Right-Wing Response to Everything Terrorists Could Want

The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

US Navy submarines launching nuclear missiles on the Capitols of Iran, Iraq , Yemen......and Syria.

Arsenals of hydrogen bombs dropped on their encampments and training facilities.

This Is What Happens When An H-Bomb Explodes Over North Carolina

Shadow 355
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US Navy submarines launching nuclear missiles on the Capitols of Iran, Iraq , Yemen......and Syria.

Arsenals of hydrogen bombs dropped on their encampments and training facilities.
I'll bite, what you dream of after mommy puts you to bed?

Do you by chance have something realistic to say about the fact that nuclear weapons are of no use now but as MAD?
I'll bite, what you dream of after mommy puts you to bed?

Do you by chance have something realistic to say about the fact that nuclear weapons are of no use now but as MAD?

Nuclear weapons deter war, and have the ability to end war.

However tragic to civilians, Terrorists organizations need to be stopped...... Permanently !

We need a landslide win. Nuclear weapons would do that .

Shadow 355
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

It's also everything the right wants too. Fear, military spending, reduction of human rights etc etc.
So the plan is to just sit in the corner and say "not in the face, not in the face" in response to Muslim terror instead of doing something about it because of some vacuous notion of a circle of violence?

Gee, I can't imagine why someone who already despises Western values would be even more emboldened.
The plan is to understand what we are up against and make a plan that works for defeating a bad idea with a better one. In a war of ideas, bombs are essentially useless.

We're up against a people who want to cut your throat because we value things like free speech and the ability to choose a religion. You're not going to defeat that with hugs and chanting and drum circles. You defeat that by killing the shit out of them until they either agree to stop trying to cut your throat to keep their cities from being carpet bombed or you wipe them out.

We've been doing that for over 1400 years. How is that workin' for ya?

We haven't been killing them for 1400 years. They have been the ones killing Christians, Jews, pagans, Hindu, Buddhists, and African tribes for 1400 years. The West has defended itself against their invasions a few times, with little result.
The Crusades, leaving Europe to invade the Middle East and slaughter Muslims was a defense? Hmmmm, like Hitler invading Poland was a defense.

Yes. The Muslims had invaded everywhere in the Mediterranean to include Spain, France, and the Italian peninsula. I suppose you think the Christians were supposed to just roll over and let their throats be slashed. Luckily they decided to launch a counterattack. It wasn't much compared to what Muslims had been doing for hundreds of years.
The plan is to understand what we are up against and make a plan that works for defeating a bad idea with a better one. In a war of ideas, bombs are essentially useless.

We're up against a people who want to cut your throat because we value things like free speech and the ability to choose a religion. You're not going to defeat that with hugs and chanting and drum circles. You defeat that by killing the shit out of them until they either agree to stop trying to cut your throat to keep their cities from being carpet bombed or you wipe them out.

We've been doing that for over 1400 years. How is that workin' for ya?

We haven't been killing them for 1400 years. They have been the ones killing Christians, Jews, pagans, Hindu, Buddhists, and African tribes for 1400 years. The West has defended itself against their invasions a few times, with little result.
The Crusades, leaving Europe to invade the Middle East and slaughter Muslims was a defense? Hmmmm, like Hitler invading Poland was a defense.

Yes. The Muslims had invaded everywhere in the Mediterranean to include Spain, France, and the Italian peninsula. I suppose you think the Christians were supposed to just roll over and let their throats be slashed. Luckily they decided to launch a counterattack. It wasn't much compared to what Muslims had been doing for hundreds of years.
Where, chapter and verse, does it say in the New Testament that Christians were allowed to invade Muslim lands and slaughter Muslim men, women, and children? Where does it say they were allowed to force Jews to convert, or die? Do tell...
We're up against a people who want to cut your throat because we value things like free speech and the ability to choose a religion. You're not going to defeat that with hugs and chanting and drum circles. You defeat that by killing the shit out of them until they either agree to stop trying to cut your throat to keep their cities from being carpet bombed or you wipe them out.

