right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

You get the award for the stupidest comment in the entire thread.

Income has nothing to do with this, it's about women using abortion as a means of contraception, but you being the typical Leftist have to think it's about poor vs rich when it isn't.

Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.
Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.
Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
yea accusing people of murdering babies because they support the right to chose is really disturbing. I think you are a disturbed person.
You seem to not understand the term fetus.

"I think you are a disturbed person."

It's not me who's disturbed, you are cheerleading for women to kill their own babies because having a baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle....now that's a disturbed person someone who cheerleads for something as sordid.

"You seem to not understand the term fetus."

You seem to not understand the term killing and to kill and murder and to murder.
when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.

"You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path."

What hysteria, what a completely ridiculous comment....nobody is forcing any woman to become pregnant, I repeat if you don't want a baby then use contraception....abortion isn't contraception, KILLING ISN'T contraception.

As I commented last night, before I got married I had several previous boyfriends, so why didn't we have any um accidents, why haven't I had any abortions?

Oh that's right because I was careful and I wasn't some drunken slut sleeping around with a different man each night.
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

....The fact that it does not have developed organs....

Despite your attempt to hedge now, you were factually incorrect in your claim. Admit it and then move on.
when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.

Women had, then lost the decision making ability? Is that what you are saying? Woman had decisions to make from the time they said "Hello". They just made the wrong ones.
Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.

The restrictions I support are for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, that's not being a baby murderer because those three reasons have issues behind them and are not murdering a baby because it's going to be in the way, an inconvenience to the womans lifestyle.

There is no need to have Abortion on Demand, abortion as a means of contraception, these women can have the baby and put it up for adoption if they don't want to keep it.

You are responsible for the decisions you do or do not make, so you choose not to use contraception and you become pregnant you should live with the consequence of your bad decision, as I said adoption is available.

A baby isn't some disposable item, where if it's not needed it can just be scraped out and incinerated, or scraped out and flushed or scraped out and ripped apart and it's body parts sold to the highest bidder.

What ghouls you pro-abortion as a means of contraception crowd are.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.
Practice safe sex...go fuck yourself!

Outlawing abortion will force women to be responsible
Not rewarding irresponsibility by increasing
government benefits to those already receiving welfare
and having more kids even though they can't support
the kids they already have, will reduce them having more babies
just to get more benefits so they could stay on the system!

Yeah, having kids is expensive and a big responsibility!
The majority of abortions result from girls who already know this
but, didn't think they'd end up pregnant!

Any female who is sexually active, that can't afford kids
and doesn't want the responsibility, should be on
some type of birth control...there is no excuse...period!
fucking myself is certainly safe sex. Other than that, keep your nose out of other people's wombs. Unless you're into that sort of thing and have prior consent.
fucking myself is certainly safe sex. Other than that, keep your nose out of other people's wombs. Unless you're into that sort of thing and have prior consent
I'll keep my nose out of other people's wombs,
when they keep there hand out of my pocket!

When my tax dollars are used to pay for
hormone treatments and other associated costs,
because someone is gender confused,
it becomes my business!

When my tax dollars are used to pay for
abortions because of irresponsibility,
it becomes my business!

When my tax dollars are used to support the children
someone else had and keeps having,
knowing they are in no position financially,
it becomes my business!

When the irresponsibility and desires of others
becomes my responsibility to contribute to,
it becomes my business!
People who killed babies go to jail. People that have abortions are not breaking the law. Looks like the laws of the land and the general scientific community disagree with you.

Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.

I thought SassyIrishLass would have commented in this thread.
I have given lectures and seminars to single mothers about securing their legal rights from the fathers. Most of them had no idea who the fathers were anyway. These women never had a decision to make. They were never taught the concept of "no". The girls that got abortions were trucked down to the mill by boyfriends, in some cases married lovers. They never decided to get an abortion either. That, like every other decision, was made for them.

Tell these young women that they could have said "no"; no use a condom, no put it back in your pants; no you will not use me like that, and the young woman reacts with disbelief. That's insulting. There's only one answer and that's "take my pants off, tell me that you love me".

Why are we perpetuating this nonsense? Why do we continue to allow women to think that abortion is something other than the latest decision in a long line of decisions they had nothing to do with?
you sound like a complete retard. Case is not closed, and no, you dont get to arbitrarily punish taxpayers if you are thwarted in your baby killing/ sex trafficking/parts harvesting schemes. NOW the case is closed.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.

"Outlawing abortion"

Where has anyone suggested in this thread that abortion should be outlawed?


"Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity."

Well then they should USE contraception then or keep their legs fucking closed. As I have already commented if you cannot afford to have a baby, you shouldn't be having a baby.

