pushes for Terrorist Attack on Islamic Center Built in Lower Manhattan

On Wednesday night, I debated 850 KOA's Mike Rosen and KHOW's Peter Boyles in front of a sold out audience in Centennial. During a question about whether an Islamic Center should be allowed to be built in Lower Manhattan, Rosen said that if one is built, he supports terrorists blowing it up. You can listen to the full debate here, or the specific excerpt in question here. After both myself and Boyles said the Islamic Center should be allowed to be built, Rosen said:

I think they should be allowed to build it, followed by the hijacking of an Iranian plane right into that building and blow it to smithereens.
Remember, the same Mike Rosen now using his radio platform to endorse a new terrorist attack on New York City was the major voice leading the crusade pressuring University of Colorado to fire professor Ward Churchill. In the clip, you'll first hear my voice, then Rosen, then conservative host Peter Boyles (who vehemently disagrees with Rosen).
Family values is a beautiful thing. Just blow 'em to pieces! This asshole's no better than the assholes that flew the planes into the twin towers.
Well, it's not like he called for the bombing of the Pentagon, murdering cops and judges, or anything untoward like that. :eusa_whistle:
You gotta love a place where Ward Churchill is the most sympathetic guy in the room.
We've had quite enough terrorist attacks..

Fat chance. The President, not a right wing Denver talk show host, said you can absorb another terrorist attack.
This line of reasoning is identical to what I heard regularly when I covered the Bush White House. Moreover, it was the realism of Liz Cheney's father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, who said: "We have to assume there will be more attacks. And for the first time in our history, we will probably suffer more casualties here at home in America than will our troops overseas."

I remember being a little shocked at how brutal the calculus was when I heard officials in Cheney's office involved in the national response to terrorism say that they had to focus their energy first on "mass casualty" events. What were they talking about? The same thing the president was: a nuclear attack or one that used a weapon of mass destruction.
What Obama Meant When He Said America Can "Absorb" a Terrorist Attack - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Come on guys, I am not fan of Obama, but using what he said about us absorbing another attack to justify what this fucking loon said is just sad.
If he's right, you're dead.

No I'm cool, but was that offensive to say that? I dont understand what's wrong with that statement

Is it offensive to suggest the possibility of thousands more American civilians dying, with the rest of us acting like nothing happened?

Dude stop it. There are plenty of legit reasons to knock Obama, But what he said about absorbing an attack is not one of them.

he was saying nothing more than we are strong, and no terrorist attack is going to bring us down.

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