Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)
That stat is crap. Since my guns have ZERO chance of shooting anyone I know because I will not ever allow anyone to handle my guns and I sure as hell am not going to shoot my wife or anyone else I know.

And being prepared to defend yourself is not irrational it is the very definition of prudent

You'd think, that you would have a bit more brain cells than what prompted to write the above.....

FIRST, NO ONE is talking about taking ALL of your guns away.

SECOND, when you state to defend yourself, you should abandon paranoia and think of defending yourself from whom.....If its a robber, than a semi-automatic weapon is downright stupid and excessive.....and if you're talking about defending yourself from government armed forces......well, stick with your stupidity.
Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)
Translation: We need to ban guns all over the country to stop the violence in Chicago.

Unfortunately, like the "war on drugs" (and Prohibition before that), banning guns would only create a black market for guns. It would do nothing to stop the gang violence in Chicago (which is primarily drug related) and might actually increase the violence.
Translation: We need to ban guns all over the country to stop the violence in Chicago.

Unfortunately, like the "war on drugs" (and Prohibition before that), banning guns would only create a black market for guns. It would do nothing to stop the gang violence in Chicago (which is primarily drug related) and might actually increase the violence.

Asshole....did I state to ban ALL guns???....or did I repeatedly state to ban assault, military style weapons?
Why must you nitwits LIE to support your moronic stance?
Asshole....did I state to ban ALL guns???....or did I repeatedly state to ban assault, military style weapons?
Why must you nitwits LIE to support your moronic stance?
That time of the month, Ma'm?

First, do you know that most murders are committed by handguns? A ratio of about 20 handgun murders for every rifle murder (all rifles, not just the LW loony "assault weapon"). If LWers really gave a shit about reducing gun murders, they'd focus on handguns, not "scary-looking" semi-automatic rifles. Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Second, your insulting and overly emotional bullshit denial aside, your statement didn't say "assault, military style weapons", it said "guns":
Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)
OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)...

Stop spreading misinformation. And stop believing anything a liberal says. A liberal is the modern day Nazi. They spread propaganda for their oppressive agenda. Here are the facts about the Kellerman "study":

"The Kellermann study— - which did not look at any other defensive gun uses (for example, incidents where a gun was effective after merely being brandished) except those where someone was shot— - also compared the data on homicide victims with a so-called control group of similar individuals living within a mile of the victim. Researchers offered these folks ten dollars and then asked them whether they had guns and whether they had suffered any homicides. Unsurprisingly, researchers found that there were fewer homicides and fewer guns in the control group than in the other group. There was, in other words, a correlation between gun ownership and homicide.

Kellermann and his coauthors took this to imply that gun ownership causes more homicide. But, remember, the first group had specifically been chosen because a homicide had occurred. These were not randomly selected households. It is very likely that this group of homicide victims faced an increased risk of death compared to other similar people—which may very well be why they chose to have a gun at home in the first place.

Using this same logic, one could easily interview people who’ve been shot while wearing a bulletproof vest and conclude that these vests are very dangerous. Or you could interview people who died after calling 911 and conclude that calling the police often leads to death. These comparisons are idiotic— - you are selecting a group of people who are already at risk.”

Kellerman and his coauthors are medical doctors. So, for the fun of it, let's use their incredibly irresponsible method to "prove" that hospitals are dangerous places. To start, we'll collect data just as these researches did. We'll get a list of all the people who died in a particular county over the prier of one year, and then we'll ask their relatives about whether those people had been admitted to a hospital during the previous year. Next, we'll find people of similar demographic (age, sex, race, neighborhood, etc.) characteristics who are still alive and we'll ask them whether they'd been to a hospital over the last year. What do you think we might find? In all likelihood, we would expose a very strong correlation between the amount of time one spends in a hospital and the probability of subsequently dying. but would that be evidence that hospitals kill people or would it be evidence that you are a really stupid researcher"?

Excerpt From: Beck, Glenn. “Control.” Threshold Editions. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore: Control by Glenn Beck on iBooks
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.
hat time of the month, Ma'm?

First, do you know that most murders are committed by handguns? A ratio of about 20 handgun murders for every rifle murder (all rifles, not just the LW loony "assault weapon"). If LWers really gave a shit about reducing gun murders, they'd focus on handguns, not "scary-looking" semi-automatic rifles. Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Second, your insulting and overly emotional bullshit denial aside, your statement didn't say "assault, military style weapons", it said "guns":

Asshole.......TWO responses to your fucked up retort....

FIRST....lets put you in a corner....Had I stated (as I did repeatedly in other posts) ASSAULT RIFLES would then agree with THAT ban????? Yes or No?

SECOND.....It is PRECISELY the scope of this thread from the very FUCKING beginning if you morons would improve your reading comprehension......that we are talking about ASSAULT rifles.....Spewing your stats about hand guns does NOT address anything on the O/P scope's.....

Would assholes like you agree that if the Orlando shooter had a mere handgun he would not had shot and killed 49 people and injured another 102???

Just answer a simple YES or NO......or go play with yourself.
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard

You wanted to provide multiple excuses.
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard
Bingo, stupid!!! Even if the U.S. were to outlaw firearms, they would still be readily available. Provided on the black market. Just like cocaine. Just like heroin. Just like meth. Just like prostitution. Just like marijuana. Just like murder for hire.

Whatever is outlawed by the government, the black market supplies. So now that you admit that guns will be readily available to the criminals no matter what the laws are, it only makes sense that law abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves.

