Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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You tried to ban them.

So, if you morons try to "ban" abortions, what would be the result following your fucked up "logic"???

I'm not in favor of banning abortions, so your question is a non sequitur.

Not to go off topic but you're pro-choice? You? Really?

I don't like to discuss the abortion issue. So this will be the end of this sub-thread.

I know, you survived one. I understand.
You tried to ban them.

So, if you morons try to "ban" abortions, what would be the result following your fucked up "logic"???

I'm not in favor of banning abortions, so your question is a non sequitur.

OK, idiot change Assualt weapons or abortion for Muslim immigrants...and THEN follow your fucked up logic.
You post makes no sense. What would you change Muslim immigrants for?
You tried to ban them.

So, if you morons try to "ban" abortions, what would be the result following your fucked up "logic"???

I'm not in favor of banning abortions, so your question is a non sequitur.

Not to go off topic but you're pro-choice? You? Really?

I don't like to discuss the abortion issue. So this will be the end of this sub-thread.

I know, you survived one. I understand.

You really are the lowest kind of douche bag, ya know it?
That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Name 5 with an AR-15 asshole? And as actual research shows every single mass shooting with a rifle could have been dome with pistols.......or shotguns......the location and target dictate the kill number, not the weapon.....

Sandy hook chose small children as did the Norway shooter...this guy chose a packed night club.....

Guess what happened when he started shooting moron...all 350 people ran for the exits...and bottle necked and he murdered them with less effort........

A bag full of pistols and even revolvers gets the same kill count........
But the fact remains they are sporting rifles, but fools love drama…

You can call them rainbow sparkles for all I care.
They are for sporting purposes and they are a rifle... And if need be great for self defense.
There you go... An ar15 is a sporting rifle that is sometimes used for self defense...

What was it used for last night when one, a single AR15 was used to kill 50 people and wound an additional 53? What would you call that purpose?
Terrorists use all kinds of things to kill people… I'm surprised you have not read that somewhere?

That's what you think I said? How many whatever terrroists used came close to killing 50 people and wounding another 53 in this country? What comes close? Tell me.
He could have set the whole place on fire after blocking the doors.....the worst night club death rates come from fire...not guns......

Trying to ease your sorry conscience???? Too fucking late.
How legal are IEDs?
There aren't legal what's your point?

That I was responding to was comparing the results of an assault style weapon to that of an illegal IED? Think real hard.
Ya not hard to think that the whole building might have been leveled,not think teal hard,ypu would never blame the IED.

So, my advice to you caveman is to learn English and then try to make a point. You appear to be saying that an IED wouldn't be blamed if an IED was used. I think...is that your point? What? Test drive your post first, thanks.

He could have set the whole place on fire after blocking the doors.....the worst night club death rates come from fire...not guns......

I know, it could have been a totally awesome Great White reunion tour, but that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Fuck, really?
It blows my mind as to why he was not under surveillance when he had been questioned 3 Different times due to possible terror ties and threats.
Does anyone know if the shooter bought his assault weapon(s) legally?

I would say yes....he passed background checks and had a type G gun permit....

The incident started (as i understand) with FBI ALREADY engaging this guy OUTSIDE the club. It screams "busted baiting operation"....

What? What kind of fanatical Alex Jones bullshit is this, wingnut?

Early eye witness reports said there was a heavily armed police presence about a block away BEFORE the shooting broke out. FBI armed response was ON SCENE during the shooting.. You figure it out..


Mr. Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan, called 911 and talked about the Islamic State shortly before the massacre at the Pulse nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history, Ronald Hopper, an assistant agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Tampa Division, said at a news conference. Other federal officials said more explicitly that he had declared allegiance to the group.

The FBI needed a reason to explain their super-quick presence at the scene..
Easy to bury those little details once the spokespeople start spinning..

You can call them rainbow sparkles for all I care.
They are for sporting purposes and they are a rifle... And if need be great for self defense.
There you go... An ar15 is a sporting rifle that is sometimes used for self defense...

What was it used for last night when one, a single AR15 was used to kill 50 people and wound an additional 53? What would you call that purpose?
Terrorists use all kinds of things to kill people… I'm surprised you have not read that somewhere?

That's what you think I said? How many whatever terrroists used came close to killing 50 people and wounding another 53 in this country? What comes close? Tell me.

In the United States? Ok, let's hear it. SIngle gunman, in the US used only a hand gun...what was the damage?
He could have set the whole place on fire after blocking the doors.....the worst night club death rates come from fire...not guns......

Trying to ease your sorry conscience???? Too fucking late.
It blows my mind as to why he was not under surveillance when he had been questioned 3 Different times due to possible terror ties and threats.
Does anyone know if the shooter bought his assault weapon(s) legally?

I would say yes....he passed background checks and had a type G gun permit....

The incident started (as i understand) with FBI ALREADY engaging this guy OUTSIDE the club. It screams "busted baiting operation"....

What? What kind of fanatical Alex Jones bullshit is this, wingnut?

Early eye witness reports said there was a heavily police presence block away BEFORE the shooting broke out. FBI armed response was ON SCENE during the shooting.. You figure it out..


Mr. Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan, called 911 and talked about the Islamic State shortly before the massacre at the Pulse nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history, Ronald Hopper, an assistant agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Tampa Division, said at a news conference. Other federal officials said more explicitly that he had declared allegiance to the group.

The FBI needed a reason to explain their super-quick presence at the scene..
Easy to bury those little details once the spokespeople start spinning..