Either these women are complete morons with very low IQs or they don't care and just use abortion as a means of contraception.
Going around calling people baby killers as if they are actively murdering living children clearly implies you this such an act should be outlawed. It's not about IQ'S it's about the fact that contraception is not guaranteed, rape happens far to often. The only way to be sure you don't get pregnant is to not have sex. Implying that sexual intercourse is a privilege of those wealthy enough to afford an accidental child, is ridiculous. It is better for society as a whole to let women chose what to do with their own bodies. Don't get me wrong, IMO based on the scientific aspect, I believe there is a certain point that abortions should be outlawed. That point is viability, when the fetus has formed into a baby that could sustain life outside the womb.

We have already covered the rape aspect. Move on and do not use rape as an excuse to say that ALL women should be allowed to have an abortion because they cannot be bothered using contraception, doing so belittles the victims of rape.

Rapists should rightly be charged with 1st degree murder when a woman gets pregnant by his crime and she gets an abortion.

Rapists in general should be executed, along with murderers in general and anyone who sexually molests children, all wastes of human skin, all should be executed.
99% of these women aren't raped. They willingly spread their legs. The women are NOT financially insecure. Uncle Sugar is the household provider and he does quite well.

These women CANNOT be educated. There is no amount of Sex Ed that will clear their heads. They are loved, they want to be loved, they believe they are loved. They believe with all their little hearts that the man they met in a bar five minutes ago loves them and will be with them for life. They will sell every bit of dignity they have to maintain that lie.

Start charging men with Seduction and force them to marry these girls. If they are married, force them into getting a divorce THEN marrying the girls they lied to. Lets see if spousal support and child support changes their minds.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
yea accusing people of murdering babies because they support the right to chose is really disturbing. I think you are a disturbed person.
You seem to not understand the term fetus.

"I think you are a disturbed person."

It's not me who's disturbed, you are cheerleading for women to kill their own babies because having a baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle....now that's a disturbed for who cheerleads for something as sordid.

"You seem to not understand the term fetus."

You seem to not understand the term killing and to kill and murder and to murder.
I don't think bringing a life
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.

The restrictions I support are for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, that's not being a baby murderer because those three reasons have issues behind them and are not murdering a baby because it's going to be in the way, an inconvenience to the womans lifestyle.

There is no need to have Abortion on Demand, abortion as a means of contraception, these women can have the baby and put it up for adoption if they don't want to keep it.

You are responsible for the decisions you do or do not make, so you choose not to use contraception and you become pregnant you should live with the consequence of your bad decision, as I said adoption is available.

A baby isn't some disposable item, where if it's not needed it can just be scraped out and incinerated, or scraped out and flushed or scraped out and ripped apart and it's body parts sold to the highest bidder.

What ghouls you pro-abortion as a means of contraception crowd are.
so only certain babies can be murder. Got it, you hypocritical freak.
Outlawing abortion means there will be a huge influx of babies. Especially of the GOP war against PP and availability of contraception continues. Babies are extensive, not everyone can afford them. A big reason women get abortions is financial insecurity. That means there will be a much larger number of empoverished mothers. You want to end a welfare state but force poor women to carry out every single pregnancy? Doesn't make much sense. Is the GOP ready to increase the budget for families, for education, for foodstamps, to care for these kids? No. Okay, then abortion stays.
Practice safe sex...go fuck yourself!

Outlawing abortion will force women to be responsible
Not rewarding irresponsibility by increasing
government benefits to those already receiving welfare
and having more kids even though they can't support
the kids they already have, will reduce them having more babies
just to get more benefits so they could stay on the system!

Yeah, having kids is expensive and a big responsibility!
The majority of abortions result from girls who already know this
but, didn't think they'd end up pregnant!

Any female who is sexually active, that can't afford kids
and doesn't want the responsibility, should be on
some type of birth control...there is no excuse...period!
fucking myself is certainly safe sex. Other than that, keep your nose out of other people's wombs. Unless you're into that sort of thing and have prior consent.
fucking myself is certainly safe sex. Other than that, keep your nose out of other people's wombs. Unless you're into that sort of thing and have prior consent
I'll keep my nose out of other people's wombs,
when they keep there hand out of my pocket!

When my tax dollars are used to pay for
hormone treatments and other associated costs,
because someone is gender confused,
it becomes my business!

When my tax dollars are used to pay for
abortions because of irresponsibility,
it becomes my business!

When my tax dollars are used to support the children
someone else had and keeps having,
knowing they are in no position financially,
it becomes my business!

When the irresponsibility and desires of others
becomes my responsibility to contribute to,
it becomes my business!
Tax dollars don't go to funding abortions and you don't pay for hormone treatments either. So now what's your issue?
when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.

Women had, then lost the decision making ability? Is that what you are saying? Woman had decisions to make from the time they said "Hello". They just made the wrong ones.
No we still have decision making ability, thanks to living in America with laws in place to protect those decisions.
Where does it say in the American Constitution that women have a right to kill their own babies?

