Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:


Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:

I couldn't make up the stupid that you actually are. I respond with sarcasm to your sarcasm, and you think it's serious! Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

I don't even know where to start. I'm getting dumber with every post of yours I read. I'll stop now before I become a gibbering idiot....

You pretty well started there and have stayed there throughout. Remember how you started with that libertarians are neocons when we are not only not big spenders but we want to slash budgets and we oppose all the wars not for defense? That was classic stupid. You expected an intelligent conversation from there?

But your last one was the classic. You get sarcasm back to your sarcasm and you're like OMG, you took me seriously!


I'm still laughing ...
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:


Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:

I couldn't make up the stupid that you actually are. I respond with sarcasm to your sarcasm, and you think it's serious! Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

you are totally oblivious to just how stupid you are, aren't you? it's so sad.... yet cute in a pathetic sort of way. *Shakes head*
Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again

I'm not even calmed up mate..;o)


You don't even get it. What a dumb ass. It was sarcasm. Read the post I was responding to.

I appreciate your concern for how I feel, gay boy. If I want to hold hand with someone and talk about my feelings, you'll be the first to know. Don't hold your breath. In the mean time, let's focus on the discussion.

Just so you know, you'd fit in better in men's locker rooms if you stop acting like a chick. My God, what a fag ...

Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:


Oh, my god <holds head in hands> What do you think I was being? Serious?

Some people are born dumb, others have dumbness thrust upon them. And in your case, you appear to have embraced it with both hands. Well done! :clap:

I couldn't make up the stupid that you actually are. I respond with sarcasm to your sarcasm, and you think it's serious! Have you had your IQ tested to see if you have one?

you are totally oblivious to just how stupid you are, aren't you? it's so sad.... yet cute in a pathetic sort of way. *Shakes head*

Deflection, you know libertarians want government that's in our interest, but it's out of your stupidity, not any understanding of anything. So instead of giving me examples, you just insult me being the dim witted bimbo that you are. So how do libertarians want government that is just in our own interest? You just mean because we don't want to give you cash to replace your, let's go with "boyfriends" since your looks went?

Isn't it ironic that men used to shovel out cash to have sex with you, and now we'd shovel out cash to not have sex with you?
And we let pilots carry guns.....you forgot that one genius.......

And the thing we need to do today....to stop mass shooters.....get rid of stupid gun free zones...the only thing known that will send a mass shooter somewhere else.....

Yes, because discharging a weapon in a pressurized tube at 6000 feet is a brilliant idea!

Guy, "Gun free zones" are figment of your imagination. We don't let people bring guns into bars because drunks don't show really good judgement.

Hey genius....they have fucking air marshals with guns ....twit.

40 states allow people to carry guns into places that serve alcohol twit....and Virginia passed concealed carry in bars.....and their bar crime rate dropped 5.9%....nothing you believe about guns is true, and nothing you believe about gun owners is true........you just talk out of your ass.....
You must know by now that you are arguing with nitwits. Stupid statist Joey and Silly Jilly are dupes for big government. Whatever the lying MSM tells them, they believe.

Yeah....but each time it puts out the truth....and it allows me to refine how I present my arguments.....like hitting a sand bag when you are a boxer....and the lefties are less intelligent than the sand bag....
So true.

Sadly, when the MSM promotes the narrative of the anti gunners 10-1, dupes like Statist Joey and Silly Jilly are not smart enough to overcome the propaganda.

I do very much appreciate reading your informed posts.

Thank you. I appreciate the kind words......you know.....if any of my links interest you you are more than welcome to use them.....
They don't

So France didn't just have multiple mass shootings in one night?

Yes, one time from a highly organized terrorist ring with foreign backing.

As opposed to us all the time from guys acting on their own that everyone knew were crazy but they were able to buy guns, anyway.

As you know, because you have seen the links and quotes I have posted over and over again in response to your lies.....criminals and terrorists in France can get fully automatic rifles easily...as European law enforcement stated in article after article that I have posted in the past...not just terrorists, but street level criminals.......I have posted those stories too....

