Right-Wing Response to Everything Terrorists Could Want

The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.
Terrorists that have sworn to kill all infidels will somehow be inspired by the hate of infidels they already planned to kill?
Actually the hate of the infidels will recruit more muslims to join ISIS better than anything ISIS can do themselves.
You actually believe that you can recruit people to a group where they are likely to be killed killing others by telling them, well, come on! THEY hate US! I think terrorists and people who join terror groups are crazy but I give them credit for needing a bit more motivation to hate than nah nah I'll hate you back.
Terrorists that have sworn to kill all infidels will somehow be inspired by the hate of infidels they already planned to kill?
Actually the hate of the infidels will recruit more muslims to join ISIS better than anything ISIS can do themselves.
You actually believe that you can recruit people to a group where they are likely to be killed killing others by telling them, well, come on! THEY hate US! I think terrorists and people who join terror groups are crazy but I give them credit for needing a bit more motivation to hate than nah nah I'll hate you back.
I dont have to believe it. Neither do you but it doesnt change the point that Its a known fact. Crazy is a subjective term. I think people are crazy for chasing tornadoes. That doesnt make them really crazy. It just means thats something I wouldnt do. People tend to mix up reality with what seems normal in their little bubble.
Well, I'll tell you what. Why don't you just go ahead and run out there and kiss the first Muslim you find. That should make him or her so thrilled that they will rise up and demand their fellow Muslims turn away from the teachings of the Koran.

Because, that's the ONLY alternative? You live in a binary world, don't you?
Most options are 'what the terrorists want' or could be painted that way to suit a partisan agenda and/or particular opinion on best course of action.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.

That laughter is exactly what the terrorists want!

Most options are 'what the terrorists want' or could be painted that way to suit a partisan agenda and/or particular opinion on best course of action.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.

That laughter is exactly what the terrorists want!


That is an interesting point. Why should I care what terrorists want? What about the dead concert-goers. Why is what they wanted (namely, to be left alone to enjoy their lives and not be murdered) somehow not worth debating?
Most options are 'what the terrorists want' or could be painted that way to suit a partisan agenda and/or particular opinion on best course of action.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.

That laughter is exactly what the terrorists want!


No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.
No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.
Most options are 'what the terrorists want' or could be painted that way to suit a partisan agenda and/or particular opinion on best course of action.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.

That laughter is exactly what the terrorists want!


No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.
Most options are 'what the terrorists want' or could be painted that way to suit a partisan agenda and/or particular opinion on best course of action.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

This is such a flaming, hateful, ridiculous post that all I can do is laugh, and laugh some more. LMAO Sorry, I know you were hoping for a different reaction, but I just can't take this seriously.

That laughter is exactly what the terrorists want!


No. They want Americans to be pitted against each other as represented in the OP's post.

That's absolutely true to the extent that it serves their purpose.

This is serious shit we're embroiled in and it would be nice, and a lot more productive, to see people wake up to that point as opposed to some of the silly shit we're seeing.

this is dicey stuff. The people at the very top of the food chain on this don't really know what to do, that much is obvious, so of course it stands to reason that people are going to have various opinions. Doesn't make em dumb, or cowards, it pretty much puts them right where everyone else is.
Terrorists that have sworn to kill all infidels will somehow be inspired by the hate of infidels they already planned to kill?
Actually the hate of the infidels will recruit more muslims to join ISIS better than anything ISIS can do themselves.
You actually believe that you can recruit people to a group where they are likely to be killed killing others by telling them, well, come on! THEY hate US! I think terrorists and people who join terror groups are crazy but I give them credit for needing a bit more motivation to hate than nah nah I'll hate you back.
I dont have to believe it. Neither do you but it doesnt change the point that Its a known fact. Crazy is a subjective term. I think people are crazy for chasing tornadoes. That doesnt make them really crazy. It just means thats something I wouldnt do. People tend to mix up reality with what seems normal in their little bubble.
Known fact? How about some back up on that statement? Interviews with real live terrorists explaining how they are motivated by other people's hate, for instance.

Right now all this is is some people's SUBJECTIVE take on it. Their "bubble", so to speak.
Well, I'll tell you what. Why don't you just go ahead and run out there and kiss the first Muslim you find. That should make him or her so thrilled that they will rise up and demand their fellow Muslims turn away from the teachings of the Koran.

Because, that's the ONLY alternative? You live in a binary world, don't you?
If terrorists want people to hate Islam, they are doing a great job!

That's the point.

Why do "some" give terrorists the power to make decisions for them? Why don't RWs want to kill terrorists? Instead, they just want to hate all Muslims. Why do RWs want to kill innocent people while letting terrorists go free?
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works

What is the Syrian refugee vetting process?
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works

What is the Syrian refugee vetting process?

Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.
The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

The right-wing response to the Paris terror attacks is predictably hysterical, racist and xenophobic. It’s everything the terrorists could possibly want, and a distraction from a very real threat.

The world is still reeling from the terrorist attacks in Paris, which killed 129 people on Friday. While the rest of the world mourns, the American right-wing is engaging in the usual orgy of racism, xenophobia, jingoism, fear-mongering and saber-rattling.

Perhaps the worst example was two CNN anchors berating the spokesperson for a Muslim outreach group, because he would not agree that all Muslims were collectively responsible for the attacks.

That kind of rhetoric has already led to several threats of violence against Muslims.

- See more at: The Right-Wing Response to Paris is Everything Terrorists Could Want

From the day after 9/11, when some fool murdered a Sikh in a convenience store, it has been obvious that RWs do not want to catch and kill terrorists. They want to kill everyone - children, elderly, innocents - it simply does not make any difference to RWNJs.

Thanks to the brainless, mindless, hysterical hatred from the right, the terrorists have won. Working together with that hysteria, the terrorists have Americans against Americans. RWNJs are openly against our constitution. They pass their lies around as though its fact and the obvious result of that is they have no real idea of what is real.

I don't see any reason to believe the RWs will suddenly become loyal to their own country. Indeed, as true Conservatives become more and more rare, there is no doubt they will get a lot crazier in the future.

I fail to understand how it's "racist" and "xenophobic" saying that we shouldn't accept these people, considering we don't know who any of these people are, because the majority have no papers or passports and could include terrorists pretending to be refugees.
That's why they are vetted.

But they're not being vetted are they?
Syrian Refugees: Here's How the Screening Process Works

What is the Syrian refugee vetting process?

Yes we know how you do that.

However the FBI Director James Comey says there's no way that the FBI has any way to properly vet all of Obama's Lovely Refugee People....Homeland Security Chief has said the same thing btw:

FBI admits there's no way to screen all incoming Syrian refugees

But obviously you just can't WAIT to just have all of them dumped in your town, that's right, you want them so badly, you take all of them yourself.
Hang on...now you're saying there is vetting of refugees?
You've changed your position 180 degrees now?

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