Right wingers eat their own : Chick-fil-a & also FOXNEWS goes WOKE

First it started with vegetarian offering and now a full on Diversity and Inclusion statement. The wokeness of CFA is not going unnoticed as thousands of right wing nuts vow never to eat at a place that is inclusive of all people.

Now we have FOX NEWS in on the action!


At this rate, the idiots are going to run out of options to eat, drink, watch movies etc etc. Sometimes I do feel sad for the average trumptards.

It's not their fault that they are retard.
You have a short memory

It’s sometimes hard to keep track: What is it about Chick-fil-A that makes some people so mad?
Their attitudes on LGBTQ+ and Black people caused me to boycott them company starting in 2007.

Maybe I'll have to rethink my position.
I know that, but I just saw a video where the Chick-fil-A ceo got on his knees shined the shoes of a black man ….and said every white man should do that.

I understand the Chick-fil-A closes on Sundays. And that’s why I was all the more surprised by this recent news about the Chick-fil-A decision to go to the far left.

And we just saw the original post they’re getting involved in the diversity and equity nonsense. Equity is not about equality remember that.

Just going by what was said ….. it’s amazing how the left wingers in this thread in the Biden supporters are able to justify their actions they know full well perhaps what is staring them in the face. Why would anybody support equity? Why would anybody support equity or getting on his knees for another man.
For all the self flagellating whites, DO NOT go into the hood with a dirty shoe brush and try to 'shine' those stolen Adidas. It won't go well.
First it started with vegetarian offering and now a full on Diversity and Inclusion statement. The wokeness of CFA is not going unnoticed as thousands of right wing nuts vow never to eat at a place that is inclusive of all people.

Now we have FOX NEWS in on the action!


This is certainly the best DEI commitment I have ever read....

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


You see that?^^^ Diversity of opinion is welcome at Chik-Fil-A.
EEOC violations depend on overt acts. It has nothing to do with a company following DIE principles or mandates. It's about the ESG score, Emotional Social Governance which is modeled after the Chinese Social credit score.
Incorrect. If the environment is such that minorities are not hired, thats a heavy legal action.
I'm only going to boycott fag-friendly products I already don't consume.

Since I really like the tasty Chik-fil-A sammiches, I will not boycott those groomers. Jesus allows me to sin in this way as much as I like so long as I don't vote for a Democrat.

I cut the cable a long time ago, so the only time I ever watch Fox News is when someone posts a clip from their propaganda channel on this forum, so I will stand strong in my boycott of Fox News, as I am a patriot.

I don't drink beer, so in honor of Mary and Joseph (one man, one woman!) I will continue my boycott of Miller Lite.

Then there's no issue...
Shouldn't be. There wasn't until a director of DIE stated that all white people should get on their knees before blacks and shine their shoes. Presumably his use of the words "all people" meant the good people who work for the company and the white customers. Chick Fil A hired this director, their choice. I choose not to patronize a company that wants me on my knees in fealty to anyone.

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