right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.
Babies don't *trap* women in the kitchen.

They do *trap* pimps and traffickers, however...and cut into their bottom line. And you are adamantly against that, obviously. you are SO against that, you're prepared to abuse and exploit young girls and to kill babies to protect them.

Bravo! You care!
Can't even follow your train of thought, go take a nap.
That's because you're a mindless follower and defender of pimps and sex traffickers.
and you're delusional.
No I am not, at 12 week they do not have fully developed organs period. No matter how many times you tell me I'm wrong, you can not change science. At 12 weeks they are almost developed. Most abortions are performed before that point- when the organs are definitely not developed yet.

It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.

By 7 weeks you can see a heart beating.
We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.
Gee, I wasn't aware scientists were working on
an irresponsibility vaccine... how wonderful!

Would you be first in line?

Scientists are working on better and more effective contraception every day.

If only we could get the red states to get on board with the education part, we may actually be able to lower the abortion rate. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Planned Parenthood Means Fewer Abortions
Would you be first in line?
Nice "cumback"... did you scrape it from the back of your throat?
Scientists are working on better and more effective contraception every day
Yeah, right...females who are too irresponsible now,
to keep their legs closed, or use condoms, or take birth control pills,
or get a shot every 3 months, or get the morning after pill,
will benefit from better, more effective, contraception...

Tell me...do you practice being so stupid,
or, does it just come naturally?

Over half of women who get pregnant and choose to terminate their pregnancies were using contraception at the time they got pregnant. They weren't being irresponsible.

Better science and education are the only things proven to reduce the number of abortions. Being a C U Next Tuesday never has.
No I am not, at 12 week they do not have fully developed organs period. No matter how many times you tell me I'm wrong, you can not change science. At 12 weeks they are almost developed. Most abortions are performed before that point- when the organs are definitely not developed yet.

It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.

By 7 weeks you can see a heart beating.
Okay, so don't get an abortion dude. I understand, you believe life starts at conception, I don't. Why does that mean that a little 17 year old girl can't go get one after being raped without having to prove it and go through a public trial? People have very split beliefs on this topic but with the current laws in place, each woman can decide what is best for them up until a certain point. One side is not forcing their opinion on the other. No one will ever force you to get an abortion. How about we all just mind our business?
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

"god bless"

Taking God's name in vain and blaspheming, whilst you peddle the murdering of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb, what a sick freak you are.

You talk pretty lol
This thread needs cleaning up. The anti women lobby are just throwing out vitriol to close any debate.

Wierdos,misogynists and extremists versus science,law and compassion.
Kind of like people who think they can determine their own sex? Saying to hell with DNA... lol
Again, the federal government should stay out of the subject, they have no credibility on it.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.
The problem is they are forcing other people to pay for their problems, and baby butchery is extremely profitable for organizations like Planned Parenthood… Fact
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

So it would seem. They can never answer the question "how do you stop rich women from having abortions?".

We don't have an abortion problem in this country, we have an unwanted pregnancy problem. Only science and education can solve it.
There is one reason why there is a abortion problem in this country, it's the breakdown of the family - no two ways about it.
2017 Real Time Death Statistics in America
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.
The problem is they are forcing other people to pay for their problems, and baby butchery is extremely profitable for organizations like Planned Parenthood… Fact
Abortions are not funded by tax dollars, haven't been for a long time. ........ fact:clap::clap::clap:
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.

Are you telling them they should murder their own children as a lifestyle choice?
murder of children requires a child. They aren't children that early no matter how often you say it.
You don't get to determine what a child is or is not…
It should be a states issue, even so, there is one victim from an abortion it's the one thats being killed… Fact
It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.

By 7 weeks you can see a heart beating.
Okay, so don't get an abortion dude. I understand, you believe life starts at conception, I don't. Why does that mean that a little 17 year old girl can't go get one after being raped without having to prove it and go through a public trial? People have very split beliefs on this topic but with the current laws in place, each woman can decide what is best for them up until a certain point. One side is not forcing their opinion on the other. No one will ever force you to get an abortion. How about we all just mind our business?

Still lacking the character to admit you were wrong.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.
The problem is they are forcing other people to pay for their problems, and baby butchery is extremely profitable for organizations like Planned Parenthood… Fact
Abortions are not funded by tax dollars, haven't been for a long time. ........ fact:clap::clap::clap:
You do realize that money is fungible? There is plenty of money to go around when it comes to baby butchery it is extremely profitable and lucrative for those of low character that run Planned Parenthood… Fact
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.

No it boils your types blood knowing that ANY WOMEN are still having babies, just admit it, you'd like ALL of us to kill our own babies as they slumber in the womb.

What about race? Is it just white women you don't want having babies, or don't you want black women having babies also?
that makes no sense and I am the mother to a couple of wonderful children so there goes your evil baby hating theory :beer:
I want every woman of every color to make her own decisions about her life and her body.

Are you telling them they should murder their own children as a lifestyle choice?
murder of children requires a child. They aren't children that early no matter how often you say it.
You don't get to determine what a child is or is not…
It should be a states issue, even so, there is one victim from an abortion it's the one thats being killed… Fact
Us adults like to rely on science to tell us what is a child and what is not. If you don't agree with abortions, don't get one. Something tells me you do not have the ability to bare children.
It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.

