Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Let's test it out and see. Legalize all drugs. $20 says the death rate goes up.

Actually, we don't need to do that. All we have to do is look at the netherlands.

Netherlands vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

spoiler alert- we use more drugs, have more crime, and more deaths due to drug abuse.

Joey has made his antisemitic and anti-American views very clear. Except for himself and a love of authoritarian domination over American citizens, I think he doesn't love anything or anyone.

Guy, I love my country. I just don't mistake the interests of the Zionists and Oil Companies for the interests of my countrymen.

If the Zionists get wiped out, it's their own fault for living in the middle of people who want to kill them (for good reason).

No you just want to dictate to everyone what they can and can't do via the fucking government
Uh, pointing out you guys seem to think that a gun makes up for your shortcomings is hardly "penis envy".....
By itself, correct, but based on the dozens of messages you posted like those listed below, your denial is bullshit.

...In fact, the very threat that a IRS agent might show up at his house with a gun has 2AGuy pissing himself into complete tax comliance... right after he goes around screaming about freedom and socialism and no one is going take away his penis substitute.
Well, actually, they usually do call it exactly that, which is why most of you gun nuts don't call the cops and say, "I done good" after you terrified some black kid with your penis compensator. It's why the FBI only calculates 47,000 DGU's while the gun nuts claim things like 1.5 million.
...Are you like on this board 24-7 waiting for someone to doubt the right to own a penis substitute? Because, honestly, you seem to be obsessed.

At least work on some new material.
2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!
I don't think that a Jihadist makes that distinction. I know you think your penis compensator makes you superman, but gun owner never stop mass shootings by a garden variety crazy person, much less a trained terrorist.
Yeah....actually they are. And it's only going to take one regime change to turn them into Nazi, Germany. The bottom line - we don't care about your moronic gibberish. This is America. I have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If you're too big of a pussy to live in the U.S. - there are a ton of oppressive nanny states that have confiscated the guns of their citizens. You're welcome to go live in any one of them.

It really illustrates the idiot mindset of the liberals that they live in the greatest country in the world and all they ever do is point to other nations. And yet they never go live there.

I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.

You have no constitutional freedoms asshole - you're not a U.S. citizen. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. :eusa_doh:
I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.

It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.
Yeah....actually they are. And it's only going to take one regime change to turn them into Nazi, Germany. The bottom line - we don't care about your moronic gibberish. This is America. I have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If you're too big of a pussy to live in the U.S. - there are a ton of oppressive nanny states that have confiscated the guns of their citizens. You're welcome to go live in any one of them.

It really illustrates the idiot mindset of the liberals that they live in the greatest country in the world and all they ever do is point to other nations. And yet they never go live there.

I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.
He's so happy with Australia he needs to haunt American political forums? Interesting.
Let's test it out and see. Legalize all drugs. $20 says the death rate goes up.

Actually, we don't need to do that. All we have to do is look at the netherlands.

Netherlands vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

spoiler alert- we use more drugs, have more crime, and more deaths due to drug abuse.

Joey has made his antisemitic and anti-American views very clear. Except for himself and a love of authoritarian domination over American citizens, I think he doesn't love anything or anyone.

Guy, I love my country. I just don't mistake the interests of the Zionists and Oil Companies for the interests of my countrymen.

If the Zionists get wiped out, it's their own fault for living in the middle of people who want to kill them (for good reason).

No you just want to dictate to everyone what they can and can't do via the fucking government

Liberals can't take a dump without an OK from government
Yeah....actually they are. And it's only going to take one regime change to turn them into Nazi, Germany. The bottom line - we don't care about your moronic gibberish. This is America. I have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If you're too big of a pussy to live in the U.S. - there are a ton of oppressive nanny states that have confiscated the guns of their citizens. You're welcome to go live in any one of them.

It really illustrates the idiot mindset of the liberals that they live in the greatest country in the world and all they ever do is point to other nations. And yet they never go live there.

I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.
He's so happy with Australia he needs to haunt American political forums? Interesting.

Constitutional rights? So passe ...
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns.

