Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Ahh. Once again everyone can see your emotions rule your mind.

Let me know when reason reigns over your hormones. Maybe then we can have a civil and reasonable discussion.

Actually, calling you an asshole is my mildest of rebukes.....I just have little tolerance for morons.
But you are wrong. The murder rate in the UK before the strictest guns laws were ever passed was virtually the same as it is now nearly 50 years later

The gun laws they had before that were also pretty strict. But you leave that part out.
Okay Joe derp, rape is not murder. So you have it clear, here is the definition of murder per google.

Exactly my point. The US only counts forceable rape as rape. The UK counts date rape, groping, indecent exposure and a lot of other things in their statistics. Also, because the UK actually investigates rapes, they resolve a lot more of them. (As opposed to the US, which has a backlog of 10,000 rape kits that haven't been tested even.
Because we don't.

We have 16000 murders a year, 11,000 of them with guns. Most other industrialized countries have less than 1000 a year.

Any discussion of "Rape" or "assaults' are kind of meaningless because how often these crimes are reported and what they count is usually different.

No great surprise. To Progressives, they don't even consider RAPE OR ASSAULT as a crime, to them, they are, in their word, MEANINGLESS. Indeed it does turn my stomach.
Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So you can show me a country with our kind of gun ownership that has a really low murder rate, then?

Didn't think so.

Nope, you can just point to a meaningless statistic like Rape where in the US, 70% o rapes are never reported.

I look forward to a link to your reliable source for that figure.
That whole liberal ideology of banning firearms sure is working out really well in Chicago... :eusa_doh:

Father's Day weekend in Chicago: 12 murders, 54 shootings - CNN.com

Again, Chicago hasn't had a firearms ban since 2010. And didn't have an effective one, ever.

Please show us your source and link to your claim that Chicago "HASN'T HAD A FIREARMS BAN SINCE 2010. What do you consider Chicago not having an effective ban prior to that date.
So now the murder rate is meaningless?
Well you better stop using it to support your BULLSHIT argument that gun laws lower murder rates

The Murder rates tells the story-

Gun bans- low murder rates.
Gun ownership- high murder rates.

Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?
It doesn't do any good to have strict laws when you can go into another state (in Chicago's case, it's Indiana) where they have very lax gun laws.

Lax Gun Laws in Indiana Fuel Violence in Chicago

Does Indiana have the same gun murder rate and shootings as they have in Chicago?
And yet, the violent crime rate is lower in the United States than in Australia. How is that possible?

"Banning" of certain guns will lead to fewer law abiding citizens having the guns and no change in the number of Islamic Terrorists and criminals having the guns. Sounds like a GREAT solution.

Not talking about violent crime. However, I do take issue with your stats. Post a link proving your point.

Talking gun deaths and gun culture. Every person I have ever met who has been punched in the head has lived to fight another day. Don't know anybody who has been shot in the head, but I'm guessing the vast majority end up on a slab...

Well, the US is armed to the teeth at the moment. A lot of those places where these mass shootings occur have CCW or even open carry. How well has that worked vis-a-vis the decline of mass shootings? Not much.

You're a hoot! To make your allegations work, you pretend that violent crimes, rape, assault, attempted murder, home invasions...don't count. That works for you and your morality? Really?

By the way, Pulse was a gun free zone. There was one armed guard outside the facility.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: Britain the most violent country in Europe and even worse than South Africa and U.S.
That stat is crap. Since my guns have ZERO chance of shooting anyone I know because I will not ever allow anyone to handle my guns and I sure as hell am not going to shoot my wife or anyone else I know.

And being prepared to defend yourself is not irrational it is the very definition of prudent

You'd think, that you would have a bit more brain cells than what prompted to write the above.....

FIRST, NO ONE is talking about taking ALL of your guns away.

SECOND, when you state to defend yourself, you should abandon paranoia and think of defending yourself from whom.....If its a robber, than a semi-automatic weapon is downright stupid and excessive.....and if you're talking about defending yourself from government armed forces......well, stick with your stupidity.

Sorry my friend, but it is none of your business about why I want a gun or what gun I want. None whatsoever.
The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard

Instead of Chicago or Detroit, how about New Orleans, Washington, D.C., St. Louis or Los Angeles?
It's not a zero sum game asshole. My freedom to keep and bear arms does not infringe on your freedoms in any capacity.

Congratulations - you wrote two sentences and managed to get half a dozen things wrong. You are a very special kind of stupid.

Of course it does. If you walk down the street with a gun in a holster a lot of people are going to feel uncomfortable. Why should they feel uncomfortable just say you can be a he-man? That's what half this gun shit is all about. Men walking around thinking they're the shit because they have a peashooter hanging from their waist. And don't give me that BS that that isn't the case for some of you. These dicks are on TV looking all earnest and grim and serious - like they're the defenders of the land and constitution. That get off on it. I know it and you know it.

