right wing reactionaries take yet another hit, PP clinic reopens in TX

Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

Planned Parenthood just put its foot up Texas' ass and it will remain their for the duration. They messed with Texas and Texas bent over. NEXT.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

Planned Parenthood just put its foot up Texas' ass and it will remain their for the duration. They messed with Texas and Texas bent over. NEXT.
You and Johnny celebrating dead babies makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

You're a pro-birther. Once children are born you couldn't care less if it died the same day. You support people that want to deny healthcare to the poor that can't afford it, the children of whom will suffer the most.

Your outrage is the outrage of the lazy. In the minute it took you to read this 15 children died somewhere in the world of hunger or disease. And you instead of helping them with money or your time sat comfortably in your house on your ass typing. Save your fake outrage, you aren't a Christian or a 'defender of life'.

Haven't these people heard of contraception?

If in the cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is concerned then abortion should be available.

Your type wants Abortion on Demand, abortion used as a means of contraception, which is murder, whats the difference between a woman killing a baby In Utero and a woman killing a baby as soon as it's born? Morally there is no difference, killing is killing.

You do realize that most of what PP does is in the contraceptive and female health related areas, with a small part of it being recommending doctors for abortions if that is what the woman thinks she needs.

But, also realize that zero federal dollars are allowed for abortions, because there are already laws in place for that. If a woman wants an abortion, she has to pay for the whole thing on her own.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

"god bless"

Taking God's name in vain and blaspheming, whilst you peddle the murdering of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb, what a sick freak you are.
Removing a cluster of cells is murder? What a stretch gumby.
The fact that they are prepared to make exceptions for rape and incest shows that their concern for the unborn is bogus. Its all about punishing the girl
Look at the pro-death crowd celebrating butchery.

It's the bloodlust, they cannot get enough of it, like the God Haters they are they must celebrate the killing of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb as sacrifices to their g-d Moloch.

Moloch - Wikipedia

They are no different than those who offered up infant sacrifices at The Temple of Baal, which were also celebrated with a complete frenzy.

Baalbek Temple and Human Sacrifice worship to Baal - child sacrifices

Abortion is the modern worlds version of those infant sacrifices.

Moloch and Baal effectively the same thing, Luciferian.

We await the ignorant, uneducated Trolls to funny this, it is always hugely enjoyable to watch them so openly display their lack of education and ignorance.
The fact that they are prepared to make exceptions for rape and incest shows that their concern for the unborn is bogus. Its all about punishing the girl
Taint's doing the dead baby dance. All pizza gaters are pro-abortion.
The fact that they are prepared to make exceptions for rape and incest shows that their concern for the unborn is bogus. Its all about punishing the girl

No, if you had half a mind, which you do not, then you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

I would elaborate regarding rape, incest and where the life of the mother are concerned, like I have done in numerous other threads....but you simply are not worth elaborating for being as ignorant and uneducated as you illustrate every time you babble your crap.
The fact that they are prepared to make exceptions for rape and incest shows that their concern for the unborn is bogus. Its all about punishing the girl
Taint's doing the dead baby dance. All pizza gaters are pro-abortion.

Why rape and incest should be exceptions, I have made numerous posts on why, this is one, for any non-ignorant people to read if they want an elaboration.

Who are these people who want to tell women what to do in their private lives?
The fact that they are prepared to make exceptions for rape and incest shows that their concern for the unborn is bogus. Its all about punishing the girl
No, moron.

The exceptions are to satisfy lunatic SJWs so they don't go out murdering Relublicans for having an anti-abortion stance.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

"god bless"

Taking God's name in vain and blaspheming, whilst you peddle the murdering of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb, what a sick freak you are.
Removing a cluster of cells is murder? What a stretch gumby.
Did you fail biology again?
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

"god bless"

Taking God's name in vain and blaspheming, whilst you peddle the murdering of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb, what a sick freak you are.
Removing a cluster of cells is murder? What a stretch gumby.
Did you fail biology again?
It appears so.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless
Oh goodie...lets rip apart more living defensless babies piece by piece. Barbaric.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless
It won't last. Enjoy your murder spree until September Mr. Infanticide.
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless

"god bless"

Taking God's name in vain and blaspheming, whilst you peddle the murdering of the most innocent as they slumber in the womb, what a sick freak you are.
Removing a cluster of cells is murder? What a stretch gumby.

I'll pay for you to go to a PP Clinic, you can then be aborted retroactively, you are obviously completely useless, now that's the sort of abortion I can support that doesn't involve rape, incest or where the life of the mother is concerned.

Retroactive abortions of total gibbering morons.

Pro-Death Leftist Priorities:

you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
you would know the difference between rape and incest and the life of the mother as opposed to half drunken sluts on a night on the town opening their legs for the first man to pay for their taxi fare or whatever.

Its all about punishing the girls. no mention of the fathers at all.
That is not a moral stance to take.
It's about the murder of the unborn.
But the unborn products of rape arent covered ?
Children during the Holocaust
Planned Parenthood reopens abortion clinic in Texas

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Planned Parenthood has reopened its first abortion clinic in Texas since the U.S. Supreme Court last year struck down regulations that prompted more than half of the state's abortion facilities to close.

Clinics in rural and midsized Texas cities were among the first to close after Republicans in 2013 passed a sweeping anti-abortion bill later ruled unconstitutional. The announcement Tuesday puts an abortion provider back in Waco.

a victory for some women in TX, who I'm sure are already suffering massive domestic violence issues

god bless
Oh goodie...lets rip apart more living defensless babies piece by piece. Barbaric.

Not to mention what happens to the poor girls who are butchered and thrown back to their owners and abusers... in order to procure those baby pieces.

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