Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance.

Did you ask your doctor what brain surgery would cost and pay out of pocket? Sounds like you had neither health insurance or financial sense.

You can still negotiate with clinics and doctors if you choose to self--pay. Then you can not pay the penalty when you file a return if you calculate your tax witholdings to not be an overpayment. There is no teeth in the ACA MANDATE. They cannot collect the penalty for health insurance unless they can take it out of your overpayment refund.

Didn't need brain surgery dumb shit, so why negotiate? I had a catastrophic plan that only paid if I was hospitalized.

I had the money, I choose to negotiate, who the hell buys items when you shop and not get the price? When you buy electronic gadgets, food, cars and so on do you not know the price or you just pay whatever?

I would tell the office I needed a physical and then ask what the price was if we did not go through insurance. It was a lot less expensive. They would tell me and I would pay on the spot. I came out way ahead over the years doing it that way.

It is a lot tougher now to by pass insurance companies today. Try it, oh wait, you just blindly let people charge whatever the hell they want, right?
Papageo 13070392
The Democratic Party is just as responsible for the rich getting richer, anyone with a brain and not a partisan sheep knows that, which leaves you off the list, old dupe.[/QUOTE

What makes you think your plan and whether you paid for in cash was not going up double digits annually before the ACA and the Great Bush recession? What makes you think if you contracted cancer or brain tumor your insurance was not dropped it priced out of existence when time for renewal came up.

Are you so special you had a guaranteed lifetime policy that covered you for the same price until you died? You did have insurance. You had temporary one year protection that did not oblige the companies to protect you as you got older.

Now you are whining that you've been screwed when the fact is you can still negotiate for medical service if you want to pay cash. The ACA did not ban that practice.
Very clever, but not approved...sorry. So the insurers weren't losing money!

Whether an insurance company makes or loses money, why is it my business? I don't care what they do.

I care about my business, how I can save and how I spend my money.

I don't care about the insurance companies.

And all you care about is yourself, you don't care about the working middle class as long as you get yours. You are a true liberal asshole.

The second idea whether I care if you approve shit or not, I don't live for liberal idiots approval. The fact you think you have can approve or disapprove and it matters to anyone else but YOU is freaking hysterical.

You are one far left hater nut job.
Your empathy for the screwed over nonrich is noted, hater dupe. Only country in the world with people dying from no insurance or crappy insurance till now....with twice the cost. Brilliant, bs artist. Dupe of greedy Pub billionaires...lol

I have no hate for anyone you twit. It is your hate for the working middle class that I find disgusting. You have no empathy for people who work hard everyday of their lives and have the government command more and more from them and it deprives the hard working middle class the dream of retiring on saving for the future. You would rather the working class be enslaved to the government and supply you your needs and wants. You selfish bastard.
You're the dupe voting for the party that's been killing the nonrich for years lol. This ain't utopia but it's better than what we had before. You probably had a scam policy that would have bankrupted you in an emergency.

Who the hell did I vote for over the years? You have no freakin clue, you just sit and judge others and ASSume you know.

The Democratic Party is just as responsible for the rich getting richer, anyone with a brain and not a partisan sheep knows that, which leaves you off the list, old dupe.
So you vote Dem? Hilarious...Dems are just as bad? Idiocy lol...heard of POLICY? Unbelievable.
Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance.

Did you ask your doctor what brain surgery would cost and pay out of pocket? Sounds like you had neither health insurance or financial sense.

You can still negotiate with clinics and doctors if you choose to self--pay. Then you can not pay the penalty when you file a return if you calculate your tax witholdings to not be an overpayment. There is no teeth in the ACA MANDATE. They cannot collect the penalty for health insurance unless they can take it out of your overpayment refund.

Didn't need brain surgery dumb shit, so why negotiate? I had a catastrophic plan that only paid if I was hospitalized.

I had the money, I choose to negotiate, who the hell buys items when you shop and not get the price? When you buy electronic gadgets, food, cars and so on do you not know the price or you just pay whatever?

I would tell the office I needed a physical and then ask what the price was if we did not go through insurance. It was a lot less expensive. They would tell me and I would pay on the spot. I came out way ahead over the years doing it that way.

It is a lot tougher now to by pass insurance companies today. Try it, oh wait, you just blindly let people charge whatever the hell they want, right?
Sounds like a great national system... I think we'll go with transparent competition and regulation to end 50 years of Pub/crony/dupe greed and fraud.
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength
Last edited:
Before it become law, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that Obamacare would cost $938 billion and reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the first decade, from 2010 through 2019. At that time, the figures were already questionable:

  • Because the major spending provisions of the Affordable Care Act (the Medicaid expansion and the exchanges subsidies) did not become effective until 2014, the CBO's estimate really included just six years of real spending within that 10-year period.
  • The estimate of $143 billion in deficit reduction was a function of the law's tax increases and Medicare spending cuts.

And it's clear at this point that (1) the original spending projections we overestimated and (2) the magnitude of Medicare savings was underestimated.

