Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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The face of the typical liberal in America. Intolerant. Eyes bat-shit crazy. And full of anger and hatred...

Guy, you keep passing these numbers off.

BUt the UK had 48 gun murders in 2011.

And we had 11,000.
And no matter how you try to spin it the murder rate in the UK is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the US is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the UK remained the same despite the passing of their strictest gun laws in 1968

Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless
You do love to ignore the FACT that we have a constitution don't you.

You are also intentionally ignoring the FACT that we have fewer violent crimes than do the nations to which you swear your allegiance. Why?

Because we don't.

We have 16000 murders a year, 11,000 of them with guns. Most other industrialized countries have less than 1000 a year.

Any discussion of "Rape" or "assaults' are kind of meaningless because how often these crimes are reported and what they count is usually different.
Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So you can show me a country with our kind of gun ownership that has a really low murder rate, then?

Didn't think so.

Nope, you can just point to a meaningless statistic like Rape where in the US, 70% o rapes are never reported.
Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So you can show me a country with our kind of gun ownership that has a really low murder rate, then?

Didn't think so.

Nope, you can just point to a meaningless statistic like Rape where in the US, 70% o rapes are never reported.

So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates
You do love to ignore the FACT that we have a constitution don't you.

You are also intentionally ignoring the FACT that we have fewer violent crimes than do the nations to which you swear your allegiance. Why?

Because we don't.

We have 16000 murders a year, 11,000 of them with guns. Most other industrialized countries have less than 1000 a year.

Any discussion of "Rape" or "assaults' are kind of meaningless because how often these crimes are reported and what they count is usually different.

1000 a year with guns. Make it murder in general, many countries beat us. As for rape and assault being meaningless, mauve it is to you. Can't see how since where you live the hoodrats can't kill each other fast enough. That, and you live I your safe little bubble with the Ingerwebs being your only portal to the outside world. But to a person who has been assaulted or raped or potentially could be, they can have guns here. They have that right. If you don't like that, go live I your European utopia. Go to Britton and stroll through 'Boro then Co e and tell us how safe and sophisticated it was. Bell, go for a walk in your home town after dark then come back and report. Say Joe, what's the body count over in your neck of the woods ?
The O. P. has a choice to make....whether she will get her head out of her ass long enough to realize that something must be done about Murderous Muslim Terrorism, or leave it in, and continue to look like a damn fool.

First of all, you eternal moron.......my head and ass is that of an older white MALE........An whether you realize it or not (probably not) Muslims are here to stay and YOU and your ilk are helping to arm them with the kind of weapons to do maximum harm..........So if you need to show off your "manhood" by allowing the ease of buying lethal guns, you are also contributing to the "cause" of murderous Muslims.

You should get your white, male head out of your white, male ass.
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Actually, no.

So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Actually, no. As more Americans own and actually carry guns....our gun murder rate has gone down, not up.

Britain, confiscated guns in their country, their gun crime rate stayed the same.

Australia, didn't have much gun crime to begin with, and now their gun crime is going up.

Canada.....is experiencing increased gun crime in their major cities..with stricter gun control laws than we have.

Europe...extreme gun control in most countries....easy to get fully automatic rifles.....

Gun ownership does not increase gun crime or gun murder.

Countries with absolute gun control...Mexico and Russia, higher gun murder rates than the U.S.
Guy, you keep passing these numbers off.

BUt the UK had 48 gun murders in 2011.

And we had 11,000.
And no matter how you try to spin it the murder rate in the UK is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the US is virtually the same as it was in 1950

The murder rate in the UK remained the same despite the passing of their strictest gun laws in 1968

Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So tell us how this is a rosey picture for the US....

Complete nonsense... You want guns and you want no checks in place to getting one... You don't care if Felons or Mentally disturbed person gets one as long as you don't have to go through checks...

So you support arming Felons or Mentally disturbed by neglect...
1000 a year with guns. Make it murder in general, many countries beat us. As for rape and assault being meaningless, mauve it is to you.

Here's the point I was tring to make but you were too dumb to get.

The UK counts rape differently than the US does. Therefore it's as meaningless as if one place counts red cars and the other counts Lamborghinis.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

We don't have strict gun laws in Chicago. The weak law we did have was struck down by the McDonald Decision in 2010.

Not to mention that the gun industry intentionally set up gun shops on the collar counties to circumvent the gun laws the city did have.
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago
1000 a year with guns. Make it murder in general, many countries beat us. As for rape and assault being meaningless, mauve it is to you.

Here's the point I was tring to make but you were too dumb to get.

The UK counts rape differently than the US does. Therefore it's as meaningless as if one place counts red cars and the other counts Lamborghinis.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

We don't have strict gun laws in Chicago. The weak law we did have was struck down by the McDonald Decision in 2010.

Not to mention that the gun industry intentionally set up gun shops on the collar counties to circumvent the gun laws the city did have.

You call it weak because it doesn't ban guns. Even a judge told Rahm the Asshole his plan to make them more strict was unconstitutional and he had six months to come up with a new plan.

I was correct. You will make excuses. What you won't do, as you have proven, is anything personally about someone owning something you think they shouldn't own and picking up a phone like a pussy isn't doing something. Be a man if you think people shouldn't own guns and do something like a man would.
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago

Leave it to a far left drone to cite a far left drone blog site for their "facts"..
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago

So you do have excuses. Just what I expected.
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