Right Wing thugs give Nazi salutes and attack the police at the Cenotaph.

Here we see the neo nazi friends of Tommy Robinson in action today. There are no BLM protestors there because they cancelled to avoid trouble. So these drunken thugs attack the police instead. Stay classy Mr Robinson.

Time to refine your product. Looks like some of your potential patrons aren’t buying your brand of Cucktopia.

Your use of "cuck" identifies you as a right-wing, white supremacist. Try being an American.

Fuck off Communist scum nobody cares what you think. Me = PROUD TO BE RIGHT-WING.

Oh, you are so proud! You don't even know what a communist is. Go back to bed and get under your master. Didn't he just snap his fingers? You are such a laugh.

Why are you ignoring my simple question?

WHAT "simple question"?
I can hardly believe that the British people are actually starting to stand up for themselves. They should throw the muslim mayor out on his ass.

You are saying that only people of some religions can hold office and people of other religions can't. Pathetic. This has nothing to do with the British people standing up for themselves. It would be like saying that the actions of putin's poodles like the boobielulu thugs here in the U.S. are standing up for the U.S. Don't be ridiculous.
The anti British Sadiq Khan is culturally muslim. The British should throw him out bodily and reclaim Great Britian for their own. England is not a country settled by immigrants. The indigenous people are Anglo Saxons. If they had an ounce of self respect no one but an ethnic English would ever be allowed to hold public office at all.

What is "culturally Muslim" or "culturally Christian" or culturally Jewish"? Some people make a mockery of their respective faiths, like the falwells and grahams do here with the Christian faith, but Khan has not done anything wrong, much less done something wrong because of his faith.

I would agree.

Don't throw him out because he is a Muslim.

Throw him out because he royally sucks.

The pajama mayor of Minneapolis is white.

He's a piece of shit.

He needs to go.

Why does Saddiq Khan, the mayor of a capital city in another nation, need to go? What has he done? Be specific.

Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE.

So what? What countries did your ancestors come from? Are you so ignorant that you do not know that people emmigrate and immigrate between countries? I'm an American by birthright established long ago by my Irish, Russian, and Polish ancestors. Moreover, what right do you have to criticize the British? Should YOU have any rights?

Is he in the same party as Jeremy Corbyn

Yes Sadiq Khan is in the same party as the Marxist and BIGOT Jeremy Corbyn.

Here we see the neo nazi friends of Tommy Robinson in action today. There are no BLM protestors there because they cancelled to avoid trouble. So these drunken thugs attack the police instead. Stay classy Mr Robinson.

Time to refine your product. Looks like some of your potential patrons aren’t buying your brand of Cucktopia.

Your use of "cuck" identifies you as a right-wing, white supremacist. Try being an American.

Fuck off Communist scum nobody cares what you think. Me = PROUD TO BE RIGHT-WING.

Oh, you are so proud! You don't even know what a communist is. Go back to bed and get under your master. Didn't he just snap his fingers? You are such a laugh.

Why are you ignoring my simple question?

WHAT "simple question"?
I can hardly believe that the British people are actually starting to stand up for themselves. They should throw the muslim mayor out on his ass.

You are saying that only people of some religions can hold office and people of other religions can't. Pathetic. This has nothing to do with the British people standing up for themselves. It would be like saying that the actions of putin's poodles like the boobielulu thugs here in the U.S. are standing up for the U.S. Don't be ridiculous.
The anti British Sadiq Khan is culturally muslim. The British should throw him out bodily and reclaim Great Britian for their own. England is not a country settled by immigrants. The indigenous people are Anglo Saxons. If they had an ounce of self respect no one but an ethnic English would ever be allowed to hold public office at all.

What is "culturally Muslim" or "culturally Christian" or culturally Jewish"? Some people make a mockery of their respective faiths, like the falwells and grahams do here with the Christian faith, but Khan has not done anything wrong, much less done something wrong because of his faith.

I would agree.

Don't throw him out because he is a Muslim.

Throw him out because he royally sucks.

The pajama mayor of Minneapolis is white.

He's a piece of shit.

He needs to go.

Why does Saddiq Khan, the mayor of a capital city in another nation, need to go? What has he done? Be specific.

Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE.