The only thing "ancient" is your extremely limited intellect. And because you live in Australia, we could give a shit what you think about the U.S. Constitution. In fact, we could give a shit what you think about anything. You don't live in the U.S., you weren't educated in U.S. history, you haven't made a single sacrifice or contribution to this country, and you don't understand anything about living here.

In short - you don't matter. At all. Find a Australian political site to annoy. Or are Australian's incapable of building websites?
Yeah....actually they are. And it's only going to take one regime change to turn them into Nazi, Germany. The bottom line - we don't care about your moronic gibberish. This is America. I have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. If you're too big of a pussy to live in the U.S. - there are a ton of oppressive nanny states that have confiscated the guns of their citizens. You're welcome to go live in any one of them.

It really illustrates the idiot mindset of the liberals that they live in the greatest country in the world and all they ever do is point to other nations. And yet they never go live there.

I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.
He's so happy with Australia he needs to haunt American political forums? Interesting.

Constitutional rights? So passe ...
It's amazing how these ignorant idiots are so willing to surrender freedom in exchange for a few government table scraps. I guess when one has had to make zero sacrifices for freedom, and has it handed to them on a silver platter, it means nothing to them. One can only hope that asshole like Dr. Grump end up living under a Saddam Hussein or Fidel Castro. I pray it happens. The don't fucking deserve freedom.
Totally wrong. A big part of accidental deaths are that doses on the street are completely unknown. Drug dealers go both ways both releasing high concentrates, they cut drugs which may cause you to use more next time, they push stronger drugs, they use things like formaldehyde. Proper labeling would be a big thing to reduce accidental deaths. And who doesn't do drugs now because government tells them not to? No one
Got a link? Facts? Something like these?:

CDC - Fact Sheets-Alcohol Use And Health - Alcohol
Excessive alcohol use led to approximately 88,000 deaths and 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) each year in the United States from 2006 – 2010, shortening the lives of those who died by an average of 30 years.1,2 Further, excessive drinking was responsible for 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults aged 20-64 years. The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2010 were estimated at $249 billion, or $2.05 a drink.

CDC - Fact Sheets-Excessive Alcohol Use and Risks to Men's Health - Alcohol
Injuries and deaths as a result of excessive alcohol use
  • Men consistently have higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women.1,8,9
  • Among drivers in fatal motor-vehicle traffic crashes, men are almost twice as likely as women to have been intoxicated (i.e., a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or greater).10
  • Excessive alcohol consumption increases aggression and, as a result, can increase the risk of physically assaulting another person.11
  • Men are more likely than women to commit suicide, and more likely to have been drinking prior to committing suicide.

Prescription Opioid Overdose Data | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center
Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999,1 and so have sales of these prescription drugs.2 From 1999 to 2014, more than 165,000 people have died in the U.S. from overdoses related to prescription opioids.1

Opioid prescribing continues to fuel the epidemic. Today, at least half of all U.S. opioid overdose deaths involve a prescription opioid.1 In 2014, more than 14,000 people died from overdoses involving prescription opioids

In case you missed it, kaz, all of the above are legal and in government-regulated purity and quality form. Again I support the legalization of all drugs, but let's not fool ourselves that everyone will have a happily-ever-after if we do.

Since none of your articles compare legal to illegal alcohol, none of them address the discussion.

Also, when you make a point, you don't get to tell me I have to prove you wrong. I read all the time about things like how a bunch of deaths were caused by

1) additives like formaldehyde

2) spikes in potency

3) unhygenic things like dirty needles

Seriously, you don't? I'm not big on Googling things for people you could easily Google yourselves. But those are three specific things to look into. I am not claiming it would lead to a big lowering of deaths. I just disagree with you it would necessarily go up. And I don't see anyone who would start using drugs because they become legal.

Another indirect area of deaths like drug shootings would also go down
Actually illegal Alcohol has killed lots of people. Using the wrong wood in the process creates a poison.
Agreed. Let's not forget moonshine made with lead pipes.

