Right Wing; What exact measures will you take to secure the border?

Back to the subject:

Why do liberal fanatics keep jumping to the conclusion that it's "the Rules" that need changing, rather than the enforcement of those rules?

There is the additional problem of the huge numbers of illegal aliens within our borders. But if our present laws are enforced (for a change), then deporting the ones who came to the attention of law enforcement, would finally have an effect, as they won't be able to just turn around and walk back into the U.S.

Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done. And the Federal government is Constitutionally REQUIRED to do them.

No "reform" of our present laws is needed.
Right Wing; What exact measures will you take to secure the border? Or borders.

A test to see if the "you are stupid" people can conjure up a rational thought.

If so, I'll say thank you.

What measures will I take?

1.) Send a message to local law enforcement that federal agencies are now making deportations of infiltrators Mission #1 and federal assets are available to local law enforcement who pick up infiltrators in the course of executing their regular duties. The Feds will swing by the county jail and pick up infiltrator prisoners and send them to a centralized lock-up.

2.) Change laws to penalize all schools which have infiltrator children attending. Require them to forward names and addresses to ICE and then have ICE go and pick them up and send them to central holding.

3.) Employers will be prosecuted and directors of corporations will be held personally liable for employing infiltrators. Amnesty employers who turn in infiltrators by a set deadline.

4.) Meanwhile, put out Requests for Proposals to build a damn wall on the border.

5.) Start chartering airliners and taking infiltrators as deep into their country as possible. If some infiltrator comes from a Mexican border town, return him to Mexico's southern border instead.

I like your #1. Have you ever checked into how many hours it takes law enforcement to verify a legal citizen?

We can change that via technological improvements. This is pretty basic information, so it shouldn't be held at the state secret level.

I also like your #2. But if a child is born in America and has nothing to do with the parents decision to boarder jump, is the child an infiltrator?? (Dream Act 101)

We don't want to be breaking up families, so the kids should stay with their parents as the parents are deported.

Your observation leads me to point 6.) which is to appoint SC justices who pass the litmus test of ending birthright citizenship. Once we get SC justices who read the Constitution correctly, send them a few cases on which they can settle the issue once and for all.

Point 7.) is to put a stop to family reunification immigration, for it's madness for that kid who is deported to come back into the US at age 18 and then sponsor his parents legally.
Right Wing; What exact measures will you take to secure the border? Or borders.

A test to see if the "you are stupid" people can conjure up a rational thought.

If so, I'll say thank you.

What measures will I take?

1.) Send a message to local law enforcement that federal agencies are now making deportations of infiltrators Mission #1 and federal assets are available to local law enforcement who pick up infiltrators in the course of executing their regular duties. The Feds will swing by the county jail and pick up infiltrator prisoners and send them to a centralized lock-up.

2.) Change laws to penalize all schools which have infiltrator children attending. Require them to forward names and addresses to ICE and then have ICE go and pick them up and send them to central holding.

3.) Employers will be prosecuted and directors of corporations will be held personally liable for employing infiltrators. Amnesty employers who turn in infiltrators by a set deadline.

4.) Meanwhile, put out Requests for Proposals to build a damn wall on the border.

5.) Start chartering airliners and taking infiltrators as deep into their country as possible. If some infiltrator comes from a Mexican border town, return him to Mexico's southern border instead.

I like your #1. Have you ever checked into how many hours it takes law enforcement to verify a legal citizen?

We can change that via technological improvements. This is pretty basic information, so it shouldn't be held at the state secret level.

I also like your #2. But if a child is born in America and has nothing to do with the parents decision to boarder jump, is the child an infiltrator?? (Dream Act 101)

We don't want to be breaking up families, so the kids should stay with their parents as the parents are deported.

Your observation leads me to point 6.) which is to appoint SC justices who pass the litmus test of ending birthright citizenship. Once we get SC justices who read the Constitution correctly, send them a few cases on which they can settle the issue once and for all.

Point 7.) is to put a stop to family reunification immigration, for it's madness for that kid who is deported to come back into the US at age 18 and then sponsor his parents legally.
Good post
Back to the subject:

Why do liberal fanatics keep jumping to the conclusion that it's "the Rules" that need changing, rather than the enforcement of those rules?

There is the additional problem of the huge numbers of illegal aliens within our borders. But if our present laws are enforced (for a change), then deporting the ones who came to the attention of law enforcement, would finally have an effect, as they won't be able to just turn around and walk back into the U.S.

Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done. And the Federal government is Constitutionally REQUIRED to do them.

No "reform" of our present laws is needed.

