right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.

"we have an unwanted pregnancy problem"

If you don't want to get pregnant use contraception it's that simple.
not 100% guaranteed, simpleton.

You are the simpleton, we already established that, it's okay you have company now with seawytch joining you.

Are you Heterosexual? I ask this because most women who are so fanatically pro-killing babies in the womb as you are are usually lesbians and Radical Militant Feminists with poor personal hygiene and hairy arm pits.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.

I've given birth to FIVE.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.

What era are you in? The 1950s or something?
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.

Are you telling them they should murder their own children as a lifestyle choice?
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.

"we have an unwanted pregnancy problem"

If you don't want to get pregnant use contraception it's that simple.

Apparently you missed the part where I said "science and education" will solve our unwanted pregnancy problem not prohibitions.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.

"we have an unwanted pregnancy problem"

If you don't want to get pregnant use contraception it's that simple.
not 100% guaranteed, simpleton.

You are the simpleton, we already established that, it's okay you have company now with seawytch joining you.

Are you Heterosexual? I ask this because most women who are so fanatically pro-killing babies in the womb as you are are usually lesbians and Radical Militant Feminists with poor personal hygiene and hairy arm pits.
I am not fanatical about abortions and I personally have never chose to have one. But I think all women should have their choice. I am not a lesbian or militant anything, I am a wife and a mother.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.

Are you telling them they should murder their own children as a lifestyle choice?
murder of children requires a child. They aren't children that early no matter how often you say it.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.

"we have an unwanted pregnancy problem"

If you don't want to get pregnant use contraception it's that simple.
not 100% guaranteed, simpleton.

You are the simpleton, we already established that, it's okay you have company now with seawytch joining you.

Are you Heterosexual? I ask this because most women who are so fanatically pro-killing babies in the womb as you are are usually lesbians and Radical Militant Feminists with poor personal hygiene and hairy arm pits.
I am not fanatical about abortions and I personally have never chose to have one. But I think all women should have their choice. I am not a lesbian or militant anything, I am a wife and a mother.

So women should have a choice then to drown their children at birth, they should have a choice to stab them to death when they are two years old?

Afterall it's all about choice yes? So you have no problem with women killing their own children, regardless if they are unborn or born what's the difference?
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
ER...no, it hasn't. Stop lying, baby killer.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

....The fact that it does not have developed organs....

Despite your attempt to hedge now, you were factually incorrect in your claim. Admit it and then move on.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.

"we have an unwanted pregnancy problem"

If you don't want to get pregnant use contraception it's that simple.
not 100% guaranteed, simpleton.

You are the simpleton, we already established that, it's okay you have company now with seawytch joining you.

Are you Heterosexual? I ask this because most women who are so fanatically pro-killing babies in the womb as you are are usually lesbians and Radical Militant Feminists with poor personal hygiene and hairy arm pits.
I am not fanatical about abortions and I personally have never chose to have one. But I think all women should have their choice. I am not a lesbian or militant anything, I am a wife and a mother.

So women should have a choice then to drown their children at birth, they should have a choice to stab them to death when they are two years old?

Afterall it's all about choice yes? So you have no problem with women killing their own children, regardless if they are unborn or born what's the difference?
You really have serious problems.
This is MY OPINION on the matter.
Prior to viability it is a fetus. It is not a baby. It does not have developed organs, no brain lungs etc etc. It does not have the ability to survive outside of the womb, thus it is not its own being. It is a cluster of developing cells attached to the wall of the womb. I think that in the first trimester, a woman should be able to make her own decision about carrying to full term or not.
Around 20-24 weeks the fetus has now developed enough to have organs, and to have a reasonable shot at survival outside the womb. This point of viability is where I think a fetus is now a baby and can be considered its own being. At this point, a woman should not be able to have an abortion. She had time to chose and she didn't act on it.

to clarify again for the comprehensively challenged. At viability is when I believe it is now its own being, with its own rights. Drowning a newborn or stabbing a two year old is murder and it should send you to jail for as long as you live.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

If they die, they don't have any abortions to worry about do they?
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
yea accusing people of murdering babies because they support the right to chose is really disturbing. I think you are a disturbed person.
You seem to not understand the term fetus.

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