Right wingers eat their own : Chick-fil-a & also FOXNEWS goes WOKE

The big thing is the CEO of Chick-fil-A, telling all white people to bow down get on your knees and shine the shoes of Black people. So it’s needless behavior like That which is a clear problem.

I just found out about that one. I certainly won’t be eating anything at Chick-fil-A that’s for darn sure. Because I don’t support racism that Chick-fil-A is engaging in. That’s the fact right there and you can’t spin around to the people on the far left wing. There’s no way to take this issue and then spin it around and say oh the Trump supporters are the problem.
The big thing is the CEO of Chick-fil-A, telling all white people to bow down get on your knees and shine the shoes of Black people. So it’s needless behavior like That which is a clear problem.

I just found out about that one. I certainly won’t be eating anything at Chick-fil-A that’s for darn sure. Because I don’t support racism that Chick-fil-A is engaging in. That’s the fact right there and you can’t spin around to the people on the far left wing. There’s no way to take this issue and then spin it around and say oh the Trump supporters are the problem.
Chick Fil A has never been racist. The cancellors hate them because the owners do not support abortion and they close on a Sundays.
Evidently Chick Fil A now has a government contract with a restaurant on government grounds, which requires certain things.
False. There is no DEI statement of officer needed for a government contract.
Chick Fil A has never been racist. The cancellors hate them because the owners do not support abortion and they close on a Sundays.
No one hates CFA… or they didn’t until this week when the right wingers lost their mind.
Chick Fil A has never been racist. The cancellors hate them because the owners do not support abortion and they close on a Sundays.
I know that, but I just saw a video where the Chick-fil-A ceo got on his knees shined the shoes of a black man ….and said every white man should do that.

I understand the Chick-fil-A closes on Sundays. And that’s why I was all the more surprised by this recent news about the Chick-fil-A decision to go to the far left.

And we just saw the original post they’re getting involved in the diversity and equity nonsense. Equity is not about equality remember that.

Just going by what was said ….. it’s amazing how the left wingers in this thread in the Biden supporters are able to justify their actions they know full well perhaps what is staring them in the face. Why would anybody support equity? Why would anybody support equity or getting on his knees for another man.
You mean avoid an EEOC suit then yes.
EEOC violations depend on overt acts. It has nothing to do with a company following DIE principles or mandates. It's about the ESG score, Emotional Social Governance which is modeled after the Chinese Social credit score.
You hate them now because they want to hire nonwhite people? You need to reexamine your life choices.
They have ALWAYS hired non white people. Wherever did you get the idea that they are just now hiring non whites? I don't hate them. I just choose not to patronize companies that embrace DIE.
So you are saying it's self loathing, because deep down I am Gay? Been awhile since I have heard that B.S

Inside Every Gayist Is a Straight Man Crying to Get Out

Rock Hudson played such a convincing Straight guy because that's what he really wanted to be, but his addictive fake-sexuality trapped him. Unnatural activities tend to do that.

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