What I challenged was your statement making drugs illegal would lead to more drug deaths.

Your statement that alcohol is legal and lots of people die doesn't contradict my challenge.

Slyhunter saying that people die from illegal alcohol too, actually, doesn't contradict that either
Legalizing something, like alcohol, allows them to regulate it and control quality which reduces the deaths from that product.
Legalizing something, like alcohol, allows them to regulate it and control quality which reduces the deaths from that product.
Agreed, but that's not the point I was trying to make to Kaz. Legalizing something allows more people to legally abuse something too the point of overdose or doing something silly that gets them killed.

I'm fine with this. IMO, the annual Darwin Awards could use more candidates.
No you just want to dictate to everyone what they can and can't do via the fucking government

That had nothing to do with the two points I just made. The two points I just made actualy advocated LESS government (Legalize drugs and stop supporting Israel.)

By itself, correct, but based on the dozens of messages you posted like those listed below, your denial is bullshit.

dude, I am really starting to enjoy the space I occupy in your head. You're making pictures, you are cataloging posts... I've really gotten under your skin, haven't I?

Now, let's try to stay on topic, shall we?
It's amazing how these ignorant idiots are so willing to surrender freedom in exchange for a few government table scraps. I guess when one has had to make zero sacrifices for freedom, and has it handed to them on a silver platter, it means nothing to them. One can only hope that asshole like Dr. Grump end up living under a Saddam Hussein or Fidel Castro. I pray it happens. The don't fucking deserve freedom.

Guy, I made a bunch of sacrifices for freedom, in that I served for 11 years in the military.

And you know what, this isn't an issue of "Freedom". It's an issue of how we live together in a civil society.

A society where you are stocking up on guns living in fear of other crazy people with guns isn't a free society. It's a Fear Society.
Agreed, but that's not the point I was trying to make to Kaz. Legalizing something allows more people to legally abuse something too the point of overdose or doing something silly that gets them killed.

I'm fine with this. IMO, the annual Darwin Awards could use more candidates.

you must be one of those compassionate conservatives we've heard about.

Anyway, not that I agree with Kaz because he's a libertarian loon, but the problem here is that the "War on Drugs" causes more harm than good. The amount of criminal activity it produces to support, the fact that a lot of people overdose because the people who make these drugs don't know what they are doing any more than the moonshiners who sold wood alcohol made people go blind in the 1930's.

We already have seen societies that treat addiction like a medical rather than a criminal problem, and they have less deaths due to drug abuse, not more.
No you just want to dictate to everyone what they can and can't do via the fucking government

That had nothing to do with the two points I just made. The two points I just made actualy advocated LESS government (Legalize drugs and stop supporting Israel.)

By itself, correct, but based on the dozens of messages you posted like those listed below, your denial is bullshit.

dude, I am really starting to enjoy the space I occupy in your head. You're making pictures, you are cataloging posts... I've really gotten under your skin, haven't I?

Now, let's try to stay on topic, shall we?

No you just want to dictate to everyone what they can and can't do via the fucking government

That had nothing to do with the two points I just made. The two points I just made actualy advocated LESS government (Legalize drugs and stop supporting Israel.)

By itself, correct, but based on the dozens of messages you posted like those listed below, your denial is bullshit.

dude, I am really starting to enjoy the space I occupy in your head. You're making pictures, you are cataloging posts... I've really gotten under your skin, haven't I?

Now, let's try to stay on topic, shall we?
Tell me the war on drugs has been an abject failure what on earth makes you think your war on guns will succeed?
Tell me the war on drugs has been an abject failure what on earth makes you think your war on guns will succeed?

Because it's worked in every other industrialized nation just fine.

Guns have to be manufactured. stop introducing new ones and the ammo to make them work, all you have are closets full of useless metal.
Tell me the war on drugs has been an abject failure what on earth makes you think your war on guns will succeed?

Because it's worked in every other industrialized nation just fine.

Guns have to be manufactured. stop introducing new ones and the ammo to make them work, all you have are closets full of useless metal.
Someone somewhere will still make them.
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