Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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They have been lucky.....France doesn't have a lot of them either....until they did.....they have complete bans on fully automatic weapons, and they have terrorist watch lists....

terrorists on their watch lists got fully automatic rifles and murdered 140 people...their gun control laws and complete ban on guns did not stop it.....

Yes, that's what happens when you go to war. The enemy actually fights back. I know, it's amazing that you guys are so clueless on this.

still not a good reason to let anyone buy a gun.
Again....Virginia passed a law that allows carrying guns in bars......and their bar crime rate as recorded by their state police, went down 5.9%....and if a place has a bar inside their restuarant ......what keeps someone from getting drunk and shooting people? Your arguments have no merit.....

And posting of the sign......only works when people decide to obey it....if someone is willing to break the law, they are going to drink with their gun on their hip anyway.........the criminals don't care about the law......

You guys have nothing.....your arguments are foolish, your arguments show you know nothing about the topic....and then you start talking about men's sex organs.......

Oh, Dick Tiny, you see, the BAR OWNERS don't want you coming in with your gun. Now, you are probably doing it anyway, because you feel "small" without it, but the reality is, if they didn't put those signs up and they had an incident, they could be sued.

Which is why most of them do when some state legislature bends over for the NRA and passes stupid laws.
What we need to do...what actual research into mass shooters show....we need to end gun free zones and allow normal, law abiding gun owners to carry their guns....

Why? law abiding gun owners NEVER stop these things. And don't give me the tired story about the Uber Driver who shot a gang-banger once. The fact is, these "active shooter" incidents are over before anyone even figures out what is going on.

If a SWAT team had a hard time taking Omar the Homo Jihadist out, you aren't going to.
So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?

Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.

Ah, so you found a third way to be wrong. You realize I call myself a libertarian because ... I'm a libertarian. Too complicated for you, LOL. Not a rocket scientist in Australia, are you?

Yeah, it's easy to be a libertarian. You'll never have the reigns of power, so you can just bitch and moan on the sidelines because you represent nothing more than a peripheral ideology. But you can sit back and pat yourself on the back because you're fighting the good fight.

they're not even real libertarians. they're pretend libertarians who hate gubmint and whine every time they have to live by rules they don't like. but they love rules that infringe on people's most personal decision making.

Yet I stump you every time with one simple question, for example ...
They don't

So France didn't just have multiple mass shootings in one night?

Yes, one time from a highly organized terrorist ring with foreign backing.

As opposed to us all the time from guys acting on their own that everyone knew were crazy but they were able to buy guns, anyway.
all the time right.

less than 1% of all murders happen in mass shootings and fists kill more people than all rifles combined every year
Of course it doesn't. It's simply a screen name. The fact that you are so obsessed with it and that it means so much to you is equal parts bizarre and comical. You might want to seek out some therapy my friend.

Pointing something out is not being obsessed. it's just pointing it out. Nothing more, nothing less.

And yet your dumb ass keeps coming back to a US website every day. Not New Zealand. Not France. Not Germany. For a system that is so bad, one has to wonder why your sad and pathetic ass is obsessed with the U.S. Hell, you even admit to watching U.S. television around the clock. Clearly those other political systems aren't able to facilitate all of the great products and entertainment that the U.S. system does. You're so dumb, you defeat your own argument. :eusa_doh:

You're so dumb you're not making sense. You're trying to tie things together that are unrelated.
So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?

Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.

Ah, so you found a third way to be wrong. You realize I call myself a libertarian because ... I'm a libertarian. Too complicated for you, LOL. Not a rocket scientist in Australia, are you?

Yeah, it's easy to be a libertarian. You'll never have the reigns of power, so you can just bitch and moan on the sidelines because you represent nothing more than a peripheral ideology. But you can sit back and pat yourself on the back because you're fighting the good fight.

they're not even real libertarians. they're pretend libertarians who hate gubmint and whine every time they have to live by rules they don't like. but they love rules that infringe on people's most personal decision making.