E.g., here's the Wall Street Journal last spring:
Overall, the health-care law will now cost 29% less for the 2015-19 period than was first forecast by the CBO when the law was signed in March 2010. Back then, the CBO and the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation estimated that for the last five years of their 10-year projection, Obamacare would cost $710 billion. Now, they expect it will cost $506 billion for the same period.

At the same Medicare spending is coming in way below budget. For instance, the pre-ACA baseline for Medicare spending in 2014 was $710 billion. The ACA required Medicare spending in 2014 to be no more than $652 billion in order for the projections to be satisfied.

Actual Medicare spending in 2014 was $600 billion. A full 15.5% below the pre-ACA budget and substantially more than was needed to make the ACA's books balance. At this point Medicare spending is on track to be about a trillion dollars below the pre-ACA baseline, which is far more savings than the ACA's framers expected or needed.

The CBO's projections in 2010 were underoptimistic.
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength

You might have an argument if anything you posted was actually true.
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength

You might have an argument if anything you posted was actually true.
Such as? lol
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength
Wow...you REALLY think Barack Obama is a "very strong leader"? The same guy who gave us "leading from behind"?

I hate to burst your progressive bubble there, Kiss but Barry isn't even a passable leader. He hasn't had an economic strategy to grow the economy and put Americans back to work since Larry Summers left over four YEARS ago! He hasn't had a strategy to deal with terrorism since he got to the Oval Office seven YEARS ago! Osama bin Laden was hunted down using intel gleaned from Bush policies that Obama stopped when he became President. He badly underestimated ISIS and sat there doing nothing while they pillaged vast areas of the Middle East. He's been bitch slapped by Vladamir Putin so many times it's turned into farce. The best things to happen on his watch are the resurgent stock market...which was the result of non-stop quantitative easing by the Fed and fracking that took place on land not under control by the Federal Government that resulted in so much oil and natural gas being produced that it scared the Saudis into slashing the price of oil.
Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Whoa. Stop right there.

First, let's address Obama's military successes, er, (makes fingers into quotes) "successes." Then we'll take on the idea that he's made America safer. And then we'll address the economy and jobs.

How do you kill 28,000 terrorists with little to no military presence in Iraq and Syria? In Afghanistan maybe? No. You don't. If Obama had really overseen that much success, even the liberal media would have taken note of it. Moreover, Osama Bin Laden's elimination was due to the culmination of all the intelligence gathered during the Bush Administration. Bush was the trigger, Obama was the bullet.

In order to feel safe, we must be rest assured that we won't be attacked by terrorists. When Obama wants to take in over 10,000 Syrian "refugees" that's not very reassuring. Though the odds of anyone reading this thread being the victim of terrorism are higher (1 in 20 million) than being struck by lightning (1 in 700,000 in any given year), for the victims of a terrorist attack, the odds were one in one. How does that make anyone feel safe despite the reassurances?

The US Dollar is getting so strong now that it's starting to crush smaller "emerging" economies. In 1982 when the US Dollar surged, it caused Latin America's debt crisis. In 1997, when it surged again, economies all over Southeast Asia, such as Thailand's, collapsed. Do the words "currency crisis" mean anything? A strong dollar isn't always a good thing, at least not for everyone else. As the Dollar gains value, it takes more of a weaker economy's currency to equal it in the exchange markets. If it gets strong enough, it can ravage smaller economies around the world.

The Yuan is getting weaker. The slowdown in the Chinese economy can be attributed in part to that.

As for jobs, as of November there were a total of 94 million Americans who are not in the workforce, a.k.a. unemployed. The "official unemployment rate" is 5.0%. But if 94 million people aren't in the workforce, how can that be? That 94 million is about 1/3 of the entire US population, close to 29%. Compare that to November of last year, when 92 million weren't in the workforce.

Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted

So, no, Obama has done nothing for jobs. He has literally done nothing to help America.
Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance.

Did you ask your doctor what brain surgery would cost and pay out of pocket? Sounds like you had neither health insurance or financial sense.

You can still negotiate with clinics and doctors if you choose to self--pay. Then you can not pay the penalty when you file a return if you calculate your tax witholdings to not be an overpayment. There is no teeth in the ACA MANDATE. They cannot collect the penalty for health insurance unless they can take it out of your overpayment refund.

Didn't need brain surgery dumb shit, so why negotiate? I had a catastrophic plan that only paid if I was hospitalized.

I had the money, I choose to negotiate, who the hell buys items when you shop and not get the price? When you buy electronic gadgets, food, cars and so on do you not know the price or you just pay whatever?

I would tell the office I needed a physical and then ask what the price was if we did not go through insurance. It was a lot less expensive. They would tell me and I would pay on the spot. I came out way ahead over the years doing it that way.

It is a lot tougher now to by pass insurance companies today. Try it, oh wait, you just blindly let people charge whatever the hell they want, right?
Sounds like a great national system... I think we'll go with transparent competition and regulation to end 50 years of Pub/crony/dupe greed and fraud.

