Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

jc 13067092
i'm right here, perhaps they found them when they took him out, I don't care, the fact remains the dude was killing muslims and the US took him out.

It's not "perhaps". That is a weasel word for not willing to say you stand corrected. But your overall point is absurd. Saddam Hussein was not committing genocide when Bush became president and he was not committing genocide when Bush decided to invade in March 2003. So you are lying that SH was killing Muslims and the US invaded Iraq to stop it.

Or perhaps you can explain how invading in 2003 could stop the killing that Saddam did in 1996 or prior to that date.

Did the U.S. Invade using Deloreans outfitted for time travel?
Oldstyle 13066205
Do you know ANYTHING about the ACA? How do you not know that it's roll out was designed to shift costs down the road? You're either woefully ignorant or deliberately deceitful.

The ACA could not become law if it adds debt to the U.S. Treasury. It was always scored by the CBO to reduce costs to the taxpayer and U.S. Treasury once implemented and in full operation.

Now THAT is the most amusing thing I've ever heard! The ACA will not reduce costs to the "taxpayer". It will impose a new burden on those who pay taxes. Get this through your head...Obamacare was never about lowering healthcare costs! It's always been about providing subsidized healthcare for the poor and having those costs picked up by the Middle Class.

I disagree with both of you. Commie Care was created to make as many people dependent on government as possible. The more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters in the future.
it isn't hate when it is what one is, and libturd is an unwanting to think for oneself human being.
Yup , it's a conspiracy, only Rush and Fox know the facts lol...
and there's the obsession with Fox and Rush. I don't do either, but still, do they lie? Do they report different news than the broadcast channels? Nope. So it only means you are obsessed with them. hahahahahahahaahhaahahaa, you're like a good perfume, obsession.
Of course they do, dupe. Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
college cost went down? where?
college loan cost, I said. You CAN"T read. Meanwhile, public university costs DOUBLED just under Booosh. Duh.

Tuition has gone up even faster under Obama:

and there's the obsession with Fox and Rush. I don't do either, but still, do they lie? Do they report different news than the broadcast channels? Nope. So it only means you are obsessed with them. hahahahahahahaahhaahahaa, you're like a good perfume, obsession.

I don't watch or listen to either, it's the left's knee jerk reaction when they have nothing else.

That's why they do it all the time, because the have nothing.
Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

IF that's true, then why do I have such crappy insurance? My deductible is $6,500 for me and $6,500 for my wife. It only pays for half of my doctor visits when previously it covered 100% of my doctor visits. this policy costs me $700/month. How is that better?
I don't watch or listen to either, it's the left's knee jerk reaction when they have nothing else.

That's why they do it all the time, because the have nothing.
Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

IF that's true, then why do I have such crappy insurance? My deductible is $6,500 for me and $6,500 for my wife. It only pays for half of my doctor visits when previously it covered 100% of my doctor visits. this policy costs me $700/month. How is that better?
Guaranteed, annual cap not much more than deductible
Yup , it's a conspiracy, only Rush and Fox know the facts lol...
and there's the obsession with Fox and Rush. I don't do either, but still, do they lie? Do they report different news than the broadcast channels? Nope. So it only means you are obsessed with them. hahahahahahahaahhaahahaa, you're like a good perfume, obsession.
Of course they do, dupe. Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol: AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
college cost went down? where?
college loan cost, I said. You CAN"T read. Meanwhile, public university costs DOUBLED just under Booosh. Duh.

Tuition has gone up even faster under Obama:

link? Yes, Pub policy continues, defended to the death. But Dems have been able to cut cost of loans. Against Pub opposition.
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Ray 13067469
Ray From Cleveland said:
I disagree with both of you.

Disagree all you like. Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.
So you figure ACA's competition and Big Health oversight will work totally and immediately. That's pretty dumb.

I don't expect it to be an issue in my life and I never expected having to decide to get insurance or pay a fine. Pretty invasive for a government to force products on us.
Try to answer the question(s) lol...This product is a good one. And hasn't really started to affect yet...