This is one of the most stupid, irresponsible, fucking clueless posts I've read in a long time. Jesus, libertarians are nothing more than moronic conspiracy theorists. Figures. Fuck off.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Not really. That argument is nothing more then a wall for your president to hide behind. It's clear now that his legacy is more important to him then dead American. Your choice to make is do you agree, or are you to scared to say your first half black president has yet again dropped the ball? Twice this guy was in FBI custody. That and he was on a watch list. Your president let him go so he didn't look racist. You still support the trailer and chief?
That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Check the mass shootings...and find 5 that used an AR-15 and then find any with the ar-15 that killed more than 30 people, As swipe...

And then subtract that number from the 3,750,000 million Ar-15s that weren't used today to kill....and then find out how many at-15s are used each year by civilians to stop violent criminal attack.....try that...

The Virginia tech shooter shot over 30 with pistols......moron....
It blows my mind as to why he was not under surveillance when he had been questioned 3 Different times due to possible terror ties and threats.
I would say yes....he passed background checks and had a type G gun permit....

The incident started (as i understand) with FBI ALREADY engaging this guy OUTSIDE the club. It screams "busted baiting operation"....

What? What kind of fanatical Alex Jones bullshit is this, wingnut?

Early eye witness reports said there was a heavily police presence block away BEFORE the shooting broke out. FBI armed response was ON SCENE during the shooting.. You figure it out..


Mr. Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan, called 911 and talked about the Islamic State shortly before the massacre at the Pulse nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history, Ronald Hopper, an assistant agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Tampa Division, said at a news conference. Other federal officials said more explicitly that he had declared allegiance to the group.

The FBI needed a reason to explain their super-quick presence at the scene..
Easy to bury those little details once the spokespeople start spinning..

This is one of the most stupid, irresponsible, fucking clueless posts I've read in a long time. Jesus, libertarians are nothing more than moronic conspiracy theorists. Figures. Fuck off.

The Virginia tech shooter..an Asian guy, killed 32 people with 2 pistols.......moron.....
Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Check the mass shootings...and find 5 that used an AR-15 and then find any with the ar-15 that killed more than 30 people, As swipe...

And then subtract that number from the 3,750,000 million Ar-15s that weren't used today to kill....and then find out how many at-15s are used each year by civilians to stop violent criminal attack.....try that...

The Virginia tech shooter shot over 30 with pistols......moron....

In short what you are saying is that assault style weapons were used in high casualty rate mass shootings and this is your funny way of saying "yeah, you're right". Thank you.
You post makes no sense. What would you change Muslim immigrants for?

IDIOT....you started the subthread stating that trying to BAN assault weapons increased the screwed up "thirst" by your ilk to buy MORE of those weapons.....My point is then using your moronic logic is this....Would trying to BAN Muslims immigrants actually increase such Muslim immigrants.

Surely there's a grown up around to help you......If not, go to a corner and play with your guns.
It blows my mind as to why he was not under surveillance when he had been questioned 3 Different times due to possible terror ties and threats.

The incident started (as i understand) with FBI ALREADY engaging this guy OUTSIDE the club. It screams "busted baiting operation"....

What? What kind of fanatical Alex Jones bullshit is this, wingnut?

Early eye witness reports said there was a heavily police presence block away BEFORE the shooting broke out. FBI armed response was ON SCENE during the shooting.. You figure it out..


Mr. Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan, called 911 and talked about the Islamic State shortly before the massacre at the Pulse nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history, Ronald Hopper, an assistant agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Tampa Division, said at a news conference. Other federal officials said more explicitly that he had declared allegiance to the group.

The FBI needed a reason to explain their super-quick presence at the scene..
Easy to bury those little details once the spokespeople start spinning..

This is one of the most stupid, irresponsible, fucking clueless posts I've read in a long time. Jesus, libertarians are nothing more than moronic conspiracy theorists. Figures. Fuck off.

The Virginia tech shooter..an Asian guy, killed 32 people with 2 pistols.......moron.....

Yeah, not even close. Thank you, I agree, I'm right.
That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

Can you name any mass shooting with an AR-15 that killed more than 30 people? Besides this one...asshole...try real hard.........
The incident started (as i understand) with FBI ALREADY engaging this guy OUTSIDE the club. It screams "busted baiting operation"....

What? What kind of fanatical Alex Jones bullshit is this, wingnut?

Early eye witness reports said there was a heavily police presence block away BEFORE the shooting broke out. FBI armed response was ON SCENE during the shooting.. You figure it out..


Mr. Mateen, 29, an American citizen whose parents were from Afghanistan, called 911 and talked about the Islamic State shortly before the massacre at the Pulse nightclub, the worst mass shooting in American history, Ronald Hopper, an assistant agent in charge of the F.B.I.’s Tampa Division, said at a news conference. Other federal officials said more explicitly that he had declared allegiance to the group.

The FBI needed a reason to explain their super-quick presence at the scene..
Easy to bury those little details once the spokespeople start spinning..

This is one of the most stupid, irresponsible, fucking clueless posts I've read in a long time. Jesus, libertarians are nothing more than moronic conspiracy theorists. Figures. Fuck off.

The Virginia tech shooter..an Asian guy, killed 32 people with 2 pistols.......moron.....

Yeah, not even close. Thank you, I agree, I'm right.

You were just shown to be wrong...and claim victory....typical lefty.
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