So what? What countries did your ancestors come from? Are you so ignorant that you do not know that people emmigrate and immigrate between countries? I'm an American by birthright established long ago by my Irish, Russian, and Polish ancestors. Moreover, what right do you have to criticize the British? Should YOU have any rights?

I can hardly believe that the British people are actually starting to stand up for themselves. They should throw the muslim mayor out on his ass.

You are saying that only people of some religions can hold office and people of other religions can't. Pathetic. This has nothing to do with the British people standing up for themselves. It would be like saying that the actions of putin's poodles like the boobielulu thugs here in the U.S. are standing up for the U.S. Don't be ridiculous.
The anti British Sadiq Khan is culturally muslim. The British should throw him out bodily and reclaim Great Britian for their own. England is not a country settled by immigrants. The indigenous people are Anglo Saxons. If they had an ounce of self respect no one but an ethnic English would ever be allowed to hold public office at all.

Really...You do know that Britain has been invaded a few times? That most of the people there are just like here..immigrants and invaders? Unless you're advocating a Welsh-only rule? Tommy would like that...LOL!

What, exactly, is an 'ethnic English' anyway?

Oh! The Norman invasion! Tommy's roots can maybe stretch back to Boadicea and the Icenee.
There is no such thing as pure English. They are a bunch of mutts like the rest of us. All of this makes it easier for Mayor Khan to get re-elected. I would put my house on it.
No such thing? Start having DNA tests for citizenship. See how that goes.

Exactly and exactly, DNA tests, the Heritage should be at LEAST back to 1800 IF someone does not have their Heritage in whatever European nation going back to at LEAST 1800 they would be returned to the nation of their Ancestors.

You should do this in America also, beginning with removing the thing that says if x feral creature from wherever goes to America and shits out baby they do NOT automatically become a US Citizen anymore, also DACA should GTFO also.

YOUR ancestors came here and shit out babies. It shows. There IS NO Rule about 1800. Where are you getting that from? Now your master needs a blow job. See to it.

I am NOT American you low IQ moron. Master? I have no Master BUT I DO have Servants. The Great Unwashed like you could not even afford to BE in the SAME company as someone like me OR my family OR my Ancestors. YOUR ilk are TRAITORS to America.

I do have MANY American friends, I like America but now think that Leftist America should form their OWN nation to turn into a Third World Shit Hole and ALLOW NORMAL Americans to keep making America Great for FUTURE Americans.

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Any idea how your totally deranged and factually wrong your rantings are?

"Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE."

So you then go on to say Priti Patel FROM A UGANDAN/INDIAN PARENTAGE should be Prime Minister? - TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY HEAD UP YOUR ARSE OR WHAT?

As you've decided to tell us who should be our PM - What part of Britain are you from?
I can hardly believe that the British people are actually starting to stand up for themselves. They should throw the muslim mayor out on his ass.

You are saying that only people of some religions can hold office and people of other religions can't. Pathetic. This has nothing to do with the British people standing up for themselves. It would be like saying that the actions of putin's poodles like the boobielulu thugs here in the U.S. are standing up for the U.S. Don't be ridiculous.
The anti British Sadiq Khan is culturally muslim. The British should throw him out bodily and reclaim Great Britian for their own. England is not a country settled by immigrants. The indigenous people are Anglo Saxons. If they had an ounce of self respect no one but an ethnic English would ever be allowed to hold public office at all.

What is "culturally Muslim" or "culturally Christian" or culturally Jewish"? Some people make a mockery of their respective faiths, like the falwells and grahams do here with the Christian faith, but Khan has not done anything wrong, much less done something wrong because of his faith.

I would agree.

Don't throw him out because he is a Muslim.

Throw him out because he royally sucks.

The pajama mayor of Minneapolis is white.

He's a piece of shit.

He needs to go.

Why does Saddiq Khan, the mayor of a capital city in another nation, need to go? What has he done? Be specific.
He made this city too criminal-friendly, and too migrant-friendly. London police is just a useless piece of shit. You need to prepare your society to the harsh times if you really wanna survive and keep your identity.

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Any idea how your totally deranged and factually wrong your rantings are?

"Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE."

So you then go on to say Priti Patel FROM A UGANDAN/INDIAN PARENTAGE should be Prime Minister? - TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY HEAD UP YOUR ARSE OR WHAT?

As you've decided to tell us who should be our PM - What part of Britain are you from?

