right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

Planned Parenthood just put its foot up Texas' ass and it will remain their for the duration. They messed with Texas and Texas bent over. NEXT.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

Planned Parenthood just put its foot up Texas' ass and it will remain their for the duration. They messed with Texas and Texas bent over. NEXT.
You and Johnny celebrating dead babies makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

You're a pro-birther. Once children are born you couldn't care less if it died the same day. You support people that want to deny healthcare to the poor that can't afford it, the children of whom will suffer the most.

Your outrage is the outrage of the lazy. In the minute it took you to read this 15 children died somewhere in the world of hunger or disease. And you instead of helping them with money or your time sat comfortably in your house on your ass typing. Save your fake outrage, you aren't a Christian or a 'defender of life'.
Your whole post was one big fat made up lie, liar, you know nothing .

For phoney Kristians the truth hurts I know. But come on, you know it's true.
Maybe when you grow up you will know lying is wrong, my son knew it by the time he was 4 yrs old, good luck!
Well a lot of the people who *use* legalized abortion are victims of sex trafficking. PP lies about who they serve, just as they lie about everything else. You don't get any real numbers from them, ever. Taint and his friends don't like to see the pimps and rapists of young girls held accountable. For whatever reason. I'm sure it's not what it seems.
Large numbers of those being abuse by trafficking are coming across our Mexican border as sex slaves. Perhaps these are the "poor peasants migrant workers" that Democrats like to tout. Our border is a crime laden cesspool.
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
You really hate women dont you ?

You think it's a sign of *love* to advocate strapping rape victims into stirrups and ripping their babies from them?

You think it's a sign that you *love* women that you advocate they be victimized when they are vulnerable and terrified, in order to protect the men who abuse them?

You think it's a sign of *love* to encourage underaged girls to get abortions instead of calling the police to report the men who get them pregnant? Because after all, those are the guys who are paying, and those dead babies are worth money.

It's curious that the Leftist pro-Abort crowd have this strangely indignant moral stance which they illustrate in these type of threads, they have a bizarre notion that they have a moral high ground while being oblivious to the point that they are cheerleading and celebrating women killing their own babies as they slumber in the womb.

It does shows that on most levels Leftism is a mental illness, they think they have a moral high ground, they are demanding that women be allowed to MURDER their OWN babies and then be congratulated for doing so.

Those who support protecting the unborn as they slumber in the womb are then called bigots :uhoh3:
It's how they psychologically deal with the fact they support infanticide.
Killing babies doesn't give them a moment's distress, any more than victimizing women to harvest their babies does. It's how they hide the fact that they support infanticide and sex trafficking.......and like it.

The American Supreme Court is only two appointments from the possibility of Roe vs Wade being overturned, when that happens the Pro-Baby Killing Crowd are going to go :blowup:
Large numbers of those being abuse by trafficking are coming across our Mexican border as sex slaves. Perhaps these are the "poor peasants migrant workers" that Democrats like to tout. Our border is a crime laden cesspool.
You really hate women dont you ?

You think it's a sign of *love* to advocate strapping rape victims into stirrups and ripping their babies from them?

You think it's a sign that you *love* women that you advocate they be victimized when they are vulnerable and terrified, in order to protect the men who abuse them?

You think it's a sign of *love* to encourage underaged girls to get abortions instead of calling the police to report the men who get them pregnant? Because after all, those are the guys who are paying, and those dead babies are worth money.

It's curious that the Leftist pro-Abort crowd have this strangely indignant moral stance which they illustrate in these type of threads, they have a bizarre notion that they have a moral high ground while being oblivious to the point that they are cheerleading and celebrating women killing their own babies as they slumber in the womb.

It does shows that on most levels Leftism is a mental illness, they think they have a moral high ground, they are demanding that women be allowed to MURDER their OWN babies and then be congratulated for doing so.

Those who support protecting the unborn as they slumber in the womb are then called bigots :uhoh3:
It's how they psychologically deal with the fact they support infanticide.
Killing babies doesn't give them a moment's distress, any more than victimizing women to harvest their babies does. It's how they hide the fact that they support infanticide and sex trafficking.......and like it.

The American Supreme Court is only two appointments from the possibility of Roe vs Wade being overturned, when that happens the Pro-Baby Killing Crowd are going to go :blowup:

I hope so.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation they didn't chose.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
You really hate women dont you ?
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
You really hate women dont you ?
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation they didn't chose.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
You really hate women dont you ?
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Legalized abortion did not reduce the number of "unwanted babies" dumbass. In fact, it resulted in a LOT more of them, as evinced by the welfare roll BOOM that followed directly RvW and the "my body my choice" movement.
I am anti abortion and believe those kids should receive health care until the age of 18.....no pro lifer can go against this. oh...and tax payer funded.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
You really hate women dont you ?
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

/---- Will you celebrate by ripping some babies from the womb and drowning them in the toilet?
Once they are born they dont give a fcuk.

There is another thread on here where the same types are advocating feeding the kids shit BECAUSE IT IS THE PARENTS CHOICE !!

Hypocrisy writ large.

/---- I bet you're still angry your mommy didn't abort you.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

/---- Will you celebrate by ripping some babies from the womb and drowning them in the toilet?
No one rips babies cut the dramatics.
pro life means we take care of them all 18 years of life...not just until birth.
pro life means we take care of them all 18 years of life...not just until birth.

"pro life means we take care of them all 18 years of life...not just until birth."

Who is we?

If you have a baby then it's you and your husband and/or boyfriends responsibility to take care of it, you are responsible for it being fed and clothed.

Who is we? If we is Society, then no, you are wrong.

If you cannot afford to financially provide for your own child and/or children then you should not be having children to begin with, it's not the taxpayers of any Society responsibility to financially provide for children that are not their own.

Is it any wonder all these Welfare Queens dropping a baby each year with this mentality of "it's okay because taxpayers will pay while I sit on my lazy buttocks and wait for the next waste of space to give me another baby"
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
You really hate women dont you ?
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.

Well I wasn't saying to outlaw abortion, I've already commented I'm anti-abortion except in the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned.

I think this is very reasonable, because it illustrates compassion for those cases but illustrates that Abortion on Demand aka using abortion as a means of contraception is to be held in the highest contempt for what it is, deliberately and in pre-meditated fashion killing your own baby as it slumbers in the womb.

What is the difference between killing your own baby In Utero and drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old?

How can someone say that killing it in the womb is okay....but drowning it at birth or stabbing it to death when it's two years old is murder?

Either they all are murder or none of them are murder, the pro-Abort crowd cannot have it both ways.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
I love women. Especially mothers who take responsibility and carry babies to term.

Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.
I agree. But support cannot be pulled at the moment of birth. and I believe families adopting kids should RECEIVE govt TAX PAYER money for adopting the child conservative regressive ideals be damned. For these fake jerkoffs the dollar is all they care about......losers and bad folk they are. Fake Christians.

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