Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Ray 13067469
Ray From Cleveland said:
I disagree with both of you.

Disagree all you like. Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.

You mean the rates are not rising at unsustainable rates now? I posted links, didn't you read them?

An overall benefit to American society as a whole? We had (supposedly) 47 million people without healthcare insurance. That was about 1/7th of our people--some of who never needed insurance because they were independently wealthy, worked for a healthcare facility that took care of their own employees, or didn't believe in modern care due to religious reasons.

This is why liberal logic is so flawed. "Okay, we have 47 million people without healthcare insurance, most of whom can't afford it. So here is what I'm going to do: I'm going to make a law that you have to have health insurance that you can't afford, and when you can't get it, we will take more of your badly needed money away from you."

That's typical liberal reasoning to problem solving: Force.
Oldstyle 13066364
Now THAT is the most amusing thing I've ever heard! The ACA will not reduce costs to the "taxpayer".

So you are saying the CBO are liars?

Oh for god's sake...the CBO takes numbers that government gives them and makes estimates based on those numbers.

When you give them made up numbers or don't include costs in the numbers you give them...then the end result will be meaningless.

CBO: It's Not Possible to Analyze Obamacare Costs

So you lied.

From your link to the Washington Examiner.

"Before it become law, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare would cost $938 billion and reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the first decade, from 2010 through 2019."

What I said is true. What you said is not true.

God but you are sleazy! Here's what you cherry picked that quote from...

"Americans may never get an accurate projection of Obamacare's impact on the deficit, reports the Washington Examiner.

Before it become law, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare would cost $938 billion and reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the first decade, from 2010 through 2019. At that time, the figures were already questionable:

  • Because the major spending provisions of the Affordable Care Act (the Medicaid expansion and the exchanges subsidies) did not become effective until 2014, the CBO's estimate really included just six years of real spending within that 10-year period.
  • The estimate of $143 billion in deficit reduction was a function of the law's tax increases and Medicare spending cuts.
Since that original estimate, the CBO's financial projections have continued to change:

  • In July 2012, the CBO reduced its estimate of the law's impact on the budget deficit to $109 billion.
  • In April 2014, the CBO said that the cost of the ACA from 2015 to 2024 would be more than $1.8 trillion -- twice as much as its first ten-year projection.
In that same April report, the CBO include a significant footnote: "CBO and (the Joint Committee on Taxation) can no longer determine exactly how the provisions of the (Affordable Care Act) that are not related to the expansion of health insurance coverage have affected their projections of direct spending and revenues... Isolating the incremental effects of those provisions on previously existing programs and revenues four years after enactment of the ACA is not possible."

The Washington Examiner notes that Obamacare's deficit reduction claims were already questionable, as it is not clear that the law's proposed Medicare cuts will remain in place. Additionally, unions, insurers, drug makers and medical device companies each would like relief from the law's new tax provisions."

So tell me why you cut off your quote where you did, TotallyfooledbyObama? Didn't want to admit that the CBO's original estimates were based on wildly optimistic projections by the Obama Administration of the amount of money that would be gained from taxes imposed on unions, drug makers and medical device companies as well as Medicare cuts that they KNEW would never pass Congress? All one has to do is look at the cost estimate done by the CBO using a time line of 2015 to 2014 (when all of the costs of the ACA were included!) to see that it suddenly jumps to "twice as much as it's first ten-year projection"! Why? It's quite simple. The first ten year projection had only six years of real spending with ten years of revenue collection. Basically the Obama Administration cooked the books! That second ten year projection is the REAL cost of the ACA!
You seem to be implying that Bush invaded Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was blatantly violating UN sanctions

Jeeze, Congress authorized use of military force for two reasons. One was if Iraq was involved in the 9-11 attacks, They weren't. The other was the threat posed by Iraq to the United States. Without WMD, they weren't.

9/11 had nothing to do with Congress authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, Boo. Force was authorized because the Iraqis were violating sanctions they had agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. As for the "threat" posed by Saddam Hussein and WMD's? He had already used them against Iran and his own people. He was restarting his nuclear weapons programs with money being generated by black market sales of oil, with the son of the Secretary General of the UN one of the people who were orchestrating those sales! If you read the top secret Downing Street Memos that were leaked, you'll see that intelligence agencies in both Britain and the United States were deeply concerned about whether or not Saddam would use his WMD's if Iraq was invaded.
you know what I find extremely funny is the hypocrisy of the libturds. The US stepped in to stop the unnecessary deaths of muslims. So it's ok to be racist as a libturd when Bush was president. Hmmmmm.. very funny class.

Saddam's actions against his own countrymen was not mentioned in the section of the resolution to authorized military force against Iraq. In fact our history of support for Saddam during his war against Iraq helped killed about a million Arab Muslims. So to think we'd step in to save them is just not consistent with reality.

