Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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And how did the Nazi's control the masses? They took away their guns and their rights. And they had the masses depend on the Government to regulate everything It was no longer the individual - It was the COLLECTIVE - GEE, remind you of something?

You dimwitted right wingers are so fucking scared all the time that black helicopters are going to swoop down, disarm you and send you to "re-education camps".....Terrible way to live just clinging to your precious guns.....Try clinging to a book every once in a while.
Not really, but I agree comparing the two is dumb. Thing is, we american as are not typically slaves to the whims of our govrenment and we know the fucktards in our govrenment dont care and can not protect us. Our self defence is our responsibility. This is one of the reasons for our second amendment.

We are not slaves either. If I was to choose between the Constitutional Republic political system of the US and the Constitutional Monarchy system of NZ I'd pick the latter every time. Ditto the French, Australian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Swiss systems. Why? Much more freedoms...much more...

To true, but I know or have known a few folks who liked ours better. It's all who you are I guess. The reason I like it , especially where my safety comes to mind, our govrenment is upfront with the fact that our personal safety is our responsibility. The job of the police is to respond to crime, not prevent. Where I live it takes the police 20 minuts on a good day to respond. Not because they are bad, but because I live so far out. We know our basic first aid because we know we are driving our selves to the ER. We own guns to kill the stupid wild hogs that rip up all the rice fields. We also own them to kill the stupid tweakers who cook meth across the tracks when they get uppity. As for my buds from the out of the US, most came because they can roll out of bed and make money. Not so much guns.
And how did the Nazi's control the masses? They took away their guns and their rights. And they had the masses depend on the Government to regulate everything It was no longer the individual - It was the COLLECTIVE - GEE, remind you of something?

You dimwitted right wingers are so fucking scared all the time that black helicopters are going to swoop down, disarm you and send you to "re-education camps".....Terrible way to live just clinging to your precious guns.....Try clinging to a book every once in a while.

Yes we know you hate anything that is not far left, but will support worse than Bush every chance you get..

The Day 'Due Process' Died: Obama, Holder and the End of Rights
And how did the Nazi's control the masses? They took away their guns and their rights. And they had the masses depend on the Government to regulate everything It was no longer the individual - It was the COLLECTIVE - GEE, remind you of something?

You dimwitted right wingers are so fucking scared all the time that black helicopters are going to swoop down, disarm you and send you to "re-education camps".....Terrible way to live just clinging to your precious guns.....Try clinging to a book every once in a while.

Do. Read books about black heli's and guns.
Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.

Hey asshole.....a terrorist passed more than simple fucking scrutiny...he not only passed your stupid background check to buy his guns...he passed a background check for work and passed 3 inter views with the FBI, a 10 month full investigation by the FBI and an undercover operation against him.......

So please...these magic things you call background checks...are as effective as sprinkling pixie dust to stop terrorists from getting guns...

Just ask the French.....
Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.

Hey asshole.....a terrorist passed more than simple fucking scrutiny...he not only passed your stupid background check to buy his guns...he passed a background check for work and passed 3 inter views with the FBI, a 10 month full investigation by the FBI and an undercover operation against him.......

So please...these magic things you call background checks...are as effective as sprinkling pixie dust to stop terrorists from getting guns...

Just ask the French.....

Why aren't the backround check stopping all those hoodrats in the neighborhoods where Joe lives from killing eachother? Hell, I may be wrong, but I think you have to wait 24 hours before you can take possession of a firearm after you pass the backround check. So the checks in his state are more stringent then others, yet the violin crime committed with guns would give Afghanistan a run for its money.
Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.

Hey asshole.....a terrorist passed more than simple fucking scrutiny...he not only passed your stupid background check to buy his guns...he passed a background check for work and passed 3 inter views with the FBI, a 10 month full investigation by the FBI and an undercover operation against him.......

So please...these magic things you call background checks...are as effective as sprinkling pixie dust to stop terrorists from getting guns...

Just ask the French.....

Why aren't the backround check stopping all those hoodrats in the neighborhoods where Joe lives from killing eachother? Hell, I may be wrong, but I think you have to wait 24 hours before you can take possession of a firearm after you pass the backround check. So the checks in his state are more stringent then others, yet the violin crime committed with guns would give Afghanistan a run for its money.

That is because they don't care about background checks....joe and his asshole gun grabber buddies know they don't stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns....

Why are they so set on universal background checks if they are as easily gotten around as current, federally mandated background checks/

Because they allow them to call for universal gun registration after the new background checks fail to stop crime and mass shooting.....that is the only thing they want...they need to know who has the guns so when they finally get the political power..they can ban some or all guns and eventually confiscate them like Britain, Germany and Australia did....
What IS failed to be discussed is the existence of an extreme religious group that uses firearms as an extension of their views, justified by a particular faith. This is the real issue and truth that this administration and liberals choose not to go into, they will sugar coat it or merely sweep it under the rug in "political correctness" because it's an issue not worth mentioning for fear of bringing offense to a particular group of people.

Well, no, religion is not the problem.

Yes, youve had some crazy people involved in mass shootings. We've had hundreds of mass shooting incidents, a handful of which involved "Muslims". We've also had ones that invovled Christians and atheists.

But the usual root cause is we find out that everyone in that person's life knew they were nuts. But they were able to get a gun, anyway.

It really doesn't matter if Mateen killed these people for Jihad or because his Puerto Rican boyfriend dumped him. he was nuts, and able to get a gun. That's the problem.

