Right wingers eat their own : Chick-fil-a & also FOXNEWS goes WOKE

Meh. I don’t care. I’ll still buy their product periodically. I like their food once in a while.
Most Americans no longer have much fight in them. I'm not really that surprised. It's why woke has made such headway into American society. Society shuts their eyes and lets them. But I'm of an older generation that understands what “fight” and “integrity” actually mean. Those are fading words, and I'm a dying breed. I shudder to think what America's future children will have to endure.

But don't let me be the one to push you off of your fence. Go get ya some C-f-A and have a Bud Light for shits and giggles.
Most Americans no longer have much fight in them. I'm not really that surprised. It's why woke has made such headway into American society. Society shuts their eyes and lets them. But I'm of an older generation that understands what “fight” and “integrity” actually mean. Those are fading words, and I'm a dying breed. I shudder to think what America's future children will have to endure. But don't let me be the one to push you off of your fence.
Nah. Much simpler than that. I’m just not concerned with what private people do in their own lives as long as it doesn’t involve causing harm to others.

Accordingly, if some company wants to posture and pose and virtue signal to LGBTQ(eieio)+, I don’t care. I don’t drink AB products anyway. I don’t shop at Target anyway. I do like Chick-fil-A and so I don’t care if they have some real or imagined business “need” to do that posturing shit.

As a conservative, I don’t believe it is the proper position of government to tell some lesbian woman or gay guy whom they can love. And to be blunt? I consider that Dylan Mcvaney guy to be mentally ill. But if he wants to pretend to himself that he is a female, fuck it. I don’t care.

But when drag queens come to grade schools to jave little kids to look up those weird guys’ “skirts” and see their dicks, that’s something we do have a right to protest.
Nah. Much simpler than that. I’m just not concerned with what private people do in their own lives as long as it doesn’t involve causing harm to others.

Accordingly, if some company wants to posture and pose and virtue signal to LGBTQ(eieio)+, I don’t care. I don’t drink AB products anyway. I don’t shop at Target anyway. I do like Chick-fil-A and so I don’t care if they have some real or imagined business “need” to do that posturing shit.

As a conservative, I don’t believe it is the proper position of government to tell some lesbian woman or gay guy whom they can love. And to be blunt? I consider that Dylan Mcvaney guy to be mentally ill. But if he wants to pretend to himself that he is a female, fuck it. I don’t care.

But when drag queens come to grade schools to jave little kids to look up those weird guys’ “skirts” and see their dicks, that’s something we do have a right to protest.
Supporting the LGBTQ+Pedo army IS causing harm to others. I realize you don't care, so I won't bore you with details. Hope back on your fence, and I'll be way over to the right if you happen to choose a side some day.
Supporting the LGBTQ+Pedo army IS causing harm to others. I realize you don't care, so I won't bore you with details. Hope back on your fence, and I'll be way over to the right if you happen to choose a side some day.
Nah. You’re wrong and a bit overwrought.

If Dylan wants to wear a woman’s makeup on his ugly face and a dress for his weird little body, I don’t see how that hurts anyone but him.

Pedi is very different than simply being mentally ill

But again, im not here to convince you. You’re sure as fuck not convincing me.

The one thing I suspect we do have a commonality of belief in is basic: leave the kids out of it. That’s crucial.
Nah. You’re wrong and a bit overwrought.

If Dylan wants to wear a woman’s makeup on his ugly face and a dress for his weird little body, I don’t see how that hurts anyone but him.

Pedi is very different than simply being mentally ill

But again, im not here to convince you. You’re sure as fuck not convincing me.

The one thing I suspect we do have a commonality of belief in is basic: leave the kids out of it. That’s crucial.
When the queers were demanding that all they wanted was to be left alone and get “married,” almost everyone thought it would end there. But it didn't end there. America gave them an inch, and now they're taking a mile. They're infiltrating Kindergarten classrooms dressed as satanic drag queens. They're selling coloring books showing men kissing and genitalia … to little kids. The visual aspect of their activism is pushed in everyone's face, including that baby in a stroller.

It is ripping the fabric of the American family, and the family is the foundation upon which a civilized society rests. It does matter. I don't give two hoots what that fucking fruitcake, Mulvaney, does in his own life. But he's been made an icon by the mainstream media and the US Government (by proxy) and he has become the face of the enemy.
When the queers were demanding that all they wanted was to be left alone and get “married,” almost everyone thought it would end there. But it didn't end there. America gave them an inch, and now they're taking a mile. They're infiltrating Kindergarten classrooms dressed as satanic drag queens. They're selling coloring books showing men kissing and genitalia … to little kids. The visual aspect of their activism is pushed in everyone's face, including that baby in a stroller.

It is ripping the fabric of the American family, and the family is the foundation upon which a civilized society rests. It does matter. I don't give two hoots what that fucking fruitcake, Mulvaney, does in his own life. But he's been made an icon by the mainstream media and the US Government (by proxy) and he has become the face of the enemy.
I’m not the public defender assigned to gays and lesbians. But I will say this.

Pedophilia is (per old FBI stats I learned long ago) more prevalent amongst heterosexuals than amongst homosexuals.

And at its root, my view remains this: leave the kids alone. Straight pesos or gay groomers. A pox on all of them.
They have good chicken tenders and a tasty side sauce. But only three things on the menu.
Chicken, chicken and chicken.

Not very impressed with their fries though. One by us always has a long line of cars. Usually go elsewhere because it's too busy.
"Nobody goes to that restaurant any more. It's always too crowded" ~ Yogi Berra
Everyone of those places give their customers heart disease, diabetes and a Lizzo sized ass.

Eat up liberals.
Show your Pride.:113:
I don't eat fast food, and rarely eat in restaurants. And NEVER at Chinese restaurants. I used to get take-out at one because they had an open kitchen and you could see everything. Once they put up a partition I stopped eating there. A shame, since they had great Sesame Chicken.
Are you dense? Really? To think that for the past 200 years or so, people from Mexico and elsewhere would not have crossed the border and looked for work of any kind and even stayed in America, before or after 1776, as it happens now?

Helping with construction, or cattle, or sheep, or produce, or planting, or picking. etc, etc. It does not matter what.
What the heck do you know, and your imagination is severely damaged to not imagine, and much less know, that it did happen.

You want to be right? Knock yourself out !
Why would Mexicans have to do that? Same continent. Massive resources available. No one messing with them internally. Except themselves. Wide open. We spend our time here desecrating the United States. No issues with the other nations on the continent that are never questioned. 16 million square miles or so of two continents. And 3 million square miles are the bane of all.
From what I can see, the ones screaming "Woke, Woke" over and over again should be considered a badly written Monty Python bit.

You're a RINO might as well go demokkkrat
Actually, you're the RINO
The DEMS won't have you and the only home you have is in MAGATLAND.
Yu don't know actual Republican philosophy and haven't the foggiest idea what Conservatism is.

Oh, and every living member of the KKK is Republican.
Evidently Chick Fil A now has a government contract with a restaurant on government grounds, which requires certain things.
Actually, you're the RINO
The DEMS won't have you and the only home you have is in MAGATLAND.
Yu don't know actual Republican philosophy and haven't the foggiest idea what Conservatism is.

Oh, and every living member of the KKK is Republican.
I'm no RINO you dumbfuck
Prove every living member of the kkk is a republican
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