And to remind everyone....France has every single gun control law that joe wants.....they have banned every single gun that joe wants banned.....you cannot buy a rifle or even a fully automatic rifle in France...they dont' have gun shows ,they don't have gun stores...those rifles are completely illegal for everyone....

And terrorists...already known to the French anti terror units....on official government, anti terror watch lists....got fully automatic weapons and explosives with the magazines that joe and brain hate.......easily....enough to arm an entire team of shooters......

And they murdered 140 people...

We have 8 million of those rifles in this country....and in 34 years they have killed a total of 149 people in mass shootings.... 34 years.....with normal, law abiding citizens owning and buying 8 million of these rifles........

Knives in 2014 murdered 1,567 people...and each year kill over 1,000 people....

Do any of the people reading this post recognize what those number actually mean? The utter nonsense that it shows when it concerns the anti gun movement and it's fixation on rifles in this country.....and the foolish calls for banning rifles and making the owners of 8 million rifles, who have never used their rifles to commit a crime......making them felons over night........if they don't turn in their rifles...because that is what an assault weapon ban would be......
Again....Virginia passed a law that allows carrying guns in bars......and their bar crime rate as recorded by their state police, went down 5.9%....and if a place has a bar inside their restuarant ......what keeps someone from getting drunk and shooting people? Your arguments have no merit.....

And posting of the sign......only works when people decide to obey it....if someone is willing to break the law, they are going to drink with their gun on their hip anyway.........the criminals don't care about the law......

You guys have nothing.....your arguments are foolish, your arguments show you know nothing about the topic....and then you start talking about men's sex organs.......

Oh, Dick Tiny, you see, the BAR OWNERS don't want you coming in with your gun. Now, you are probably doing it anyway, because you feel "small" without it, but the reality is, if they didn't put those signs up and they had an incident, they could be sued.

Which is why most of them do when some state legislature bends over for the NRA and passes stupid laws.

Joe....I get it...your blow up doll refused to have sex with you again....and we have discussed this...it is a doll....made out of rubber or plastic...it cannot deny your awkward, clumsy, sexual advances......it is an inanimate object...if you want to have sex with it...just have sex with it....maybe then you could get away from your destructive, sexual fixation on guns and other men's sex organs............

Please...get help.
What we need to do...what actual research into mass shooters show....we need to end gun free zones and allow normal, law abiding gun owners to carry their guns....

Why? law abiding gun owners NEVER stop these things. And don't give me the tired story about the Uber Driver who shot a gang-banger once. The fact is, these "active shooter" incidents are over before anyone even figures out what is going on.

If a SWAT team had a hard time taking Omar the Homo Jihadist out, you aren't going to.

Joe....you are lying again.....you have been show articles time and again of law abiding people, not cops, not military, stopping mass shootings when they are actually permitted to carry guns......you have seen them and you just now lied about it....in fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

The Uber driver shot a man who started firing into a crowd.....moron.....and the reason the mass public shooting incidents are over is because the Pastor, the Uber driver and the Psychiatrist stopped them....

So when you say they are never stopped...and you have actually been shown the stories over and over.....it reveals, in your post...that you are a liar.

And the Orlando shooter...targeted a gun free zone......

Nothing you say about guns or gun owners in this country is true or factual joe.....
After Orlando, Lefties have a tough choice to make.....

How exactly are they going to shop Radical Islamic Extremists MOR LOVE?

Give 'em a hug?
Ramadan Cards?
Gift Cards?
A 'Cross the Border For Free' Card?

What we need to do...what actual research into mass shooters show....we need to end gun free zones and allow normal, law abiding gun owners to carry their guns....

Why? law abiding gun owners NEVER stop these things. And don't give me the tired story about the Uber Driver who shot a gang-banger once. The fact is, these "active shooter" incidents are over before anyone even figures out what is going on.

If a SWAT team had a hard time taking Omar the Homo Jihadist out, you aren't going to.

