right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

I am anti abortion. I do not support baby killing kosherbaby. But for you it all ends at birth welfare of kid be damned. nice.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
Almost all abortions are around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs, it feels no pain. It is an attachment of the mother that our courts have deemed removable up until viability. If you don't like it, don't get one.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless
Baby butchery is profitable... there's always going to be baby parts to sell. Lol
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
Almost all abortions are around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs, it feels no pain. It is an attachment of the mother that our courts have deemed removable up until viability. If you don't like it, don't get one.
It's a states issue, as far as the federal government is concerned any abortion, for any reason and at any time - should be allowed. The federal government has no moral authority to say one way or another…
Products of rape? Most of the time it's just whores who can't keep legs together.
Unfortunately rape is common. Women can't protect themselves if their in a situation
Before I got married, I had several previous boyfriends, so why haven't I had any abortions? That's right because I've not been a drunken slut and also I've been very careful.

Most of the women who have abortions have them because they can't be bothered to use contraception but want to sleep around, some with a different man each night and of course a baby would be inconvenient to their um lifestyle.

The situation is not rocket science, if you don't want to become pregnant then use contraception.
So let's keep places like PP that provide contraception up and running. Scientifically, no one can argue that any contraception method is 100% guaranteed. (Except abstinence) Now if we don't want an incredibly high number of unwanted babies flushing the country, let's give women the choice of what to do with their bodies and everyone just mind their own business.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.
Now you're just spouting one lie after another. It's all the baby killers and sex traffickers, pimps and dead baby brokers can do.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the women.
The federal government has no moral authority to determine anything about abortion, they should be absolutely neutral on the subject.
Fuck PP.
Give the money that they steal from the feds to walk in health clinics and let the clinics distribute birth control. Real medical clinics have some form of oversight at least, and we can be sure they aren't coercing girls into abortion just for the sake of the $$$$ for baby parts.
That's been debunked.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
Almost all abortions are around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs, it feels no pain. It is an attachment of the mother that our courts have deemed removable up until viability. If you don't like it, don't get one.

You just babble gibberish again, you are a low IQ moron.

"Almost all abortions are around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs, it feels no pain."

A heart according to you isn't an organ?


At 12 weeks it also has a brain, this is why it can move it's limbs, according to you a brain isn't an organ?


This is a babies brain development at 10 weeks.


At 12 weeks BRAIN SYNAPSES are rapidly firing, according to a low IQ moron like you, the brain ISN'T an organ.

my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.
And contraception isn't 100% so now what's your fix.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.
And contraception isn't 100% so now what's your fix.
Abstinence is, however. If your only option, should you get pregnant, is to kill your child....hmmm....mebbe just say no.
This thread needs cleaning up. The anti women lobby are just throwing out vitriol to close any debate.

Wierdos,misogynists and extremists versus science,law and compassion.
my point exactly. if we outlaw abortion, which is fine with me, we pick up the bill. you cannot have it both ways.....case closed. argument won.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.

Rapists should rightly be charged with 1st degree murder when a woman gets pregnant by his crime and she gets an abortion.
This thread needs cleaning up. The anti women lobby are just throwing out vitriol to close any debate.

Wierdos,misogynists and extremists versus science,law and compassion.
Babykillers hate it when people stand up for the rights of women and children.
I don't have much problems with leftists aborting their babies. Provided they do it with their own money.

Let's be honest, going through single motherhood is worse than death anyway.
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.
And contraception isn't 100% so now what's your fix.

Not screwing is 100% effective, sociopath; don't screw if you choose not to accept the consequences of your choice to have intercourse. Pretty simple. And since you think a 'fetus' isn't a person, then you wouldn't have a problem with killing two year olds, either, since they're the same according to science. Your 'logic' is merely psychosis.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? | Journal of Medical Ethics

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.

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