Right Wingers are a "fascinating" bunch

Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .

They believe the whole country was founded on fraudulent principles. That we stole the land from peace loving natives. They see the founding fathers as slave owners, and if they had it their way everything they accomplished would be wiped away.

They believe that America needs to be destroyed. They have slowly but surely relegated ALL of the founding fathers as tyrants. They are already trying to tear down the Jefferson memorial. How long before they attempt to take the faces down from Rushmore?

All they need to do is get a movement going and it will happen. All of a sudden a bunch of hype will start and the snowball will gather speed.

Look at how fast they got rid of the confederate flag. I mean that was quick wasn't it?

The left are losers. They are ignorant assholes. They actually think white Europeans showed up on Africa shores with nets. They think the natives were all just peace loving people smoking peyote on the New Mexican plateaus and their land in the Ozarks were ripped away by toothless Christians with muskets.

They are that dumb. You know it is true too.
You see how it is people. they leftwingers who supports the Democrat party has nothing GOOD to run with their four all white old fogies running. so they go back to their STANDARD of dirty politics with smears, lies and totally made up crap so they can divide and stir up hate. Stop letting them get away with this. they've been allowed it for far to long and let them know you are SICK AND TIRED of it and them

vote out that nasty party that the thug Obama and their cultish followers come 2016
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.

We are in real trouble, and I blame it all on the mindless arrogant ignorant sheep like the op who actually think democrats give a rat shit about the poor and minorities.

No matter how many times we present the facts, they display utter bullshit posts like this one.

Do not count on republicans, except for perhaps the very few that value our sovereignty and want to uphold our laws that make us a nation, and see right through the traitors who sacrifice everything we are along with our safety for political gain.

Those republicans are relegated by the media as mouth breathing flat earthers. The moronic sheep just lap it up.

There is no reason at all to treat any of these morons like the OP with respect. They are that lost. They are that stupid. The worst part is them thinking they are so smart by having such a gullible fucked up disposition.

The country is done folks.
Don't forget to wash your Con-federate crying towel occasionally. The salt from your tears make it crusty after a while.
You see how it is people. they leftwingers who supports the Democrat party has nothing GOOD to run with their four all white old fogies running. so they go back to their STANDARD of dirty politics with smears, lies and totally made up crap so they can divide and stir up hate. Stop letting them get away with this. they've been allowed it for far to long and let them know you are SICK AND TIRED of it and them

vote out that nasty party that the thug Obama and their cultish followers come 2016
'nasty'.....drink up, gentlemen and ladies.
OK, that someone can go around sticking smilie faces on peoples postings and their names aren't shown so that the person can address them about it, is pretty low brow and sneaky and doesn't show well for the board in my opinion . Everyone need to recognize this is going on
You've been posting on here for years and haven't figured out how to see who agrees with or thanks a post. Thanks for confirming just how dumb you actually are. Gawd!
The country is done folks.

Thank you for the non-response, response.....and don't forget to hide under your bed every night, in your stars-n-stripes pajamas.

Giggle away loser. Keep on thinking (snicker thinking on your part is gone) the democrats care so much, while they are using you and ignorant morons like you as the dumb mindless pawns you are.

Keep on thinking your communist leaders actually care about the poor. Keep on clinging to the robin hood fairy tale.

You are a miserable loser. A robot. You are nothing.

Like I said. Giggle away you fucking hyena.

Your own party has called you all morons.
The Democrats care enough to actually get some of their promises enacted in the last 7 years....OBL is dead, Obamacare is a reality....equal gay rights is a reality. So...since that awesome GOP victory in 2014...what has YOUR party done?
left wingers are nothing more but a bunch of brainwashed SHEEP. who only care about their opinions and views are some of the most INTOLERANT people in this country. As far as they're concerned: the rest of their fellow country men and women can go to hell, because their PARTY Masters tells them so .
What has YOUR party done for you in the last 50 years, Stephanie?
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:
Speaking of confused Democrats love to talk about how inclusive the Democratic Party is yet what is running for President on their side five white people.

True......if we discount history....

Which party had the FIRST female vice presidential candidate?
Which party helped elect a half-black president.....twice?
Wow one of each in how many years?
So...you are suggesting that we FORCE women and minorities to run for President for some kind of quota?
Not all Latinos are Illegals

Hopefully you didn't overtax your brain cells when coming up with that response.

Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

You are either misinformed, or biased, which one is it?

Love how you dishonest hacks try and shame people for supporting someone. Reagan was a democrat once, so what?
Not all Latinos are Illegals

Hopefully you didn't overtax your brain cells when coming up with that response.

Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

You are either misinformed, or biased, which one is it?
Yes...so you say. We'll see, won't we?

Yeah we will see obviously. You actually took the time to type that?
Not all Latinos are Illegals

Hopefully you didn't overtax your brain cells when coming up with that response.

Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

You are either misinformed, or biased, which one is it?

BINGO. first they act like they own black people and now they're doing the same thing with Latinos. myself I find it offensive and I hope all the LEGAL CITIZENS of our country take notice of their divide and pitting us all against each other. they've been doing it for far to long.
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:

Yeah, but they were not communists, you useless sack of left wing shit. You actually think you would classify yourself as a liberal as it was once defined? You fucking ignorant moron.

You, have no ability whatsoever to see how you are nothing but a fucking pawn for your democrats. Who, are full blown marxists. Saul Alinsky disciples.

You have no fucking clue and you are blind to the facts.

You fucking think your pathetic democrats do not use minorities for political gain. You think they actually care about the poor. You cannot and WILL not see how they use them for their votes and to hell with the country's security or sovereignty.

Stop trying to act smart with me, you deranged, pathetic left wing loser. Your intelligence is totally void. Keep on thinking how the democrats really care.

You fucking jack off.
Speaking of confused Democrats love to talk about how inclusive the Democratic Party is yet what is running for President on their side five white people.

True......if we discount history....

Which party had the FIRST female vice presidential candidate?
Which party helped elect a half-black president.....twice?
Wow one of each in how many years?

While he ignores which party had the 1st female representative and blacks.

Non-right wingers have been crushed in the last 2 elections.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

By who? The loser republicans who are as interested in ripping power from we the people as any pathetic mealy mouth communist democrat?

No, it is over. Perhaps 5% of the republicans in office represent what the majority of the WE THE PEOPLE want.

Maybe 5%.

Spoken like a true Dictator..
Not all Latinos are Illegals

Hopefully you didn't overtax your brain cells when coming up with that response.

Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

You are either misinformed, or biased, which one is it?
Yes...so you say. We'll see, won't we?

Yeah we will see obviously. You actually took the time to type that?
Indeed I did. I don't find typing to be all that taxing or exhausting.
Not all Latinos are Illegals

Hopefully you didn't overtax your brain cells when coming up with that response.

Many Latinos support Trump, because they came here the right way. Took the time, adapted to the USA. The liberal way is to skip that process, and just loot what you want.

You are either misinformed, or biased, which one is it?

BINGO. first they act like they own black people and now they're doing the same thing with Latinos. myself I find it offensive and I hope all the LEGAL CITIZENS of our country take notice of their divide and pitting us all against each other. they've been doing it for far to long.
Odd...I don't feel like I "own black people" at all.

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