Yet I stump you every time with one simple question, for example ...

only in your delusional little world.

i can't help it if you're too stupid to take seriously. *Shrug*
If I'm not going to be perfectly safe, why do you DEMAND I surrender my firearm that has never harmed a soul? Seems an action without a point, if I'm not going to be perfectly safe in the world you're trying to create.

If you can't guarantee my safety, then you should leave me to my own devices so I can protect myself.

Of course, you live in Australia, so you really don't know what it's like to be a citizen. You're a subject to your government and probably believe you only have the rights that government gives you.

Because I don't trust you. I don't know that one day you might come home all pissed off and decide to go postal. Why should my freedoms and rights be held hostage by people (the vast majority who are men) who get a big hard-on when they hold their peashooter in their hands.

I note you will be the third person in this thread alone who I've asked to prove how more freer you are than me. I reiterate I've got more freedoms than you'll ever have.
With all the gyrations this fellow goes through, he still comes up with a violent crime rate far higher than the United States. He's an unknown writer, writing his own blog as a Libertarian with no sources. None the less, here are HIS "facts".


Unlike your link from the Daily Mail, a British rag akin to that great Fourth Estate publication The National Enquirer. It doesn't matter who he is, or what he is, only if he is correct or not. I'm a nobody - but I'm telling you as fact that Washington DC is the capital of the United State of America. Am I wrong because I'm not somebody?

As to your cut and paste from his piece, you are cherry-picking. Also from his article (my bold):

It’s impossible to know exactly how many of the assaults occasioning ABH would be considered aggravated under the US definition, but if we were to arbitrarily excluded half of them, the rate would fall to about 591 violent crimes per 100,000, and if we excluded all of them it would be 271. Considering how differently crime is treated and defined in the two countries, it’s not possible to parse the data any further, in my opinion. My point was simply to show how incredibly wrong it is to make comparisons of two rates that are measuring fundamentally different crimes.
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...
Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.

Ah, so you found a third way to be wrong. You realize I call myself a libertarian because ... I'm a libertarian. Too complicated for you, LOL. Not a rocket scientist in Australia, are you?

Yeah, it's easy to be a libertarian. You'll never have the reigns of power, so you can just bitch and moan on the sidelines because you represent nothing more than a peripheral ideology. But you can sit back and pat yourself on the back because you're fighting the good fight.

they're not even real libertarians. they're pretend libertarians who hate gubmint and whine every time they have to live by rules they don't like. but they love rules that infringe on people's most personal decision making.

Yet I stump you every time with one simple question, for example ...

only in your delusional little world.

i can't help it if you're too stupid to take seriously. *Shrug*

You say I'm not libertarian, you can't produce an example, and that's because I'm stupid? LOL, you actually think that too, don't you boy toy? Well, you were before your looks went ...
I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Hey cool. You being an asshole is your idea of "let's focus on the discussion". LMAO.

Carry on with your in-depth analysis of shit you don't know. It's so entertaining. Sometimes.
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Do you really believe a ban on any firearm would stop savages from killing?

Remember OKC and not one firearm was used when Tim McVeigh attacked that city...

If someone want to kill they will use whatever they want to use and the firearm is just one of many weapons that could be used in a terrorist attack...

Making bombs is illegal. Why give them a legal means for mass killing?

I can make a bomb out of stuff at the hardware store, no background check required. Damn you're stupid.

And you probably need to look up how to do it. Which may alert the FBI. You also might just blow your stupid self up. Or the bomb won't go off cause you messed up. Most importantly, making bombs is illegal. You choose to legally well arm killers.
I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Hey cool. You being an asshole is your idea of "let's focus on the discussion". LMAO.

Carry on with your in-depth analysis of shit you don't know. It's so entertaining. Sometimes.

Liberals crack me up, when the liberal says shit to me, that's cool, but if I respond in kind, you chastise me. Take your hand out of each other's pants ...
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:


Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:

I couldn't make up the stupid that you actually are. I respond with sarcasm to your sarcasm, and you think it's serious! Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:


Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:

I couldn't make up the stupid that you actually are. I respond with sarcasm to your sarcasm, and you think it's serious! Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

I don't even know where to start. I'm getting dumber with every post of yours I read. I'll stop now before I become a gibbering idiot....
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