What would your "fence/wall" be made out of and what is the projected cost?

I'm curious why taxation is only a burden when it comes to education and health but not when it comes to war and walls. 'Merica
If I was going to initiate an immigration policy, the bare minimum would include:

1. Nobody in the country illegally via his/her choice will be provided ANY services other than the barest minimum of humanitarian necessities--food, water, necessary medical care--until he/she returns home or is deported.

2. Anybody caught in the country illegally will have his her name, photo, and finger prints entered into a permanent file and will never be eligible for a Visa, green card, or citizenship without a specific act of Congress on his/her behalf.

3. A Constitutional amendment will be introduced and hopefully passed that grants automatic citizenship to those born to parents at least one of which is a U.S. citizen and rescinding the law that says anybody born inside the U.S. borders is automatically a citizen.

4. Any employer caught with illegals on the payroll may be subject to a stiff fine. Any employer caught paying illegals under the table/off the books will be subject to much stiffer penalties.

5. No business licenses can be issued by any state or municipality to non citizens or those who do not hold valid green cards.

That should be sufficient to discourage the good people to not come into the country at all. The criminal element will no doubt find ways into the country, but will be much more obvious, easier to profile and identify, and take care of.
Back to the subject:

Why do liberal fanatics keep jumping to the conclusion that it's "the Rules" that need changing, rather than the enforcement of those rules?

There is the additional problem of the huge numbers of illegal aliens within our borders. But if our present laws are enforced (for a change), then deporting the ones who came to the attention of law enforcement, would finally have an effect, as they won't be able to just turn around and walk back into the U.S.

Enforcing our present laws will take some resources, but far fewer than are presently being expended on various crackpot schemes. Four areas have to be worked on and fulfilled:

1.) Build a GOOD fence or wall along the entire border. Other countries have done this, with good results. No such wall is perfectly impenetrable. but a good one will reduce those who get through, to a small trickle instead of the present flood, and free up ICE personnel to concentrate on the relative few who do get through.

2.) Patrol the border adequately. This is necessary to keep people from cutting through etc. The longer time they need to cut through, must be denied to them. This will require hiring a LOT more border patrol personnel and providing support for them.

3.) Provide Federal personnel to work with state and local police, to quickly deport illegal aliens who come to the attention of the police in their normal duties (giving traffic tickets, answering calls for domestic violence, burglary, etc.)

4.) Provide criminal penalties for companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens, for hiring mangers, personnel managers, and even CEOs.

Some of these things are starting to be done. But "starting" isn't nearly enough. All four must be done and done WELL. If any one of them is not, then the whole thing will break down. But doing all four, is not extraordinarily difficult, and CAN be done. And the Federal government is Constitutionally REQUIRED to do them.

No "reform" of our present laws is needed.

What would your "fence/wall" be made out of and what is the projected cost?

I'm curious why taxation is only a burden when it comes to education and health but not when it comes to war and walls. 'Merica

Border protection and defense are the actual reason government, as a concept, was CREATED. Health and education are private goods. Do you understand the difference between a private good and a public good? A public good is something that benefits us all and is not EXCLUSIVE. A well protected border benefits everyone, not one person to the exclusion of others. A nation with an army which repels a foreign invasion benefits all citizens of the nation, not just those closest to the battlefield. A private good is an EXCLUSIVE good. When money is spent on your education, then I don't benefit, same with money spent on your health, when your broken arm is fixed, and paid for by taxpayers, only you benefit from having your arm fixed, none of the taxpayers who paid for your hospital bill get any benefit.

Governments actual job is to provide the public goods, goods which people can't actually buy for themselves. No one buys an army to protect the nation or its borders. Government's job is not to provide you with private goods.
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.
Right Wing; What exact measures will you take to secure the border? Or borders.

A test to see if the "you are stupid" people can conjure up a rational thought.

If so, I'll say thank you.
Why are you asking? Your side has had all this time to fix the mess and now you come crawling when you know your time is up. When you're gone we'll show you how it's done.
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

The border is not secure just thought I would let you know.
I have friends who go to the border and work with militia groups that watch the border, and they aren't secure.
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

The border is not secure just thought I would let you know.
I have friends who go to the border and work with militia groups that watch the border, and they aren't secure.

Well what the hell are the 21,000+ border agent's we pay for doing? Are they actually working for Rick Perry's campaign instead of standing guard on the border?

The immigration explosion of previous administrations has been crushed. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico is zero. But politicians continue scarring the public in order to fleece us even harder. This is a SCAM!!!!!!!