We've been doing that for over 1400 years. How is that workin' for ya?

We haven't been killing them for 1400 years. They have been the ones killing Christians, Jews, pagans, Hindu, Buddhists, and African tribes for 1400 years. The West has defended itself against their invasions a few times, with little result.
The Crusades, leaving Europe to invade the Middle East and slaughter Muslims was a defense? Hmmmm, like Hitler invading Poland was a defense.

Yes. The Muslims had invaded everywhere in the Mediterranean to include Spain, France, and the Italian peninsula. I suppose you think the Christians were supposed to just roll over and let their throats be slashed. Luckily they decided to launch a counterattack. It wasn't much compared to what Muslims had been doing for hundreds of years.
Where, chapter and verse, does it say in the New Testament that Christians were allowed to invade Muslim lands and slaughter Muslim men, women, and children? Where does it say they were allowed to force Jews to convert, or die? Do tell...

The Bible has nothing to do with it. It was about pushing back Muslim invasions over the previous 400 years. The armies came from many different kingdoms, it wasn't just one military incursion ordered by the Pope like most liberals like to believe.
We've been doing that for over 1400 years. How is that workin' for ya?

We haven't been killing them for 1400 years. They have been the ones killing Christians, Jews, pagans, Hindu, Buddhists, and African tribes for 1400 years. The West has defended itself against their invasions a few times, with little result.
The Crusades, leaving Europe to invade the Middle East and slaughter Muslims was a defense? Hmmmm, like Hitler invading Poland was a defense.

Yes. The Muslims had invaded everywhere in the Mediterranean to include Spain, France, and the Italian peninsula. I suppose you think the Christians were supposed to just roll over and let their throats be slashed. Luckily they decided to launch a counterattack. It wasn't much compared to what Muslims had been doing for hundreds of years.
Where, chapter and verse, does it say in the New Testament that Christians were allowed to invade Muslim lands and slaughter Muslim men, women, and children? Where does it say they were allowed to force Jews to convert, or die? Do tell...

The Bible has nothing to do with it. It was about pushing back Muslim invasions over the previous 400 years. The armies came from many different kingdoms, it wasn't just one military incursion ordered by the Pope like most liberals like to believe.
Do tell, who ordered the Crusades? And were Christians allowed to slaughter people? If so, why did the early Christians refuse to serve in the army of Rome?

Help for you: Crusades - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
We've been doing that for over 1400 years. How is that workin' for ya?

We haven't been killing them for 1400 years. They have been the ones killing Christians, Jews, pagans, Hindu, Buddhists, and African tribes for 1400 years. The West has defended itself against their invasions a few times, with little result.
The Crusades, leaving Europe to invade the Middle East and slaughter Muslims was a defense? Hmmmm, like Hitler invading Poland was a defense.

Yes. The Muslims had invaded everywhere in the Mediterranean to include Spain, France, and the Italian peninsula. I suppose you think the Christians were supposed to just roll over and let their throats be slashed. Luckily they decided to launch a counterattack. It wasn't much compared to what Muslims had been doing for hundreds of years.
Where, chapter and verse, does it say in the New Testament that Christians were allowed to invade Muslim lands and slaughter Muslim men, women, and children? Where does it say they were allowed to force Jews to convert, or die? Do tell...

The Bible has nothing to do with it. It was about pushing back Muslim invasions over the previous 400 years. The armies came from many different kingdoms, it wasn't just one military incursion ordered by the Pope like most liberals like to believe.

Son, what you do not know about history is WAY too much to address here. Take a remedial high school course on the subject and come back then.
I'll bite, what you dream of after mommy puts you to bed?

Do you by chance have something realistic to say about the fact that nuclear weapons are of no use now but as MAD?

Nuclear weapons deter war, and have the ability to end war.

However tragic to civilians, Terrorists organizations need to be stopped...... Permanently !

We need a landslide win. Nuclear weapons would do that .

Shadow 355
Nukes is a little drastic at this point but leafletting and eliminating Raqqa with conventional weapons might be reasonable.

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