Joe....you are lying again.....you have been show articles time and again of law abiding people, not cops, not military, stopping mass shootings when they are actually permitted to carry guns......you have seen them and you just now lied about it....in fact, I gave you articles about a Pastor of a church, an Uber driver in Chicago, and a Psychiatrist in his hospital office....all of whom stopped mass shooters.....

And that isn't even all of them....

The Uber driver shot a man who started firing into a crowd.....moron.....and the reason the mass public shooting incidents are over is because the Pastor, the Uber driver and the Psychiatrist stopped them....

So when you say they are never stopped...and you have actually been shown the stories over and over.....it reveals, in your post...that you are a liar.

And the Orlando shooter...targeted a gun free zone......

Nothing you say about guns or gun owners in this country is true or factual joe.....
It is clear the truth does not matter to Joe. He believes in fairy tales and no amount of facts and truth will sway him.

He is either a DNC plant or a complete nut job.
I have every right to be here.

No, really, you don't. This is USMB which stands for United States Message Board. And you are not a US citizen. Maybe you thought US stood for "us"? :lmao:

if you have problem with people on a public message board who preceded you to this site, you should probably go elsewhere.
Again....what does time have to do with anything. That is an astoundingly weak argument counselor.

Plus....wouldn't you miss me? I thought we were dear friends? See what your very evil ideology does to you? It makes you turn on friends!
they're not even real libertarians. they're pretend libertarians who hate gubmint and whine every time they have to live by rules they don't like. but they love rules that infringe on people's most personal decision making.

They want government that's small enough to fit in a lady's uterus.

Of course it doesn't. It's simply a screen name. The fact that you are so obsessed with it and that it means so much to you is equal parts bizarre and comical. You might want to seek out some therapy my friend.

Pointing something out is not being obsessed. it's just pointing it out. Nothing more, nothing less.
When you point out something which is completely irrelevant over and over and over - it's called obsession. The fact that account names bother you so much is an indication of your mental instability.
I have every right to be here.

No, really, you don't. This is USMB which stands for United States Message Board. And you are not a US citizen. Maybe you thought US stood for "us"? :lmao:

if you have problem with people on a public message board who preceded you to this site, you should probably go elsewhere.
Again....what does time have to do with anything. That is an astoundingly weak argument counselor.

Plus....wouldn't you miss me? I thought we were dear friends? See what your very evil ideology does to you? It makes you turn on friends!
Silly Jilly and I were long lost lovers, until she found out I own a gun..then she dumped me unceremoniously...and all I owned back then was a .22.

She's got issues.
And yet your dumb ass keeps coming back to a US website every day. Not New Zealand. Not France. Not Germany. For a system that is so bad, one has to wonder why your sad and pathetic ass is obsessed with the U.S. Hell, you even admit to watching U.S. television around the clock. Clearly those other political systems aren't able to facilitate all of the great products and entertainment that the U.S. system does. You're so dumb, you defeat your own argument. :eusa_doh:

You're so dumb you're not making sense. You're trying to tie things together that are unrelated.
Hahhahahaha!!! Clearly you just lost the argument. I love when libtards just give up and say stupid shit like "you're dumb!" like a small child at a playground.

I made perfect sense. You claim all of these other political systems are so much better than the U.S. yet you are obsessed with the U.S. You frequent U.S. political websites. You watch U.S. tv (according to you). As I previously stated, clearly those other political systems aren't able to facilitate all of the great products and entertainment that the U.S. system does. You're so dumb, you defeat your own argument.

So either you are lying about other systems being better or you are an idiot for not realizing that your actions defeat your own claims. So which is it junior?
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Do you really believe a ban on any firearm would stop savages from killing?

Remember OKC and not one firearm was used when Tim McVeigh attacked that city...

If someone want to kill they will use whatever they want to use and the firearm is just one of many weapons that could be used in a terrorist attack...

Making bombs is illegal. Why give them a legal means for mass killing?

I can make a bomb out of stuff at the hardware store, no background check required. Damn you're stupid.