The militia groups need to watch the government agents & see where our money is going!
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The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

The border is not secure just thought I would let you know.
I have friends who go to the border and work with militia groups that watch the border, and they aren't secure.

Well what the hell are the 21,000+ border agent's we pay for doing? The imigration explosion of previous administrations has been crushed. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico is zero. But politicians continue scarring the public in order to fleece us even harder. This is a SCAM!!!!!!!
how many miles of Border does the U.S. have?
The $28 billion per year Republicans want to spend on the border is roughly the same amount taxpayers spend on the entire Department of Justice’s annual budget.
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

The border is not secure just thought I would let you know.
I have friends who go to the border and work with militia groups that watch the border, and they aren't secure.

Well what the hell are the 21,000+ border agent's we pay for doing? The imigration explosion of previous administrations has been crushed. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico is zero. But politicians continue scarring the public in order to fleece us even harder. This is a SCAM!!!!!!!
how many miles of Border does the U.S. have?
The US/Mexico border that needed defending is 1,954 miles long & most of that is in Texas. Do you want all our money flowing to the border states. With the number of agents we now employ there should be one every quarter mile guarding the border 24 hours a day. I bet they are not on the border. They are off doing political favors for Rick Perry.

The militia groups need to watch the government agents & see where our money is going!
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

The border is not secure just thought I would let you know.
I have friends who go to the border and work with militia groups that watch the border, and they aren't secure.

Well what the hell are the 21,000+ border agent's we pay for doing? The imigration explosion of previous administrations has been crushed. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico is zero. But politicians continue scarring the public in order to fleece us even harder. This is a SCAM!!!!!!!
how many miles of Border does the U.S. have?
The US/Mexico border that needed defending is 1,954 miles long & most of that is in Texas. Do you want all our money flowing to the border states. With the number of agents we now employ there should be one every quarter mile guarding the border 24 hours a day. I bet they are not on the border. They are off doing political favors for Rick Perry.

The militia groups need to watch the government agents & see where our money is going!
We have borders besides the Mexican/ U.S. Border
The logistics of manning the entire southern border plus all the extensive coastal perimeters of the USA is staggering.


But the problem is not monitoring the border. We have all sorts of means to use drones, surveillance cameras, and manpower to do that. The problem is the will to stop and turn back the people who are crossing the border. We have hundreds and hundreds of hours of film watching them do it. But we do not have a government with the will to do anything about it.
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

Oh, B.S...50, 000 children..CHILDREN walked..WALKED..across our border without their parents last month.
Don't tell me the border is secure and net migration is zero...GTFO, man...
The border is secure. Spending is outrageous & Republicans want to triple it to over $28 billion a year with most of it going to Texas. If we put an agent every 2 miles with binoculars & night vision they could easily see over a mile each way. That would take less than 975 agents per shift or 4,106 agents to watch the border 24/hrs a day year round. We currently employ over 21,000 agents & pay them over $65,000 each plus benefits. That is enough for 11 agents per mile spaced 1/4 mile apart in 3 shifts 8/hr ea. Plus we have fences, sensors, cameras & drones. For 28 billion we could have border agents holding hands making a human fence. This is just another huge Republican taxpayer fleecing boondoggle.

Last year President Obama spent $11.7 billion on security at the U.S.-Mexico border—more than any of his predecessors, according to the Migration Policy Institute. That big of an investment might make you think illegal immigrants were storming the 2,000-mile stretch of desert that separates Texas and California from Mexico, but in fact, the opposite is true. The net migration between the U.S. and Mexico last year was zero, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Roughly 150,000 people, both illegal and legal, arrived in the U.S. from Mexico, and about the same number left the U.S. to return home.

Oh, B.S...50, 000 children..CHILDREN walked..WALKED..across our border without their parents last month.
Don't tell me the border is secure and net migration is zero...GTFO, man...

You Lie! It took 9 months for all those children to arrive at the border & most were apprehended crossing from Mexico. 150,000 illegals went back to Mexico. You are a common tin foil hat idiot. 10 years ago there were only 4,200 border agents, now we have 5 times more with far greater multiples of spending. The net migration has been zero for years. When is it enough spending & torturing US tax payers? It's time for you to pay for all these border patrol & the many more you want to add. Just imagine the size of their tax payer backed pension funds.
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Want to discourage illegals?

Issue Putin masks to those patrolling. They'll recognize they're up against someone who plays to win.

Want to encourage illegals?

Issue burned corks to those patrolling. They'll know there's nothing ahead but free stuff!
I would use land mines and announce it on every Spanish radio and TV network to let everyone know if you try to cross the border illegally this is the danger you face.

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