It is only your law because of the POLITICS of the late 1960s which includes the beginning of Radical Militant Feminism....now taken to it's ultimately twisted and deranged conclusion where women who kill their own babies are celebrated for demonstrating how um independent they are.
....around 12 weeks. It's not a baby, dear, no matter how many times you say it is. It's a collection of cells. It has no organs....

....The fact that it does not have developed organs....

Despite your attempt to hedge now, you were factually incorrect in your claim. Admit it and then move on.
No I am not, at 12 week they do not have fully developed organs period. No matter how many times you tell me I'm wrong, you can not change science. At 12 weeks they are almost developed. Most abortions are performed before that point- when the organs are definitely not developed yet.
"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
yea accusing people of murdering babies because they support the right to chose is really disturbing. I think you are a disturbed person.
You seem to not understand the term fetus.

"I think you are a disturbed person."

It's not me who's disturbed, you are cheerleading for women to kill their own babies because having a baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle....now that's a disturbed for who cheerleads for something as sordid.

"You seem to not understand the term fetus."

You seem to not understand the term killing and to kill and murder and to murder.
I don't think bringing a life
"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.

The restrictions I support are for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, that's not being a baby murderer because those three reasons have issues behind them and are not murdering a baby because it's going to be in the way, an inconvenience to the womans lifestyle.

There is no need to have Abortion on Demand, abortion as a means of contraception, these women can have the baby and put it up for adoption if they don't want to keep it.

You are responsible for the decisions you do or do not make, so you choose not to use contraception and you become pregnant you should live with the consequence of your bad decision, as I said adoption is available.

A baby isn't some disposable item, where if it's not needed it can just be scraped out and incinerated, or scraped out and flushed or scraped out and ripped apart and it's body parts sold to the highest bidder.

What ghouls you pro-abortion as a means of contraception crowd are.
so only certain babies can be murder. Got it, you hypocritical freak.

"so only certain babies can be murder. Got it, you hypocritical freak."

You have some issues of course, you are unable to differentiate between rape, incest, where the life of the mother is concerned and CHOOSING to kill a baby because it's inconvenient to your lifestyle.

Rape victims do not CHOOSE to be raped.

Incest victims do not CHOOSE to be victims of incest.

Women do not CHOOSE to DIE if they have to carry a baby.

Women DO CHOOSE to kill their baby as it slumbers in the womb because having the baby will be inconvenient to their lifestyle, killing for CONVENIENCE and NOTHING else.

So who else should be killed because they are an inconvenience and/or a burden? Should we kill disabled people? How about killing those over the age of 70 years old, they are no use to society anymore are they?
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
yea accusing people of murdering babies because they support the right to chose is really disturbing. I think you are a disturbed person.
You seem to not understand the term fetus.

"I think you are a disturbed person."

It's not me who's disturbed, you are cheerleading for women to kill their own babies because having a baby would be inconvenient to their lifestyle....now that's a disturbed for who cheerleads for something as sordid.

"You seem to not understand the term fetus."

You seem to not understand the term killing and to kill and murder and to murder.
I don't think bringing a life
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.

The restrictions I support are for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is concerned, that's not being a baby murderer because those three reasons have issues behind them and are not murdering a baby because it's going to be in the way, an inconvenience to the womans lifestyle.

There is no need to have Abortion on Demand, abortion as a means of contraception, these women can have the baby and put it up for adoption if they don't want to keep it.

You are responsible for the decisions you do or do not make, so you choose not to use contraception and you become pregnant you should live with the consequence of your bad decision, as I said adoption is available.

A baby isn't some disposable item, where if it's not needed it can just be scraped out and incinerated, or scraped out and flushed or scraped out and ripped apart and it's body parts sold to the highest bidder.

What ghouls you pro-abortion as a means of contraception crowd are.
so only certain babies can be murder. Got it, you hypocritical freak.

"so only certain babies can be murder. Got it, you hypocritical freak."

You have some issues of course, you are unable to differentiate between rape, incest, where the life of the mother is concerned and CHOOSING to kill a baby because it's inconvenient to your lifestyle.

Rape victims do not CHOOSE to be raped.

Incest victims do not CHOOSE to be victims of incest.

Women do not CHOOSE to DIE if they have to carry a baby.

Women DO CHOOSE to kill their baby as it slumbers in the womb because having the baby will be inconvenient to their lifestyle, killing for CONVENIENCE and NOTHING else.

So who else should be killed because they are an inconvenience and/or a burden? Should we kill disabled people? How about killing those over the age of 70 years old, they are no use to society anymore are they?
I don't think women have abortions for "convenience" really. But I think that when a women is fresh out of school, isn't married, doesn't have stable employment etc. those are deterrents. A woman who wants to be ready when they bring a child into the world is smart. There are too many unloved children already. Again, (and again and again) contraception is not 100% effective. My best friend is currently pregnant with twins even though she was on birth control. Sex is not a privilege of those who can afford an accidental baby. Anyone can have sex and any contraceptive method can fail. Focing women to carry out unwanted pregnancies would have some nasty effects on this society.

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