Right wingers...regarding Orlando tragedy....you have a tough choice to make

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Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.
Guns are designed to kill. Deal with it. Just because some are not or because some shoot at targets; does not alter that fact. If guns weren't designed to kill, our military wouldn't use them in war.
Guns were designed to shoot pellets. Deal with it.

How a tool is used is determined by the user, not the tool. Deal with it.

Quit lying. It makes you look twisted and foolish.
Designed to kill...


... deal with it.
Actually all a firearm is designed to do is fire a projectile. What that projectile hits is the decision of the person holding the firearm.
Remind me again ... what's the purpose of the Second Amendment?
To allow people the right to keep and bear arms so if needs be they can form militias independent of the government
So that if called into service, those militias would be armed with guns to kill.

Since statistics have nothing to do with the argument that guns are designed to kill, , I care not that you're trying to deflect by posting them.

Wow! You're a hoot. You no longer even try to conceal the FACT that statistics, accountability, measurable results, NONE of those things are relevant to the Far Left Progressive. They choose the easy way, all that matters is that whatever they do, LOOK AND FEEL GOOD. Results are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
What do you think statistics have to do with the design of guns? Statistics reveal how people are using guns. They don't speak to the design.

So does that mean we need to look at the design and speed of today's automobiles when dealing with those victims of drunk drivers, and not the lack of personal responsibility towards the individual entrusted to use them?
Automobiles are not designed to kill and to get where you are going, you need to conflate someone having an accident with a car, leading to a death, with someone intentionally using a gun as it's designed, leading to a death.
Since statistics have nothing to do with the argument that guns are designed to kill, , I care not that you're trying to deflect by posting them.

Wow! You're a hoot. You no longer even try to conceal the FACT that statistics, accountability, measurable results, NONE of those things are relevant to the Far Left Progressive. They choose the easy way, all that matters is that whatever they do, LOOK AND FEEL GOOD. Results are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
What do you think statistics have to do with the design of guns? Statistics reveal how people are using guns. They don't speak to the design.

So does that mean we need to look at the design and speed of today's automobiles when dealing with those victims of drunk drivers, and not the lack of personal responsibility towards the individual entrusted to use them?

A chainsaw is designed to sever limbs but some people use them to cut wood
Oh? How many limbs were severed with chainsaws last year?
So first I was a neocon, now I'm a liberal. LOL. When I keep telling you to buy a dictionary, you don't know what a dictionary is, do you?

Yeah, my bad. Believe it or not, the conservative party in Australia is called The Liberals.

Ah, so you found a third way to be wrong. You realize I call myself a libertarian because ... I'm a libertarian. Too complicated for you, LOL. Not a rocket scientist in Australia, are you?

Yeah, it's easy to be a libertarian. You'll never have the reigns of power, so you can just bitch and moan on the sidelines because you represent nothing more than a peripheral ideology. But you can sit back and pat yourself on the back because you're fighting the good fight.

Whoa, calm down there cowboy, no reason to get so upset. Breathe into a paper bag if you start hyperventilating. Maybe you should draw with some crayons or play on the swings for a while until you can get under control again
Just as an FYI, having such a name doesn't make you more patriotic or American. It just makes you look like a fuckwit.

Of course it doesn't. It's simply a screen name. The fact that you are so obsessed with it and that it means so much to you is equal parts bizarre and comical. You might want to seek out some therapy my friend.
Yeah.,.....90% of all gun murder is committed by individuals with felony convictions....and the gun murder rate in 2014, according to the FBI homicide table 8 was 8,124........

70-80% of the victims of gun murder are also individuals with at least one felony conviction....you have seen these stats.....and by pretending they don't exist, you show yourself to be a liar....

And when the gang banger shoots his homies at a party.....that isn't counted as a gang murder......

More boring NRA stats... Nobody cares.

so let's have REAL background checks to keep guns out of the hands of felons, if you think this is really the case.

Of course, it isn't. The real reason you don't want background checks is because most of you gun nuts wouldn't pass simple scrutiny.

Asshole......I don't even look at NRA material...not that they really put any out anyway....you guys just have to use NRA as a way to dismiss actual facts and truth...since what I post comes from actual researchers.....and the CDC and the FBI...I don't see NRA in any of those letters, do you asshole?

Background checks fail, asshole, because if you have a clean record you pass the background check....so it doesn't matter where, or who does the background check, if you have a clean record you pass all of them.......just like the muslim terrorist passed a background check at work, with the 10 month, detailed background check by the FBI, and the background check when he bought the guns....