The behavior view of the extremist behind the gun IS the real issue. Exactly what effect would gun laws have "specifically" in preventing a group of religious zealots from using commercial airliners to destroy the World Trade Center resulting in those thousands of lives being killed for their religious cause? Your pursuit of the tightest gun regulations will not stop a terrorist, nor keep guns out of their hands if they are determined in possessing them.
What IS failed to be discussed is the existence of an extreme religious group that uses firearms as an extension of their views, justified by a particular faith. This is the real issue and truth that this administration and liberals choose not to go into, they will sugar coat it or merely sweep it under the rug in "political correctness" because it's an issue not worth mentioning for fear of bringing offense to a particular group of people.

Well, no, religion is not the problem.

Yes, youve had some crazy people involved in mass shootings. We've had hundreds of mass shooting incidents, a handful of which involved "Muslims". We've also had ones that invovled Christians and atheists.

But the usual root cause is we find out that everyone in that person's life knew they were nuts. But they were able to get a gun, anyway.

It really doesn't matter if Mateen killed these people for Jihad or because his Puerto Rican boyfriend dumped him. he was nuts, and able to get a gun. That's the problem.

The behavior view of the extremist behind the gun IS the real issue. Exactly what effect would gun laws have "specifically" in preventing a group of religious zealots from using commercial airliners to destroy the World Trade Center resulting in those thousands of lives being killed for their religious cause? Your pursuit of the tightest gun regulations will not stop a terrorist, nor keep guns out of their hands if they are determined in possessing them.

It would drive them to getting better guns for killing people to. Cuba would pump ass loads of full auto AK's into the US, and Mexico would be there to sell the guns that most Americans wont.
Do. Read books about black heli's and guns.

...and it SHOWS.!!!!

Ya, Alex Jones is a big oldfat ass gawed, BUT, Guns and Bibles don't make one dumb. Being passionate about the 2nd or whatever. Truth be told, most who do the stuff you claim are on the left. They sit at Starbucks and peck a keyboard and listen to NPR all day and Coast To Coast AM all night after petule oil scented bath.

I may spell bad, but I'll tell you truthfully, if you knew what I did for a living and the resorces I had at my fingertips that would scare anyone more than my love of Bibles and guns.
Gun laws do not lower murder rates but they do seem to increase the likelihood of violent crime since the criminals know their victims are more likely to be defenseless

So you can show me a country with our kind of gun ownership that has a really low murder rate, then?

Didn't think so.

Nope, you can just point to a meaningless statistic like Rape where in the US, 70% o rapes are never reported.

You're a hoot! To make your allegations work, you pretend that violent crimes, rape, assault, attempted murder, home invasions...don't count. That works for you and your morality? Really?

By the way, Pulse was a gun free zone. There was one armed guard outside the facility.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.
By James Slack
UPDATED:18:14 EST, 2 July 2009

Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.

Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries.

The figures comes on the day new Home Secretary Alan Johnson makes his first major speech on crime, promising to be tough on loutish behaviour.


The U.S. has a violence rate of 466 crimes per 100,000 residents, Canada 935, Australia 920 and South Africa 1,609.

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said: 'This is a damning indictment of this government's comprehensive failure over more than a decade to tackle the deep rooted social problems in our society, and the knock on effect on crime and anti-social behaviour.

Read more: Britain the most violent country in Europe and even worse than South Africa and U.S.

By the Numbers: Is the UK really 5 times more violent than the US?

With all the gyrations this fellow goes through, he still comes up with a violent crime rate far higher than the United States. He's an unknown writer, writing his own blog as a Libertarian with no sources. None the less, here are HIS "facts".

Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.

Earth to Joe. Perhaps you have missed it in this attempt to distract from the real issue which is Fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks.
Hey asshole.....a terrorist passed more than simple fucking scrutiny...he not only passed your stupid background check to buy his guns...he passed a background check for work and passed 3 inter views with the FBI, a 10 month full investigation by the FBI and an undercover operation against him.......

Then the scrutiny was insufficient.

again, we found out what a nut this guy was 24 hours after the incident.

Maybe the FBI didn't find enough to prove he was a terrorist, but it should have flagged him not to buy a gun.
The behavior view of the extremist behind the gun IS the real issue. Exactly what effect would gun laws have "specifically" in preventing a group of religious zealots from using commercial airliners to destroy the World Trade Center resulting in those thousands of lives being killed for their religious cause? Your pursuit of the tightest gun regulations will not stop a terrorist, nor keep guns out of their hands if they are determined in possessing them.

But here's the thing. After 9/11, we put scanners in the airports. We replaced minimum wage Rent-a-cops with a professional TSA. We put steel doors on the cockpits and air marshals on the flight. In short, after 9/11... WE DID SOMETHING.

And we haven't had another hijacking of an airliner in US Airspace since.

But we have gun massacre after gun massacre, and you guys insist up and down tighter gun laws won't do a thing, even though other countries have tight gun laws and rarely have these sorts of things happen.
So you can show me a country with our kind of gun ownership that has a really low murder rate, then?


Mythbusting: Israel and Switzerland are not gun-toting utopias

Switzerland has also been moving away from having widespread guns. The laws are done canton by canton, which is like a province. Everyone in Switzerland serves in the army, and the cantons used to let you have the guns at home. They’ve been moving to keeping the guns in depots. That means they’re not in the household, which makes sense because the literature shows us that if the gun is in the household, the risk goes up for everyone in the household.
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