What was the question, you ask nothing you just make statements and want agreement.
I'm paying higher rates. That is not a good start. We are two years into this and it is killing my pocketbook. It was far less expensive when I negotiated with my doctors.

How in the hell would you know if it is better or worse, you are on Medicare.
I read.

I am experiencing the pain and it is a lot worse.
Until something hits the fan...annual cap, no cut offs. Competition will help as it gets going, and Pub states and areas cut the crap.
Ray 13067469
Ray From Cleveland said:
I disagree with both of you.

Disagree all you like. Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.
What is yours from?
Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.
Let me take a stab at it. What is "beneficial" about assisting people with things they can take care of themselves? What society has succeeded using radical policies of fiscal control?

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.
What constitutes "unsustainable rates" in your opinion? The only thing that was unsustainable in my opinion, was the massive amount of government spending on healthcare reform, and the excessive burden of taxation. The ACA worsened both of these problems.
Ray 13067469
Ray From Cleveland said:
I disagree with both of you.

Disagree all you like. Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.
What is yours from?
Actual premiums, not dumbass predictions from the RW and insurers demands, for one thing.
Ray 13067469
Ray From Cleveland said:
I disagree with both of you.

Disagree all you like. Your opinion is based upon flawed information lack of knowledge about the ACA as an overall benefit to American society as a whole.

Before the ACA health care costs were rising at an unsustainable rate. Now you critics do not consider that reality in you analysis. Do your opinions are flawed.
What is yours from?
Actual premiums, not dumbass predictions from the RW and insurers demands, for one thing.
Pres. already stated he lied
13068069 Onyx
Let me take a stab at it. What is "beneficial" about assisting people with things they can take care of themselves?

That's just it. Prior to the ACA Way too many people could not take care of getting proper much needed medical care on their own.

The working middle class was tied to an employer to get good affordable coverage.

Those who purchased the cheaper plans of old were healthy people that had no chronic illness or pre-existing condition. Those plans were for one year at a time. People dependent on those apparently don't realize that as one ages their need for medical care increases. That is why Medicare is so popular. You pay the insurance when you have income but when you get older you are not dumped by the medical profession like you would be dumped by private insurers seeking profits from healthy people and turning away the costs of insuring people when they get sick.

Lots of bankruptcies and foreclosures for working people that suffer an unexpected illness caught in that gap of having a good job with good benefits and making it to eligibility for Medicare.

If what you say is true why have Medicare? The private market will surely take care of you if you are injured or sick and can no longer work. It's that what you believe in?
13068069 Onyx
Let me take a stab at it. What is "beneficial" about assisting people with things they can take care of themselves?

That's just it. Prior to the ACA Way too many people could not take care of getting proper much needed medical care on their own.

The working middle class was tied to an employer to get good affordable coverage.

Those who purchased the cheaper plans of old were healthy people that had no chronic illness or pre-existing condition. Those plans were for one year at a time. People dependent on those apparently don't realize that as one ages their need for medical care increases. That is why Medicare is so popular. You pay the insurance when you have income but when you get older you are not dumped by the medical profession like you would be dumped by private insurers seeking profits from healthy people and turning away the costs of insuring people when they get sick.

Lots of bankruptcies and foreclosures for working people that suffer an unexpected illness caught in that gap of having a good job with good benefits and making it to eligibility for Medicare.

If what you say is true why have Medicare? The private market will surely take care of you if you are injured or sick and can no longer work. It's that what you believe in?
Same crap as all the other Murdoch Koch Adelson Moonie outlets. Obama won't compromise, had total control for 2 years, see sig...ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:

AND don't report so much- After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Nothing but hate. He had two years and couldn't build consensus. The losing of health plans is true, I lost mine. It was a high deductible, lost cost catastrophic plan. I negotiated with my doctor for his rates and were a lot lower than what you and others that were insured paid.