And just like the gang bangers who have their sisters buy their guns for them.....she can pass the background check...

And you know what twit...even when cops catch the sister who gave the gun to her gang banger brother.......prosecutors won't pursue her because it isn't worth their time....that is a fact....

you assholes want universal background checks so that you can then go on to get universal gun registration...that is the only reason....we know it ....and we are going to fight you every step of the way.
A chainsaw is designed to sever limbs but some people use them to cut wood

How many chainsaw murders were there last year?

There were over 1,567 knive murders last year, 2014....and over 1,200 hundred every year...

in 34 years....rifles with detachable magazines murdered 149 people in mass shootings......over 34 years...

And of course you want the rifles, and not the knives.....
Since statistics have nothing to do with the argument that guns are designed to kill, , I care not that you're trying to deflect by posting them.

Wow! You're a hoot. You no longer even try to conceal the FACT that statistics, accountability, measurable results, NONE of those things are relevant to the Far Left Progressive. They choose the easy way, all that matters is that whatever they do, LOOK AND FEEL GOOD. Results are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
What do you think statistics have to do with the design of guns? Statistics reveal how people are using guns. They don't speak to the design.

So does that mean we need to look at the design and speed of today's automobiles when dealing with those victims of drunk drivers, and not the lack of personal responsibility towards the individual entrusted to use them?
Automobiles are not designed to kill and to get where you are going, you need to conflate someone having an accident with a car, leading to a death, with someone intentionally using a gun as it's designed, leading to a death.

Guns are used illegally, intentionally, to commit a crime........someone actively breaks the law....and 90% of the gun murders are comitted by an individual with a felony conviction...which means the gun they are using is illegally acquired.....number of gun murders......8,124......and of those 70-80% of the victims were also felons......

Cars.......killed 33,000 people last year...accidentally, and we let 16 year old kids drive them without supervision....and cars are the leading cause of death for teenagers.....
If I was to choose between the Constitutional Republic political system of the US and the Constitutional Monarchy system of NZ I'd pick the latter every time. Ditto the French, Australian, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Swiss systems.

And yet your dumb ass keeps coming back to a US website every day. Not New Zealand. Not France. Not Germany. For a system that is so bad, one has to wonder why your sad and pathetic ass is obsessed with the U.S. Hell, you even admit to watching U.S. television around the clock. Clearly those other political systems aren't able to facilitate all of the great products and entertainment that the U.S. system does. You're so dumb, you defeat your own argument. :eusa_doh:
I have every right to be here.

No, really, you don't. This is USMB which stands for United States Message Board. And you are not a US citizen. Maybe you thought US stood for "us"? :lmao:

So as well as being a fuckwit, you're a xenophobe. Of course I have every right to be here. Suck it up princess...
You're don't live in the U.S. and you're not a U.S. citizen. So why exactly would you concern yourself with U.S. politics? So as well as having serious penis envy, you also suffer from nation envy? :lmao:
Since statistics have nothing to do with the argument that guns are designed to kill, , I care not that you're trying to deflect by posting them.

Wow! You're a hoot. You no longer even try to conceal the FACT that statistics, accountability, measurable results, NONE of those things are relevant to the Far Left Progressive. They choose the easy way, all that matters is that whatever they do, LOOK AND FEEL GOOD. Results are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
What do you think statistics have to do with the design of guns? Statistics reveal how people are using guns. They don't speak to the design.

So does that mean we need to look at the design and speed of today's automobiles when dealing with those victims of drunk drivers, and not the lack of personal responsibility towards the individual entrusted to use them?
Automobiles are not designed to kill and to get where you are going, you need to conflate someone having an accident with a car, leading to a death, with someone intentionally using a gun as it's designed, leading to a death.

It really comes down to personal responsibility and the behavior of those behind guns, which the left continually wants to ignore. You can have a responsible individual use a gun for hunting, as well as those who wish to keep their marksmanship up with their military or security training.

What IS failed to be discussed is the existence of an extreme religious group that uses firearms as an extension of their views, justified by a particular faith. This is the real issue and truth that this administration and liberals choose not to go into, they will sugar coat it or merely sweep it under the rug in "political correctness" because it's an issue not worth mentioning for fear of bringing offense to a particular group of people. So we have those from the lef, like Faun, that use violence through a firearm as the scape goat for ignoring a much bigger problem. They talk about the right and their ideology while making excuses for those extremists and THEIR "ideological" beliefs that are behind the reoccurrence of mass killings like those found in San Bernadino and Orlando which makes the big headlines.