I walk down the street carrying a gun an no one even knows it so how does that bother you?

Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I used to think the same way in all honestly, until I learned my lesson the hard way.

I was robbed and attacked by gun point walking home from high school one day when I was 17...in broad daylight....in a nice area of town. I swore to myself then and there that I would NEVER feel helpless and defenseless again.

If you don't feel comfortable carrying-that's fine, but don't sit there and tell me I shouldn't be allowed to carry because the odds of it are so slim-it happens everyday. When you're staring down the barrel of a gun that a criminal is holding-your opinion will change as well.

PS: Laws don't prevent criminals from going through with these barbaric acts. At Columbine the guns were purchased illegally, at Virginia Tech and Aurora movie theater shootings were "gun free zones".
Because you are carrying it to use sometime... Why do you have a problem with Iran getting a Nuke?
Have they ever used a Nuke before? Why does it bother you?

I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
I'd love to see your statistical data. Please include how owning a car compares to being killed by accidental shooting.

Example: Injury Facts Chart
Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 27
Intentional Self-harm 1 in 97
Unintentional Poisoning By and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 103

Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 113
Fall 1 in 133
Assault by Firearm 1 in 358
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 672
Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 948
Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,183
Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,454
Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,408
Pedacyclist Incident 1 in 4,337

Firearms Discharge 1 in 7,944
Air and Space Transport Incidents 1 in 9,737

If the lying Left was really interested in saving lives, they'd be advocating banning cars and improving mental health care, not restricting Constitutional rights.

You know if you shoot your kid then it is Assault by Firearm... That statistic doesn't differentiate between Criminal and Family Member.... Or yourself....
I don't see any stats, just your opinion.

I know the anti-gun Left prefers emotional rhetoric over facts, but here are more:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

If you keep your eyes closed all the time you won't see any thing

Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard
Bingo, stupid!!! Even if the U.S. were to outlaw firearms, they would still be readily available. Provided on the black market. Just like cocaine. Just like heroin. Just like meth. Just like prostitution. Just like marijuana. Just like murder for hire.

Whatever is outlawed by the government, the black market supplies. So now that you admit that guns will be readily available to the criminals no matter what the laws are, it only makes sense that law abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves.

Thanks for playing, stupid. You lose.

Who said out lawing all firearms...
If you keep your eyes closed all the time you won't see any thing

Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed

I already debunked the Kellerman Study that you blindly bought into. I can only imagine the flaws in this study. For instance - did the study differentiate between criminals carrying a gun on them and law abiding citizens carrying a gun on them? After all, people that are members of gangs or involved in the drug trade are highly likely to get shot - whether they are carrying a gun or not. But even this article proves you're spreading misinformation:

While it may be that the type of people who carry firearms are simply more likely to get shot, it may be that guns give a sense of empowerment that causes carriers to overreact in tense situations, or encourages them to visit neighbourhoods they probably shouldn’t, Branas speculates. Supporters of the Second Amendment shouldn’t worry that the right to bear arms is under threat, however. “We don’t have an answer as to whether guns are protective or perilous,” Branas says. “This study is a beginning.”

Also, if a gun makes you more likely to be shot, why to police officers and Secret Service agents carry them? :eusa_doh:
Strict gun control laws in Chicago and they still have high murder rates? What's your excuse?

Well, ask Trump to build a "beautiful" wall around Chicago, and the easy transportation of guns from places OUTSIDE of the city may stop and the murder rate will be mitigated from shootings to stabbings.....
(what a simplistic :ahole-1:)

I asked for an excuse and you provided one.

The bullshit about citing Chicago or Detroit has gotten stale......As an example, you can say to your kids absolutely NO DRUGS in this house.....but I know you can get them at any school yard
Bingo, stupid!!! Even if the U.S. were to outlaw firearms, they would still be readily available. Provided on the black market. Just like cocaine. Just like heroin. Just like meth. Just like prostitution. Just like marijuana. Just like murder for hire.

Whatever is outlawed by the government, the black market supplies. So now that you admit that guns will be readily available to the criminals no matter what the laws are, it only makes sense that law abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves.

Thanks for playing, stupid. You lose.

Who said out lawing all firearms...
Pretty much every liberal in America...
Or maybe you're just an asshole Adolf-Hitler wanna-be who is desperate to impose his will on the world? Because the last time I checked, the U.S. hasn't interfered in Australia. At all. So you have no excuse other than you're just an asshole who wants to get his nose in shit he knows nothing about.

Everytime Obama farts it affects us.
I know a lot more than you think I do.
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