Thanks for playing, stupid. You lose.
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard
Bingo, stupid!!! Even if the U.S. were to outlaw firearms, they would still be readily available. Provided on the black market. Just like cocaine. Just like heroin. Just like meth. Just like prostitution. Just like marijuana. Just like murder for hire.

Whatever is outlawed by the government, the black market supplies. So now that you admit that guns will be readily available to the criminals no matter what the laws are, it only makes sense that law abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves.

Thanks for playing, stupid. You lose.

People like nat4900 are true morons. They say enacting strict gun control laws will reduce gun crimes then, when you point out that they don't in places like Chicago, they provide examples of how such laws don't work.
That stat is crap. Since my guns have ZERO chance of shooting anyone I know because I will not ever allow anyone to handle my guns and I sure as hell am not going to shoot my wife or anyone else I know.

And being prepared to defend yourself is not irrational it is the very definition of prudent

You'd think, that you would have a bit more brain cells than what prompted to write the above.....

FIRST, NO ONE is talking about taking ALL of your guns away.

SECOND, when you state to defend yourself, you should abandon paranoia and think of defending yourself from whom.....If its a robber, than a semi-automatic weapon is downright stupid and excessive.....and if you're talking about defending yourself from government armed forces......well, stick with your stupidity.

Where in that post did I say anything about anyone taking all my guns away?

You certainly didn't read that in any of my posts so it must be the voices in your head.

My CC weapon of choice is a Glock 29 Gen 4 .40 caliber handgun with a 10 round magazine or a 9mm with a 10 round magazine. When I carry you would never even know I was armed.


And I don't think carrying the same caliber handgun as a cop is excessive

In my home I prefer my Remington Versa MAx

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Yes, folks like yourself always try to justify mass shootings by finding "solace" in trying to forgive the shooter through your extensive knowledge of lethal weapons.......Heck, following your "logic" the shooter could have "legally" bought himself a bazooka to realize an even greater body count..

Maybe you don't know what the word "justified" means but quite the contrary...we're all done with "gun free zones" some animal a-rab can attack without fear of retaliation. And who's "forgiving" who when the DOJ releases a redacted version of the piece of shit's 911 calls omitting all references to who's name he supposedly did it in....the pervert allah...
I live in Australia, moron. And I'm saying your constitutional right is ancient, should be repealed and is a dumb arse idea that allows morons to have guns.

The only thing "ancient" is your extremely limited intellect. And because you live in Australia, we could give a shit what you think about the U.S. Constitution. In fact, we could give a shit what you think about anything. You don't live in the U.S., you weren't educated in U.S. history, you haven't made a single sacrifice or contribution to this country, and you don't understand anything about living here.

In short - you don't matter. At all. Find a Australian political site to annoy. Or are Australian's incapable of building websites?

You have no fucking idea what relationship I have with your country or what affect it has had on other places around the world. I've had American news, television programmes, culture shoved down my throat 24/7 for the best part of half a century. Your culture is very easy to understand. As is your history.

Why do all you right-wing loons have screen names with words like "Patriot" and "Eagle" yadda, aydda yadda? You think that makes your 'more' American? More like a jingoistic fuckwit.
American news, tv, etc plays so well in your Australian marketplace because your fellow country man likes them, not because we force you to watch them.
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
Millions of Americans are armed and most of them only shoot criminals and paper targets of criminals.
You have no fucking idea what relationship I have with your country

Sure I do. None. Absolutely none. You're an Aussie. Worry about your own shitty country. We'll handle the U.S.

I've had American news, television programmes, culture shoved down my throat 24/7 for the best part of half a century.

Um....no you haven't. If you can't figure out how to turn the channel or turn off your tv or radio then you certainly have not business weighing in on U.S. issues.

Why do all you right-wing loons have screen names with words like "Patriot" and "Eagle" yadda, aydda yadda? You think that makes your 'more' American? More like a jingoistic fuckwit.

What names should we have - "Dr Grump"? It's a political website stupid. It would seem obvious that politically related account names would make the most sense.
1000 a year with guns. Make it murder in general, many countries beat us. As for rape and assault being meaningless, mauve it is to you.

Here's the point I was tring to make but you were too dumb to get.

The UK counts rape differently than the US does. Therefore it's as meaningless as if one place counts red cars and the other counts Lamborghinis.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

We don't have strict gun laws in Chicago. The weak law we did have was struck down by the McDonald Decision in 2010.

Not to mention that the gun industry intentionally set up gun shops on the collar counties to circumvent the gun laws the city did have.

Okay Joe derp, rape is not murder. So you have it clear, here is the definition of murder per google.

  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms: killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre;More
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
    "somebody tried to murder Joe"
    synonyms: kill, put to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, eliminate, dispatch, butcher, slaughter, massacre, wipe out; More

That was pretty clear cut. This one is rape,

Definition of rape

  1. transitive verb
  2. 1a archaic : to seize and take away by forceb : despoil

  3. 2: to commit rape on
play\ˈrā-pist\ noun

That one is pretty clear cut to. So are you saying that rape a d murder are lumped together in Britten ? I know I should know by now considering you say the same shit in every thread before you bring it around to human fetuses being medical waste so please be clear before to jump to that one.

Anyway, murder is murder. Only diffrence between a shit hole in Europe and the shit hole where you live is what's used to commit the crime. So you know, thugs comminly aquire firearms in europe. They can even get better guns for killing across the pond then we can get here, they just tend to use them less because when they do it will end up on the world news.
Asshole.......TWO responses to your fucked up retort....
Ahh. Once again everyone can see your emotions rule your mind.

Let me know when reason reigns over your hormones. Maybe then we can have a civil and reasonable discussion.
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