Did we ban ropes or timber for how they were used by the KKK, or did we focus on those involved with their hatred? Suddenly we find its the gun that's the object of hate and not those behind the trigger. Let me know when the left has enough courage to vocally recognize the truth behind THAT issue and not hide behind those objects they use in order to fulfill their religious purpose.
Asshole......I don't even look at NRA material...not that they really put any out anyway....you guys just have to use NRA as a way to dismiss actual facts and truth...since what I post comes from actual researchers.....and the CDC and the FBI...I don't see NRA in any of those letters, do you asshole?

Yawn, more boring NRA talking points. I hope they pay you well to spam every thread with your nonsense.

Point is-
33,000 gun deaths
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes
270 BILLION in lost money

Every year because you clowns have a fetish.
There were over 1,567 knive murders last year, 2014....and over 1,200 hundred every year...

in 34 years....rifles with detachable magazines murdered 149 people in mass shootings......over 34 years...

And of course you want the rifles, and not the knives.....

We'd have a hard time living without knives.

We can live without guns just fine.
What IS failed to be discussed is the existence of an extreme religious group that uses firearms as an extension of their views, justified by a particular faith. This is the real issue and truth that this administration and liberals choose not to go into, they will sugar coat it or merely sweep it under the rug in "political correctness" because it's an issue not worth mentioning for fear of bringing offense to a particular group of people.

Well, no, religion is not the problem.

Yes, youve had some crazy people involved in mass shootings. We've had hundreds of mass shooting incidents, a handful of which involved "Muslims". We've also had ones that invovled Christians and atheists.

But the usual root cause is we find out that everyone in that person's life knew they were nuts. But they were able to get a gun, anyway.

It really doesn't matter if Mateen killed these people for Jihad or because his Puerto Rican boyfriend dumped him. he was nuts, and able to get a gun. That's the problem.
Since statistics have nothing to do with the argument that guns are designed to kill, , I care not that you're trying to deflect by posting them.

Wow! You're a hoot. You no longer even try to conceal the FACT that statistics, accountability, measurable results, NONE of those things are relevant to the Far Left Progressive. They choose the easy way, all that matters is that whatever they do, LOOK AND FEEL GOOD. Results are irrelevant, immaterial and unimportant.
What do you think statistics have to do with the design of guns? Statistics reveal how people are using guns. They don't speak to the design.

So does that mean we need to look at the design and speed of today's automobiles when dealing with those victims of drunk drivers, and not the lack of personal responsibility towards the individual entrusted to use them?
Automobiles are not designed to kill and to get where you are going, you need to conflate someone having an accident with a car, leading to a death, with someone intentionally using a gun as it's designed, leading to a death.

Guns are used illegally, intentionally, to commit a crime........someone actively breaks the law....and 90% of the gun murders are comitted by an individual with a felony conviction...which means the gun they are using is illegally acquired.....number of gun murders......8,124......and of those 70-80% of the victims were also felons......

Cars.......killed 33,000 people last year...accidentally, and we let 16 year old kids drive them without supervision....and cars are the leading cause of death for teenagers.....
I didn't say otherwise. What I did say, and no statistics challenge this... guns are designed to kill.
I would note one small difference, the Jews in Germany weren't going around killing as many people as they could, were they?

True....the Nazis were much "better" at eliminating those whom they consider a threat....Now, do you want for us to emulate the Nazi's methodologies?

And how did the Nazi's control the masses? They took away their guns and their rights. And they had the masses depend on the Government to regulate everything It was no longer the individual - It was the COLLECTIVE - GEE, remind you of something?
I just love how those anti-gun paradises have NO murders with firearms. Why, everyone is PERFECTLY safe and there's no danger of being shot there.

Jo Cox dead after Labour MP is shot and stabbed by man in Birstall

What a vacuous, stupid, pathetic statement. No anti-gunner I know has EVER said countries with good gun controls in place have NO murders caused by guns.

If I'm not going to be perfectly safe, why do you DEMAND I surrender my firearm that has never harmed a soul? Seems an action without a point, if I'm not going to be perfectly safe in the world you're trying to create.

If you can't guarantee my safety, then you should leave me to my own devices so I can protect myself.

Of course, you live in Australia, so you really don't know what it's like to be a citizen. You're a subject to your government and probably believe you only have the rights that government gives you.
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