Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

What a stupid "conclusion"......even for you, nitwit......

So, the reporter represents ALL liberals......and the fact that this reporter couldn't purchase a gun, YOUR moronic conclusion is ......? How difficult was it for Mateen to get a very deadly gun?
So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?

Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.
Just more evidence of why you shouldn't be here. You have no idea what you're talking about. Stick to the outback - g'day mate! :eusa_doh:
You can't even own a firearm junior. That's a basic fucking freedom. It's like telling someone they can't own a fork or a knife. It's like telling someone they can't own a drill or a hammer.

Of course I can own a firearm. There are just rules and regulations about how I get one (all of which I meet), and there are certain types I can't buy (as it should be). And only neocon whacko conservative Americans would compare owning a hammer to a firearm.
No - you can't junior. Your country disarmed it's cowardly citizens. And only an idiot Aussie libtard would think it's "whacko" to compare a gun to a hammer. Both are tools and both can and have been used to kill people. Oops! How stupid do you feel now?
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

So, the reporter represents ALL liberals......


You people are all exactly the same. A bunch of mindless nitwits minions who value ideology over reality. Unable to think for yourselves, you simply parrot whatever your libtard masters feed you. "Heil Hitler"! Allegiance to government in exchange for surrendering the rights that someone else died for.
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

......and the fact that this reporter couldn't purchase a gun, YOUR moronic conclusion is ......? How difficult was it for Mateen to get a very deadly gun?

Clearly gun dealers recognize that liberals - who have been waging a war on women for centuries and who routinely engage in despicable domestic violence - are more of a threat than muslims. :lol:
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

......and the fact that this reporter couldn't purchase a gun, YOUR moronic conclusion is ......? How difficult was it for Mateen to get a very deadly gun?

Clearly gun dealers recognize that liberals - who have been waging a war on women for centuries and who routinely engage in despicable domestic violence - are more of a threat than muslims. :lol:

Wasn't the Orlando terrorist a wife beater also??? How did he manage to get those guns???? LOL
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

......and the fact that this reporter couldn't purchase a gun, YOUR moronic conclusion is ......? How difficult was it for Mateen to get a very deadly gun?

Clearly gun dealers recognize that liberals - who have been waging a war on women for centuries and who routinely engage in despicable domestic violence - are more of a threat than muslims. :lol:

Wasn't the Orlando terrorist a wife beater also??? How did he manage to get those guns???? LOL
MAybe she never called the cops on him or maybe she never pressed charges. If so it's her fault he got a gun right?
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Liberal reporter goes to a gun store to show how "easy" it is and ends up getting denied because he has a history of domestic violence. Typical liberal - not only keeping the liberal War on Women raging but also proving his own false narrative is ignorant!

STEINBERG: Would-be terrorists can buy guns, but a reporter? No.

......and the fact that this reporter couldn't purchase a gun, YOUR moronic conclusion is ......? How difficult was it for Mateen to get a very deadly gun?

Clearly gun dealers recognize that liberals - who have been waging a war on women for centuries and who routinely engage in despicable domestic violence - are more of a threat than muslims. :lol:

Wasn't the Orlando terrorist a wife beater also??? How did he manage to get those guns???? LOL

Nope. At least, not officially. Not a single report filed with law enforcement. Just an ex-wife coming out after the massacre. Oops. Would you like to try again sweetie???
So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?

Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.

Ah, so you found a third way to be wrong. You realize I call myself a libertarian because ... I'm a libertarian. Too complicated for you, LOL. Not a rocket scientist in Australia, are you?
I have no plan to use my gun for anything other than self defense. I will not pull my gun to save you or anyone else (except my wife). If I see you getting beaten and robbed I will call 911 because as far as I'm concerned you chose to be defenseless and to count on the cops to protect you and I respect that choice

OK... But statistically that gun is more likely to shoot someone you or someone you know than an actual criminal (2.7 times more likely)... So you having a gun even though it makes you less safe would have me concerned with your rational. Since you have this gun in this place despite the statistics you must be therefore irrational...

So seeing an irrational with a gun does bother me... It bothers most people...
I'd love to see your statistical data. Please include how owning a car compares to being killed by accidental shooting.