I'm all for it, better than the system Obama has stuck us with.
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength

Obama a strong leader? :lmao: So strong he had to pay for votes among his own Democrats to get health care passed! :lmao:

Couldn't get Dems to vote to close Gitmo. :lmao:

The asshole Putin has made Obama his bitch a few times.

His stupid negotiations with Iraq, what a joke.

My you are one delusional.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Whoa. Stop right there.

First, let's address Obama's military successes, er, (makes fingers into quotes) "successes." Then we'll take on the idea that he's made America safer. And then we'll address the economy and jobs.

How do you kill 28,000 terrorists with little to no military presence in Iraq and Syria? In Afghanistan maybe? No. You don't. If Obama had really overseen that much success, even the liberal media would have taken note of it. Moreover, Osama Bin Laden's elimination was due to the culmination of all the intelligence gathered during the Bush Administration. Bush was the trigger, Obama was the bullet.

In order to feel safe, we must be rest assured that we won't be attacked by terrorists. When Obama wants to take in over 10,000 Syrian "refugees" that's not very reassuring. Though the odds of anyone reading this thread being the victim of terrorism are higher (1 in 20 million) than being struck by lightning (1 in 700,000 in any given year), for the victims of a terrorist attack, the odds were one in one. How does that make anyone feel safe despite the reassurances?

The US Dollar is getting so strong now that it's starting to crush smaller "emerging" economies. In 1982 when the US Dollar surged, it caused Latin America's debt crisis. In 1997, when it surged again, economies all over Southeast Asia, such as Thailand's, collapsed. Do the words "currency crisis" mean anything? A strong dollar isn't always a good thing, at least not for everyone else. As the Dollar gains value, it takes more of a weaker economy's currency to equal it in the exchange markets. If it gets strong enough, it can ravage smaller economies around the world.

The Yuan is getting weaker. The slowdown in the Chinese economy can be attributed in part to that.

As for jobs, as of November there were a total of 94 million Americans who are not in the workforce, a.k.a. unemployed. The "official unemployment rate" is 5.0%. But if 94 million people aren't in the workforce, how can that be? That 94 million is about 1/3 of the entire US population, close to 29%. Compare that to November of last year, when 92 million weren't in the workforce.

Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted

So, no, Obama has done nothing for jobs. He has literally done nothing to help America.

Ask a liberal what Barry's strategy for job creation is...and you'll hear crickets or you'll hear whining about GOP obstruction. The truth is that Obama hasn't had any ideas since he let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid blow a trillion dollars on a stimulus plan that didn't create a fraction of the jobs they said it would. Larry Summers and Christina Romer have both fled back to the safety of tenured Professor positions at Harvard and Berkeley after their Keynesian stimulus failed miserably. Americans don't know who replaced them because quite frankly the economy has been put on a back burner by this Administration because they don't know WHAT to do! As bad as unemployment numbers have been under Obama...just think how bad they would have been if it weren't for all the jobs created by the fracking oil and natural gas boom...something that Obama didn't want to happen!
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength

Obama a strong leader? :lmao: So strong he had to pay for votes among his own Democrats to get health care passed! :lmao:

Couldn't get Dems to vote to close Gitmo. :lmao:

The asshole Putin has made Obama his bitch a few times.

His stupid negotiations with Iraq, what a joke.

My you are one delusional.


Obama is a strong leader, just look!!!

Thanks GOP for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest, longest wars ever, a corrupt world depression, 7 years of mindless obstruction, the worst bs propaganda machine ever, and still blaming it on the black guy who gave us the best economy in the world with NO CORRUPT BUBBLE and basically no casualties anymore. You're a brainwashed disgrace.
Franco still hasn't figured out that Barry, Harry and Nancy set up the ACA so that it's true costs wouldn't be apparent until years after it was passed. He's naive enough to believe their claim that the ACA would "bend costs down" in the future. Anyone with even rudimentary math skills and a little common sense knows that is impossible.

Does is suck to be so stupid?

Healthcare Cost

Repubtards Healthcare Cost!

Repubtards Healthcare Cost!

Yes, prices rose a lot since the Dems increased government spending on healthcare.
There are millions of displaced civilians trying desperately to get into Europe or the United States right now because of Barry's lack of leadership in dealing with ISIS. That isn't on anyone but Obama.

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER! He has killed 8,000 terrorist, 20,000 ISIS & Osama Bin Laden. Obama saved the US Dollar, Economy & Jobs.

Bush got us attacked. Killed over 9,000 US citizens. Badly Injured 50,000 soldiers. 1,000,000 US soldiers treated for war related injury. Let Bin Laden go & created ISIS. Bush cost US over $5 Trillion, Weakened the USA, destroyed 18,000,000 US Jobs, the economy & US dollar.

US Dollar Strength

Obama is a very strong leader who has made the USA STRONGER and kept US SAFER!

Dude! Lay off the "medical" weed you're using. It's making you even dumber.
Looking like we'll have another Dem President in '16 to keep gas prices low given the current Repub line-up.
Looking like we'll have another Dem President in '16 to keep gas prices low given the current Repub line-up.

Keep repeating that DumBama is the reason gas prices are low. You make our case against public schools with each and every one of your posts.

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