And you probably need to look up how to do it. Which may alert the FBI. You also might just blow your stupid self up. Or the bomb won't go off cause you messed up. Most importantly, making bombs is illegal. You choose to legally well arm killers.

Most importantly, making bombs is illegal.

You still not grasping the subject matter here, are ya? Killing people is also "illegal", seems terrorist and criminals just don't seem to care much about the law. Evidently you regressive are no better than terrorist and criminals, you have no problem denying citizens 4 primary constitutional rights. So take your tyrannical BS and shove it, you just became a terrorist.
Right wingers.....especially on this forum......Your choice is both simple and a tough one to make.

Either you continue to adamantly support the sale of assault weapons to maniacs....weapons whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time...........OR

You employ some sanity and abandon this moronic notion that NO weapon should be outlawed so that you can "idealize' some stupid scenario that you must defend yourself from government troops......

If you have a conscience (and since most of you call yourselves "good Christians") you have a choice to make....Be tacitly complicit in mass murders....or change your attitude toward the sale of such lethal weapons,

Do you really believe a ban on any firearm would stop savages from killing?

Remember OKC and not one firearm was used when Tim McVeigh attacked that city...

If someone want to kill they will use whatever they want to use and the firearm is just one of many weapons that could be used in a terrorist attack...

Making bombs is illegal. Why give them a legal means for mass killing?

I can make a bomb out of stuff at the hardware store, no background check required. Damn you're stupid.

And you probably need to look up how to do it. Which may alert the FBI. You also might just blow your stupid self up. Or the bomb won't go off cause you messed up. Most importantly, making bombs is illegal. You choose to legally well arm killers.

Most importantly, making bombs is illegal.

You still not grasping the subject matter here, are ya? Killing people is also "illegal", seems terrorist and criminals just don't seem to care much about the law. Evidently you regressive are no better than terrorist and criminals, you have no problem denying citizens 4 primary constitutional rights. So take your tyrannical BS and shove it, you just became a terrorist.
And you choose to make it as easy as possible to buy weapons for mass killing. The terrorists love republicans.
Silly Jilly and I were long lost lovers, until she found out I own a gun..then she dumped me unceremoniously...and all I owned back then was a .22.

She's got issues.

Ever meet a liberal that didn't? I'm surprised most of them aren't suicidal when you see their mental breakdown and detachment from reality. They insist on socialism but hoard their own wealth like greedy little Scrooge's (hypocrites). They insist on government controlling people like dictators, except for them of course. They are violent (just asking anyone trying to attend a Trump rally). And the truth sends them into an uncontrollable rage.
Except that those aren't U.S. citizens. Therefore, they have no rights. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document you dope. :eusa_doh:

I can't believe liberals need basic civics explained to them. Did all of them drop out of high school in the 10th grade?!?
Do you really believe a ban on any firearm would stop savages from killing?

Remember OKC and not one firearm was used when Tim McVeigh attacked that city...

If someone want to kill they will use whatever they want to use and the firearm is just one of many weapons that could be used in a terrorist attack...

Making bombs is illegal. Why give them a legal means for mass killing?

I can make a bomb out of stuff at the hardware store, no background check required. Damn you're stupid.

And you probably need to look up how to do it. Which may alert the FBI. You also might just blow your stupid self up. Or the bomb won't go off cause you messed up. Most importantly, making bombs is illegal. You choose to legally well arm killers.

Most importantly, making bombs is illegal.

You still not grasping the subject matter here, are ya? Killing people is also "illegal", seems terrorist and criminals just don't seem to care much about the law. Evidently you regressive are no better than terrorist and criminals, you have no problem denying citizens 4 primary constitutional rights. So take your tyrannical BS and shove it, you just became a terrorist.
And you choose to make it as easy as possible to buy weapons for mass killing. The terrorists love republicans.

Hey dumb ass, if they're terrorist, take them to court, convict them and they lose their right to buy guns. See how simple it is? It's also how the Constitution says you have to do it, and short of that, the Constitution says they keep all their rights, including their right to fly.
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