The DIFFERENCE is that Priti Patel is not out on the streets of London DEMANDING and drawing up LISTS of what British Heritage and Culture to DESTROY, so if adopted in the UK the 1800 thing someone like Priti Patel would be allowed to NOT get deported back to either Uganda or India, she obviously LOVES the nation her Ancestors made their New Home in, as opposed to the Pakistani Muslim Terrorist Supporter Sadiq Khan who HATES Britain and is LOYAL to The Prophet Mohammed over The Queen of the United Kingdom.
Lots of experts on the UK gathered here.If immigrants were to be sent home the US would be fucked.
Sadiq Khan is a bit too moderate for me but he is pissing off the racist trash and I will settle for that. He is already guaranteed another stint as Mayor and that must rile the trash.

The tories are already trying to dump their man because Khan has him beat.
Senior Tory figures trying to oust mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets.
May be. May be not. There are plenty of armed men waiting for such a target.
they CONTINUED to remove Communists from the planet during the 1930s and 1940s.
Did anyone invite them to do so outside your dwarf country? Hardly so. And as a result of it, they got their some parts kicked.

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Any idea how your totally deranged and factually wrong your rantings are?

"Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE."

So you then go on to say Priti Patel FROM A UGANDAN/INDIAN PARENTAGE should be Prime Minister? - TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY HEAD UP YOUR ARSE OR WHAT?

As you've decided to tell us who should be our PM - What part of Britain are you from?

The DIFFERENCE is that Priti Patel is not out on the streets of London DEMANDING and drawing up LISTS of what British Heritage and Culture to DESTROY, so if adopted in the UK the 1800 thing someone like Priti Patel would be allowed to NOT get deported back to either Uganda or India, she obviously LOVES the nation her Ancestors made their New Home in, as opposed to the Pakistani Muslim Terrorist Supporter Sadiq Khan who HATES Britain and is LOYAL to The Prophet Mohammed over The Queen of the United Kingdom.
So those you perceive to be foreign and to your personal political far right taste can stay and even become PM but those who are not should be thrown under a bus burnt and their ashes deported - is that it?

That flag? Gawd you wouldn't happen to be the love child of Hitler and Eva Braun?
Lots of experts on the UK gathered here.If immigrants were to be sent home the US would be fucked.
Sadiq Khan is a bit too moderate for me but he is pissing off the racist trash and I will settle for that. He is already guaranteed another stint as Mayor and that must rile the trash.

The tories are already trying to dump their man because Khan has him beat.
Senior Tory figures trying to oust mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey

You IGNORED commenting ANYTHING Tommy when the African filth and the Leftist filth DESECRATED The Cenotaph with The BurnLootMurder CRAP, but NOW because Ethnic British turned up to PROTECT The Cenotaph you call them "thugs" Shame on you Tommy.

You support the below human filth BurnLootMurder though? Okay whatever.


Here we see the neo nazi friends of Tommy Robinson in action today. There are no BLM protestors there because they cancelled to avoid trouble. So these drunken thugs attack the police instead. Stay classy Mr Robinson.

Nah, Tommy. These are simply a bunch of people sick and tired of seeing their country ruined by people like you!

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Any idea how your totally deranged and factually wrong your rantings are?

"Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE."

So you then go on to say Priti Patel FROM A UGANDAN/INDIAN PARENTAGE should be Prime Minister? - TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY HEAD UP YOUR ARSE OR WHAT?

As you've decided to tell us who should be our PM - What part of Britain are you from?

The DIFFERENCE is that Priti Patel is not out on the streets of London DEMANDING and drawing up LISTS of what British Heritage and Culture to DESTROY, so if adopted in the UK the 1800 thing someone like Priti Patel would be allowed to NOT get deported back to either Uganda or India, she obviously LOVES the nation her Ancestors made their New Home in, as opposed to the Pakistani Muslim Terrorist Supporter Sadiq Khan who HATES Britain and is LOYAL to The Prophet Mohammed over The Queen of the United Kingdom.
So those you perceive to be foreign and to your personal political far right taste can stay and even become PM but those who are not should be thrown under a bus burnt and their ashes deported - is that it?

That flag? Gawd you wouldn't happen to be the love child of Hitler and Eva Braun?