The acorn and other crap is nothing I hung my hat on. You are a hate filled asshole who is stuck on knee jerk responses. You have nothing else. You are a joke, hater dupe.

I lost my coverage as well. My employer didn't want to deal with it anymore and realized it would only get worse under Commie Care. Any plan affordable sucks big time with huge deductibles and out of pocket payments. No wonder United Health is seriously considering dropping out of Commie Care.

I was without insurance for a while (first time in my 55 years on this earth) thanks to the Commies and had a health problem. So I got insurance and found out that not all insurance companies will cover preexisting condition the way the lying libs told us it would. It's only for the plans offered by Commie Care which you can only sign up for during enrollment.

Every time a Democrat gets into office, it costs me money. This time it cost me a lot of money. That's one good reason to always vote Republican. Keep the money suckers out of power.
Now you have guaranteed good insurance. You're welcome. And will only get relatively cheaper.

IF that's true, then why do I have such crappy insurance? My deductible is $6,500 for me and $6,500 for my wife. It only pays for half of my doctor visits when previously it covered 100% of my doctor visits. this policy costs me $700/month. How is that better?
Guaranteed, annual cap not much more than deductible

What is that supposed to mean? How is it better than what I had before?
Papa 13063503
I'm paying higher rates

Why are you paying higher rates?

Because my old insurance was not what the government like so I had to get rid of my old coverage and go to a higher cost coverage. Most of what I did was to ask doctors what the price was if I went around my insurance. Now, I can't do that. I now have to pay my deductible then 80/20 plus the premiums.
That's just it. Prior to the ACA Way too many people could not take care of getting proper much needed medical care on their own.

These people didn't take life as seriously as they should have. Americans have neglected the capitalist spirit, and therefore as a result are subjected to tough circumstances in life.

The working middle class was tied to an employer to get good affordable coverage.
What makes you think it is "beneficial" to further tie down employees to their employers? Isn't that the kind of thing contemporary liberals are against?

If what you say is true why have Medicare? The private market will surely take care of you if you are injured or sick and can no longer work. It's that what you believe in?
I want to take care of myself. I can take care of myself. I am going to take care of myself.

I do not need the government or the free market to do what I am fully capable of doing by myself.
13068069 Onyx
Let me take a stab at it. What is "beneficial" about assisting people with things they can take care of themselves?

That's just it. Prior to the ACA Way too many people could not take care of getting proper much needed medical care on their own.

The working middle class was tied to an employer to get good affordable coverage.

Those who purchased the cheaper plans of old were healthy people that had no chronic illness or pre-existing condition. Those plans were for one year at a time. People dependent on those apparently don't realize that as one ages their need for medical care increases. That is why Medicare is so popular. You pay the insurance when you have income but when you get older you are not dumped by the medical profession like you would be dumped by private insurers seeking profits from healthy people and turning away the costs of insuring people when they get sick.

Lots of bankruptcies and foreclosures for working people that suffer an unexpected illness caught in that gap of having a good job with good benefits and making it to eligibility for Medicare.

If what you say is true why have Medicare? The private market will surely take care of you if you are injured or sick and can no longer work. It's that what you believe in?

When it comes to elderly care, the private market never had a chance.

If you work for a living, you have no choice but to contribute to Medicare. You are not "dumped" by the medical profession on Medicare? Are you kidding me? More and more doctors and facilities are refusing government patients because our government doesn't pay the full bill for their patients. It's one of the reasons our premiums in the private market made such huge increases in the past: they have to make up that lost money somewhere, and that somewhere is non-government patients.

Now you bring up (as so many liberals often do) the preexisting condition problems associated with medical insurance. Okay, that's something I think we all can agree upon, but was it worth turning over 1/6th of our entire economy over to the federal government for that reason? Why not just have an affordable government insurance program for those people instead?

Using Medicare to support your stance is a very weak argument. Medicare is not only going broke, but like all government programs, it's ripped-off to the tune of billions and billions of dollars every single year.
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