Saddam didn't have a war with Iraq, you idiot...he was the President of Iraq...he had a war with Iran...and he had a war with Kuwait!
Papa 13063503
I'm paying higher rates

Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!
You seem to be implying that Bush invaded Iraq not because Saddam Hussein was blatantly violating UN sanctions

Jeeze, Congress authorized use of military force for two reasons. One was if Iraq was involved in the 9-11 attacks, They weren't. The other was the threat posed by Iraq to the United States. Without WMD, they weren't.

9/11 had nothing to do with Congress authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, Boo. Force was authorized because the Iraqis were violating sanctions they had agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. As for the "threat" posed by Saddam Hussein and WMD's? He had already used them against Iran and his own people. He was restarting his nuclear weapons programs with money being generated by black market sales of oil, with the son of the Secretary General of the UN one of the people who were orchestrating those sales! If you read the top secret Downing Street Memos that were leaked, you'll see that intelligence agencies in both Britain and the United States were deeply concerned about whether or not Saddam would use his WMD's if Iraq was invaded.
you know what I find extremely funny is the hypocrisy of the libturds. The US stepped in to stop the unnecessary deaths of muslims. So it's ok to be racist as a libturd when Bush was president. Hmmmmm.. very funny class.

Saddam's actions against his own countrymen was not mentioned in the section of the resolution to authorized military force against Iraq. In fact our history of support for Saddam during his war against Iraq helped killed about a million Arab Muslims. So to think we'd step in to save them is just not consistent with reality.

Saddam didn't have a war with Iraq, you idiot...he was the President of Iraq...he had a war with Iran...and he had a war with Kuwait!
Thanks Raygun and Rummy and Cheney...
Jeeze, Congress authorized use of military force for two reasons. One was if Iraq was involved in the 9-11 attacks, They weren't. The other was the threat posed by Iraq to the United States. Without WMD, they weren't.

9/11 had nothing to do with Congress authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, Boo. Force was authorized because the Iraqis were violating sanctions they had agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. As for the "threat" posed by Saddam Hussein and WMD's? He had already used them against Iran and his own people. He was restarting his nuclear weapons programs with money being generated by black market sales of oil, with the son of the Secretary General of the UN one of the people who were orchestrating those sales! If you read the top secret Downing Street Memos that were leaked, you'll see that intelligence agencies in both Britain and the United States were deeply concerned about whether or not Saddam would use his WMD's if Iraq was invaded.
you know what I find extremely funny is the hypocrisy of the libturds. The US stepped in to stop the unnecessary deaths of muslims. So it's ok to be racist as a libturd when Bush was president. Hmmmmm.. very funny class.

Saddam's actions against his own countrymen was not mentioned in the section of the resolution to authorized military force against Iraq. In fact our history of support for Saddam during his war against Iraq helped killed about a million Arab Muslims. So to think we'd step in to save them is just not consistent with reality.

Saddam didn't have a war with Iraq, you idiot...he was the President of Iraq...he had a war with Iran...and he had a war with Kuwait!
Thanks Raygun and Rummy and Cheney...
jc 13068474

No. That is what your declaration that the U.S. Invaded Iraq in March 2003 to stop Saddam Hussein from putting Iraqis in mass graves.

Kind of late to being the Muslim savior GW Bush was, wasn't he?

How was it you thought SH was murdering hundreds of thousands of those people in March 2003?
jc 13068474

No. That is what your declaration that the U.S. Invaded Iraq in March 2003 to stop Saddam Hussein from putting Iraqis in mass graves.

Kind of late to being the Muslim savior GW Bush was, wasn't he?

How was it you thought SH was murdering hundreds of thousands of those people in March 2003?
Why does it matter?
Papa 13063503
I'm paying higher rates

Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Last edited:
Papa 13063503
I'm paying higher rates

Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Your empathy for the screwed over nonrich is noted, hater dupe. Only country in the world with people dying from no insurance or crappy insurance till now....with twice the cost. Brilliant, bs artist. Dupe of greedy Pub billionaires...lol
9/11 had nothing to do with Congress authorizing the use of military force against Iraq, Boo. Force was authorized because the Iraqis were violating sanctions they had agreed to at the end of the first Gulf War. As for the "threat" posed by Saddam Hussein and WMD's? He had already used them against Iran and his own people. He was restarting his nuclear weapons programs with money being generated by black market sales of oil, with the son of the Secretary General of the UN one of the people who were orchestrating those sales! If you read the top secret Downing Street Memos that were leaked, you'll see that intelligence agencies in both Britain and the United States were deeply concerned about whether or not Saddam would use his WMD's if Iraq was invaded.
you know what I find extremely funny is the hypocrisy of the libturds. The US stepped in to stop the unnecessary deaths of muslims. So it's ok to be racist as a libturd when Bush was president. Hmmmmm.. very funny class.