Example: Injury Facts Chart
Heart Disease and Cancer 1 in 7
Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease 1 in 27
Intentional Self-harm 1 in 97
Unintentional Poisoning By and Exposure to Noxious Substances 1 in 103

Motor Vehicle Crash 1 in 113
Fall 1 in 133
Assault by Firearm 1 in 358
Pedestrian Incident 1 in 672
Motorcycle Rider Incident 1 in 948
Unintentional Drowning and Submersion 1 in 1,183
Exposure to Fire, Flames or Smoke 1 in 1,454
Choking from Inhalation and Ingestion of Food 1 in 3,408
Pedacyclist Incident 1 in 4,337

Firearms Discharge 1 in 7,944
Air and Space Transport Incidents 1 in 9,737

If the lying Left was really interested in saving lives, they'd be advocating banning cars and improving mental health care, not restricting Constitutional rights.

You know if you shoot your kid then it is Assault by Firearm... That statistic doesn't differentiate between Criminal and Family Member.... Or yourself....
I don't see any stats, just your opinion.

I know the anti-gun Left prefers emotional rhetoric over facts, but here are more:
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

If you keep your eyes closed all the time you won't see any thing

Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed
Agreed about keeping your eyes closed. That was my point. You're much more likely to be killed owning a car than a gun yet I've never seen a member of the Left advocate banning or restricting cars.

Regarding your link: It didn't specify lawful gun carriers. In Philadelphia, the study, no doubt, included unlawful gang-bangers. It didn't include race either. What race do you think the majority of those 677 shooters were....or is that too unPC for you?
You can't even own a firearm junior. That's a basic fucking freedom. It's like telling someone they can't own a fork or a knife. It's like telling someone they can't own a drill or a hammer.

Of course I can own a firearm. There are just rules and regulations about how I get one (all of which I meet), and there are certain types I can't buy (as it should be). And only neocon whacko conservative Americans would compare owning a hammer to a firearm.
No - you can't junior. Your country disarmed it's cowardly citizens. And only an idiot Aussie libtard would think it's "whacko" to compare a gun to a hammer. Both are tools and both can and have been used to kill people. Oops! How stupid do you feel now?
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Only 1800 of 16000 murders in the US are "gang related"... so, um, no. Most homicides are in fact domestic violence.

But the gun industry intentionally floods the market with criminal guns. Their whole business model is based on keeping people like you scared so you want more guns.
Why do you always lie and twist the truth? No wonder you were kicked out of the service.

Table 4

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

First, the murder rate isn't 16,000 and only about half of those are with firearms.

Second, given the data posted above, the ratio of "gang-related" deaths increases dramatically.
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Guns were designed to shoot pellets. Deal with it.

How a tool is used is determined by the user, not the tool. Deal with it.

Quit lying. It makes you look twisted, foolish and desperate.
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Guns were designed to shoot pellets. Deal with it.

How a tool is used is determined by the user, not the tool. Deal with it.

Quit lying. It makes you look twisted and foolish.
Designed to kill...


... deal with it.
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Guns were designed to shoot pellets. Deal with it.

How a tool is used is determined by the user, not the tool. Deal with it.

Quit lying. It makes you look twisted, foolish and desperate.

When the sick, twisted liberals can't think of any reason to shoot a projectile through the air except to kill someone, it does make you think we need gun ownership by liberals restricted, doesn't it? Killers frequently give indications of their intent, I think we should take them seriously
Well no one is as stupid as you as to compare a gun (a device designed to kill) with a hammer (a device designed to push a nail into a hard object). There were what, about 30,000 people in the U.S. last year who died by a gun. So tell me, rightwingnut.... how many people died by a hammer? :eusa_doh:
Why do you lie? The Biathlon is an Olympic sport. Are these guns designed to kill?

Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Guns were designed to shoot pellets. Deal with it.

How a tool is used is determined by the user, not the tool. Deal with it.

Quit lying. It makes you look twisted and foolish.
Designed to kill...


... deal with it.
You dodged my point and it's clear why you did. You also dodged the FBI statistics. Why?

Over 300 million guns in our country, yet only about 8,500 firearm murders per year, about 6,000 of those with handguns not "assault weapons".

The best way to reduce our national murder rate is to figure out why black males are murdering black males at a rate 8 times more than white males murdering white males.

Based on available data from 1980 to 2008—

 Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).

 Males represented 77% of homicide victims and nearly 90% of offenders. The victimization rate for males (11.6 per 100,000) was 3 times higher than the rate for females (3.4 per 100,000). Th e off ending rate for males (15.1 per 100,000) was almost 9 times higher than the rate for females (1.7 per 100,000).

 Approximately a third (34%) of murder victims and almost half (49%) of the offenders were under age 25. For both victims and offenders, the rate per 100,000 peaked in the 18 to 24 year-old age group at 17.1 victims per 100,000 and 29.3 offenders per 100,000.
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