Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Guy, you keep passing these numbers off.

BUt the UK had 48 gun murders in 2011.

And we had 11,000.
And no matter how you try to spin it the murder rate in the UK is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the US is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the UK remained the same despite the passing of their strictest gun laws in 1968

Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So tell us how this is a rosey picture for the US....

Complete nonsense... You want guns and you want no checks in place to getting one... You don't care if Felons or Mentally disturbed person gets one as long as you don't have to go through checks...

So you support arming Felons or Mentally disturbed by neglect...

Yes you far left drones will use anything to push your religious agenda..

You far left drones are no different than ISIS!
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago

Leave it to a far left drone to cite a far left drone blog site for their "facts"..

JoeB says the laws in Chicago are weak. I guess when you think guns should be banned, any law is weak.
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago

Leave it to a far left drone to cite a far left drone blog site for their "facts"..

JoeB says the laws in Chicago are weak. I guess when you think guns should be banned, any law is weak.

Yes all those gun free zones and the far left protected classes killing each other off, that is why they want the illegals in the country..
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

But you are wrong. The murder rate in the UK before the strictest guns laws were ever passed was virtually the same as it is now nearly 50 years later

The murder rate in the US is virtually the same as it was in 1950 when there were far fewer gun laws on the books than there is today

Those are FACTS
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.

1) I've been on this site longer than you've been out of diapers fuckwit.
2) As I say to every other neocon whackjob that brings this up every other month - you get your country to stay the fuck out of everybody's else's business, and you have a deal. I've said this at least a dozen times over the past 10 years on this site. I'm still here, which suggests the US is STILL sticking its beak where it's not wanted.
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.

You have no constitutional freedoms asshole - you're not a U.S. citizen. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. :eusa_doh:

And neither do you it seems. From the bitching, moaning, whining and general malaise on this site from right wing loons, you feel you've got no freedoms either.
Guy, you keep passing these numbers off.

BUt the UK had 48 gun murders in 2011.

And we had 11,000.
And no matter how you try to spin it the murder rate in the UK is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the US is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the UK remained the same despite the passing of their strictest gun laws in 1968

Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So tell us how this is a rosey picture for the US....

Complete nonsense... You want guns and you want no checks in place to getting one... You don't care if Felons or Mentally disturbed person gets one as long as you don't have to go through checks...

So you support arming Felons or Mentally disturbed by neglect...

Where did I ever say I want no checks? I don't necessarily think a felon should have a gun. And when you can tell me how you can tell when a person is mentally disturbed or may become mentally disturbed in the future you let me know OK?

I merely stated a fact that the murder rate today is the same as it was in 1950. Since 1950 we have enacted thousands of gun laws and waiting periods and background checks and guess what the murder rate is the same as it was before all that

It is the same in your utopia of the UK with their extremely strict gun laws. Their murder rate is virtually the same as it was in 1950 as well

So you tell me how these gun laws gun bans etc have lowered the murder rate when they obviously haven't
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns.

The only thing "ancient" is your extremely limited intellect. And because you live in Australia, we could give a shit what you think about the U.S. Constitution. In fact, we could give a shit what you think about anything. You don't live in the U.S., you weren't educated in U.S. history, you haven't made a single sacrifice or contribution to this country, and you don't understand anything about living here.

In short - you don't matter. At all. Find a Australian political site to annoy. Or are Australian's incapable of building websites?

You have no fucking idea what relationship I have with your country or what affect it has had on other places around the world. I've had American news, television programmes, culture shoved down my throat 24/7 for the best part of half a century. Your culture is very easy to understand. As is your history.

Why do all you right-wing loons have screen names with words like "Patriot" and "Eagle" yadda, aydda yadda? You think that makes your 'more' American? More like a jingoistic fuckwit.
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.

1) I've been on this site longer than you've been out of diapers fuckwit.
2) As I say to every other neocon whackjob that brings this up every other month - you get your country to stay the fuck out of everybody's else's business, and you have a deal. I've said this at least a dozen times over the past 10 years on this site. I'm still here, which suggests the US is STILL sticking its beak where it's not wanted.
You are here to whine about global US involvement? Buy yourself a Teddy Bear, it will do more good.
It's amazing how these ignorant idiots are so willing to surrender freedom in exchange for a few government table scraps. I guess when one has had to make zero sacrifices for freedom, and has it handed to them on a silver platter, it means nothing to them. One can only hope that asshole like Dr. Grump end up living under a Saddam Hussein or Fidel Castro. I pray it happens. The don't fucking deserve freedom.

What freedoms do you have that I don't. I'm happy to list the freedoms I have that you don't. What sacrifices have you made for freedom? And what do you call freedom? What has been handed to us on a silver platter? You might be living under Trump soon....good luck with that....
You are here to whine about global US involvement? Buy yourself a Teddy Bear, it will do more good.

Not really. 'Patriot' is whining about me being on here. He thinks I don't have a right to be on here, even though I've been here a lot longer than him. This is a discussion board, but like a typical neocon whacko he only believes in freedom of speech if he gets to call the shots. Typical tyrannical rightie.....
You are here to whine about global US involvement? Buy yourself a Teddy Bear, it will do more good.

Not really. 'Patriot' is whining about me being on here. He thinks I don't have a right to be on here, even though I've been here a lot longer than him. This is a discussion board, but like a typical neocon whacko he only believes in freedom of speech if he gets to call the shots. Typical tyrannical rightie.....
It isn't a freedom of speech issue and I don't know what you think you are accomplishing. Man up for god's sake.
More mass shootings have now occurred under Barack Obama’s watch than the past four president’s combined (Reagan – 11, Bush Sr. – 12, Clinton – 23, Bush Jr. – 16, Obama – 162)

I'm sure there's a point there somewhere. It's not a left or right problem, it's an American problem. You love your guns....

Your desperation is duly noted.

What am I desperate about?
It isn't a freedom of speech issue and I don't know what you think you are accomplishing. Man up for god's sake.

He's the one telling me to fuck off and not get involved. Certainly sounds like somebody trying to call the shots on what I say or don't say. Man up about what?
More mass shootings have now occurred under Barack Obama’s watch than the past four president’s combined (Reagan – 11, Bush Sr. – 12, Clinton – 23, Bush Jr. – 16, Obama – 162)

I'm sure there's a point there somewhere. It's not a left or right problem, it's an American problem. You love your guns....

Your desperation is duly noted.

International elitist leftists like Grumpy are such a joy ...

As are liberal lites dressed up as libertarians. Libertarians - people who find joy in criticising all other political spectrums knowing full well that their political utopia will never happen because it's on the fringe of society and is so full of holes Switzerland is thinking of naming a new cheese after it...
And yet, the violent crime rate is lower in the United States than in Australia. How is that possible?

"Banning" of certain guns will lead to fewer law abiding citizens having the guns and no change in the number of Islamic Terrorists and criminals having the guns. Sounds like a GREAT solution.

Not talking about violent crime. However, I do take issue with your stats. Post a link proving your point.

Talking gun deaths and gun culture. Every person I have ever met who has been punched in the head has lived to fight another day. Don't know anybody who has been shot in the head, but I'm guessing the vast majority end up on a slab...

Well, the US is armed to the teeth at the moment. A lot of those places where these mass shootings occur have CCW or even open carry. How well has that worked vis-a-vis the decline of mass shootings? Not much.
More mass shootings have now occurred under Barack Obama’s watch than the past four president’s combined (Reagan – 11, Bush Sr. – 12, Clinton – 23, Bush Jr. – 16, Obama – 162)

This has been proven a total bullshit... Why must you continually lie...
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