Saddam's actions against his own countrymen was not mentioned in the section of the resolution to authorized military force against Iraq. In fact our history of support for Saddam during his war against Iraq helped killed about a million Arab Muslims. So to think we'd step in to save them is just not consistent with reality.

Saddam didn't have a war with Iraq, you idiot...he was the President of Iraq...he had a war with Iran...and he had a war with Kuwait!
Thanks Raygun and Rummy and Cheney...
Screwing up Iraq and the ME for 30 years and counting...
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.
The solution is coming...think of Libya as a success is the crazy dictator world. , a peace and election. Your Pub solutions would only make W's disaster worse...
Papa 13063503
I'm paying higher rates

Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Your empathy for the screwed over nonrich is noted, hater dupe. Only country in the world with people dying from no insurance or crappy insurance till now....with twice the cost. Brilliant, bs artist. Dupe of greedy Pub billionaires...lol

I have no hate for anyone you twit. It is your hate for the working middle class that I find disgusting. You have no empathy for people who work hard everyday of their lives and have the government command more and more from them and it deprives the hard working middle class the dream of retiring on saving for the future. You would rather the working class be enslaved to the government and supply you your needs and wants. You selfish bastard.
you know what I find extremely funny is the hypocrisy of the libturds. The US stepped in to stop the unnecessary deaths of muslims. So it's ok to be racist as a libturd when Bush was president. Hmmmmm.. very funny class.

Saddam's actions against his own countrymen was not mentioned in the section of the resolution to authorized military force against Iraq. In fact our history of support for Saddam during his war against Iraq helped killed about a million Arab Muslims. So to think we'd step in to save them is just not consistent with reality.

Saddam didn't have a war with Iraq, you idiot...he was the President of Iraq...he had a war with Iran...and he had a war with Kuwait!
Thanks Raygun and Rummy and Cheney...
Screwing up Iraq and the ME for 30 years and counting...
And W's/Cheney's bs/innuendo made 80% of Americans believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11. A war mongering disgrace.
Papa 13063503 Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Your empathy for the screwed over nonrich is noted, hater dupe. Only country in the world with people dying from no insurance or crappy insurance till now....with twice the cost. Brilliant, bs artist. Dupe of greedy Pub billionaires...lol

I have no hate for anyone you twit. It is your hate for the working middle class that I find disgusting. You have no empathy for people who work hard everyday of their lives and have the government command more and more from them and it deprives the hard working middle class the dream of retiring on saving for the future. You would rather the working class be enslaved to the government and supply you your needs and wants. You selfish bastard.
You're the dupe voting for the party that's been killing the nonrich for years lol. This ain't utopia but it's better than what we had before. You probably had a scam policy that would have bankrupted you in an emergency.
jc 13068474

No. That is what your declaration that the U.S. Invaded Iraq in March 2003 to stop Saddam Hussein from putting Iraqis in mass graves.

Kind of late to being the Muslim savior GW Bush was, wasn't he?

How was it you thought SH was murdering hundreds of thousands of those people in March 2003?
Why does it matter?
Truth, honesty and intelligence, dupe.
Franco still hasn't figured out that Barry, Harry and Nancy set up the ACA so that it's true costs wouldn't be apparent until years after it was passed. He's naive enough to believe their claim that the ACA would "bend costs down" in the future. Anyone with even rudimentary math skills and a little common sense knows that is impossible.

Does is suck to be so stupid?

Healthcare Cost

Repubtards Healthcare Cost!
Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance.

Did you ask your doctor what brain surgery would cost and pay out of pocket? Sounds like you had neither health insurance or financial sense.

You can still negotiate with clinics and doctors if you choose to self--pay. Then you can not pay the penalty when you file a return if you calculate your tax witholdings to not be an overpayment. There is no teeth in the ACA MANDATE. They cannot collect the penalty for health insurance unless they can take it out of your overpayment refund.
Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Your empathy for the screwed over nonrich is noted, hater dupe. Only country in the world with people dying from no insurance or crappy insurance till now....with twice the cost. Brilliant, bs artist. Dupe of greedy Pub billionaires...lol

I have no hate for anyone you twit. It is your hate for the working middle class that I find disgusting. You have no empathy for people who work hard everyday of their lives and have the government command more and more from them and it deprives the hard working middle class the dream of retiring on saving for the future. You would rather the working class be enslaved to the government and supply you your needs and wants. You selfish bastard.
You're the dupe voting for the party that's been killing the nonrich for years lol. This ain't utopia but it's better than what we had before. You probably had a scam policy that would have bankrupted you in an emergency.

Who the hell did I vote for over the years? You have no freakin clue, you just sit and judge others and ASSume you know.

The Democratic Party is just as responsible for the rich getting richer, anyone with a brain and not a partisan sheep knows that, which leaves you off the list, old dupe.

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