By 7 weeks you can see a heart beating.
Okay, so don't get an abortion dude. I understand, you believe life starts at conception, I don't. Why does that mean that a little 17 year old girl can't go get one after being raped without having to prove it and go through a public trial? People have very split beliefs on this topic but with the current laws in place, each woman can decide what is best for them up until a certain point. One side is not forcing their opinion on the other. No one will ever force you to get an abortion. How about we all just mind our business?

If your neighbor's sister drops by and chops her into little pieces, is that the time for you to mind your own business?
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.
The problem is they are forcing other people to pay for their problems, and baby butchery is extremely profitable for organizations like Planned Parenthood… Fact
Abortions are not funded by tax dollars, haven't been for a long time. ........ fact:clap::clap::clap:
You do realize that money is fungible? There is plenty of money to go around when it comes to baby butchery it is extremely profitable and lucrative for those of low character that run Planned Parenthood… Fact
so go out there and prove PPs are using tax dollars for abortion and get them prosecuted for breaking the law. Otherwise shut up.
Income has everything to do with it. Rich women pay private doctors to take care of their "little problem". Without access to services, poor women go to back alleys.
outlawing abortion would certainly not end the practice. Rich women would pay private doctors or take a trip to Europe. Poor women would be reproducing uncontrollably or getting sick/dying from botched abortions.

"outlawing abortion"

Nowhere in this thread has anyone stated that abortion should be outlawed, again we established this last night.
you are repeatedly calling me a child murder- you are implying it should be outlawed with those words. If that's not what you think, then cut the dramatics.

The pre-meditated ending of the life of a baby is murder. You support that you support child murder, you seem uncomfortable with being told this, that's your problem.
you have said several times you do not advocate for abortion to be outlawed. I am assuming you support restrictions. Meaning you and I have the same beliefs on the matter. Meaning you too are a baby murder dear.
That's why you should be a states issue, as far as the federal government is concerned an abortion should be legal at anytime for any reason. The federal government has no morality or credibility on that subject.
when the fetus is called a baby or not is our opinions. The fact that it does not have developed organs, and can not sustain life on its own is not opinion, or "incorrect" ..that is a fact of science.
no, it's not. And no you don't have the right to kill ppl because they are dependent. Otherwise, we'd be able to kill every welfare and Ssi recipient. Which would be satisfying...but wrong.
They are building a foundation. Killing dependent infants is only half of the dependent killing they intend on doing. They intend to expand that to any one that is sick or elderly.
yes. And I can't say it often enough.. The pro abortion lobby isn't just about killing babies. It's about protecting people and industries that exploit women.
your kind is the only one exploiting women. As baby makers and not autonomous people who deserve to make their own medical decisions. You want us all barefoot and preganat in the kitchen with no decision of our own life path. fuck off.
You should not expect other people to pay for your contraception and abortion, get a spine and do that shit yourself.
Wow....conservatives really don't like it when lower income women have access to the same services as rich women...
it really boils their blood knowing poor women have the means to make their own decisions, control their bodies, and chose when they are ready to procreate.
The problem is they are forcing other people to pay for their problems, and baby butchery is extremely profitable for organizations like Planned Parenthood… Fact
Abortions are not funded by tax dollars, haven't been for a long time. ........ fact:clap::clap::clap:
You do realize that money is fungible? There is plenty of money to go around when it comes to baby butchery it is extremely profitable and lucrative for those of low character that run Planned Parenthood… Fact
so go out there and prove PPs are using tax dollars for abortion and get them prosecuted for breaking the law. Otherwise shut up.
Money is fungible, and baby butchery is far too profitable for the butchers at Planned Parenthood pass up...
No I am not, at 12 week they do not have fully developed organs period. No matter how many times you tell me I'm wrong, you can not change science. At 12 weeks they are almost developed. Most abortions are performed before that point- when the organs are definitely not developed yet.

It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.
Yes abortion is legal, and there should be no timeframe on when abortion is legal or not and according to the federal government. The federal government has no credibility or more hours anyway to determine such matters.
A baby at two weeks is no less valuable than a baby day of delivery, at least to a Moral decent person... there is one result from an abortion The most innocent party involved dies… fact
It is sad that you lack the character to just admit you were wrong. Trying to hedge and qualify and move goalposts now makes you look petty and small.
I never moved goalposts. I have never stated anything other than they do not have developed organs at that point in time. ...

Wrong. You said "they have no organs." You know you were wrong, that's why you qualified it after.
LOL. My apologies. By organs I was referring to developed and functioning organs. Not developing organ tissue. Precisely the difference between a fetus and a baby.

By 7 weeks you can see a heart beating.
Okay, so don't get an abortion dude. I understand, you believe life starts at conception, I don't. Why does that mean that a little 17 year old girl can't go get one after being raped without having to prove it and go through a public trial? People have very split beliefs on this topic but with the current laws in place, each woman can decide what is best for them up until a certain point. One side is not forcing their opinion on the other. No one will ever force you to get an abortion. How about we all just mind our business?
Socialist/communist government can force people to Abort. It's in thier very nature

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