Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Does anyone know if the shooter bought his assault weapon(s) legally?

He did buy it legally. If the FBI had done a better job of investigating him in 2013, he would never have passed the background check. They didn't charge him for making threats to coworkers after claiming he was part of a terrorist group because he accused his coworkers of being Islamophobic. Political correctness often protects the wrong people and this is just one example.

Even if he hadn't gotten a gun, there were other ways, maybe easier ways, of killing a lot of people. He could have done it the same way Tim McVeigh did it. People like him are going to kill one way or the other.

The guy hated gays. His dad hated gays. An Imam at the local mosque hated gays and told people they needed to die.

This was a long time coming. Maybe the FBI could have stopped him from passing a background check but they didn't. That is not an argument against guns. It means that our own government drops the ball sometimes and it's on them. It's still no reason to take away people's means of defending themselves.

The guy could have killed more people if he had used a bomb or set fire to the building. It's bad enough as it is, but could have been a bigger tragedy.
The bottom line here is that Omar broke the law carrying a gun into a gun free zone. Are you saying more laws would have stopped him?

Do your really believe limiting the rights of Americans gives them more freedom? Did you support the Patriot Act? Do you still support it?

Yes, real background checks and limits on who can own what kind of weapons WOULD have stopped this guy.
He did buy it legally. If the FBI had done a better job of investigating him in 2013, he would never have passed the background check. They didn't charge him for making threats to coworkers after claiming he was part of a terrorist group because he accused his coworkers of being Islamophobic. Political correctness often protects the wrong people and this is just one example.

Uh, no, they didn't charge him because it was clear that he was talking smack in 2013. When you claim to be a member of ISIS and Hezbollah, (groups that hate each other), you are not only talking smack, you aren't even particularly well informed.

There are stories coming out that this guy might have been gay and had been seen at the club several times before. That he used gay dating apps and he was singling out Hispanic patrons. This sounds less like a soldier of Allah and more like a spurned gay dude.

Orlando shooting: Gunman Omar Mateen 'was a regular at LGBT nightclub Pulse' and 'used gay dating apps'

That said, the real problem isn't his sexuality or religion. It was that he was CLEARLY insane and still legally able to acquire battlefield grade weapons.
Many people are saying not to judge Islam harshly because this terrorist does not represent all Muslims. Agreed.

In the next breath they judge that all guns and gun ownership is to blame. How come this one terrorist suddenly represents all gun owners?
He was a sick Puppy but thanks to the NRA even the sickest of puppies can buy assault rifles ...everybody knows that if psychotics lose the right to heavy weaponry that its then that terrorist will have won....

Obama Had This Haunting Confrontation With A Pro-Gun Activist Just Days Before The Orlando Massacre

On June 2, President Obama participated in a town hall sponsored by PBS in Elkhart, Indiana. Obama continued to answer questions from the audience after the broadcast was over.

One of those questions was from Doug Rhude, a gun shop owner. Rhude asked Obama why he wanted to “control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners and responsible use of guns and ammunition… instead of holding the bad guys accountable for their actions?”

Obama’s answer was eerily prescient. He told Rhude that he had just come from the Situation Room and learned of citizens within the United States who were ISIS sympathizers. But because of the NRA, Obama said, “we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines” but not “prohibit those people from buying a gun.”

Now, any one of these ISIS-sympathizers could “walk in to a gun store or a gun show right now and buy as much — as many weapons and ammo as he can,” Obama said.
It is apparently a fact that you are blaming the weapon.

Do what you want with the info.

I don't think it's possible to only blame the weapon, that doesn't' make sense. To ignore the weapons effectiveness is asinine.
I'm not ignoring the weapons effectiveness.

Again! He was a known radical. The Government failed in their responsibility.

The weapon was manufactured for the effectiveness.

You choose to curtail my rights instead of addressing the individual.

The guy is a terrorist and he chose to use the tool that is most effective. Nobody is ignoring who the guy is, you're deflecting.
The guy was a "known" potential terrorists. DHS apparently cleared him for a concealed carry.

No deflection. He was armed and recently purchased said weapons. My reply stands. So. He recently purchased weapons.

What does it have to do with my firearms and should my rights be curtailed due to his actions?

You for the most part don't have the right to either get or easily get a fully automatic weapon. You don't have the rights to some types of ammunition, all this because of what 'he' or 'them' or 'him' or 'you' may do with them.
What does this have to do with fully automatic weapons?
The guy is a terrorist and he chose to use the tool that is most effective. Nobody is ignoring who the guy is, you're deflecting.
The guy was a "known" potential terrorists. DHS apparently cleared him for a concealed carry.

No deflection. He was armed and recently purchased said weapons. My reply stands. So. He recently purchased weapons.

What does it have to do with my firearms and should my rights be curtailed due to his actions?

You for the most part don't have the right to either get or easily get a fully automatic weapon. You don't have the rights to some types of ammunition, all this because of what 'he' or 'them' or 'him' or 'you' may do with them.

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

Ok, go get a fully automatic weapon without any additional requirements or infringements.