"can stay and even become PM but those who are not should be thrown under a bus burnt and their ashes deported - is that it?"

Well yes and yes, but they should be first given opportunity to Self Deport if not then all bets = off. Nations can not have this type of scum in them anymore if they want to preserve and protect the Heritage and Culture. This other crowd = Poison to nations.

"That flag? Gawd you wouldn't happen to be the love child of Hitler and Eva Braun?"

Yes what about it? I am a Patriot there has never been a Traitor in my entire family history. The other section of your comment, you have ONLY just joined this forum, I am immune to ALL name calling I do NOT care what name calling you do and my response is this:


What else did I want to tell you? Oh yes that is right, this:

were they the Big Nose Marxist crowd who went to infest America with Marxism via the Educational Establishment?
Yeah. Right! Make them to adjust the yellow stars.

Go away pointless Ukrainian Troll Boi. Ukraine was only ever any use during the Second War, post-Second War back in with the Communist filth, post-Communist filth Ukraine = Bankrupt Shit Hole.
they CONTINUED to remove Communists from the planet during the 1930s and 1940s.
Did anyone invite them to do so outside your dwarf country? Hardly so. And as a result of it, they got their some parts kicked.

We are the second wealthiest nation on this Continent and also a Net Contributer to the EU. What is Ukraine? Oh that's right, a Bankrupt Shit Hole.

Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Priti Patel is one of the reasons why the situation in London is so bad.



^^^^ Not ONE White British in that above crowd of violent human scum.



Notice the Beta Cuck FAGGOT policeman in that picture, INSTEAD of cracking the head of the human filth on the left because he's kicking the ETHNIC British man on the right, the Beta Cuck Faggot helps the human filth on the left.

Situation is that they should put the British Army on the streets. Boris is being a Beta Cuck Faggot not doing anything. Priti Patel their Home Secretary should be their Prime Minister, she has the balls Boris does not.
Any idea how your totally deranged and factually wrong your rantings are?

"Because his HERITAGE is in Pakistan, his Ancestors came from Pakistan, he should NOT have ANY say in what happens with the ETHNIC British it is THEIR NATION, THEIR HERITAGE, THEIR CULTURE."

So you then go on to say Priti Patel FROM A UGANDAN/INDIAN PARENTAGE should be Prime Minister? - TOTALLY CONTRADICTORY HEAD UP YOUR ARSE OR WHAT?

As you've decided to tell us who should be our PM - What part of Britain are you from?

The DIFFERENCE is that Priti Patel is not out on the streets of London DEMANDING and drawing up LISTS of what British Heritage and Culture to DESTROY, so if adopted in the UK the 1800 thing someone like Priti Patel would be allowed to NOT get deported back to either Uganda or India, she obviously LOVES the nation her Ancestors made their New Home in, as opposed to the Pakistani Muslim Terrorist Supporter Sadiq Khan who HATES Britain and is LOYAL to The Prophet Mohammed over The Queen of the United Kingdom.
So those you perceive to be foreign and to your personal political far right taste can stay and even become PM but those who are not should be thrown under a bus burnt and their ashes deported - is that it?

That flag? Gawd you wouldn't happen to be the love child of Hitler and Eva Braun?

"can stay and even become PM but those who are not should be thrown under a bus burnt and their ashes deported - is that it?"

Well yes and yes, but they should be first given opportunity to Self Deport if not then all bets = off. Nations can not have this type of scum in them anymore if they want to preserve and protect the Heritage and Culture. This other crowd = Poison to nations.

"That flag? Gawd you wouldn't happen to be the love child of Hitler and Eva Braun?"

Yes what about it? I am a Patriot there has never been a Traitor in my entire family history. The other section of your comment, you have ONLY just joined this forum, I am immune to ALL name calling I do NOT care what name calling you do and my response is this
Why so ashamed to reveal your nationality? - You waste no time in pontificating on everybody else's!
How do you know there have been no traitors in your entire family history?
Is it not the case your grandfather was in the closet in more ways than one?
Why do you distance yourself from Hitler?
I don't remember him referring to people as scum, faggots or their origins as shit holes though I've no doubt he did in private.
Truth is your stateless no decent nation will have you!
God bless tommy! He’s a true patriot! I wish I could follow him but big tech took him down.. sad.. love you tommy keep fighting?

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