Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.

Yes, folks like yourself always try to justify mass shootings by finding "solace" in trying to forgive the shooter through your extensive knowledge of lethal weapons.......Heck, following your "logic" the shooter could have "legally" bought himself a bazooka to realize an even greater body count..

What's a bazooka, in more than 20 years in the military, I've never seen one. BTW this crazy, as you call him, passed multiple background checks to be an armed security guard. Why don't you just admit he was an ISIS sleeper, a radical muslim, taking advantage of our freedoms. You want to ban something, ban muslims, their religion is antithetical to the American system and they have no interest in adopting our values.
So you want to get rid of the 1st Amendment?
Not really. You're just making up a hypothetical scenario, which is completely irrelevant. Simply because if he used a revolver, liberals would still be calling for gun control. It doesn't matter what he used, Joy.
If he had used a pump shotgun and 00 buck shot same results if not worse.or a IED

How legal are IEDs?
There aren't legal what's your point?

That I was responding to was comparing the results of an assault style weapon to that of an illegal IED? Think real hard.
Ya not hard to think that the whole building might have been leveled,not think teal hard,ypu would never blame the IED.

So, my advice to you caveman is to learn English and then try to make a point. You appear to be saying that an IED wouldn't be blamed if an IED was used. I think...is that your point? What? Test drive your post first, thanks.
And if anyone had said anything about him they would have heard his muslim name and kept their mouths shut because assholes like you would have called them racists and islamophobes.......

Oh, horseshit. We keep people with Islamic Sounding names off of airplanes all the time and no one says boo about it.

you asshats are the issue...just like the woman who knew the San Berndino couple were up to no good but because of the fear of asshats like you calling her a racist, a hater and an islamophobe...didn't say anything....

What woman was that? That story sounds a bit sketchy, that you had some Mrs. Kravitz looking out the window at this couple but didn't want to be called bad names.

Do you have a link to this claim, or not?

you morons don't get to have it both ways......

Well, if you had real gun control, with real background checks, then I guess a guy with an islamic sounding name who posted shit on Facebook or had his in-laws rat him out for beating the old lady,

Ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter: ‘He beat me’

“He was not a stable person,” said the ex-wife, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she feared for her safety in the wake of the mass shooting. “He beat me. He would just come home and start beating me up because the laundry wasn’t finished or something like that.”

Now imagine if someone had talked to the ex-Mrs. Mateen before this guy bought an AR15.

Asshole, it was all over the news...the neighbor of the San Bernardino Muslims saw people going in and out of their garage at all hours of the night...and she didn't report it though it made her suspicious because of assholes like you.
By using the words "assault weapon" your creditability with those who know firearms drops to less than zero.
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....
What did I do to make the 'assault rifle' popular?

EDIT: typos

Calling a sporting rifle an assault weapon...

That aside Ar15/10's make for great customizable hunting rifles...

If you're hung up on labels, that's fine. The general public calls them assault style weapons, including law enforcement so take it up with them, this line of argument is pointless.
But the fact remains they are sporting rifles, but fools love drama…

You can call them rainbow sparkles for all I care.
They are for sporting purposes and they are a rifle... And if need be great for self defense.
There you go... An ar15 is a sporting rifle that is sometimes used for self defense...

What was it used for last night when one, a single AR15 was used to kill 50 people and wound an additional 53? What would you call that purpose?

AR-10s, yes. AR-15s, not so much. I prefer something .30 or larger. Specifically, the 7.62X39MM SP or JHP is great!

Now here's an exchange between two enuchs trying to "compensate".......LOL
Killed 50 people with it....THAT is some assault weapon

That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.
Calling a sporting rifle an assault weapon...

That aside Ar15/10's make for great customizable hunting rifles...

If you're hung up on labels, that's fine. The general public calls them assault style weapons, including law enforcement so take it up with them, this line of argument is pointless.
But the fact remains they are sporting rifles, but fools love drama…

You can call them rainbow sparkles for all I care.
They are for sporting purposes and they are a rifle... And if need be great for self defense.
There you go... An ar15 is a sporting rifle that is sometimes used for self defense...

What was it used for last night when one, a single AR15 was used to kill 50 people and wound an additional 53? What would you call that purpose?
Terrorists use all kinds of things to kill people… I'm surprised you have not read that somewhere?
That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.

What makes your arbitrary limits relevant? Nidal Hassan killed 13 and wounded 30 at Fort Hood with a single handgun.
If he had used a pump shotgun and 00 buck shot same results if not worse.or a IED

How legal are IEDs?
There aren't legal what's your point?

That I was responding to was comparing the results of an assault style weapon to that of an illegal IED? Think real hard.
Ya not hard to think that the whole building might have been leveled,not think teal hard,ypu would never blame the IED.

So, my advice to you caveman is to learn English and then try to make a point. You appear to be saying that an IED wouldn't be blamed if an IED was used. I think...is that your point? What? Test drive your post first, thanks.

He could have set the whole place on fire after blocking the doors.....the worst night club death rates come from fire...not guns......
That weapon didn't kill 50 people by itself, now did it?

Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.
Most gun violence in this country is done with handguns. dumbass
If you're hung up on labels, that's fine. The general public calls them assault style weapons, including law enforcement so take it up with them, this line of argument is pointless.
But the fact remains they are sporting rifles, but fools love drama…

You can call them rainbow sparkles for all I care.
They are for sporting purposes and they are a rifle... And if need be great for self defense.
There you go... An ar15 is a sporting rifle that is sometimes used for self defense...

What was it used for last night when one, a single AR15 was used to kill 50 people and wound an additional 53? What would you call that purpose?
Terrorists use all kinds of things to kill people… I'm surprised you have not read that somewhere?

That's what you think I said? How many whatever terrroists used came close to killing 50 people and wounding another 53 in this country? What comes close? Tell me.
Imagine if he had only a revolver, can you imagine the number of people the shooter wouldn't have killed?

O, AR-15s in France...0, fully automatic weapons in france...they still got them....how would you stop this guy....France has extreme gun control.......more than we have and all the gun control the gun grabbers dream about.....and terrorists on government, terrorists watch lists still got them....as do French criminals.....

And they have less civil rights than we do........

What does that have to do when I say an assault style does more damage than hand guns?

It doesn't...a .357 is a bigger round and you can get that in a 6 shot revolver...even in a stubby.....

That's awesome, name 5 mass shootings that involved nothing more than a single handgun that killed 30 people. Hell, that's too easy, name a mass shooting by a single hand gun that hit 80 or more people.
Most gun violence in this country is done with handguns. dumbass
Most mass shootings are done with handguns.
If he had used a pump shotgun and 00 buck shot same results if not worse.or a IED

How legal are IEDs?
There aren't legal what's your point?

That I was responding to was comparing the results of an assault style weapon to that of an illegal IED? Think real hard.
Ya not hard to think that the whole building might have been leveled,not think teal hard,ypu would never blame the IED.

So, my advice to you caveman is to learn English and then try to make a point. You appear to be saying that an IED wouldn't be blamed if an IED was used. I think...is that your point? What? Test drive your post first, thanks.
You know it is ,go ahead and crawl back into your cage.you have been kicking a dead horse ,your opinion is of no relevance.

Everytime people like yourself,slither out of the self righteous ditch that is your position ,you get your ass handed to you,not only here,but mostly at the ballot box,so keep at it it's been working so well for you.
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