Right-Wing Response to Everything Terrorists Could Want

The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works

What is the Syrian refugee vetting process?

Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.

If you read the article, the FBI can only check those names that match names on their database. So, what if x amount of "refugees" have no terrorist links YET....you what let everyone in and then just wait for the inevitable terror attacks?

Absolute stupidity.
I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works

What is the Syrian refugee vetting process?

Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.
Hang on...now you're saying there is vetting of refugees?
You've changed your position 180 degrees now?

You know perfectly well I didn't say that. Read the damn link I posted.
No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.

Another lame Liberal talking point. And it comes with a picture! You get an "A" for presentation, but an "F" on your ability show any real understanding of the issue.

Liberal's can't understand any issue, considering they have no ability to think.

Here, this is the Liberal's brain structure:


Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.
Hang on...now you're saying there is vetting of refugees?
You've changed your position 180 degrees now?

You know perfectly well I didn't say that. Read the damn link I posted.
Funny...I could swear you wrote "But they're not being vetted are they?"!

But, I can't be bothered looking.
No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.

Another lame Liberal talking point. And it comes with a picture! You get an "A" for presentation, but an "F" on your ability show any real understanding of the issue.

Liberal's can't understand any issue, considering they have no ability to think.

Here, this is the Liberal's brain structure:

View attachment 55183
Whereas, when confronted with evidence that destroys your statement you deny ever having said it at all.
Brilliant...you're so much smarter than a Liberal!
And...you can search for and upload hilarious memes...thus further proving your superiority to every Liberal on the internet.

Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.
Hang on...now you're saying there is vetting of refugees?
You've changed your position 180 degrees now?

You know perfectly well I didn't say that. Read the damn link I posted.
Funny...I could swear you wrote "But they're not being vetted are they?"!

But, I can't be bothered looking.
No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.

Another lame Liberal talking point. And it comes with a picture! You get an "A" for presentation, but an "F" on your ability show any real understanding of the issue.
The real issue is fear and loathing, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and Pols making points with garbage instead of being rational adults speaking to rational adults. Since the mental infants they are speaking to also do not understand that the sates have not been grated this power, that makes it even worse. They win points because Americans are stupid. That is the issue.
No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.

Another lame Liberal talking point. And it comes with a picture! You get an "A" for presentation, but an "F" on your ability show any real understanding of the issue.

Liberal's can't understand any issue, considering they have no ability to think.

Here, this is the Liberal's brain structure:

View attachment 55183
Whereas, when confronted with evidence that destroys your statement you deny ever having said it at all.
Brilliant...you're so much smarter than a Liberal!
And...you can search for and upload hilarious memes...thus further proving your superiority to every Liberal on the internet.

As Oscar Wilde once said....I have nothing to declare only my genius!

The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

The West is now basically at war with Radical Islam. Islam the so-called "religion" of Muslims. As the terrorists aren't exactly going to say "hello I'm a terrorist pretending to be a refugee", ALL Muslims have to be considered potential terrorists or terrorist sympathisers.

The last time in America they were at war with an entire group of people, all people related to that group were considered NOT to be trusted to be on the loose in American society. Therefore they were all rounded up and put in Internment Camps inside America, the most famous, being the Japanese-American Internment Camps, in which 110,000-120,000 Japanese-American were put in for the duration....this was done under a LIBERAL, Franklin Roosevelt....a LIBERAL NOT a Right-Winger:

Internment of Japanese Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't see therefore why America and Europe can't follow the lead of that LIBERAL FDR and round up all Muslims and put them in Internment Camps as potential dangers to our societies.

FDR's Executive Order 9066:

Executive Order 9066 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.

You do seem to certainly have a reading and understanding comprehension problem.
Not at all...maybe you have a messaging problem?

Let's repost the opener shall we?

"The West is now basically at war with Radical Islam. Islam the so-called "religion" of Muslims. As the terrorists aren't exactly going to say "hello I'm a terrorist pretending to be a refugee", ALL Muslims have to be considered potential terrorists or terrorist sympathisers."

I haven't declared war on a "religion". Unless you hadn't noticed, The West is at war with this crowd and vice-versa.

Which side are you on anyhow? :popcorn:
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.

Not to mention ignoring the pieces that you have an inability to explain.
It's hard to explain your view of the world...that's true.
Especially when you change it so frequently.

No I'm quite consistent.

Oddly you ignored the Franklin Roosevelt piece within my post....not that I'm surprised.
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.

You do seem to certainly have a reading and understanding comprehension problem.
Not at all...maybe you have a messaging problem?

Let's repost the opener shall we?

"The West is now basically at war with Radical Islam. Islam the so-called "religion" of Muslims. As the terrorists aren't exactly going to say "hello I'm a terrorist pretending to be a refugee", ALL Muslims have to be considered potential terrorists or terrorist sympathisers."

I haven't declared war on a "religion". Unless you hadn't noticed, The West is at war with this crowd and vice-versa.

Which side are you on anyhow? :popcorn:
Oh, but then you wrote;
"The last time in America they were at war with an entire group of people, all people related to that group were considered NOT to be trusted to be on the loose in American society.I don't see therefore why America and Europe can't follow the lead of that LIBERAL FDR and round up all Muslims and put them in Internment Camps as potential dangers to our societies."

That sounds like that religion to me.
What're they called again...oh yes...MUSLIMS.
Terrorists that have sworn to kill all infidels will somehow be inspired by the hate of infidels they already planned to kill?
Actually the hate of the infidels will recruit more muslims to join ISIS better than anything ISIS can do themselves.
You actually believe that you can recruit people to a group where they are likely to be killed killing others by telling them, well, come on! THEY hate US! I think terrorists and people who join terror groups are crazy but I give them credit for needing a bit more motivation to hate than nah nah I'll hate you back.
ISIS's motive is to turn you against Islam, and they've done it, apparently.
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.

Not to mention ignoring the pieces that you have an inability to explain.
It's hard to explain your view of the world...that's true.
Especially when you change it so frequently.

No I'm quite consistent.

Oddly you ignored the Franklin Roosevelt piece within my post....not that I'm surprised.
I'm commenting on your conclusions and world view.
Wow...you're declaring war on a religion!
That's bound to go well.

You do seem to certainly have a reading and understanding comprehension problem.
Not at all...maybe you have a messaging problem?

Let's repost the opener shall we?

"The West is now basically at war with Radical Islam. Islam the so-called "religion" of Muslims. As the terrorists aren't exactly going to say "hello I'm a terrorist pretending to be a refugee", ALL Muslims have to be considered potential terrorists or terrorist sympathisers."

I haven't declared war on a "religion". Unless you hadn't noticed, The West is at war with this crowd and vice-versa.

Which side are you on anyhow? :popcorn:
Oh, but then you wrote;
"The last time in America they were at war with an entire group of people, all people related to that group were considered NOT to be trusted to be on the loose in American society.I don't see therefore why America and Europe can't follow the lead of that LIBERAL FDR and round up all Muslims and put them in Internment Camps as potential dangers to our societies."

That sounds like that religion to me.
What're they called again...oh yes...MUSLIMS.

Muslim isn't a religion, Muslims are a people.

Islam is murdering Christians though....the beheadings, crucifixions, burnings alive et al.

So remind me which religion declared war on whom again? I'll answer it for you, Islam a so-called religion declared war on Christians.

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