Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice
More mass shootings have now occurred under Barack Obama’s watch than the past four president’s combined (Reagan – 11, Bush Sr. – 12, Clinton – 23, Bush Jr. – 16, Obama – 162)

I'm sure there's a point there somewhere. It's not a left or right problem, it's an American problem. You love your guns....

Your desperation is duly noted.

International elitist leftists like Grumpy are such a joy ...

As are liberal lites dressed up as libertarians. Libertarians - people who find joy in criticising all other political spectrums knowing full well that their political utopia will never happen because it's on the fringe of society and is so full of holes Switzerland is thinking of naming a new cheese after it...

So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?
Because it's worked in every other industrialized nation just fine.

Guns have to be manufactured. stop introducing new ones and the ammo to make them work, all you have are closets full of useless metal.
An example of how the Democrats/anti-gun Left are seeking to effectively ban guns while telling us "no one is coming for your guns".
Guy, I made a bunch of sacrifices for freedom, in that I served for 11 years in the military....
You're an anti-American, Jew-hating conspiracy theorist. No one I know has served over two tours and then just quit on their own. Your case must be "special".
Then why the fuck are you on a site about United States politics, moron?!? What kind of an asshole attempts to involve themselves in the politics of a nation they are not a citizen of?!? Worry about your own fuck'n country asshole. We'll take care of ours.

1) I've been on this site longer than you've been out of diapers fuckwit.
2) As I say to every other neocon whackjob that brings this up every other month - you get your country to stay the fuck out of everybody's else's business, and you have a deal. I've said this at least a dozen times over the past 10 years on this site. I'm still here, which suggests the US is STILL sticking its beak where it's not wanted.
Or maybe you're just an asshole Adolf-Hitler wanna-be who is desperate to impose his will on the world? Because the last time I checked, the U.S. hasn't interfered in Australia. At all. So you have no excuse other than you're just an asshole who wants to get his nose in shit he knows nothing about.
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns. Not a great mix.

I'd put my freedoms over yours any day of hte week. You are the guys constantly bitching on this very site about your lack of freedoms.

You have no constitutional freedoms asshole - you're not a U.S. citizen. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. :eusa_doh:

And neither do you it seems. From the bitching, moaning, whining and general malaise on this site from right wing loons, you feel you've got no freedoms either.
We're not bitching that we have no freedoms - we're bitching that we keep losing them because of ignorant liberals. You're not a U.S. citizen - so why are you listening to all of the "bitching, moaning, whining, and general malaise on this site"? Find an Australian site to spread your stupidity on. Or has your government outlawed websites and freedom of speech?
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
What freedoms do you have that I don't. I'm happy to list the freedoms I have that you don't. What sacrifices have you made for freedom? And what do you call freedom? What has been handed to us on a silver platter? You might be living under Trump soon....good luck with that....

You can't even own a firearm junior. That's a basic fucking freedom. It's like telling someone they can't own a fork or a knife. It's like telling someone they can't own a drill or a hammer.
You are here to whine about global US involvement? Buy yourself a Teddy Bear, it will do more good.

Not really. 'Patriot' is whining about me being on here. He thinks I don't have a right to be on here, even though I've been here a lot longer than him. This is a discussion board, but like a typical neocon whacko he only believes in freedom of speech if he gets to call the shots. Typical tyrannical rightie.....

There is some "logic" from the dumb-ass. Do you know how many illegal-aliens have been in this country longer than my children have been alive? What does time have to do with anything?!?! What kind of an Aussie asshole sticks his nose in American politics? Why do you even fucking care what goes on in the U.S.? And how could you even understand. I guarantee you don't have the slightest clue about the U.S. Constitution or true U.S. history.

I would never be such a pompous ass as to go to a website for the Czech Republic and give my uninformed, uneducated opinion about how they should run their country, who they should elect, and what laws they should implement. Seriously....what kind of pompous asshole does something like that? Inconceivable.
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
I'd love to see your statistical data. Please include how owning a car compares to being killed by accidental shooting.

Example: Injury Facts Chart
Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 27
Intentional Self-harm 1 in 97
Unintentional Poisoning By and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 103

Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 113
Fall 1 in 133
Assault by Firearm 1 in 358
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 672
Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 948
Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,183
Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,454
Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,408
Pedacyclist Incident 1 in 4,337

Firearms Discharge 1 in 7,944
Air and Space Transport Incidents 1 in 9,737

If the lying Left was really interested in saving lives, they'd be advocating banning cars and improving mental health care, not restricting Constitutional rights.
Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
I'd love to see your statistical data. Please include how owning a car compares to being killed by accidental shooting.

Example: Injury Facts Chart
Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 27
Intentional Self-harm 1 in 97
Unintentional Poisoning By and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 103

Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 113
Fall 1 in 133
Assault by Firearm 1 in 358
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 672
Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 948
Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,183
Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,454
Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,408
Pedacyclist Incident 1 in 4,337

Firearms Discharge 1 in 7,944
Air and Space Transport Incidents 1 in 9,737

If the lying Left was really interested in saving lives, they'd be advocating banning cars and improving mental health care, not restricting Constitutional rights.

You know if you shoot your kid then it is Assault by Firearm... That statistic doesn't differentiate between Criminal and Family Member.... Or yourself....
I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
I'd love to see your statistical data. Please include how owning a car compares to being killed by accidental shooting.

Example: Injury Facts Chart
Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 27
Intentional Self-harm 1 in 97
Unintentional Poisoning By and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 103

Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 113
Fall 1 in 133
Assault by Firearm 1 in 358
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 672
Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 948
Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,183
Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,454
Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,408
Pedacyclist Incident 1 in 4,337

Firearms Discharge 1 in 7,944
Air and Space Transport Incidents 1 in 9,737

If the lying Left was really interested in saving lives, they'd be advocating banning cars and improving mental health care, not restricting Constitutional rights.

You know if you shoot your kid then it is Assault by Firearm... That statistic doesn't differentiate between Criminal and Family Member.... Or yourself....
I don't see any stats, just your opinion.

I know the anti-gun Left prefers emotional rhetoric over facts, but here are more:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...

That stat is crap. Since my guns have ZERO chance of shooting anyone I know because I will not ever allow anyone to handle my guns and I sure as hell am not going to shoot my wife or anyone else I know.

And being prepared to defend yourself is not irrational it is the very definition of prudent
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