I own 23 of them. How many more do you think I need?
All 23, and more.

What business is it of theirs how many we have or need?

What they need is to mind their own fucking business!
Many people are saying not to judge Islam harshly because this terrorist does not represent all Muslims. Agreed.

In the next breath they judge that all guns and gun ownership is to blame. How come this one terrorist suddenly represents all gun owners?

No one said they did.

what they did say was THIS guy shouldn't have been able to buy a gun given all the red flags, and if they investigated HIS case, he wouldn't have been able to buy a gun.

The problem is, the gun lobby has fought for all sorts loopholes.

beat your wife? We won't take your guns. Thousands of women are shot by their abusers, but dammit, the Founding Slave Rapists said we could have us some guns?

On a no-fly list? Well, shit, you can still buy a gun!
Because semi-automatoc weapons walked into a club and killed 50 people by themselves.

The NRA is also to blame because they advocate gun ownership.

By that same argument every time a black person kills a white person or a policeman it is Black Lives Matters' fault because one of their members called for the death of all whites and cops.

By that same mental derangement Obama is truly to blame for Orland because he have a speech to the world before the UN declaring, "The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Rejecting the prophet and Islam is slander, so the terrorist was only following Obama's advice by ensuring these people had no future in this world.
Many people are saying not to judge Islam harshly because this terrorist does not represent all Muslims. Agreed.

In the next breath they judge that all guns and gun ownership is to blame. How come this one terrorist suddenly represents all gun owners?

No one said they did.

what they did say was THIS guy shouldn't have been able to buy a gun given all the red flags, and if they investigated HIS case, he wouldn't have been able to buy a gun.

The problem is, the gun lobby has fought for all sorts loopholes.

beat your wife? We won't take your guns. Thousands of women are shot by their abusers, but dammit, the Founding Slave Rapists said we could have us some guns?

On a no-fly list? Well, shit, you can still buy a gun!
That would be Obama's fault, the guy who let terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, who he armed) violate the NO FLY LIST to visit him in DC. Talk about your loopholes....
That would be Obama's fault, the guy who let terrorists (Muslim Brotherhood, who he armed) violate the NO FLY LIST to visit him in DC. Talk about your loopholes....

Wow, guy, you are really stretching, aren't you? Yes, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood is goign to blow up his own plane on the way to DC. No, really.

Because they are all crazy and Muslim and stuff.

Because semi-automatoc weapons walked into a club and killed 50 people by themselves.

The NRA is also to blame because they advocate gun ownership.

No, the NRA is to blame because they've spent the last 30 years fighting any and all common sense gun control.
You have a lot of fucking nerve, voting in a Muslim president and presuming to lecture us on conscious.

Now here's an example of the "intelligence" of a right winger (probably a"birther" also)......

After 7.5 years still having a hard time with a half-black president, aren't you?????

WHAT AN :ahole-1:
You have a lot of fucking nerve, voting in a Muslim president and presuming to lecture us on conscious.

Now here's an example of the "intelligence" of a right winger (probably a"birther" also)......

After 7.5 years still having a hard time with a half-black president, aren't you?????

WHAT AN :ahole-1:
The poster you are condemning as a rascist, never posted a word about the president's race, but you did.

You have a lot of fucking nerve, voting in a Muslim president and presuming to lecture us on conscious.

Now here's an example of the "intelligence" of a right winger (probably a"birther" also)......

After 7.5 years still having a hard time with a half-black president, aren't you?????

WHAT AN :ahole-1:
The poster you are condemning as a rascist, never posted a word about the president's race, but you did.


Another right winger who can't ....or refuses to hear the DOG WHISTLE???
(and lies about it....LOL)
You have a lot of fucking nerve, voting in a Muslim president and presuming to lecture us on conscious.

Now here's an example of the "intelligence" of a right winger (probably a"birther" also)......

After 7.5 years still having a hard time with a half-black president, aren't you?????

WHAT AN :ahole-1:
The poster you are condemning as a rascist, never posted a word about the president's race, but you did.


Another right winger who can't ....or refuses to hear the DOG WHISTLE???
(and lies about it....LOL)

Muslim isn't a race, dumb ass
Muslim isn't a race, dumb ass

Most racists......like you.......try to hide their racism by finding other terms to express their stupidity.....

Come on Sassy...... bring out your Obama conspiracy theories and "birtherism"......LOL
You have a lot of fucking nerve, voting in a Muslim president and presuming to lecture us on conscious.

Now here's an example of the "intelligence" of a right winger (probably a"birther" also)......

After 7.5 years still having a hard time with a half-black president, aren't you?????

WHAT AN :ahole-1:
The poster you are condemning as a rascist, never posted a word about the president's race, but you did.


Another right winger who can't ....or refuses to hear the DOG WHISTLE???
(and lies about it....LOL)

Muslim isn't a race, dumb ass
We must remember that ANYONE who criticizes this president IS a racist, in the small minds of some LWNJs....I mean after all, he has done such a wonderful job, the only reason for criticizing him must be racism.
Has to be a mental illness.
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